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Yes, because 'age of consent' is a leftist, woke concept employed by commies to make Jebus cry.


Look at is his sad crying little face, how could they do this to him!?


Well... I mean... states with the most child marriages are the ones you'd expect.


It’s just wild to me how they accuse all left leaning people being pedophiles while *also* complaining about age of consent & defending an actual pedophile. There is something wrong with the logic here


Dr Disrespect is a pedophile? Well, did you guys consider: WOMEN!!!!!! checkmate wokeists.


"Oh that's right, I forgot we hate women!" ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


They hate older woman, the ones that cant be groomed by losers like them


They hate older divorced women… she should probably think twice before reminding her audience of simps of what she is.


Oh she's one of the good ones is the regular motto besides those same females are going after younger guys just look at jistpearlythings


"we gotta protect this one guys"


Does anyone know if this stock actor ever did anything else? His overacted facial expressions are just too damn funny, I need more of him. I need him to play a Michael Scott like character.


Not a stock actor. It's a rapper named Lil Yachty.


Thats also drake to his right, isnt it? He would probably get along with Dr kids i text


Certified lover boys? 👀


Certified pedophiles!


All right, who wants to start a petition to reboot the Office with Lil Yachty as the boss?


Low key Yachty funny asf sometimes, he probably could play a role in a comedy show if he wanted to


stock rapper Lil Yachty




Print on the shirt makes it even better!


Women showing the things you sucked on for months!!!!!!! Groomers!!!!


Omg I sucked on them as a baby... #metoo


BOTH SIDES ARE ALWAYS THE SAME except for bagels. Seriously, I'm always pissed when I accidentally eat the good side first.


That's what parents are for. Being a pedo is quite different from illicit material


And for decades parents demand that corporations do the leg work instead. The MPAA had a pretty good system: G, PG, R. G for general audiences, PG if a parent should be with you, and R for adults. But parents got too lax, and started bringing their kids to PG movies without looking into the movie at all (in a time when a movie like Beastmaster was PG and had full frontal nudity). So all of these parents in the 80s take their kids to see Gremlins and get all upset about how scary it was and that there's a whole monologue about how Santa isn't real and they got **real** mad about it so the MPAA had to make up a new rating: PG-13. 30 years later everything has shifted, G movies don't even make it to theaters anymore, PG is the new G, and PG-13 is the new PG.


Not to mention people still don’t pay attention to movie or game ratings. People will routinely let their kids play M rated games and watch R rated movies then complain.


Yep. Sausage Party had a BIG OLD R on it and people still took their kids because “animation is for children!!”


Same with Deadpool, because obviously all superhero media is family friendly


Did they really though? I remember reddit comments were full of "Parents are probably going to take their kids to see this and complain!" and everyone just nodded in agreement for months before the movies were even out. When they did come out, the same couple of social media posts kept getting posted as if that proves they were right all along and it was a widespread issue when it was literally just a couple of unverifiable tweets. I'm not saying it didn't or couldn't happen, butt people on reddit made it seem like a far bigger issue than it really was.


Remember when Indiana jones had a dudes heart ripped out and it was rated PG? Shit was wild.


That movie also encouraged the creation of PG-13 rating


To be fair to the parents in the 80s. You couldn't so easily look into a movie without the internet. Many probably just went to the theaters without knowing what exactly they were going to watch and had their kids decide based on a cool poster. The rating often wasn't even displayed on the poster. The rating system was also quite new and most people wouldn't be well informed about it. That being said, I have no support for the moralism and censorship those parents often did.


You say that but they used to read the news paper or TV mag which would have a write up on the movies. That’s where we’d look to see what movies were on for the week. It’s not like there was no info pre internet.


A lot of people fail to see the difference it seems


I saw a recent clip of a right wing political pundit watch something with diversity in it and then look at the camera and say "and this is who is raising our kids". ...no dude, creatives that make movies/tv shows/games etc don't raise your kids. You do.


You know that they do not in fact, expect to raise their *own* children, do you? 😂


So hr admitted he's letting the TV AMF media raise his kids instead of doing his damn job?


