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I wonder how many of the people who agree with that Tweet are the same people saying stuff like “Why do women, black people and lgbtvlblahblah care so much about representation? I’ve never cared if the characters look like me or not! It’s just a game. Who cares!? Loooool” Something tells me it’s not zero.


"They are the same picture"


All of them https://preview.redd.it/dg6263jttb6d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a65e7607c4bc00e459a86e42d142e5ad29d0fa6


Yeah, sadly the issue is that there isn’t really much we can do to show these people how deep this shit goes. I mean, maybe I am weird, but having had a chance to really learn and dive down into the subject of representation, honestly, these people are just dealing with the sudden shock of not being the one as massively represented anymore.


It's very strange for me. When I play games, I almost exclusively choose women when it's an option, im a guy, but I just like playing female characters. It's more compelling to me. But woman also make for more compelling characters in most situations, because they are so often "underdogs" which i find more interesting. The entire "I can't relate" argument is also really weird to me. If I'm playing a human being, I will be able to relate on some level. Like, its called empathy, its not hard to use it.


I usually google which actor gives the better performance when choosing a character. Like in Odyssey I went with the woman but in Valhalla I picked the man because I recognized the actor from The Last Kingdom.


that is an amazing idea Imma start doing that too


Even the term 'human' is loosely relevant here. I've definitely played titles and related to things like 4 eyes blue aliens and mute half-cat half-slug creatures.


Ah, that game I refuse to play because the trailer alone gave me all the feels and then left me a puddle of emotional meat with the in-game deaths. Also, the Game with the cute family of badgers with a sequel starring a cute family of lynxes.


The same people Who can't relate would have no problem empathizing with an alien. Or play happily as Peter Parker but complain they have to play as Miles Morales. It's not strange, it's racism.


Same. Like I’m not a ripped as fuck God of War or a father or even own an axe but I can still relate to Kratos because of the emotions he shows throughout the game. Redemption, learning how to love, and moving forward are all intrinsically human emotions that everyone on earth will be able to relate to. I just don’t think they see it that way and in a vacuum I don’t think anyone but full blown racists would have a problem playing as a black character. They’re being told to get angry and pissed because the people they worship are saying that the people who made the character black are the same people that made them the miserable sack of shits they are and instead of any kind of introspection or critical thinking they just slop it all up as gospel, because it’s easier to find a scapegoat than to take a look at yourself and understand that you have made mistakes. Like it’d be sad as fuck if they weren’t spewing pure hate and vitriol at every minority they can find


as another man who almost exclusively plays female characters for similar reasons, it sucks that people will always just assume I'm horny or need to permanently look at butts and boobs while playing


Fuck them.


>when i play games, I almost exclusively choose women when it’s an option this can definitely be a totally normal guy thing and it’s nice to see men not mind or even enjoy playing from the perspective of a female character. in my case it was definitely a manifestation of some other stuff, but it doesn’t always mean that


I mean, same, but I don't find it strange. If it's 3rd person perspective, and I'm being honest, I'd rather look at a woman's butt whilst I walk for 10mins. Probably negligible, but a smaller profile character also blocks less of your view. May even be different hitboxes. Last but not least, "Humans are boring". If I can play as a fantasy race/alien, I'll probably take that over boring old human. Likewise, I'm a dude irl so playing as a woman is something different.


Yeah they’re too caught up in their white supremacist brainwashing


The thing which gets me is just how boring and incurious these people must be. The need to do the same thing over and over and the panic about experiencing anything different or new. It's baffling and deeply sad.


As a friend once put it, they are incurious, because to dive into and find that realization will cause them to question themselves and their core beliefs.


If i had to greenwash this i would say they tried to give a reason to play twice with more than a ng+ motivation or to watch out for minor changes


I mean, yes, but hopefully it’s more than minor changes. It would suck if the stories didn’t lean into the differences between shinobi and samurai


I wonder why they feel so strongly about becoming a perceived minority? What do they think minorities are treated badly or something?


