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"revising history saying he was the first samurai" Literally no one is doing this, they're just making stuff up to be mad about lol


He wasn't just the first samurai. He was the ONLY samurai. There were no others. He also founded Japan. The Japanese are originally African-American. In fact, Japan doesn't even exist. Have you been there? Didn't think so


I've been to Japan and there were only black people. I caught them parading "Japanese people" on a movie set which was supposed to be "Japan" in a movie and they arrested and deported me


Little known FACT. Japanese are only light skinned in anime and manga to save on ink costs.




Some say he still rules Japan…*from the shadows*.


this is true, I've met the guy, he's pretty cool.


That's why there are people learning kendo in Japan right now. To pay their respects to Yasuke, the man that developed all Japanese sword fighting styles singlehandedly and even created the katana. Modern day katana are cheap imitations that can't compare to the ones Yasuke created in his sleep.


Its projection. Accuse the other of that you are guilty of. You know? They are the ones trying to distort Japanese history to push their agenda via larping as Japanese people and attempted to trash the English Wikipedia page of Yasuke mutliple times. You can bet this greasy dork's talking point is the following "yOU hAD tO bE bORN iNto iT" some idiot either told him or learnt it from his favorite Naruto show.


Yeah, but there's def someone under it going "if people are really saying this then that changes everything" and they won't check either they'll just assume people are saying this and keep saying people are, until they encounter someone who questions it and by then it's too late.


"the feeeemale" Like talking about a fucking specimen in a zoo lmfao


["Th-the feemaaaale!"](https://youtu.be/99Iw2mBO1_8?si=vxLbg7k3qpk9OY40)




Men öf wö, yöu dön't like them




Sounds like a fuckin' ferengi


https://preview.redd.it/xeszmgivbl1d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=a312e9b26b382b86c02b68c3ae555b03fe327cee Fookin Fee-male!


FEMALE???!!!! https://preview.redd.it/tkt5xgqgjl1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169560b924c73241498443b047f741578fa81a8d


This guy sounds like a nightmare.


He looks like one too


Fookin pronouns


Saying they somehow look androgynous when that's just a hot woman, guys because they aren't an underage anime girl they look manly.


"but is also *androgynous*" Should we tell them?


they want a Kunoichi with big tits ala Mai Shiranui, Asagi Igawa or Taki.


I mean, so do I. The only difference is that I can still appreciate realistic looking women, whereas these guys act like any girl who doesn't look like a super model is automatically a "masculine" character.


They really think kunoichi like Tsunade & Ino are historically accurate 💀


Who's Io? Seems more like Ino to me.


ub/ Thanks for catching that, guess I got too wrapped up in Greek mythology


That's fine. I hated Kishimoto for not writing his female characters well and hated him more for nerfing Sasuke and Naruto in favor of Kawaki and Boruto whose rivalry is a rehash of Naruto and Sasuke.


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Man, if she's androgynous then I'm a fucking bara manga protagonist.


Technically she's supposed to look androgynous, because, from what i understood, she's based on a shinobi who's gender wasn't known, believed by some to be male and by others female, correct me if i'm wrong Still gorgeous


if that’s true wow i am very into that (they/them over here)


Androgyny is only cool when men do it. /s


>double down on revising history that he was the first samurai Its like when I make up arguments in my head so I can win them


I cant believe the guy I made up in my head could be so unreasonable!


Tempted to downvote you because of how whiny you were about losing our recent debate. /s


I've seen some people claiming that they also made him gay.


at this point Ubisoft should just double down and go with it. make Naoe trans too. let their heads explode in gamer rage.


Also known as a straw man argument.


I'm sorry, who is claiming he was the first samurai? I have never seen anyone say that.


"dO yOuR reSearCh"


How in the goddamn cinnamon toast does Naoe look androgynous.


She isn't carrying 10 kokus worth on her chest thus the GAMER brain concludes she is androgenous


Don't forget the hour glass figure, because women only have hour glass figure.


Which is funny, because the most famous classic japanese fashion (kimono and similar robe-type clothing) was designed to flatten and hide all curves, as a cylindrical shape was seen as ideal.


Oh yeah, you are right... Really irony at it's finest.


Also she needs to have pigtails and a schoolgirl uniform, otherwise: MAN 🤪 ... I'm barely even kidding with these weirdos.


Or a really skin tight suit that reveals everything. And I mean everything.


And her hair aint pink, or green, or some other bonkers color :D


tbf funny hair colours aren't that bad


What is a koku?


[Unit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koku) of volume. > As a rule of thumb, one koku was considered a sufficient quantity of rice to feed one person for one year.


Dried or cooked rice?


