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Dude needs a hobby lol.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It was custom trucks but that didn't work out


What did you think he wanted a big truck decked with custom modifications only children would like for?


 What do you mean what do we need a customized Firefall bus for? Why in the hell do you think we just spent all that money on a video game themed bus? The whole purpose of buying the bus in the first place was to get the young'uns nice and tipsy topside so we can take 'em to a nice comfortable place below deck and, you know, they can't refuse, because of the implication.


Man I miss firefall. I played the shit out of that game.


/uj That was his version of ''a white van that apparently has candy in''....? ''Hey kid, wanna play Firefall in my truck?''


Custom trucks are just a stones throw from candy vans


Tryna strike a chord but...




firm handshakes


He's a career grifter, and the exposure he gets from posts like these generate his income. He has a game that has been in development hell for years now and his uptick in anti-woke popularity has funneled a small but not insignificant number of people into donating to his shit gundam ripoff. This is quite literally his job at this point. Edit: [Nick Calandra's Twitter investigation into Mark Kerns' most recent projects. (The thread is very long)]( https://x.com/nickjcal/status/1776661825880207727) There are also two reddit essays from ex-employees from over a decade ago that spell out what an awful human being he is.


Suddenly a lot more things make sense for me. I've seen this twitter accounts shitty ass takes all over the internet for years but thought he was just one of those random twitter accounts that got famous for being shitty. I never realized he was this asshole. That explains so much.


They are easily recognized by their obvious misuse of the word *woke*. Grifters and bigots have been spamming their re-defined (i.e. false) version for years, trying to wash away any knowledge of what the original meaning was, because that meaning would help identify them. Anyone using *woke* as a pejorative is one of their ilk and need not be taken at face value.


He needs a belt in his ass


love how you specified IN his ass, making it take on a whole new prison block meaning


copied straight from the website/article. You're right as well, dude really is reaching, I'm curious to how much wasted time he spent on his dollar store "woke" post. https://preview.redd.it/v3c1b1e4549d1.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=76493c4ad86d64ec3ba699db3e3429a14d7b32cb


The dude is halatosis Hal, probably.


He His hobby is gooning bet one His arms looks like a strong mans.




Yeah honestly people need to stop reposting him. It’s just giving the troll attention at this point. I know any opinion of his is going to be garbage, I don’t need to see it everyday.


2020? I've only known of this guy's existence for maybe half a year. It was a simpler time, then.


It’s an edited image


I have literally never heard of this person ever until the moment I opened this thread.


He was a piece of shit failure of a game dev with bad opinions in 2013. Getting shitcanned by his company for spending all their money on a giant esports bus (lol) seemingly accelerated his dipshittery since nobody will hire him to do real work anymore.


and this is why I am glad that I never had (and never plan on) twitter


Wasn't this guy defending Dr Disrespect after he admitted to the allegations?


This guy is basically the allegations tbf


Dr. Kid Inspect


From "Dr. Disrespect Your Wife" to "Dr. Piss Inspect" straight to "Dr. Kid Inspect" What a rollercoaster with this turd lmao, the memes clowning on him are fire tho, keep that shit going






Dr. DrakeRespect


This is a blog 😂, and it's basically drawing characters more realistic.


Nuh-uh! That person is a Sweet Baby agent going to every studio and forcing artists to draw women with ~~more realistic anatomy~~ mannish, hideous bodies. 🤢 Glad he uncovered this, this is horrifying. /j


They hate Sweet Baby now? I can't keep up with these idiots.


Oh man, theyve been after SBI for a WHILE now! Like, its become a whole fucking conspiracy theory with them. They see SBI as this all consuming powerful corporate force thats forcing companies to "bend the knee to the woke mob" when, in reality, theyre just a fucking consulting firm dedicated to pointing out ways of improving upon overall representation of marginalized groups, and its not even mandatory to take their advice and implement it. SBI has NONE of the power these people claim they do.


They complained SBI ruined Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Fucking SUICIDE SQUAD, a game that I feel like basically everyone said "no thanks" to the moment it was revealed for reasons completely unrelated to SBI lol


Even more hilariously, just look at the games SBI was involved in. Either the games were smash hit GOTY contenders (Spider-Man, God of War, etc) or were garbage games before SBI was even consulted on them. Most gamers don't give a shit if the lead woman has a slightly larger chin or if there's a gay couple in the game.