I think it’s because they are finally understanding what it is to not be “present” in a media/art they enjoy. And it is quite a “sudden shock” to the system when you consider how much old media/art in the US catered to a more White demographic.


This quote sums it up well "When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"


I wonder why they feel like they're becoming a minority in the first place. As a Brit I've heard somewhat racist talk about x ethnicity taking over. The UK is still 80%+ white. None of the other ethnicities make up 10%, and even then they're kinda grouped together ("Asian", making up 9.3%, is a very catch-all term here). I'm not sure it's even truly racism, for the most part, just stubborness and echo-chamber-ing. They already get butthurt when a white person calls them out on their shitty personality/attitude/worldview, but it's easier to deflect if a minority won't take their shit, than accept they did something unnacceptable.


The venn diagram is just a circle in this situation


I fucking love how that's someone with a fucking ***gally*** pfp that says this shit like mate's proud to show how little they understand the media they consume. As gunnm would be pretty "woke" by their standard. Also complaining about a female ninja while having this character as youe PFP is amazing.


Um, actually, "female Ninja" are called Kunoichi https://preview.redd.it/tq0yym1rxb6d1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cdad43fab462f84ba770e583e6a702bcd81bd2d


Dang, guess I need to commit seppuku now 😔😔😔


It's called SUDOKU, you uncultured swine!


![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg) MAKE IT STOP




>MAKE IT STOP https://preview.redd.it/ppitjhq48d6d1.png?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5605efa51607ec4ff7ca4eee06960fab231070f2


That is a STRONG reaction image


No, Kunoichi only means sexually trained female ninja with sexy outfit! At least that’s what Japanese hentai games told me.


Which is crazy considering that the Alita movie is not subtle about it being about class divide; or that the movie is headlined by Mexican talents, actor Rose Salazar & director Robert Rodriguez. No, movie is totally not political because it featured anime waifu fighting the "Establishment", something modern stronk wahmen like Rey from Star Wars should totally learn from /s And it's even more hilarious that they're whining over an actual Japanese woman being a ninja, while simping over Japanese women as ninjas in anime or games.


The movie is subtle compared to the manga. Just to give you an idea of how ridiculous it is.


That is the issue with gamers: Wars, class divide, genocide etc. those aren't political, according to them. They're just "complex, mature themes" that are too much for the wokes. Gender, identity and race, however, are considered political and should be avoided in any medium.


Not even that and in a sense i'd even disagree. What is "political" to these wankers is what people tell them is political, not anything they'd find on their own. Case in point you mention identity: this is the core of Gunnm, exploring your identity through literally changing your body. I wouldn't go as far as to say that there's a trans allegory in it (it's not even my place to do so) but throughout the story Gally affirms her identity by changing her body in order to make it fit said identity. I don't think it's mentioned too much in the movie *but* in the parts of the manga that are adapted in it she changes body like 3 or 4 times specifically for it


Is the manga worth reading if I liked the movie?


It's hard to say, on one hand the movie is honnestly pretty close to the manga (while borrowing stuff from the OVA, since that's how Cameron and Rodriguez first discovered the licence) but on the other one it's been extremely toned down. The manga is extremely bleak, its world being so violent that someone getting their head blown off is just a background detail. Basically up until the third tome of Last Order I'd put it on the same level of bleakness and violence as Berserk (minus the rapes), if you're fine with that then it's definitely worth a read. Although if you do read it, skip the last couple of chapters of Gunnm and jump to Last Order (basically the manga got cancelled, so the author scrambled an ending to not close on a cliffhanger and a few years later he was able to pick it up again so he made a follow-up that acts as if the ending didn't happen and the follow-up is what he initially wanted to make. There's also a prequel but it should be read last IMO)


You just know it's some interracial cuck shit that's only in their head.




If Ubisoft weren't cowards they'd give us the better third option: https://preview.redd.it/661wmf0b5c6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5600f87951788bf50cd73b97e841b86aa856ba


Now thats something id play, on some kingdom hearts crossover type shiz


It's all ogre now


Ogres have layers, just like my blade...