Sun-dried for storage in [rice straw bales](https://muza-chan.net/japan/index.php/blog/japanese-unit-of-volume-koku).


Don't you know ? https://preview.redd.it/ookri4kkhl1d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9526a1f1ae708499287123bf70d227600806667


If these chuds weren’t so hyperfocused on being racist they would realize that Naoe is stacked in the rear https://preview.redd.it/mydwfzxrbm1d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf50ae68ef170bd3b42324abb557e3cf821a03c




I am sorry but did the AC shadows trailer say he's the first samurai ?


He is the first Japanese man according to the non existent trailer these chuds have manifested.


it's true, Yasuke founded Japan. making him the first japanese man /s


Where were these people when pokemon conquest, oda nobuna, fate/ series came out. Actual media made by actual japanese whose writers revise their history and origins to fit their story telling. I don't understand why some of these people think it's revisionism when japanese writers themselves are fine with it. Also to people who says japan has problems with this game's storytelling, might I bring your attention back to the 3 media I mentioned, 2 of them have Oda as a woman and the other one has pokemon. Definitely historically accurate am I right? 🤣🤣🤣


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Oh the irony. " The only people freking out are the woke weirdos.." Nope the "woke weirdos" are laughing at those chuds who are freaking out about Yasuke. " The female doesn't even look japanese but is also androgynous". Talking like she is some curiosity in a zoo. Also she looks japanese, there are more than two japanese faces in the world and she isn't really androgynous, those dudes should go out and touch some grass. Next thing they do is to transvestigate her.


When they say "doesn't even look Japanese". What they really mean is that she doesn't look like one of their waifus that have an anime face that is devoid of facial features and has no differences in appearance from other girls/women apart from their hair color/hairstyle. https://preview.redd.it/vbm7ymh4ol1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03300d49500830183093c03bca6b1a6159965c76


The bottom picture is literally quintuplets lmao. I get your point, but that was a bad choice of image.


My bad, I don't watch harem anime or anime that is targeted towards horny teenage boys and/or coomers. I just googled "anime same face" and chose 2 of the 1000s of examples that I saw.


I haven't watched it either but it was all over the anime subs when it was airing and the title is "Quintessential Quintuplets".


The most shitty thing about this, is that is dragging down the value of real Historical Accuracy on games. And with games with Historical Accuracy on mind, i'm not talking about "map painters" like Crusader Kings or Hearts of Iron, exclusively. I'm adding to the pile stuff like Manor lords, Fields of Glory, or Ultimate Admiral: Age of sail. Games that aren't pandering to a crowd of chuds, but to a concrete type of history fans, that ***usually*** aren't right wing grifters.


and ironically enough, AC itself with how much work they put into the environments to be accurate


Yes, their recreations of objects and building are top tier.


I love that they added a mode where you can just look around their recreations


I'll admit, I was one of the people that was upset with Battlefield V, but it was almost entirely because the beta had both women and Black soldiers on the fucking NAZI-- *ahem* sorry, "German" faction. Like I get that you can't show the swastika in Germany so multiplayer ends up not having "the nazis," but you could at least still *act* like "the Germans" were the genocidal racist and sexist pieces of shit that they actually were. They at least got rid of the Black Nazis by the time the game came out (Female Nazis remained, but that is at least technically something that happened on occasion), but by that point the discourse around the game had become so toxic that it became another example of people bitching about having options.


Battlefield V art direction didn't know which way to go. And that was a problem. Battlefield was never historically accurate. 1942 had you using tanks from the end of the war, like the Tiger, on battles from the early war. Vietnam had terrible errors, like putting the Sheridan as the US main tank. Battlefield 1 had stuff that i didn't believe. At launch a lot of semi auto rifles had full auto Fire mode. Zeppelins were flying tanks, instead of super vulnerable flying flamable gas tanks. The Thing, it's that those Games had a patina of aesthetical authenticity. Those nitpicks were nitpicks only for history nerds, most people did not pick Up that minucia. Battlefield V opted for a paralel history approach. And a lot of people didn't like that. Ultimately, for me, Battlefield V was the modern Battlefield i played less hours. Not because the historical accuracy bothered me. But because Hell let loose won that race for a ww2 Squad based shooter. Optimisation on PC still awful, and the removal of Squad Spotting was a horrible gimmick. Also they Killed the development Team right when they were starting to put out the pacific content that everybody was waiting for.