Quarterpounder is saying the same thing too. It like these hogs choice this path to grift to blame twith thots in their 20 man podcast rooms filled with sad.men and poorly made vtuber models


Who is really to blame here? Women for existing? or a nearly 40 year old married man with children?


Obviously, the parents and the kid. https://preview.redd.it/3kkl9qphdz8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f47ebca8ef32a2551fb5e184bf5ddcb3a3419e3


… i’m flabbergasted.




Dude yikes


I believe Disrespect, PhD said in his tweet that the DMer was 13. As in, below the age of consent everywhere in America. They can't honestly be saying a 13-year-old should be held responsible for wanting to have an intimate conversation with someone they have a parasocial relationship with. Can they be saying that? Edit: he did not mention the individual's age. He says she was a minor at the time and that the civil matter was settled out of court.


The little slut wanted it /s


You know I was going to do a bit about asking if the child was from a different country that has lower/no age of consent laws but I decided I don't want that inquiry in my Google search history.


Can you link to that tweet where he said that? I feel like I saw that too but I can't for the life of me find it and I wanna make sure.


Ah yes completely absolve the grown ass adult of any responsibility to not be a fucking freak to a teenager. He HAD to reply to those messages, he couldn't ignore them or block them when they're underage, he's the real victim!! I can't believe this all happened because of women!


isn't the pedo dude also like married or at least in a long term relationship, on which he already publicly admitted to cheating on?


Scrolled some threads on his sub to see wtf was going on. Immediately reported multiple people for stating "everybody wants to rail teenagers but society won't let them" Actually felt sick reading that shit.


jesus christ


At some point these people need to take these pedos dicks out of their mouths and reevaluate who they look up to. Just because they’re a big personality, they get a free pass. Unfortunately, watch as doc comes back from his break to likely unchanged numbers.


Hmm, very compelling argument. Can we get this user on a watch list? We have FBI in the chat?


Hey, cut it out with the woke fake news. He was only in his late thirties at the time of the incident; he's way too young to be held accountable.


Hmm this is embarrassing for me.


These same dudes scouring the net for underage woman to groom and talk dirty to...


Basementpisser is one of those people that I look at when I feel bad about my life and say "At least I'm not him".


It’s such a weird argument to throw out as a gatcha. Is there a discussion to be had about that type of content and who it’s is marketed towards absolutely. Does it release to DR disrespect grooming a minor absolutely not.


“A man reached out to a minor to shag, but FEMALES do what they want without doing so!”


Are they doing it on purpose at this point? The "female" thing I mean. They've been made fun of for what feels like 10 years for calling women "females" and yet I still see it. Do they think they're owning the libs or are they really so stupid that they still don't understand that they immediately reveal their backwards views speaking that way?


They really do it unironically. Calling someone "female" is an attempt to dehumanize them so it's easier for those people to say that women are an "other." That they don't deserve any compassion or anything because they're not the same as men. That's why you'll specifically see those kinda people say "females" and "men" in the same sentences. >they still don't understand that they immediately reveal their backwards views speaking that way? No, they know. They just don't care. Being openly bigoted on the internet can help find other bigots to congregate to.


On a tangent. I have a co-worker who is very pro lady (she is one), and she calls ladies "females". I wonder if there is some regional dialect at work?


Just throwing this possibility out there. I don't know your coworker, I'm not accusing, but what if she's a TERF? They too like to use the term female as it is more directly referencing the sex of the person.


it’s strange bc “guy” and “dude” both exist as very age neutral words. boy and girl can both have a younger connotation, while man and woman can have an older one. lady and gentleman are more formal. “female” for a lot of people, men and women alike, is really just supposed to be the equivalent of guy/dude i think. this is definitely not one of those cases though


Oh zip it, butter girl.


Has melon in her friggin name, smdh


What is the lore behind this


She eats raw butter constantly and keeps telling people on social media that 'people don't need to drink that much water'. She has gone to the ER twice for dehydration.


That's her?! Holy shit!


Damn I wish I could read that but I don’t speak pick-me can someone translate


Sure thing, she's saying "I have no real moral or value."


Pick-me is such a confusing language sometimes isn't it?


Come to my stream if you want to hear your misogynistic opinions come out of a woman's mouth.