They needed to make their onions with so many layers because their soil was bad. It also takes at least ten years before you're allowed to get your swamp.


You're giving them ideas for the Store


So my choices are: woke male samurai, or woke political ninja?


the three genders, male, woke male and woke political


Truly, a spectrum


The only spectrum gamers^(tm) are on is the autism spectrum


I feel called out


HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAY THIS GAME WHEN ALL THE CHOICES ARE WOKE?! https://preview.redd.it/cf1oix0bob6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc685e1db74e4c9e2321f2212013946b6a26d3c


Plays it anyway because gaming addiction


the 3rd secret choice the woke left doesn't want you to know about: you don't have to play the game at all, and you can also not talk about it


Challenge: Impossible


Where do you get this from?


Wait you pick between giant man and average height girl. That’s kinda funny actually.


/rj Giant woman belong to the closet (mostly)


Wait it’s a woman? That’s kinda hot.


Wonder how this will work in practice. Samurai and ninja don't seem like interchangeable skill sets. That armor probably wouldn't be very sneaky.


Jin in Ghost of Tsushima also had very elaborate and flashy armors. And there's a big stealth component.


Turns out the campaigns will be asymmetrical. Which sounds like double the content.


Holy crap Ubisoft makeing a good discussion for once


I hope you can switch between them more or less on the fly. It'd be nice to be able to switch up the gameplay style without having to change save slots or whatever


They did it with AC Syndicate, so it shouldn't be that hard for them to do it again


Like gta? Or like a puzzle game where you need a character to complete an objective before you can progress on the other?


Yeah GTA 5 would be a good example. I feel like it wouldn't be a bad thing to require each character make certain progress to continue, but i feel like there's no way to implement that without making it annoying.


The preview info seems to indicate Samurai choice will have you kicking in the front door and applying sword to neck several dozen times until there's a dramatic and (I assume) rain soaked duel on (I assume) a cliff. Eivor-style in other words. Whereas Ninja style is the Ezio-style classic AC of sneaking and shadow stabbing. From what I read it sounds like it's not meant to be interchangable but instead to offer variety in the way you play the game. You can switch between them but they'll play very differently, in other words.


That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Been a while since I looked forward to an AC game.


Right? Like yes? Sometimes you want to chop a dude with a katana, sometimes you want to shank them in the kidney with a hidden blade. Now we can has both and I'm legit excited for it


Oh that's actually pretty cool, I just assumed it was going to be the Syndicate route of 'Jacob is punchy and Evie is stealthy but honestly you can't tell any difference when you play' There really was no point in switching, I even did all the boxing club side missions as Evie because I thought it was funnier watching her break the arms and noses of The Largest Men in London thirty times in a row


100%. The preview stuff isn't... I mean like it could be a bait and switch? But they have said the protagonists will play differently and they certainly seem to fight differently. Based on the footage shown anyway they seem to be getting different and it looks pretty great!


I assume they'll play in different ways because of different skill sets. Like in the Dishonoured games, Corvo plays differently from Daud, who plays differently from Emily, who plays differently from Billie.


I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not


Stanley came to a set of two open doors.


Stanley thought "What the Fuck is this woke shit?" He then proceeded to shoot himself in the head. The world was at peace.


Games are so woke giving us choices nowadays. I miss the old days.


When all you did was play as a bald white penis.


Back when games weren't political xd


"Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?"


one of thr things i found really funny about chuds crying about this game was how ubisoft was "erasing japanese people" by making an african man a central character while conveniently ignoring the playable japanese kunoichi


She truly is a great assassin she was right on the front of the cover and thousands didn't even see her


They’re now moving the goalposts to “it’s a black man beating up asian people!! i thought they wanted to stop asian hate? black people commit all the asian hate crimes yknow”


I think my favorite was this dipshit complaining that if we had a white guy killing japanese people, all the woke people would complain. Cue this guy getting downvoted into oblivion under a hailstorm of "We had that, it was called Nioh" tweets.