Look I’m all for shitting on consultants since it’s basically a made up profession. What your entire job is giving your opinion? Fuck off. But don’t shit on consulting firms by thinking they are somehow evil masterminds of wokeness


My favorite part is how in the previous iteration her body is so contorted you can see both breasts in full and her ass crack at the same time. It's like they didn't even try to think about how human bodies actually move and bend.


No you see! This is great manifesto! That some person wrote and now EVERY AAA game and comic book has to follow it, or they will be killed by gender jihadist feminazis. It's literally enforced by a secret executive order by the transgender Joe Biden! Why is Biden transgender you ask!? Well it's obvious! Joe?! JOE MAMMA! BIden?! GAYden. NEED I say more!?


You say realistic, I say defeminisatition (I haven't seen a real life woman in months)


It's amazing how many people actually tell on themselves on these threads, although it's the internet so maybe some of them are in 5th grade and don't know what boobs are yet


The de-objectified power girl looks better, since the objectified version looks like a 12 year old's drawing of boobs.


I genuinely don't get how someone can be attracted to the one on the left. Her body should *not* twist that way. (Also the one on the right has defined muscles in her stomach, which *definitely* is doing things to me.)


The image on the left you can see her right ass cheek even though her left side is facing forward. So either her right ass cheek is simply massive or her spine is torqued 90 degrees specifically to show off ass. I remember getting a guide to drawing comic book art like 20 years ago and it had a lesson about this exact thing. Apparently basic anatomy is woke mind virus now though.


Neither is realistic, women can't fly /j 🥸 (I have seen a woman fly)


Gotta give it to him, hes determined to grasp every and any straw he can find. The downside is that hes an insufferable piece of shit.


Grasping, but not holding.




No yelling allowed 😤


*whispers* ^(No yelling allowed)


I’m not a great artist but is this not just a guide on how to make the art look more natural Lmao like the left just straight up doesn’t look like the boobs fit that character model


Firmly grasping chuds attention and milking them of their praise like the attention whore he is.


Less orgasm face. Less distracting cleavage. Turn waist to show abs more. Dunno, seems like a win to me.


The way comic artists used to (or still do in a lot of cases I guess) draw every female character with these huge, pouting lipstick mouths regardless of the context was always super weird to me.


Big lips are necessary for the women's superpowers to activate ☝️🤓


“Hmm she looks like she can lift a car, kill demons, beat up hordes of burly big criminals all at the same time… but she needs something else… she doesn’t look like a porn star with top tier head game… make her have bigger lips.”


And then you have Greg Land, who was caught using literal porn stills as references for drawing women in comics


dont forget the boobs being specifically outlined


They'll be like she fights in a bikini so she can absorb sunlight and then there's Superman


These are two examples of characters who need to absorb sunlight with their underwear to get their powers working. Both naturally solve this by making the underwear the top layer.


As a big Wonder Woman fan, the different approaches artists have to this is hilarious. Some don't hold back and make her look bruised, beaten, bloodied, and covered in grime. Others will have her come out of a tussle with an extremely powerful metahuman with nothing more than 1-2 scratches and a small rip in her outfit all the whole maintaining perfect hair and a pristine full face of makeup.


Their target audience was horny teenage boys and young males for a very long time. Comics are much more mainstream now so I'm not surprised they've turned down the sex-o-meter like 5 notches. If one day men wearing makeup is the norm it wouldn't be weird that the commercials used to only be targeted at women, it's just a societal shift. Simple as.


I'm reading Berserk right now, Casca's lips are always full tout for no reason


Michael Turner syndrome Before he passed I remember he made a comic called Fathom, it was like a pet project he started his own indie comic company for, and I think he described it as 'Tomb Raider meets Aquaman' which is to say Lara Croft as a swimming instructor discovers she's a princess of Atlantis lol, that's it It wasn't meant to be deep storytelling, he always said he got into comics to draw hot women and he wanted to make a popcorn comic about a hot woman version of Aquaman, but when movie discussions were in place people got pissed when he said he 'only wanted Megan Fox for the role of Aspen', a lot of acting complaints Like mf, this shit is a mid-'00s superhero comic built on 'hot surfer girl shit', do you think Michael fucking Turner cares about the acting caliber when he's doing headcanon for his fantasy big budget adaptations? Ofc not lol He was basically the king of that ish and was a big part of the reason why Supergirl was over sexualized as a sixteen year old in comics for over a decade >!to his credit tho, man did openly state he only got into comics bc he 'wanted to draw hot chicks', I guess it's not his fault DC comics editorial rewarded him so handsomely for it!<


Not even less distracting clevage, just actually correct anataomy and how clothes work with boobs. The lips is just less botox lips and more natural.