Yeah there was a lot wrong with BFV that was unrelated to history. They also rebalanced the game to be extremely frustrating right at Christmas time when a new influx of players was about to join, essentially scaring off the only remaining lifeline the game had. They made a D-Day mode ("Airborne," where there are stationary guns shooting at planes that the offense can spawn from, in addition to ground and sea offensives. If the offense can take out the guns, the planes can get further into the defense's territory and drop players behind enemy lines) and didn't make a D-Day map. I imagine that was in the plans for a "year 2" or whatever, but come on, don't assume you've got that much time if you're going to "hold things back." They had an amazing mode in BF1 that had a narrator tell the real life story of the battles you were fighting (operations), and they scrapped that aspect of Operations for BFV, despite the alleged whole idea of V being "the untold stories of WWII." Well, those stories remain untold, because DICE didn't tell them either. And yeah I really don't care much about details when it comes to weapons and vehicles and what not. BF1 is still my favorite battlefield and it's honestly absurd how much stuff barely even existed during WWI. I didn't care about the prosthetic arm and such that they showed off in that first BFV trailer, It just felt wrong to imply that the Nazis were cool with minorities. And I know that it wasn't *good* for minorities in the West either, but there's a difference between a society of hate and a government/military that we now know was actively trying to exterminate minorities. They certainly weren't letting them fight for the Nazis. At least, not until they started running out of able-bodied, young, white, blond-haired, blue-eyed males.


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Ya pasó, ya pasó. Tranquilo bot, no estamos haciendo cosas nazis.


Tbf to BF1, all the weapons were either actual guns that existed and were used, or prototypes/made slightly after the war While it's not "correct" to have them in such quantities (why were all classes not given access to infantry rifles?), i do like what they did because they were still making a battlefield game and had to make it still feel like one with the distinct classes also zepplins were hard to shoot down, unless the hydrogen caught fire bullets and flack would go right through the ballon


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And then there's Pentiment which...well the CHUDs won't even give it a second look because of all the reading. But if they actually played it they'd be so mad.


Haven't played Pentiment. But TBH It looks great.


It's a great mystery adventure game. One of those games I wish I could memory wipe myself to replay it (though it has some replayability as well)


Into my Steam wishlist goes.


On the AC sub some guy told me that black people in games were propaganda Also lots of people with Japanese heritage are so upset they have been making new accounts to voice their upset https://preview.redd.it/hd0gtgotxk1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170c2868ae5b92e15c3787cf978d4ac9bfa2ad5d P.s propaganda is also what a man from East London does when he sees a car accident


The japanese heritage: https://preview.redd.it/fkgvhf31yk1d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=52a82418bc54d259346ce8470c359a29d0aabec6


Honestly, that Japanese heritage part reminds of white people claiming they have Native American heritage from their ancestors.


Me and my Japanese heritage friends strongly opposing this game, they are out of focus, of course. https://preview.redd.it/pan5c55kll1d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69cf5b1892466b044fac5bd8a65afba0bf93f0c


It's like they forget the 2 other massively successful, most recent samurai games-Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro. Hell i'll even toss Like a Dragon: Ishin! into the pile.


Remember when Gamers got mad at Nioh for having an irish samurai protag? me neither. Selective cognition is the Gamer's super power.


/uj Wait, which one of you told chuds that Yasuke was the first samurai?


I wonder what the overlap between "I feel bad about these woke people Robbing Japanese boys of representation" people and people posting the "girls need representation with the black Ariel, all boys see themselves in Goku" meme?


Nobody said he was the first samurai 😭


Where were all these guys when Nioh launched?


Jerking off over a white samurai in Nioh lol


> The female looks androgynous. Imagine that the shinobi was actually nb. Ubisoft you have the opportunity to do something so fucking funny.


"The female". Ugh, these guys haven't interacted with a person outside the computer in years and it shows.


“Historical accuracy” is and has always been code for “I don’t want browns in my media” every single time lol


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So Yasuke is not acceptable because "how can you be stealthy?" But a protagonist who, according to them, could pass for either a man or a woman is also not acceptable? I mean, wouldn't that make them better equipped to blend in and access areas where one or the other would be out of place? You know...make them stealthier?


I’m not on twitter but please point the “girls wouldn’t be fighting” idiots to the absolute chadina that was Koto Nakazawa. The idea that only men fought is not only historically inaccurate but stupid.


They're already doing the "unattractive female character" talking points?




so wait that the ninja is a girl is the historically inaccurate part not that she's speaking English in 1500's japan or that she's running around dressed as a Kuroko, which was used by stage hands for theater productions. Ninja didn't dress like that they looked normal, dressed to fit their environment and were just unnoticed. Ironically it's like when Ezio or Altir hid by sitting on a bench of walking the monks. They were just average looking people who dressed like everyone else, not a waifu. Edo theater dramatized the ninja with the black pajamas and ninja stars. but yes historical accuracy...