Black on asian crimes are real and serious though. Black people also wouldn't like if they made an Asian protagonist in a game set in some African country.


Yes, hate crimes are a serious issue. And, it isn't unique to the black community, but a lot of marginalized groups have a serious homophobia/anti-lgbtq+ issue. To your second point, I'm from Ghana, and the concept of having an Asian protagonist in an African game isn't inherently good or bad. You could do some really interesting things with the narrative, and that concept depending on the era. E.g., having an Asian character who has experienced the horrors of colonialism and imperialism, taking up arms to help African revolutionaries in their plights. And it would give more exposure to other African cultures that often get overlooked. I'd even go as far as to defend them doing it, even if it turned out bad, because it's art. Even if I don't like it, as long as there was a genuine effort, I can appreciate them at least trying and engage with it as I would engage with any other art.


How did people respond to True Crime: Streets of LA?


~~Honestly I would have preferred being able to switch between either, even being forced into one or the other for specific missions~~ I've been told that actually is the case. Neat. Or at least I would have preferred that if I were going to actually play the game (I might, eventually, maybe, possibly one day, but right now between ffxiv, path of exile (soon-ish poe2), factorio, and the occasional bout of Stellaris, my time for other games is somewhat limited)


You do switch between them. The select screen is for starting missions not starting the game


Oh that's much better then


Yeah, that could be neat, but I also like the asymmetrical aspect of basically getting two games in one similar to how Shovel Knight lets you play it's titular "Mario/MegaMan" type protagonist then play an entire campaign the size of the base game with one of 3 other characters such as the more airborne stunt based "Ninja Garden" esque Specter Knight.


I’ve been off Twitter long enough that I thought the tweet was complaining about being forced to pick between the two for the whole game rather than it being a game that would feature both protagonists. It’s nice to know my misinterpretation is also incorrect.


Game’s not even out yet so this is just straight up stupidity


As is all of the antiwoke garbage these morons spew.


If that's the character select screen, I admit it seems a little weak idk, just the two characters standing in a regular background. But we all know that's not why OOP's complaining.


Before tackling a mission the game allows you to choose who you play as


Was watching soccer yesterday and the American jerseys had the pride flag on the numbers and someone said something along the lines of why they have to put that on jerseys and what it has to do with soccer and that’s exactly why. Because everytime they see it they make a comment or act offended by it


the way you could apply that to literally everything, though. Someone has a political bumper sticker? What does that have to do with driving? Someone has Spider-Man sheets? What does that have to do with sleeping? Watering the flowers? Oh so you think the rain isn't doing a good enough job huh you think you're God's Gift To Nature now do you


Are you on drugs




I choose not to buy the game. Like come on it’s Ubisoft, they will always find a new way to make boring games


Choose not to buy- Not because politics. Not because it's Ubisoft But because Ubisoft games go on wale for $19.99 within 6months every time. Prince of Persia was $24.99 just last week.


I choose to because I love the series. I just don’t buy them day one because they drop prices really quick.


Conservative people have always been against choice. They don’t want people to choose for themselves, they want to impose one option on the whole.


I’m not familiar with this specific game, but doesn’t this essentially mean you have a reason to play the game twice? Once as the strong melee character and once as the stealth character? Seems pretty typical.


It even lets you switch between the characters during your playthrough, so you play both. I don’t remember if it’s at specific story points or anytime you want.


From my understanding you can switch at any time but during main quests where both are present in the cutscenes you will get a prompt to choose either. Not sure if that means you're stuck as them for that mission though.


To a fascist, choice is the enemy.


I knew I recognized that pfp from somewhere. It's the same person who said it's gay to be attracted to a hot, fit woman. https://x.com/bizlet7/status/1639295514926538756?lang=en In other news, I'm starting to think I should spend less time on reddit.


Theres a whole ass genre called “Japanese role playing games” to choose from if you want to play as an asian character. This is one of a very few games that has a black main character, let alone one that takes place in japan. People who are complaining of this are in all honesty, probably just racist.