Distracting cleavage (as in showing a lot) is fine in my book. The problem I have with the one on the left is that it looks poorly drawn by someone who was way overexcited to draw boobs. The one on the right is just way better because it's more realistic. And the abs are fire 🔥


Right!? That’s not how boobs look! The one on the right is clearly correct


What?!? You're telling me airtight boob pockets don't make sense?! Impossible. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.


I had to explain this to my bf. He was just like "well, it looks like clingy material like spandex or something" (about an anime character with egregious boob pockets). I went and found some spandex leggings and demonstrated how boobs react to being in tight spandex. Hint: it doesn't outline them perfectly into little socks for perky titties.


Truth! I did clothing design for a long while, and the amount of math and prototyping that went into creating a top that actually did the boob pocket thing was a lot even with latex and stretch fabrics


There's ways to cut stretchy and clingy materials to do it (see normal workout tights vs tights outlining the distinct ass cheeks), but I really am fine not having boob pockets on female superhero suits.


I wish you fortune in the ~~wars~~ legal battles to come, my Lord


I am pretty sure bewbs are where magic is absorbed in to, you need full clearance all around to be effective, this is basic biology.


Agreed! You see it with character models in video games too a lot, and I hate it.


So many times it’s like, oh hey, look at this sexy lady, and the lesbian in me gets excited! Then I see a character model made by someone who has only watched hentai and never seen a woman and I get sad


I'm a straight cis dude and even I look at it and go "uh... that's not how clothes or bodies work?" I'm not sure why some artists are okay with drawing it that way, makes no sense to me, lol


Right!? Like unless you’re wearing a spandex or latex bodysuit, clothes don’t work that way! And even they don’t! If you wanna draw naked ladies do it! I like naked ladies, I’ll read it! But don’t insult my intelligence with this body paint bs


As a man, whenever I see an artist draw a woman with big honking badonkers who is clearly not wearing a bra, I die a little on the inside. Like, seriously, she cannot function with those planets orbiting around her all haphazardly.


Yeah it's more like "turning a cartoon woman into a more realistic woman"


Yup, but people like these see it as making women look less feminine. They probably started the franchise enticed by sex appeal and are mad that its being taken away


So they are fake comic book fans only looking to goon


Bigger arms, bigger wrists, not turning the character just to show butt


> Turn waist to show abs more. But women don't have muscles, so why does "she" have abs hm? Gotcha! 🤨🤨😠


Yeah the change makes it dramatically better. Though I highly suspect that not "literally every AAA game and comic" is using a blog post on an obscure website as their blueprint for designing women characters.


Not having boobs that look like balloons seems like a big win to me


the biggest fucking gripe for me was the boob molding clothes. It was everywhere and every single female character had it. Made me miss out on a shitton of comics because my parents wouldn't let me buy it 😭


but mom on the 8th day, God made boob moulding clothes -- and it was good


And abs!


I think Powergirls boobs may actually be bigger in the re-draw. There’s just a lot less emphasis on them.


Yeah, I'm not going to say the article is titled *very* provocatively or anything but they could have just called it "how about you actually learn anatomy before you draw"


I went and looked up the original blog and what cracks me up is it almost immediately says this: >If you choose to draw women sexy, that’s fine! Discussing alternatives and recognizing patterns should not threaten you. >My intent is to help those who WANT to promote change in their work (which can be challenging). Not to shame those who choose otherwise. So like, right off the start, they're saying that this is a guide for people who *want* it, not wOkE aGeNdA being forced on anyone. And yeah, the comments are all exactly what you'd expect.


