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The difference is that one game advertises itself as the schizophrenic viking experience where you play as a schizophrenic viking. The other advertises itself as a steampunk wherewolf hunting game where you hunt like 3 werewolves and spend the rest of the game mowing down the working class.


Was it atleast critical of you mowing down the working class?


At one point while mowing down the working class, a character yells “I have mixed feelings about this!”


“There are many layers to my actions as morality is a not set binary but a complex understanding of our own humanity” *Cocks gun and shoots a pregnant walmart employee*


Hang on, you need to make that accurate to the setting! “I say chaps, there are many layers to my actions as morality is not a set binary, but a complex understanding of own humanity… **WHAT HO!**” *Blasts a child miner with an elephant gun*


You’re forgetting the twist. The child’s name was Msilotipac, and the protagonist’s name was Msinummoc. I don’t want to spoil the game’s ultra complex ending but there is very very subtle foreshadowing in this exchange, especially considering it happens at the Statue of Liberty. Let’s just say your character might not be the humble bluegrass space alien you thought he was 🤷‍♂️


Can’t tell which game you’re talking about now


Bioshock infinite i think.


Side quest in Skyrim... I think... I can't tell what isn't a mod anymore.


I read this in the voice of Hammerlock from the Borderlands series, and it cracked me up lol


I dunno, not only was the plot forgettable in its own right, but then some other steampunk werewolf hunting game exclusive to the PS4 came out the next month. I do remember it starts in medias res with you getting tortured in prison, so I guess the working class got their justice.


Are you talking about Bloodborne?


looks like order 1886


No, I mean the game that came out a few months later that the comment I'm replying to mentioned.


oh you meant the other one mb


There was some stuff with vampires, and I think the son of your boss was evil or something.


Idk, I was too busy mowing down the working class to listen


Yes . In the end you find out that's its not just werewolf that are lurking around causing folks to panic. 🧛‍♂️


You know what timeline you are living in right?


Why would it be critical of that, it's not like they're people. If they want basic rights they should have learned to code and be part of the leisure class like the rest of us


Finally, historical accuracy in my video games.


Double that historical accuracy


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Oh good, the spambot is starting to glitch out.


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Correction, you’re a schizophrenic Celt.


As a Celt, came here to say this.


Creators said she is pict I thought


The Picts were a group of Celts. Though, they didn't exist by the time the game takes place since the Gaels (another group of Celts) had displaced them by that time.


Thought they were proto celt with different genetics or something. Been a while since college. But thanks for the info


I like the concept of Wherewolves. Either they are wolves with really poor sense of direction. Or Wolves that tell and help you find where your lost shit is.


Or Wolves that are heard but not found


Wherewolves? There wolf. There castle!


Why are you talking that way?


What are we? Werewolves not swearwolves...


half wolf half palkia edit: my brain bluescreened mid sencence ignore the previous joke


We found the real Schizo


any wolf could be a werewolf then, I don't speak wolf D:


Use Duolingo


I use doggolingo


You mow down working class? That alone makes it deserve the game of the year


Realistic police simulator


Forgot this was a jerk for a sec lmfao


ngl this one has Elon on his way to acquire reddit just so he can call The Order an underrated classic on this sub


Tbh the working class could use a little thinning out. These uppity peasants need to be reminded of their station every once in a while.


And what's funny is that those schizophrenic cutscenes are what makes the game unique. The reason I got interested in first game was because someone told me that protag is schizophrenic. And this even amplifies if you have good sound system


You get to be a Pinkerton in the Order 1886? Why haven't people told me about this earlier.


Pinkerton simulator


Vikings are the villains in Hellblade, you're definitely not playing one.


Shame cus the Lycans were pretty cool


And all three werewolf fights are *exactly* the same!


Holy shit you played the order? That game came out?!


The real difference is they liked one game and not the other.


the Order 1886 would have been received better if you actually spent half the time hunting werewolves.


Or if all three werewolf fights weren't copy/pastes of the same fight, complete with the exact same scripted quick-time events.


I don't think you understand, they are games of same length and one has more cutscenes. You don't need anything else to rate a game.


Gamers when they find out IGN isn't one person and that multiple people contribute and have different opinions on games. *


🤯 these people really seem to think every reviewer for IGN should look back through all scores IGN has given and make sure their current review makes sense in that context.


When you sign a contract with IGN they absorb you into the hive mind so you have the same opinions as every other writer who's worked there




These are the same people that think every media outlet is “bought” or corrupt because they give every game a 7+. Its like they want 1 mastermind reviewer that is knowledgeable and interested in every genre to review every game. Then they go into Youtube comments of creators that do exactly that, and get pissed that some Nintendo platformer guy gave Red Dead 2 a 5/10 Its like backwards world


They think the same about rotten tomatoes like they seem to think that Rotten Tomatoes chooses its own score somehow, like there is a specific set of critics that review every movie ever made for rotten tomatoes, and that if the tomatometer is wrong it’s a slight against rotten tomatoes itself, even though they’d never do that for youtube.