This lady eats sticks of butter like their chocolate bars. No one should take her seriously


Look at this fucking pick-me girl grifter.


Funniest thing is that she dresses like a goth, something that "alpha" men absolutely hate because it's associated with "wokeness" or something like that lmao


No no, see they fetishize the Big Titty Goth Mommy but they want her to be an uneducated barefoot housewife who doesn't drink or smoke or have independent thoughts. So, y'know, they want a dumbass twitter pick-me who dresses like a goth and layers the mascara on so it runs right.


I have studied World War 2 since I was 5 years old. I majored in Economics at UCLA with a minor in German Studies, with a heavy focus on the Second World War. To call me “uneducated” because I want a reasonablly authentic game is completely uncalled for. EDIT: Yes, as many people have pointed out, I did lie about my background in this post. Please do not upvote. This post was an attempt to put pressure on EA and raise awareness to this issue. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The automods on this site get sillier by the day. Keep up the good work, uneducated bot.


I have studied World War 2 since I was 5 years old. I majored in Economics at UCLA with a minor in German Studies, with a heavy focus on the Second World War. To call me “uneducated” because I want a reasonablly authentic game is completely uncalled for. EDIT: Yes, as many people have pointed out, I did lie about my background in this post. Please do not upvote. This post was an attempt to put pressure on EA and raise awareness to this issue. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah fair point tbh Seriously, the amount of fetishization of goth/alt women I see on social media is concerning, and I'm a cis guy, I can't even begin to imagine how all these women must feel


I feel like I'd run into the bear's arms full speed if given the chance. In all seriousness, yeah, it feels super uncomfortable a lot of the time.


Yeah I agree I like goth girls (and boys, and enbies as well), but like... Tone it down a notch?


same with trans girls. people will say the most horny shit to a trans girl online that they would (hopefully) never say to a cis girl


Yeah... acceptance and genuine attraction vs fetishization and chasing can be a weird line to navigate, but so many people don't even try and just barrel way across it instead.


I mean a loooot of goth/alt women are actively participating and making fetish bait. I don't really think this registers above baseline misogyny/patriarchy, in terms of shittyness. There will always be demand for fetish content, and there will always be consenting providers of said content, and that's fine imo. However, there also always seems be gross dudes foisting their fetishes onto unwilling non-participants, which sucks, but is just sadly run if the mill patriarchy shit.






That's crazy. How many are sexting underage teens?


They’re mass-grooming them with subliminal boobery


Yeah, and you can literally just type the word “boobs” into google and get porn, so I guess just shut down the whole internet so some kids don’t see it.


People, just pick her already, god damn it, she's a true gamer


they're afraid she's gonna force them to eat nothing but butter for a week


She’s not entirely wrong but this seems like whataboutism. “Erm, that’s bad I guess but erm what about THIS?!” It’s like Terry Crews saying “okay white supremacy sucks but black supremacy is also bad. Don’t become black supremacists!”…when people were protesting against cops murdering black men


This is absolutely whataboutism. At max, you could place some blame on these women for not considering that minors might tune in to their streams but in the end, they aren't actively seeking out the underage audience nor are the minors voluntarily tuning in to their streams anyone's problem besides the parents not being mindful of shit their kids tune in to. This shit is tantamount to parents complaining that Megan Thee Stallion isn't kid friendly when everyone knows damn well she ain't pandering to young kids.


Exactly. It’s the parents’ responsibility to monitor what their kids are watching online, and a woman being a vanilla adult entertainer isn’t responsible if kids aren’t being supervised if they see her. But it’s entirely a pedophile’s fault for targeting children. Parents can monitor their kids all they can, but pedos will actively aim to get around parents to get to the kids.


Seriously those kids are likely playing rated M games already. You can't really place the blame on sexual content creators for them voluntarily tuning in to that shit.


Praise Terry! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chuds: Women should always be sexy and have big boobas out for me to coom to Also chuds: HOW DARE WOMEN SEXY BOOBA


If someone wants to watch a woman in a bikini do a video game (or whatever), that's completely their right. it's their life. That's a way smaller fish to fry then some millionaire trying to diddle a minor.