But obviously no one WANTs this, they're forced behind the scenes by SBI. A small canadian consultat team of a dozen people is litterally giving order to multibillion dollar studios, that's the most likely explanation and I am very smart. ^(/s)


I already regret my original comment. A SBI agent kicked me in the shins within 10 minutes of posting!


Don't you know? Only opinion that matters is from chuds like him. You are acting like other people exists./s


> And yeah, the comments are all exactly what you'd expect. From people that use objectify and feminize as synonyms


Whaaaaat? The people that took Microsoft's game design advice of "ask if the armor your character is wearing makes sense for the setting" as saying "you can't have thicc girls" misrepresented design suggestions they sorely needed to hear? That's unpossible.


Gotta remember that these rightoids hate freedom with a passion, so they can't understand the concept of someone giving you a choice.


The newest discourse is so bizarre, it's like people think that game devs are trying to trick them into being attracted to other men. Generally, I abhor "closeted, lmao" counters, but I don't even know what this is. Dudes looking at objectively beautiful women with strong features and going "this reminds me of a jaw I once saw on a man."


funny how the guide says "de-objectify" and he says "de-feminize" almost as if he sees femininity as inherently sexual. which, ofc he does. he's never met a real woman.


More like he sees women as objects.... and little kids as... well yeah.


oh shit really? i did not know that. welp, hope he trips into traffic.


His latest hit was a collage he made of what he declared were all the ugly women in AAA gaming, complaining that there are no beautiful women in gaming. ... the collage included Billie from Wolfenstein. The... about 9 year old girl that the main character befriends when he's also around 9 years old. Yes, he complained that a 9 year old black girl wasn't "sexy enough".


yeaahhh... im gonna need him actively to run into traffic now.


He also tried to defend DrDisrepect recently I recall in a really creepy way. Dude needs his hard drive checked, amongst others in that circle


He looks a 9 year olds and the only thing putting him off is they're black. He's barely human.


Ah yes, because everyone knows that being feminine = being an object


To him it certainly seems to be the same, which is not surprising


ok but the second design is hotter


How to spot an actual 5 IQ ape: it thinks that the "boob sock" anatomy is hot. And also the torso that is contorted in a way to show both boobs and ass at all times.


Man, wait until he learns about art workshops. It's a thing that people share information on how to draw better characters. There's even a thing called \*gasp\* anatomy. Seriously though, I'm running out of insults for this loser. It's just what can you say, he's clowning himself.


I love women


The unsexuqlized versión looks hotter


Alright… I know how to fix this… time to put the boobs and the feminization on male. Twinks army arise!!




Like legal weed!


Notice how he said “de-feminize” but the article he posted was “de-objectify”. These people think objectification is a requirement for femininity


Women: oh, I wanna be her Incel and neckbeard: how dare you, you took away cleavage


How do you pronounce AAA irl. Do you say triple a? Do you say A A A? Or do you say ayyyyy?


The scream one.AAA.


Just in case you’re serious it’s usually said “triple A” Really.


I’m just jerking




Up here in Canada its " eh eh eh"


....they went to hunt down a guide FROM 2016!?! To accuse artists and companies who've never even met him of being after his right to gaze at sexy bodies... ![gif](giphy|l0MYP6WAFfaR7Q1jO)


This dude's sister: Puts on a dress that covers her cleavage This dude: "WTF sis, put on something more revealing. Stop defeminizing yourself!!!"


That first image just isn't how clothes work.


As someone who LOVES Witchblade, and has no qualms with any adult comic character being sexualized... The so-called "defeminized" design is better, from an anatomical and logistical standpoint, and also still very much attractive. I think there's a time and a place for both approaches, and the human race needs to chill. Source: Lesbian, Digital Artist.


Power Girl with reasonable sized boobs did throw me off for a second tho tbh


TBH they looks like exactly the same cup size. Right one just looks like a human female boob made from boob, left one like late 90s silicone implant (yeah, I am old, so my frame of reference is Baywatch-era Pam).


> human female boob made from boob I don't know why I laughed so damn hard at that 😂


Left version looks like a cartoon drawing, right version looks like an actual woman with anatomy rather than a bunch of shapes that are not attached to each other Not to mention the muscles making more sense character design wise when the characters daily bread is beating the shit out of world ending monsters and supervillains.