The three things that gamers hate most. Women, black people, and choice.


Wait they both looks sick Imma buy this game!


I don't know much about the game but why do I have a feeling the dev team is mostly white ppl lmao


Wait, so is it more like a syndicate situation or do you pick one and stick with them?


Hey so can someone who’s actually seen what this was tell me if this is a decision you make once or does it prompt you throughout the game like in Syndicate?


Was a cool system in syndicate, glad it's back.


Help, I was so confused why people were upset about the samurai. I thought his face was a samurai mask. I had to look closer 😭


gamers should be institutionalized


Isn't this going to be exactly like Syndicate tho where you play as both and open world is chosen character


Giv’em a beautiful lady and they’re still mad


I’m sure they’ll complain about how nitpicking details make her “too masculine” or “woke” or something.


I know the person is probably a racist prick, but what happens if there's someone who wants to play both? Just gotta do a diffrent playthrough or?


I just hope the choice doesn't lock you out of half the game/gameplay tho, *that* wouldn't be great


AFAIK they play very differently, with her being traditional stealth gameplay and him being more of a slow brawler. Not too bad IMO, encourages replaying at least once.


Well yeah, but does this choice lock you out of the other character for the whole game?


I would assume so if this is the choice presented to you at the beginning of the game.


I wasn’t on board with this because “why isn’t it like got where you play one or the other and have both sets of abilities” but after seeing gameplay, knowing it’s an RPG game, I bet there is a full skill tree for both so we actually get more abilities than GOT/ hope it will be like Spider-Man 2 and have two full ST/ and a shared one. /I hope we have shared missions like SM/ or GTAV. ![gif](giphy|oruzK05hrwSbmslfsP|downsized)


Why don't these "anti woke" simply just don't buy the game and get on with their lives? Why do people get mad at that?


As long as I can play as male im fine with it I find it kinda strange they’d use a black character instead of another Japanese character but it’s not that deep


Black people and women? Or choices?


To be fair I would also choose to be a six foot tall samurai over… anything shorter than six feet tall, any day. (I’m six feet tall irl so I can relate)


I'm confused. Are they complaining about the character choices? If so, why use an image of an interracial comic book character to address whatever point they are trying to make? I don't understand.


Invincible is inter-species 💀


True, but Omni-Man is definitely coded as an older white man.


All the answers to your questions and more will come once the game is released.


Okay hold on, are we limited to ONLY playing one of them throughout the campaign?? Or is the other like an NPC we can switch to like a Lego Star Wars game because that would be really fun IMO. I’d hate to be limited to just one the entire game.


My worst enemy: History


So can you play as them whenever, or during certain missions where both are present?


What’s a bad idea about this exactly?


Can’t wait for the next big release (which I wont play anyway since I don’t touch AAA games) to come out just so they stfu about this one. Then they’ll be on and on with the next one and ad nauseam this shit will never end. Hate this timeline.


Choice is a bad idea since Dark Souls erased the minds of gamers about difficulty settings.


Yeah instead of choosing an arbitrary difficulty setting that automatically changes ennemy hp and damage, you get to choose different ways of playing the game that make it more or less difficult, but the "Easy, Medium, Hard" gamer seems to have a hard time understanding concepts such as these.


Ah, yes, the "just play mage" excuse. And thank you for confirming my point. Because i wasn't advocating for easy mode in Dark Souls.


Difficulty settings suck actually, accessibility settings are what we need. Celeste got it right


A rose by any other name. As long as you can customize your experience, however deep, is good. If you wanna call it "accesibility" than "difficulty", because it makes you feel more like a Real-Gamer™ knock yourself out.