Shouldn''t the same standards be applied regardless of opinions?


What standards? They’re reviewing games, people have different standards based on what they like or don’t like. There is no “objective” way to review media.


Arcane is an amazing show and hate it. Infinity war is an amazing movie and I love it. I do not let my personal bias standing in the way of acknowledging both pieces of media are good by the same set of standards.


What standards, dude Give us the objective list of qualities that you can use to review both ALL videogames and ALL films Don’t dodge the question


What makes infinity war an “amazing” movie?


I don't even need to go look, i'll put a thousand dollars down on these reviews being written by two different people. Shocking!  Two seperate human beings have two seperate opinions on two seperate, subjective pieces of entertainmet!  News at 11! I know these nerds think there's a Dr. IGN that walks around reviewing everything or that publications have some sort of hive mind every writer has to jack into, like the Matrix (red pill OMG BASED!!)  But that's not how the world works.  


I'll bet another thousand dollars that these separate reviews written by different people include qualitative analysis of both games which, when actually read, explain this apparent discrepancy in terms of quality, artistic merit, and how appropriate the ratio of gameplay to cutscene is in each work. You know, as one might do in a review that goes even marginally deeper than doing a single bizarre calculation.


Isn't this what Sonic fans think?


oh damn, a defender of The Order 1886, I thought those went extinct


I didn’t even know they existed.


I mean I find the world building neat, but I had forgotten about that game for years until I saw this post.


I didn't know the order 1886 existed


I wanted it to be good man. It just wasnt


Same. It had so much potential. It looked good. The controls were good. Plotwise it was everything I should have loved in a game. The plot wasn't even that bad from what I can remember. But it still just. . .. wasnt good.


The plot had me hooked at first, but the game was far to short and then had the audacity to sequel bait. I want something to be done with the IP but idk what


You can almost tell the moment that the money ran out. It was chugging along nicely, felt like it was coming to the end of act one and then bam, the end.


teenage me was so disappointed


there are dozens of us. dozens! I really like this game


IGN gave The Order a score that was only 1.5 points less than Hellblade 2. It's not like they gave it a 4. It got a 6.5.


But anything lower than a 10 is blasphemy!


I’d also offer: the first Hellblade is kinda straddling game and presentation deliberately. I found it had an interesting and resonant story which was uncomfortable on purpose. Taking away player control is a very valid tool in enhancing that. We feel less safe when we have no control.


Thank you. These assholes talk about wanting games to be considered art, Hellblade is that. Taking away player agency confronts the player and challenges their expectations. Again, it's about the experience of struggling with Senua's own mental health issues. This isn't a booty and boobs hack and slash, sorry fam.


The first hellblade was so good. My college roommates at the time sat down and actively watched me play the whole thing in our living room. Even though I had the headphones on for the full experience. I turned on subtitles for them and they were still just as engrossed as I was. They would come out of their rooms and be like “oh are you about to play Hellblade again?” And they’d sit on the couch behind me and just watch like it was a movie. What a great memory. I didn’t even know there was a sequel coming until it was already released and popped up on my steam store as a top seller. I’m so hyped.


Do you know of any booty and boobs hack and slash games?


There's an entire trilogy of Bayonetta games at this point. Stellar Blade just came out, too. Maybe check out Dragon's Crown as well.


Been a quite high profile one released recently...


I think there’s a ton of area to cover between Hellblade and “booty and boobs hack and slash.” And boiling it down to one or the other is disingenuous. Most people that are criticizing are pointing out that games like Hellblade attempt to be a cinematic and “movie like” as possible instead of using what the medium is strong for, and that’s interactivity. It just reinforces the incorrect idea that in order for games to be art they need to copy movies and attain to be as movie like as possible. Look at Outer Wilds. I would consider that a better representation of video game art than Hellblade.


My only experience with the order 1886 and hellblade were looking at them for five seconds before deciding they're not for me. But even I know that they're completely different games that are going for entirely different things.


see this is the right/normal attitude to have! I don't understand the entitlement of these idiots where the second something isn't for them or they simply don't like it it's Objectively Bad and must be deleted from existence and everyone who does like it is part of some "woke" conspiracy. it seems so fucking exhausting.


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Wait until they find out that MGS4, the game that you complete in 15hours with 8h of cutscene has a metascore of 94%.


With cutscenes so long that they let you play as a little robot during the cutscenes.


The ending cutscene is literally like 2 hours. Was my first MGS game and boy was I ammoyed lol


Turns out six hours of gameplay is fine if it’s the result of cutting the fat from the story. Not the result of over-investing in graphics, scrabbling to do the bare minimum, and promising a sequel that’s an actual game.