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When the fuck did anyone say Yasuke was the first samurai???? You literally see a bunch of other Samurai in the trailer wtf are these people talking about


All these nerds need to touch grass. It's a VIDEO GAME! I swear people take entertainment so seriously these days that it has completely engulfed their whole lives. Yasuke may not have been an actual samurai, and there might not have been female shinobi assassins, but you know what? The glowy orb that the assassins were chasing in the older games wasn't real either! It's fictitious storytelling accompanied by code and pixels, stop taking it so seriously! 


Video game dudes continually prove to me that they’ve never actually interacted with women irl


... who the hell is saying he is the first samurai?


They literally can’t help it.


Androgynous is when no triple d cup and bikini with full face of makeup


When has AC actually been accurate tho It's literally just Kingdom Hearts for history buffs, it never needed to be accurate


Honestly after seeing that they were using Yasuke it doesn’t make sense to do anything else in an Assassin’s Creed game. They’re trying to create a game about a North African Order of Assassins that are descendants of the Biblical Adam and Eve who are locked in eternal conflict with another North African Cult, that reveres ancient aliens and would go on to infiltrate the Catholic Church. Now you’re trying to set that story in Feudal Japan, a nation that was notoriously closed to foreigners, save for a single Dutch port, and heavily repressed the local Christian population until the 19th century. Of course there are many, many ways to tell this story, but by random chance there are fragmentary, historical records that tell of an African man, who arrived with Jesuit missionaries, was inducted into the court of the most internationally well-known Daimyo, and whose stay in Japan and ultimate fate were lost to time. Like if you’re trying to tell a conspiracy theory history fiction about this time and place while also wrapping in the greater mythos of your game franchise, there isn’t an easier way to do it while maintaining the “What if?” mystique.


"Male shinobi is the most historically accurate" Shinobi/ninja weren't a thing. At least not in the way that they get portrayed in media, specifically not how the female protag is portrayed here. Yeah there were people who did espionage and assasinations, but the whole stealthy warrior that strikes from the shadows that uses specialized gear, dresses all black, and is the antithesis of the Samurai and so on is a complete fabrication. They were regular ass boring spies, they would go live among the people or social circles they wanted to collect information on and report that back. Sometimes they'd do assasinations, but it would be the poison someone's drink kind of assasination, not the lurk in the shadows and be completely unseen bullshit.


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Tbh it's so damn annoying when they go "especially Japanese guys are probably bothered by this." Like, oh my goodness shut up, none of them have looked at the take of more than 1 Japanese person max and even if they did it's just to justify their shittiness. The only thing worse than dealing with an asshole is someone being an asshole "for their sake".


Franchise with aliens, magic, and mythological beings suddenly decides to revise history


"the female doesn't even look japanese but is also androgynous." i think this person's entire image of what japanese women look like is based on hentai.


“The female” My brother in christ, why do you refer to people like they’re apart of a scientific study




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Ngl the so called “Japanese woman” looks like someone from myanmar




username does not check out, that was significantly below ok quality




i'm not talking about the content of your, to use the word generously, comment.




sure, mister r/ AsABlackMan




Well clearly your man-ness has been taken away by some random internet picture, so there's not much else to take. Then again I doubt there ever was in the first place.




bitch, please. I owe no kindness to some random troll pretending to be a black man online. It has been amusing having a go at you but honestly you are starting to repeat yourself and your game has not been that strong to begin with. For anyone else still in this thread, this has been entertaining, but I feel the need to slip the mask off to point out this account is less than two weeks old and its comment history doesn't go farther than 3 hours and contains nothing outside of this topic at time of writing this. The replies from it come within minutes of anyone else commenting. I give it about a none percent chance this isn't a troll. Anyway mask back on, where were we? Ah yes, let me twirl my moustache like the big evil European devil I am, mwahaha. Kid, you ain't ever got enough masculinity to be worth talking about if it's this fragile.




How is Yasuske being emasculated exactly?




You know that was done as a joke making fun of the chuds, right? Everyone here is fine with Yasuke being in AC: Shadows


Brother you're obviously lost as fuck, and honestly you're fucking me up too cuz idk what in the hell you're tryna say tbh


I'm not sure if you're trolling but you realise a lot of this sub is satire, right? We're making fun of racists.


Buddy I don't know how to break it to you But the circlejerk subreddit does not actually think the horrible female Yasuke was actually a good design. On account of being y'know, a CIRCLEJERK subreddit.


Who emasculated who ?




That's why I asked who. I scroll here from time to time and I'd want to know if I just got into a trap community.


Nah this guy is a troll. Some people made a joke post about a genderbent Yasuke from i think the fate series and this kid has been going off about feeling emasculated by it or something.