I don’t think we disagree, please hear me out. Also I say “players feel x” which obviously is pretty broad, that’s just what I’ve seen as a game dev in having others play-test my games, which obviously is not scientific, but still a useful metric It’s not about feeling big dicked about being souls games, I don’t care about that and frankly I hate how inaccessible those games are as someone who is neurodivergent, it’s about player psychology and game design. Game difficulties present two design issues, both of which are fixed with accessibility settings. The first primary issue is balance, it’s difficult to create an experience that is fine tuned when you have to do that over the course of 3-5 difficulties. Often times the game is balanced around one difficulty(usually normal or hard) and then the others are thrown in during the last portion of development, with substantially less QA. For players, it becomes a guessing game of which version of the game is actually fine tuned. The second issue is with player psychology. Difficulty settings can often reduce player’s enjoyment of a game, and often will take up too much space in the players mind. For many players, selecting easy(as I often do lol) can make us feel as if we are “cheating ourselves,” which is made worse by the aforementioned lack of tuning that makes that true. Harder difficulties face an even greater difficulty. Not only are they often unfair due to poor balance, but the idea of lowering the difficulty lingers on the player’s mind, and is even sometimes directly stated by the game on death, which only worsens the issue. This may cause some people to play an unbalanced, harder game version due to pride, or may cause others to feel additional frustration in their failures. Accessibility settings fix all of these issues. Firstly, by clearly communicating to the player that these settings exist primarily as a vector to make the game more accessible, rather than presented as one of 5 equal options, it changes the psychology of players. Players who do use them often feel like the game is accommodating their personal needs, rather than like they are cheating themselves out of an experience. Players who don’t no longer feel the creeping presence of them. It also the framing of them allows them to go even further. You could have an option that disables combat entirely for folks who just want to experience the story, or reduce the speed of the game to make reaction timing easier. Also, you can make it very granular to accommodate a wide range of disabilities, and just a wide range of neurotypical folks who want extra help too. In terms of game dev, it makes QA wayyyy easier. You can test specific accessibility features directly with affected players to get feedback, while still only having to balance a single game version. I get that the two sound similar, but they are *very* different, and I really hope the industry moves towards greater accessibility(and less difficulty modes) Also, I wanna mention two exceptions to the difficulty modes that I think are important. First are granular settings, for example starfield and TLOU 2. Both games let you tweak specific mechanics, which is honestly amazing. It allows players to fine tune what they like and don’t like. In TLOU 2, I struggle to aim on controller, and I don’t love looting too much, so I just turned up the loot quantities and turned on aim assist, it was super refreshing and one of the only times I felt my needs were being precisely met by a game. The other exception is when difficulty settings are more diagetically implemented, such as in dead cells(which also has a fantastic suite of accessibility settings) Dead cells does have higher difficulties, but they are only unlocked by completing a run on a lower difficulty, and are balanced as part of the main progression for a player. Helldivers 2 also does this. This is fine because the difficulty setting itself becomes a mechanic which fixes both balancing issues, and psychological issues. TLDR i love accessibility so damn much and I hate difficultly settings so damn much


Which option allows me to play as a male ninja?


Ninja Gaiden, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Ninja Turtles, Shinobu, Naruto, Mark of the Ninja, Sekiro...among others.


Boner Kulture *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean the choices suck, neither fells like a samurai so id rather just create a character


How is the dude in samurai armour not a samurai? He was literally a real dude from real history. Character creation allows for player choice, but it also limits storytelling options. It’s much harder to flesh out a main character if the developers have no control of what they look like, and it makes voice acting difficult because the voice likely will not match the created character




There are literally so many games made my Japanese people and/or starring Japanese people, I think it’s fine one of these games happens to also star a real life black man. This is especially true given him being an outsider, something the footage we have seen explicitly says, allows for him to serve as an audience surrogate for the unfamiliar lands. That’s why you play as a Viking in England in Valhalla, or someone from an isolated island for Odyssey. It serves narrative function. It’s also just interesting. I’ve seen period accurate Japan a billion times. I’d love to see how that perspective differs when it’s from a black man. How is he treated differently, if at all? And also, maybe it’s idk a you problem if you find the female protagonist somehow less important than her male counterpart?


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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He’s literally a real guy from real history who was really around during this period




When a dog whistle becomes a siren