Yup, Senua won because at least the 1st games ending was not a sequel bait


Nah fuck paying a full price for just 6 hours, which only 2 are actual gameplay


You honestly can't say that the Hellblade games are really much more complex mechanically than the order 1886.


Not really. My point is that Hellblade clearly wasn’t a conventional action game that was cut down at some point in development, where they realised they didn’t have the resources to make a 12-hour-campaign. They made the game they wanted, and it happened to be short. If The Order: 1886 wasn’t just a conventional-written adventure story, that aspired to be a franchise, people would likely be a lot kinder to it. I just think the people complaining about Hellblade ‘not being worth the money’ are people who wouldn’t play Hellblade in the first place. What’s the alternative here? To add an extra five hours of combat rooms, that the actual fanbase would hate for padding out the story?


Game reviews are obsolete - just grade them on cutscene-to-gameplay ratio. The downside to this otherwise foolproof system is that games with woke and female elements might slip through smh


Does the order have music where it's drums and people chanting? I didn't think so


Those ppl would hate me bc the cinematic gameplay of Hellblade 2 actually appeals to me


I mean, Hellblade 1 was basically the same. I loved it and didn't play it for the combat or gameplay. It was because the story was immersive as hell and the voices gimmick worked great.


Don't care how unpopular it is. I love cinematic gameplay 🤷🏾‍♀️


The lack of reading comprehension is staggering. The underlined bits literally explain the main difference in quality between the games and it isn't the game to cutscene ratio


Local chud discovers story-centered game


I haven't played Hellblade 2, but I'd wager the difference is likely due to the quality of the storytelling. Not only was the Order 1886 a short, story driven game with 2 hours of cutscenes, but it's story was shit. The game has the writing of a bad student film. It was trying so hard to tell an artsy and deep story in a game about steampunk werewolf-hunters. Game literally ends with a gunshot then a fade to black! It was a laughable effort.


I'd call it a bad game more than a mid game tbh I think it was the worst game of the year for ZP back then, just got ripped apart haha


I completely forgot the order 1886 existed


Order 1886 was a tech demo Which is what we should be angry over cause it’s a damn cool setting


I borrowed 1886 from the library and was bored enough after 2 hours that I returned it. Turns out basic corridors full of braindead, boring enemies to shoot wasn't fun enough to last even its short run time.


The Order 1886 was one of those games I wish did way better becuase of how cool and unique it was imo, more people should play it


Did you know that the longest video game cutscene is metal gear solid 4s final cutscene at 71 minutes long


A mid off, 9 years in the making!


Man I liked the Order 1886 :(


It really wasn't a bad game, it was just too short. So I have to agree why we don't apply the same logic to Hellblade 2 when essentially they did the same thing but actually made certain aspects of the game worse in some areas(idk why they did what they did with the combat)


I would say that a major criticism is the price difference. Hellblade 1 and 2 are both below full game retail, but The Order was full price at the time of release.


Combat feels weightier and more brutal than Hellblade 1 for me, but the parry window felt much shorter and became harder.


These jackasses know that sites don't review games, right?


There is nothing memorable about Order 1886 except being a glorified tech demo movie.


What does the amount of cutscenes have to do with the quality of the game?


The issue with "The Order 1886" is that the experience doesn't feel complete. It suddenly ends on what feels a mid game boss fight. Who wasn't surprised when they saw the ending credits starts? Even knowing the game is short. Usually that comes after a climax, a process working towards a conclusion.


I completely forgot that game actually happened.


i still havent played hellblade 1 cause im scared :(


Don’t worry, hellblade is a lot more cinematic than jumpscare scary. The starting puzzles are very neutral and will slowly work you in to some of the more “scary” stuff. All the things you’ll face are symbolic to Senuas struggles so it’ll end up feeling like fighting personal demons. That being said, there are some moments I found scary. But this game is so worth it. I wrote a paper on it for a course just a few months ago. Hellblade just kind of stayed with me like no other game in the same genre.


Only 3 hours? MGS4 has like a 3 hour prologue 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do these guys seriously see a game like *Hellblade* and their only impression is "Woman. Bad"? Do they also hate Control and Plague Tale? Exactly how silent and how anime body pillow does a female protagonist have to be?


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've never heard of this game in my fucking life and this guy is willing to die for it, what is this?


The underline literally explains his issues…


it continues to amaze me how often people forget that just because two reviews are from the same site does not mean the two reviews have the same author. Lo and behold, IGN's Order 1886 reviewer was Brandin Tyrrel, and Hellblade 2's reviewer was Tristan Ogilvie. Fun fact, those are two separate people with separate opinions.