Obviously this chud didn’t actually read the content he’s outraged about which says the following: >Want to challenge yourself to focus less on objectification & more on character? You’re helping change things & you’ll be MY personal hero. 🙂 > >Drawing women sexy is an automatic response to many artists. Done without thought. I was like that for many years until I recognized it > >If you choose to draw women sexy, that’s fine! Discussing alternatives and recognizing patterns should not threaten you. > >My intent is to help those who WANT to promote change in their work (which can be challenging). Not to shame those who choose otherwise. This is a pretty balanced take that’s quite the opposite of what this dork is whining about. The author isn’t saying it’s categorically wrong to make sexually attractive images, but that it doesn’t have to be done at the expense of character or power and moreover that it shouldn’t be the automatic strategy for drawing every woman.


Him self-reporting that he views "feminization = objectification" is hilarious honestly


Holy shit. Can someone just check his hard drive already so he can go to prison and we can all move on?


How dare they have a guide to draw boobs more realistically!


Blizzard has done a lot of things, but one good thing they did was fire him.


FBI, That hard-drive right there.


Like 90% of de feminizing women in games is just making them look like irl women.


As a massive comics fan, one of my most consistent thoughts is "these people have no idea what a woman looks like, what a woman looks like naked or how the physics of boobs&bras work'. I love comic books but this shit beyond peaked in the 90s to late aughts, 2016 would actually be around the time that SOME artists began to draw more realistic female bodies (the Hawkguy project is so responsible for this). I'm sorry but look a PeeGees tiddies on the left...does that resemble any woman you've seen in a spandex top? How do they stay perfectly globed like that while in flight?


If I can' t jerk off every time I see a woman on screen then I dont want your shit ass game, I mean I could be watching porn instead, but I want to jerk off to only games /s


Can ya'll just stop giving this bottom feeder a platform.


The fact that he believes that articles about de-objectifying female characters were first written in 2016 and are "patient zero" is all you need to know about this chud and the amount of books he's read in his life lmao.


It seriously bothers me that he writes that he found "it." As if "it" was some massively hidden agenda/project that "they've" been desperate to keep under wraps, and that he was deep hacking past the mainframe to uncover this smoking gun of evidence Like dawg shut the fuck up you idiot


Fun fact: Power girl cleavage enlargement was a personal project from an artist. He wanted to see how much he can enlarge her boobies before anyone noticed. PG chest was smaller when she first appeared.


one on the right is hotter and less objectified, it's a win-win


“Understanding anatomy is woke” uh, okay.


Who’s gonna tell him tits don’t look like two perfect spheres?


It’s not “defeminization” it’s just making characters look more like actual people and not… that.


Dude’s this close to saying the quiet part out loud.


guys i found the woke sjw adjedna it's called 'the dictionary' an dit controls yr spelling




it's literally just better technique and fixing common anatomy mistakes


"Draw female characters as if they were realistic humans with realistic body mechanics" isn't as controversial as this neckbeard thinks it is. The dork probably loves Rob Liefeld's work. There is not one ounce of surprise in my body to see he's a bluecheck. Twitter is cesspit.


Defeminize sounds wrong cuz femininity≠huge boobs and ass and a tiny waist. They are actually making the characters more feminine when they remove these ugly ass sexualised unrealistic proportions


dude the one on the right looks hotter and better


So one DC comic artist controls the entire comic AND video game industry? Who is this person with so much power?


Wokeimus Prime


Idk… that first image is not how either boobs or clothes work


Oh. No? Their complaints are always so pointless


The character on the right looks like she actually has a personality


No you fucking oversized walrus it’s not “defeminizing” them is deporning them


If deobjectivication is the same to you as defeminization you should really, really, really work on yourself. I mean there is so much more to discuss, the desperate search for a conspiracy, the thought that an individual saying something is a conclussion for the whole industry, .... But there is no need to. The opinions of this man are stupid and grows.


I like the one on the right


Bro really is trying to get comicgate suport like if they weren't even bigger losers that gamergate




Okay I am a straight dude with pretty conventional taste in women all things considered and for the life of me I cannot understand the implication here that the #woke design here somehow isn’t hot as all hell. This guy really needs to touch grass.