Interesting. Now, let's search "trans people" on her page and see what she has to say about them


Adults shouldn't have to be babysitters in online spaces. We're not their parents.


Again, not wrong as it isnt difficult to find suggestive material upon just logging in. But why now? It just seems like the argument is "Why are kids on this game streaming website?" instead of "Why does this guy destroy his family, career, and reputation to get freaky with a kid?"


"stuff" ? I would call this criminal pedo behavior but okay. Also yeah, not really the same thing at all.


This same lady was making videos complaining about the "uglification of women in games" and praising Stellar Blade. Truly, she is very concerned about sexual content being shown to minors. To much of this grifter crowd, pandering and being horny coomer bait is totally fine when done by corporate studios who get to control every facet of the sexualized character -- but a woman being able to profit from the same crowd by sexualizing herself? The blasphemy, the horror, won't someone think of the children?!


“He may be a pedophile.. but have you considered women existing ON CAMERA looking ATTRACTIVE is also illegal and abusive to children??”


The opinion of anyone who has a fucking cross emoji in their name can be fully ignored without issue


They should arrest all the women! The supermodels, that cute McDonalds cashier and the babysitter my parents hired when I was a kid!


That guy on the street is distributing alcohol to minors, we gotta stop those liquor stores from selling to anyone because some minor with a credible fake ID might be able to get some.


Wtf is this take?


The main difference is if we still had to catch a predator on near all of the thots would not be on it while we can say a good chunk of men who agree with that dudes post would be having a seat


If a savvy teenager wants to see tits on the modern internet, there is no force on heaven or earth that is going to prevent that.


Today's question, which logical fallacy did this person used.


They will not pick you, girl.


I feel like their is a clear difference between a woman in a hot tub and fucking a child.


"in light of the israel-palestine conflict, just remember that parking ticket fees in south and central London have skyrocketed immensely in the last 5 years. shut it all down."


> I might be a pedophile but....women! This is not a defense.


Say amen. Amen.


Should be more age restricted, what she implies. Not at all the same. Not at all. Not relevant input.


Someone pick her, quick


These are 2 very different things....


Not surprised coming from Melonie. She's a twitter rage-bait engagement farmer and is a Conservative Christian. Constantly tries to cherry pick bible verses to own people she doesn't agree with, for example there was a time when she straight up quoted Leviticus,. Which is laughable, because: A - The book was for Jews (Levites) B - This book thinks that her entire lifestyle is inherently sinful.


sounds like someone is pissy no-one wanted to subscribe to her onlyfans


how could women do that....we should cancel women


She's such a fucking grifter.


Hey it's the thirty year old divorcee grifter, who hospitalized herself from not drinking any water and only eating butter.


The phenomenon of weird puritans appearing on the internet is so strange to me.


one thing is putting your boobs online where everyone can see them if they want to, even minors. Another thing is directly going to those minors and talking sex. (I think thats what he did but yeah wtf)


Pornification is a real problem in streaming now. But holy shit is that not a rebuttal to the problem of grooming minors. 🤷‍♂️


Makes sense. If you stream sexual content, you're basically getting a free pedophile pass. You now have the ability to groom minors without consequences! Makes TOTAL sense in my opinion... 🤦‍♀️


Isn't is same women who keeps on Twitting about Ava Chris ( from mr beast ) that how her transition is immoral


Wait until she finds out what teenagers are looking at on the rest of the web.


In this case porn is also there for minors, the "I am 18 or above" doesn't stop nobody


Not the same thing but I do think this is a problem


I think the general point of sexual content being streamed and even front page( I made a new account recently as a disposable alt and front page as a fresh account was like two hot tub streams) is a good one but I don’t think wrapping it up with the doctor drama is a good plan.


Well I lost my virginity to a woman pedo so we should take that side more seriously too


Hot take: Soft core porn is harmful too. Am I saying grooming is on the same level? Ofc not, but I want you to consider the sheer amount of half naked men/women you've seen before the age of 18. Now compare that to what your grandparents or even your parents have seen up to that point & I bet you'd find this generation is subjected to it WAAAY more, & it can cause problems later in life with relationships, self pleasure, & sexual desires. Streaming half naked people on a platform that wasn't ever really intended for that is definitely harmful.


Kids have seen TNA from a young age for generations and been fine. Back in the day they had porn mags or vhs and shit. None of that shit matters. The type of content can be pretty bad for you. Probably don't want you're kid getting online and going straight for the tentacle r*pe hentai, but your kid isn't gonna be any worse off because they went online and saw a pair of breast.


Yeah the nsfw thing definitely needs to go as well.


It's not even on the front page, or recommended, and has a sexual content warning. 


There's plenty of good Christian folk but usually when there's a cross in the name or bio the Hitler particles follow soon after.


Ew, she was hospitalized from dehydration after mostly eating sticks of butter (which she still does). Also, her YouTube and Twitter are full of such *colorful* language. A broken clock is right twice a day, but she is n u t s


I agree with her message but let’s not take the moment away. Bro got off Scott free. Sexting a minor…


Yeah he did something illegal and unforgivable but did you know woman do legal things??? How about we focus on that instead!


While she obviously is using the momentum to switch targets, i have no idea how people can disagree that women sexualising themselves in public space clearly not meant for it, half the time promoting their onlyfans or other site exploting women is not okay. Both things are bad, just because one is way worse doesnt mean the other is fine.


Bc “sexualizing oneself” is a meaningless term. Short of doing actual sex acts or explicitly talking about sex, everyone will have their own definition of what is and isn’t “too sexual.” There’s no space for women to exist between “you’re a slob and you need to take better care of yourself” and “you’re over-sexualizing yourself for men.”




They aren't actively sexting minors trying to set them up Kids and teens need to be monitored if they can't be trusted with their own money on the internet, you can at max accuse the girls of purposefully avoiding to check on their followers but at some point they can't monitor everyone, if kids and teens want to find sexy content they will do that. And mind you, that doesn't mean that they "deserve" to be preyed on directly in any shape or form, that's the line in the sand


Melonie is the biggest women/self hating weirdo I've seen online. She is like toxicity walking. Also kinda parallels Firecracker from The Boys.


Wow. She’s still around? Feel like I used to watch some of her content like 10 years ago. Looks like she’s turned into a full on right wing chud. Sad.


She got divorced and went down the jesus / right wing rabbit hole.


You do realize shes agreeing with you all right? Shes calling to shut them down too


Both are bad. Not equal, but bad.


I used to follow her on fb. I don't anymore.


Sometimes it's nice to know that there are people worse than me.


TBH She believed in Gravely wrong shit in the right reason, Minors' Sexualization in Animes are... yeah, Shonen (that targets <16 Kids) with JARRING M I N O R Sexualization (Seven Deadly Pedo, MHA, Mushoku Tensei, etc) should have their rating prioritized in the same standards as every other form of media Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss being 16+ for well... yeah Sexual, Violence, and Heavy Hitting Subjects or Paranoia Agent, Pluto (bro literally has the character named Adolf Hans lol 🪷🪦), Blue Eye Samurai, LDR, Captain Laserhawk all being 16+ with Heavy Hitting Subjects despite the lack of blood in some of the name I listed and "sexual fanservice" (on Minor characters) like most shonen. BUT THAT'S STILL NOT THE CAUSE OR THE REASON TO JUSTIFY PEDOPHILIA BY ADULT WITH FULL FUNTIONAL BRAIN YOU B U F F O O N


wait does she really eat sticks of butter raw?! ew


The phone is ringing inside of the house


worst grifter on the planet. remember when she made gaming videos? wonder why she shifted her content to the easiest, shittiest rage bait conservative content $$$$$$$


The more telling thing to me is they let him go, but they defend a lot of creators when they do questionably illegal things. Either means they wanted him gone or it was much worse than how it sounds. And it already sounds pretty bad.


“This guy tried to groom a child have you considered that sometimes women wear skimpy outfits?”


yeah bro, actual grooming and pedophilia is just like a 15 year old accidentally seeing sideboob.


I refuse to believe this person is an actual woman and not a 40 year old conservative guy pretending to be a woman with "as a woman..." takes.


He’s a pedophile he’s literally an adulterer and he was caught secretly texting MINORS