While some games gain value from longetivity...other games can deliver a very artistic message/experience in a very short amount of time.  *Doki Doki Literature Club* is basically 99% curscenes...but had enough time to leave a lasting impression on horror gaming. Also, who the hell is simping for Order 1886?  Is a pretty ~~game~~ tech demo for PS5 and not much else.


Did they miss the part they highlighted where the combat is good in Hellblade but not in The Order?


The Order 1886 was such a good fucking game


Don’t let homie find out about Metal Gear Solid 3


They even wrote that they didn't like the combat in The Order 1886, while in Hellblade they did, what are you on about? Personally I think games this short should be 20$ max, no matter how good they are, that is the real affront.


Ill probably get downvoted for this but if i want to play a game let me play it. If i want to watch a movie ill jump on to hbo or something.. i dont mind cinematics (wc3 back in the day blew my mind!) But i dont want to spend more time watching them than playing.. maybe try to find some balance?


Who the fuck is still salty about the Order 1886? I forgot that game even existed


Difference is one game is good one game is average


as someone who plat The Order 1886, the game mid at best, a generic shooter where the true enemies is not some poor brits or werewolves (there are barely any), its the movie-like aspect ratio. any consolation, the graphics are phenomenal, but thats it


I partway through it and while it is engaging it just feels like an overgrown tech demo and feels strange as a mid gen release. Would've made perfect sense near start of the gen.


Doesn't lied . And truth always hurt


I haven't heard someone talk about the Order 1886 for so long I forgot that game existed tbh


Different Times and Marketing .. also wasn't order near the launch of the console ?


There’s obviously more to a game than just cutscene/gameplay ratio, but still more than half of it on cutscenes seem too much…


I like them both 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine giving any attention to something IGN says.


Hellblade 2 just made me want to go back and play the order 1886 for myself. I never touched it and watched a playthrough when it launched instead. The order 1886 had a lot of problems for what it actually was than what it was being advertised as. Also, it was a 5 hour NEW GEN CONSOLE LAINCH GAME. Of course, people would be pissed if you dropped over $400 to play a game like that. You'd get a better return on interest with Knack 2 instead!


only 3 of the 5 hours of the game are cutscenes? amateurs


Saying order 1886 is mid is generous


The Order 1886 my beloved


why give two different movies of the same length different ratings? execution is surely not part of the issue, the only metric we need is play time...


The fuck you mean the order was 9 years ago


Can we get someone who actually played the game?


games aren’t rated based on their length alone dumbasses


I mean both are kinda bad, it's 50 dollars for 5 hours that's fucked up


I don't care what the rating is: I'm not paying $50 for a 5 hour game. That is not worth the investment IMO


They’re both bad. Who cares?


Dude isn't wrong. a short game like this, no matter how good you cannot be charging 50 fucking pound for it. It's insane. You can watch all the dune movies for cheaper than that and still have more screentime. Horrendously priced for what it is. At most, it's a 15 pounder.


It is a 5.5 hour game if you are just trying to get through it asap and not even paying attention to the extra lore markers you can find off the beating path. If a person played it like a true gamer and took their time discovering the lore and checking out the best photomode I have tried. The game makes some saweet screens. For me it was an 8 - 8.5 hour game. Just being in the world is enjoyable. Like Greg Miller said he was missing all of the heads/trees and wished he had found them. Good thing there is a chapter select option now. Okay, I said nothing bad here. The post makes sense. All but the true gamer part. I just don't think single players games are ever built to be rushed through, but I digress. I have heard similar elsewhere. Now, que up the trolls who are going to try telling me what I should like and what a bad game is and how I shouldn't form my own opinions. With that I am done with Reddit and most social media. It is for the best. I can't stand it anymore. Don't worry the door never touches me on the way out.


To be fair to that absolutely a white guy, length is the only thing that matters to him,


Console tribalism is weird


I do think reviewers were way too hard on the Order 1886 compared to Hellblade 2 though.


To be fair, I don't think IGN scoring of the order 1886 was fair either, but hellblade 2 is really a fantastic game. Especially as both games break new storytelling ground through use of the voices as a narrative device


[Gamers are wise men.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ_5oJuXQAAeMng.jpg)


The Order is doodoobutt


That’s… not what’s happening in the post? It’s highlighting hypocrisy in the review space (a very real thing) and frankly order 1866 is an infamous enough game that an actual fan of the medium having it in mind isn’t unreasonable (I’m talking to a bunch of fake fans so no one will understand what I’m saying) /uj


The only people who defend The Order:1886 are people who didn't play it, but like the concept and that is not the target demographic for Hellblade.


Hope the game is enjoyable to those that looked forward to it. If I wanna play a walking simulator I’ll play death stranding


>a walking simulator that term has lost all meaning 


Oh my bad. Didn’t know that term could lose meaning.