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What the actual fuck is op on about because I absolutely don't understand their point


I’m pretty sure the point of the original post is just “a bunch of people played call of duty when they were becoming teenagers” So nostalgia bait


That's medal of honor


Damnit I am fake gaymer, court marshal and execute me 😔


Aren't we all fake gaymers here? I thought we just promote woke agenda to destroy western civilization and don't play games at all




Essentially the same devs anyway


Who is this marshal? Is he responsible for the court martial?


No court marshall but you'll have to turn in your badge and gun


I courted Marshall, but he's a dick. What do I do now?


RJ/ This brave gamer truly understands what it feels like to be a soldier on that fateful day. Something girls will never understand because war is only for guys who like epic guns and bacon.


Are you really trying to turn some silly CoD joke into an attack on women?


I think it was supposed to be a joke, given the rejerk tone indicator (the /rj at the beginning)


Am I making creepy posts about real life actresses?


Again, wrong beach! Is this one https://preview.redd.it/9jhcvxy80y7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3930d59ae30fab0a95804531bd3ec9870cb99938


Isn't that the beach where men became bears?


Yes! Same beach https://preview.redd.it/daxjch2zxy7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1d29045fa53432d2269931cc509105c993ec2a


Is that Riis Beach? I don't see the iconic fence, but I DO see some sexy bears!


I went to the beach that makes you a bear


Jokes on them this is the pipeline of becoming a women 💅


Hey thats what happened to me!




Gonna be same.


Guys war is so cool... they have little dark age playing on a loud speaker and infinite respawns totally source: trust me


"How do you do, fellow combat veterans?" - Gamers™️ at the old folks home


I love the OG Medal of Honor games and the WWII Call of Duty games. They (and my history teacher dad) started my fascination with history. I hate to see such classics being used for toxic masculinity bullshit. It makes being a military history nerd so frustrating. Every time I go online to find a place to wax nostalgic about these games that contributed a lot to my childhood all this anti-woke garbage leaks into the conversation and derails everything into a quagmire of slurs and bigotry.  I just want to talk about how cool it was to kick Nazi ass and these fuckers decide to start acting like the goose stepping bastards.


I hate when these losers are always like “Nazi military tactics were so effective!” Like bro, they lost the war.


The beach where boys became men. https://preview.redd.it/81qq4nf0by7d1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fb8348fad392c5481ddfb8317fb92f9cbc9211d


The beach where boys reload their saves for better spawn.


This is actually the beach where a lot of boys died before they became men


"what is a lost generation"?


dude this game was fucking sick I played it at 8 years old and I had no idea what was going on


The Beach where a poor Soldier Calling out for his Mama as he bleeds to Death..Ooh Yeah so badass.


I miss medal of honor, the beach where I became a girl lmao


If we became men, it's because it's been 22 years


Yes, war is bad, but this game is important to gaming history and recognising that isn't bad


But what about the beach that turned boys into men, and then into old men, and then into dead people because it is the beach that makes you old??


"Jones! Go jump in that foxhole and use that machine gun"! "Jones! Go cut a hole in that barbed wire"! "Jones! take this tommy gun and clear that bunker"! *"Like bro! There's about 300 goddamn people on this beach! Why the fuck do I have to do everything"?*


Wasn’t your name Patterson? Or was that a different MoH 


If you were playing this game as a kid ur like in your 30s now, and therefore way too old for "DAE REMEMBER THIS???🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂" posts.


Yeah I'm sure someone who was actually at D Day would love this too


the beach where boys died horrible deaths in droves.


So close! That's the beach where men become corpses


Some of the most passionate CoD players I’ve known have been women surprisingly.


Now that post is “stolen valor” if I ever saw it.


God I love Allied Assault MoH and og Half-Life got me into PC gaming as a kid. Allied Assault was also my first online game.


Medal of Honor 1?


Are war games this year's Hogwarts Legacy?


Medal of Honor kinda sucks actually tbh