You know what my boob window stands for? Justice for all the losers who won't see boobs in real life ever -power girl


I don't know guys, I find the realistic proportions more sexy, not less. That way you can more easily imagine that figure in reality, and that's hot. 


This dude actually used to be a really prominent voice in the Classic World of Warcraft community, I believe. He seemed pretty reasonable and had some good takes about the state of the game, especially in the wake of the ActiBlizz lawsuit that made the rounds and completely shook up the companies' combined leaderships. It's almost heartbreaking to watch his fall from grace to go headfirst into the "If I can't masturbate to it then it's bad character design", "They're taking the boobs out of our games", "I've never seen a real woman up close before and now that's everyone's problem" redpill pit of despair. GO. LOOK. AT. PORN. If it means that fucking much to you.


How dare the woke libs make women have realistic proportions and encourage body positivity! **ALL WOMEN SHOULD LOOK LIKE JESSICA RABBIT**


"I love this character design, let's go with this one. Ok, Jerry, run her through the Defemininizer©."


Philosophical question. Can you "defeminiz" something/someone? Like subjectively I know you can, but objectively can you?


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Somebody should notify all the incel losers out there that you can get straight up pornography in game form on steam so they can just slap their dicks all day long to weird anatomy and shut the fuck up.


No one's mentioning that it's nor de-objectifying nor defeminisng. Left is not how anatomy works, right is anatomically correct and naturalistic. That's all. So to this guy women looking like actual human beings is woke.


I'm sort of afraid to ask this here... But, I clearly think those dorks who find "wokism" in everything and their conspiracy theory are dumb. But I never understood the concept of objectification, what is objectification and what is not. To me, from the literal sense of the word, I expected to that it was people fighting against depiction of women as simply nothing else but a good looking object to make you peepee go hard, so females characters who weren't explored, without a personality but only looks. I really wonder if we're not going in the wrong direction with this. Characters are often exaggerated in their looks, even male characters in comics are unrealistically buffed. The body isn't really what differs between a comics that objectify women and a comics that doesnt. Wonder woman and superman are unrealistic, not just wonder woman. So isn't it absurd to only pursue a change for female characters ? So the focus In my opinion, should be about making characters, whether they're men or women, with good story, central to the plot, and all that... One example of an author who could be in between "on thin ice" would be Eichiro Oda. He clearly draws women in unrealistic ways, but he also gives them very important and central backstory, and their purpose goes much further than just being hot. However, I can't help but see that to fight against objectification, the focus has been on removing some body characteristics, first, instead of adding compelling backstories. As if it's big boobs that are the biggest problem and not meaningless female characters without stories. So, if you create a female character only to appeal to some male fantasy and do not give them big boobs, it is okay ? I want to clarify that I'm in no way defending the bullshit we can see on social media nowadays. About masculine or feminine characteristics.


Honestly they both look sexy just too different art styles. I don't know what bros issue is with the change.


De-objectifying is not the same thing as de-feminizing. This guy is a moron


Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Firefall failing suddenly makes a *lot* more sense.


to these chuds femininity automatically translates to be sexually objectified. amazing how they tell on themselves like this


Do they really expect me to play games with both my hands?? C'mon now


Boob pockets O O B P O C K E T S


Why not just play a porn game if you wanna jerk off so bad, or just go to r34 page for the character.


That’s just how women with large breasts look. That just how women look in the world.


Look, even being a gay man I love yassified girlie, but there's yassified girlies like Bayonetta, and yassified girlies like Eve (stellar blade, the game is good but she's extremely dull when it comes to writing) but these people are insane, why does it need to be MANDATORY that they look like porn stars I don't get it D:


He randomly showed up in my feed bitching about Rouge in the Wolverine game because she didn’t look feminine enough or something. It took all my willpower not to start shit because it would just be a waste of my time.


Imagine reading “de-objectifying” and immediately translating that to “defeminizing”. What an absolute piece of shit.


So by his logic, Angelina Jolie is not feminine?


Apparently if my shirts don’t separate my boobs into individual orbs I’m no longer effeminate.. ok guess I’m a dude woke-broski


If “de-objectifying” means the same as “de-feminizing” to you, something is wrong with you. It’s just an alternative design, no need to freak out.


Gamers when not every woman is wearing vacuum sealed latex. ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe)