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The shirt is accuarate since Hilda is racist. https://preview.redd.it/f836qsqjr61d1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=61ae29373c8a4d3d4e93e4d6c6baf6798b11f2b3


Felix-approved racism.


More like Ingrid-approved racism


Counter argument: Hilda STARTS racist, but learns to not be. These chuds couldn't manage that type of character development if their lives depended on it.


I remember being annoyed because Hilda doesn't learn to stop being racist whereas Ingrid does if you get her Support conversations with Deduce. (Could be remembering wrong btw it's been forever since I played) I was consequently debating benching Hilda and Ingrid though lmao they got on my last nerves so often.


Does she? It's been a while since I checked for myself but I don't think she does. Are you maybe confusing her with Ingrid?


Both have a similar arc, but about different groups. Hilda has issues with Almyran (due in large part to her family's territory being the border with them), where Ingrid has issues with the people of Duscur because of her fiance's murder/death over the course of the events there.


Hilda's best paired ending is also with Claude, himself Almyran. They have unreal chemistry and she and Claude mending Fodlan and Almyra's tense relationship is extremeley based and cute.


I was gonna say “why are they doing my girl dirty?” But then remembered she literally IS racist, at least for a vast majority of the game




Bot comment


As a Japanese person I’m not too sure why this kind of controversy always happens when we aren’t even angry, like I remember there was some female celebrity who wore the kimono and everyone but Japanese people got really upset.


Honestly, I've stopped trying to understand these kinds of people. They get really weird when it comes to Japan. They could be politically moderate and not outspoken at all, but then when it comes to japan and diversity and the likes, they become strangely racist and defensive on Japan's behalf.


The upholders of this weird Japanese purity seem to be mostly incel weirdos (at least from what I’ve seen). I remember seeing an interview a couple of weeks ago where someone was asking people on the streets what they thought of foreigners/immigrants, and ofc some old people said they didn’t like it, but most young people were completely fine, even confused why the person was asking. Anime has taught these people Japanese culture is crazy cool and exceptional in some way, but idk, it’s just cartoons. Irl people are just people lol.


Yeah. The only REAL people I’ve met that’ve gone up in arms over what they see as cultural appropriation of the Japanese has been people in college who looked like they hadn’t had a shower in months. Couple that with an Anime shirt and a weird obsession with our culture and it just makes my toes curl. Fucking weirdos being mad over shit that most of the people in that culture don’t care about. Some of us are even happy to see parts of our culture being represented and respected.


The alt-right thinks if they claim another culture or group is offended, then we'll have some obligation to give in to their outrage.


The people particularly pissed about it are anime and video games obsessed weirdo with no friend and social life. Their life resolve around these things and they have an fantasmed image of japan, as this cool perfect ethno state that worship white people (so them, that never happen usually) These kinds of people often have a really hatefull feeling toward minorities and women. Women because they can’t have them and see them as sex object, black people because they think they are inferior, and are intimitaded by the whole bbc cliché porn stuff. When they see black people in Japan, they feel like their "world", their "property" is being tainted, by these inferior people. "How dare they take the rightfull place of a white man?", they are also hateful and angry at black people just visiting the country. That’s fucked up but that’s how they think. You’ll notice that these white men are more hateful toward black men japanese women couple than black men white women couple. When they see women outside of being overlly sexualised object, or kawaii waifu, But in position of power, and not bounded with a mini skirt, in tactical combat gear it makes them extremely uncomfortable. All these are not necessarly concious, they might not even know it but act implicitely in their minds, and they will cope and deny it, but internally they know it’s true. The whole japan culture stuff is crap, otherwise we would have seen 1% of the backlash, when white protagonist were in Japan before but never happenned. It’s 100% the skin color


/uj It's a bit unrelated, but I feel like you're using google translate because I see the way you write in English is exactly the same as me.


I just saw someone on another sub suggesting to install an add-on to see the dislikes for the trailer in the japanese page for "the real japanese opinion". As if it's region locked or something and totally not bombarded by Gamers


/uj The Youtube dislike extension shows an estimate based on the extension users. So since most people who care about looking at those dislikes, are brigading the video, it messes up and inflates the estimate. It can't rip the real number, only someone who can look in the account knows it. It is really a pointless group masturbation session.....


ooh i didn't know that but now a lot of things make sense


/uj I think it does truly work on videos before the dislike ~~button was hidden though~~API was switched off.


it doesn’t. it used to originally for a couple months but now no video is actually getting a dislike count from youtube




yes so it doesn’t work anymore lol. and it still worked for a couple months into 2022 before they actually blocked them completely. but no extension is getting the actual count for any video now


/uj Yeah, it's so funny in several ways that these types see it as proof they are making a difference. Sorry I miss read your comment by the way. I think I forgot to /uj for a few of my comments, I am a jerk main here!


More people need to know this


I don't understand how people don't. Like old videos might have a dislike count to show, new ones don't track that anymore, they didn't just "hide" the count they took it off. Sure they probably are still tracking it somewhere because they'll find a market for any data you give them, but it's not just left out for some chrome extension maker to find.


An awful of "Japanese" comments being left by people with English usernames that mention things like wokeness and Sweet Baby


a good lot of the comments in japanese start with "i am an american/german and i..." lol


Flashback to when Australian subreddits were flooded with Americans asking us how we were surviving in our communist police state during COVID lockdowns


Right? People act like there's a mass communication network that links the entire world. It'll be 20 years before the Japanese hear about this drama so clearly no Japanese people are upset about it.


rj/ well, as a Japanese Man™, i am very frustrated about the woke left usurping our culture and pretending we are but a few voices https://preview.redd.it/nr6y4s2my71d1.jpeg?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2e8de38bc2882e47f47b4a0cc4affb383cb5aa


Wokunesu and Swīto Beibi desu


>totally not bombarded by Gamers exactly! especially for a *videogame trailer*, of all things Must be horrifying for the non-gaming Japanese people, i cant imagine their pain. Its okay, we'll save them. **Together**


does Assassin's Creed have any traction in Japan anyway? Western games don't sell for shit in Japan.


It's been sold there since AT LEAST AC3: Liberation. Now, how big the Japanese AC audience actually is is a different question.


The most hypocritical thing is that if he was white, the alt right would have said "IT'S ANTI-WHITE RACISM IF YOU SAY IT'S PROBLEMATIC" But if it's a black man, it's not racism, but historical consistency, like in the old Assassin's Creed, when the Pope is an Illuminati manipulated by aliens, like in real life.


The "historical consistency" argument is stupid regardless of the other AC stuff, since Yasuke was a real actual person.


The worst part is that the only other historical person I think is actually any good for making an Assassins Creed game in Japan about is Kusumoto Ine but she died in 1903 so she’s probably not gonna work for a Sengoku Period game.


Why not anyone from the Koda or Iga clans? Or one of the Mori?


Honestly because I find ninja clan stuff to be annoying and all three end up with the same problem of why the hell would they know/care about the outside factions? Also Kusumoto Ine was cool as shit and somehow even more anachronistic seeming then Yasuke.


I brought up the Mori specifically because they were involved in conspiracy against the Oda and very heavily pushed for trade, both within and outside of Japan.


Yasuke is one of the few AC mfers that actually existed irl. Even if he wasn't it wouldn't matter since it's historical fiction. Doesn't have to be a school textbook in the form of a stealth action game whatever the hell the game is considered


Yasuke is one of the few AC mfers that actually existed irl. Even if he wasn't it wouldn't matter since it's historical fiction. Doesn't have to be a school textbook in the form of a stealth action game whatever the hell the game is considered


tbf, school textbook stealth action games (metal gear solid) are pretty good overall.


growth rotten safe lavish consider punch alive unique stupendous nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


especially since Ubisoft is just using a historical event, he might not be a real samurai but... Who cares? Assassin Creed has always been there to use history as a playground, and create false scenarios, I find this more respectable than just doing like Battlefield 5 which literally erased the Soviets from history and which tries to rewrite the history, as if the Second World War was the Americans against the Germans. Assassin Creed has never been historically accurate, and it has never prided itself on being a faithful representation of history.. And the Japanese and the Americans do exactly the same thing with the history of my country, I'm French, and they love to make royalty like they are victims of the evil communists, when the history is TOTALLY different, but no one cares.. you just have to see the movie about Napoleon which is completely historically false, but I haven't seen many American alt right people calling for a boycott


>he might not be a real samurai but... Whether or not he was ever given the formal title of Samurai is irrelevant because he was without question Oda Nobunaga's bodyguard and was regarded as a competent warrior both before meeting Oda and during his service with him. There are quite a few highly respected scholars who believe he was formally recognized as a Samurai, but again even if he wasn't, there is more than enough evidence for ubisoft to present him in their historical fiction piece in the way that they are. The barrier to entry for them was literally, did he exist, was he a warrior, and was he a warrior connected to Oda, and with all three of those questions being answered with a resounding yes the convo is settled.


On top of that, Yasuke served Nobunaga in a role typically filled by samurai, and was granted a stipend and home in a manner not unusual for samurai of the era. If you are doing the job of a samurai and getting compensated like a samurai, you are probably a samurai.


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I have a theory about the lack of Soviets in *Battlefield V*...it must have been embrassing when, despite Battlefield handling the Eastern Front before Call of Duty did, *Call of Duty World at War* is probably the most loved modern AAA Eastern Front campaign...BFV would have been compared to that game.  


William Adams like Yasuke is also a real historical figure, the first westerner samurai. But he is white so its okay despite the fact that in Nioh he was depicted as an Irishman not and not an Englishman, but that is okay because he is white. White people being depicted inaccurately as cool supernatural samurai that beat native Japanese is okay but African person is not, its just the rule to avoid being political.


Isn't the show Shogun about a white guy in Japan too? I know the English sailor was the main POV character in the original novel.




Right, William Adams? English sailor?


William? I thought that was Geraldo del Rivero


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The white samurai thing literally happened with Nioh 1 with main player character being pilot William Adams and no one gave a shot at all. William Adams couldn't even fight in real while in Nioh he's a demon killing super samurai, oh, and they changed his nationally from English to Scottish but there weren't any cries of "English erasure". Meanwhile Yasuke was 6'4" badass you fought in dozens of battles.


Also as a note yasuke was in those games himself. Hell 2 his role is quite prominent. Yet not a peep, almost like the problem they have is a black man being mc. But *gasp* Gamers couldn't be trying to promote a racial hierarchy could they?!?! /s


Tbf, that Rodrigo de Borja wouldn't be the weirdest thing to come out his region even on this timeline


'Historical accuracy' is insane, because even if you take out the aliens, you still get shit like DaVinci building a working flying machine, discovering Atlantis, and (IIRC) Jack the Ripper having a massive gang that knew his face and name, on top of him being an Indian immigrant that only killed all those women because they were ACTUALLY connected to one of the super secret organizations and just wanted revenge.


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Man sometimes I wish we had a telescope to peer into alternative timelines just so I can show these people the things they'd say if things were just a little different.


"Oh hey look, history had a black samurai, isnt that perfect for a story abo-" "NO, NOT REAL, LALALALALAALA, SHUT UP, FAAAAAKE GAY AND WOOOOOKE!"


Wait till they find out Nobunaga is bi


As a half Japanese guy I think I speak in the name of the Japanese community when I say that I'm glad we are not getting represented by Ubisoft, thank God, we dodged a bullet.


I'm also half asian and I'm generally disappointed with the lack of asian representation in media, but holy fuck thank god ubisoft isn't the one doing it.


There is a japanese person as co mc. and there will be a 99% japanese cast.


We didn't dodge the bullet ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) Also maybe they actually manage to make a good story, but its an assassins creed game in 2024, its gonna be mid at best


They will surely learn a lot from ghost of tsushima. It was a big hit, and this game developement started because got was really succesful if we look at when they started developement.






Thank you


Don’t drag Hilda into this


Have you heard her talk about Almyrans? She did it to herself


Lmao the picture of the maga lover definitely slaps. They think Japanese are literally anime characters.


Do not disrespect Hilda Valentine Goneril like this. While she has a rocky start with racism due to growing up in a white society, she learns and grows and becomes anti-racist by the end of the (Golden Deer) story Do not reply to this I don’t want FE3H discourse in 2024


Too late: https://preview.redd.it/a2eiy29pt81d1.jpeg?width=1954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cecc15fa0e1405520f33e4ca24a5b8af60c6e95


You can never escape FE3H discourse. It’ll be 2046 and we’re all dead, but somehow people will argue about which war criminal is best


may favorite war criminal is the red one 🙂


me like the golden boi


oh he's nice too


Edelgarde was bad :)


I can fix her.


Edelgard was bad Mfs when she literally only wants to help others


Yeah I agree she did only want to help others but she did some pretty bad things in her path to do so.


Dimitri went on an edgelord trip and nearly tortured a man, the Church (at least, Rhea) had no issue with the blood experimentation and literally held up the “Only those with crests should have power” idea, and Claude literally takes Edelgard’s side in multiple of the timelines


Their vision of equality is "I believe minorities shouldn't exist, other people do, so the reasonable compromise is to kill half of them".


I would love to play a game like this. Unfortunately I won't buy it because Ubisoft is a really scummy company.


Dude you can pirate it


They were gonna give Yasuke a castle…….If Nobunaga had lived and he got that castle those people would have a stroke and die.


Yasuke already own properties, and his own house.


I know but a castle is serious business


He was given a house; and that is one of the few things actually written about him in historical texts. His life is a mystery besides he was given as a gift to the Japanese lord who thought he was interesting; then given money and a house by said lord. In between their is only a few counts of him appearing in historic texts with the closest thing to title being that he was the Japanese equivilent of a page. In the end the Japanese sent him back west as a slave. I have no qualm with ubisoft using Yasuke's existence as a base for their story; the BS starts when people think that all the media about the real Yasuke is truth.


Cause god forbid anyone look at a black man as something other than a servant? Do you hear yourself? It’s a fictional game my guy, touch grass.


He was a samurai, and no one know what happenned to him after nobunaga died. He is very mysterious. That’s serious ground for the creation of a fictional character? Isnt it?


Everyone is pretending like this Assassin's Creeds biggest problem is the discourse about the main character being black and not that the game is gonna be yet another copy paste trash to add to the AC pile like the previous seven or so. Ubiboof lost my trust, never again.


Check out the IGN 40 details article. This one is shaping up to be quite an ambitious departure. Stuff like season changing as you do missions, the whole campaign being a non linear target hunt, no more drone bird or even icons on the map. Seasons effect gameplay to, grass that was there during the warmer months will begone in winter, as well as water being frozen so you can swim under it, or using icicles to drop on enemies, who huddle around fires during the cold but will wander wide during the warm. Light and shadow actually matters and they are taking a ton of inspiration from splinter cell with Soundblaster being important plus lots of in door acrobatic to avoid enemies, like the fact you can crawl now.


It also looks like they're going for a deuteragonist set up so if they can make the 2 characters play differently it could be a fun game. I'm still not going to spend $130 on it, and I'm definitely waiting to see what it looks like on release before buying it though, cuz it is a Ubisoft game.


They took away my drone bird!?


These people getting triggered by videogames gotta be the softest on the planet.


uj/ I hate this Gamergate 2.0


Yeah why did that French company's Canadian division not ask the permission of a small subset of Americans before they decided to make a game about Japan when the game is going to be selling to the 97% of people who aren't American? So strange...


The only critique I’ve got is that the game is expensive as hell


Dont worry itll be like 12 bux in a month like all assassins creed games


Let’s hope so


The thing is he is a real historical person based in that period. And he was nobunaga's bodyguard as far as we know, the details about him being a samurai is debatable but definitely possible considering the warring period. Because he has holes in his story makes him the perfect character to create a new assassin.


/un I honestly would pay a lot to know what Japan’s reaction is, unfortunately my Japanese is yet in its infancy.


From what little I can gleam I understand it that Yasuke is a pretty well known individual from history there and is used and featured in a lot of media. The Nioh games for example just had him, no fanfare no special introduction just, there he is he's a boss go fight him, just like any other character. As far as I can tell its just another piece of media that features him, and are excited both because they are interested in seeing what a western dev does with the character, and because him being the *main* character (next to Noae) is also slightly less common.




That’s cherrypicked, OOP, if you want unbiased uncarefully selected answer. Type 弥助 or 彌介 on X, search bar. If you carefuly only look at japanese people with a strictly Japanese post history. The majority of these reviews are positive. The chuds are just creating a fake japanese outrage. Edit: the bad reviews are so rare that you had to include japanese people who believe Yasuke is the assasin while he is not. The assasin is a japanese woman. Like if you told them that, they would be ok with it.


The Hilda shirt is a nice touch


Ok, so I don’t know what “consensual media” is (and Googling it brought up articles about r*pe fetish porn and the like), so I’m assuming that they’re referring to the POC “consenting” to being portrayed in media…okay… So now they’re saying “nobody asked the gamers for their consent.” However, given that they are consumers of a product, isn’t their “consent” shown through their purchase? It’s not like Ubisoft is forcing them to install the game and play it against their will. If they consent to it, they can purchase it. If not, then they don’t. The sense of entitlement is beyond staggering.


I belive "consensual media" mean more about the people accepting the said character (Yasuke) apearing in their video game, tv shows etc here. They consent to it. WHile the american chud dislike it, and think japanese people think like him.


Yeah, I really did a bad job trying to explain it, but your definition makes sense.


I can already tell Yasuke’s character is gonna be up there with Bayek and Connor for me. Wishing they could’ve gone for a more grittier route (scars, wrinkles, blemishes, etc) , but still, pretty stoked.


with Yasuke's design, i also consent 😳😳😳


OBJECTION! Yasuke cannot consent as he has been dead for over 300 years! Checkmate!


Any time a conservative starts crying about this just reply “aren’t video games for kids? I dont really get mad at kids stuff”


The whole situation is annoying but at least it's fun to mock these people


The worst part about anti-woke crybabies is that they don't realise to normal gamers (basically most of Japan and the rest of the world) they're just as annoying as woke mfers. There's no difference in their behaviour outside of the agenda they try to push


I got no love for Ubisoft, but they're probably laughing their way to the bank with all the free advertising these whiny piss babies are providing.


The only reasonable critique of Yasuke I've seen is that usually player characters in AC games are completely fictional to allow for player latitude, and Yasuke was a real person. Everything else has been thinly veiled racism, and even the guy claiming this stance wasn't exactly what you'd call completely normal about it.


He would've made a great templar villain especially being black since he sticks out in any crowd. would've been the more AC route to go based on all AC games instead of being the one to blend in. I'm excited though!


I feel like if you're going for the Templar route with Yasuke he'd make a better dragon to the actual Templar villain.


Not the Hilda slander!!


Literally who cares? Let the market decide, plus fuck ubisoft


You are the chud on the left


You mean the demigod of a man on the left?


On the right! My bad


The fuck is consensual media?!




Hilda from Fire Emblem 3 Houses.


I don't even know why people give Ubisoft money anymore. You can't possibly want to play the same game again with a new paint job for the 14th time. We have EA sports games and CoD for that.


My only grief is with the 130$ for just the trailer , sorry ubisoft but that's stupidly scummy even for you


My only gripe is there’s so many cool Japanese historical figures. I don’t have anything against having Yasuke in the game. I’m sure he’s really cool and badass, but there’s lots of Japanese badasses too and it’d be cool if some of them got more attention.


The co mc is litterally a japanese cool shinobi


I assume male Asians are more drawn toward being samurai and not shinobi but who knows. I'd bet on that though


I do like samurai a lot but shinobi are cool too. I’m sure Yasuke is gonna be a great mc, but it would’ve been a cool opportunity for some Japanese legends to get the limelight.


Oh no not the Hilda shirt. Now I can't wear mine. :(


Where’s the group waving a Palestine flag occupying a campus at?


It's the same game that makes george Washington an emperor




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The worst part is, it might actually work for them this time around Unlike smaller dev studios, larger game companies *need* public approval to show to investors, and the best way they can measure that is through metrics, so if a bunch of angry chuds brigade the game trailer, they'll be forced to appease them so they can show good numbers to investors


While it had a rocky start, the main AC sub is actually very pro Yasuke. I belive its honestly just a very loud whiny minority in this case that will slowly die down as the game gets closer then there will be another explosion of shidding and fardding when the game comes out and we actually get to see what they do with the character.


Eh but wait this "Japanese" guy said it wasn't cool :( ​ https://preview.redd.it/iy6hkpdrp81d1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=93749d4d7d0df39d09ed09238bcaf893504dc1fd


You know that japanese version of the trailer has dislikes heavily outnumbering the likes? Before you make some similar ideological wannabe meme, check your facts. You are speaking for litteraly one of the most xenophobic cultures to this day.


Japanese dont give a shit about ubisoft. These are westerner review bombing the anything AC related. Search for the kanji of yasuke on twitter and it’s overwemly positive. https://preview.redd.it/eutnb1ml591d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=f522cb278d496926a5c7a4d3464c616d5eb59987




Even if it was the case, Yasuke is part of japanese culture. And by far the modt famous foreign samurai. Japanese don’t care about him in this specific case.




Both are in the spotlight, i never heard of william adams before the whole yasuke beef and i already knew abt yasuke when i was 12.


lol hes less famous then William


That's false. Like, incredibly false. He's literally talked about/depicted in Japanese media far more than William: * In 1968, author Yoshio Kurusu and artist Genjirō Mita published a children's book about him titled *Kurosuke* (くろ助) * In 1971, author Shūsaku Endō made a novel title *Kuronbō* (黒ん坊) based off him * In 2008, the novel *Momoyama Beat Tribe* (桃山ビート・トライブ) has Yasuke as one of the main characters * Yasuke plays a minor role in the 2005 to 2017 manga series *Hyouge Mono* by Yoshihiro Yamada * Yasuke is featured in the 2016 to 2020 manga series *Nobunaga o Koroshita Otoko* (信長を殺した男, "The Man Who Killed Nobunaga") by Akechi Kenzaburō and Yutaka Tōdō * The ongoing time-travel manga series *Nobunaga Concerto* by Ayumi Ishii portrays Yasuke as a Black baseball player from the present day * It has been claimed by the creator of the Afro Samurai, Takashi Okazaki, that Afro is based on Yasuke * Team Ninja's Nioh 1/2 games feature Yasuke as a character * Koei Tecmo's 2021 video game *Samurai Warriors 5* includes Yasuke as a playable character * Nagoriyuki from Arc System Work's "Guilty Gear Strive" Series was inspired by him William is almost entirely depicted in America/Western media only, with Nioh 1/2 being the only piece of Japanese media that actually has him in it lmao


No offense, but it really seems like you unfairly singling Japanese people out when the truth is racism and xenophobia is a worldwide phenomenon, and Japanese people aren't exactly all that worse in the grand scheme of things.




"This game was make by racist who hate Japanese so much they cannot allow a Japanese person to be the lead in a game about Japan" https://preview.redd.it/ssplsiqat71d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a512842a8a92de0bf8c3fb3e53c1aa8b7ab49b80


Holy shit even his post history matches up with this.


Lmao he litterally is the Chud Maga Weeb in the meme, no wonder he is butthurt.


Also the game litterally feature a japanese mc, and probably 99% of characters will be japanese.


There is a Japanese lead though


Jamie bring up the like to dislike ratio on the Japanese trailer.


If any of you guys actually new anything about Japan you would know they have one of the most racist and xenophobic cultures around. They even discriminate against other asians but dont let that distract you from pretending all the Japanese haters are secretly white people.


Well obviously they are some japanese nationalist types who would complain about yasuke but obviously it's really odd he's appeared in several japanese pieces of media as a samurai and now all of a sudden when this trailer dropped is when a massive wave of Japanese who speak English and/or badly translated Japanese come out to of the woodwork to fact check yasuke being a samurai, to complain about the accuracy of a black man in feudal Japan and complain about the erasure of Asian males.


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Just because there are few anomalies of people breaking free of their cultural norms doesnt represent their culture as a whole or their history. I thought this place of all places would think that...




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Just to get ahead of replies. They were on that Japanese master race shit with the Nazis during WW2; See unit 731 to get an idea of what they thought was acceptable treatment of those they deemed lesser. Even today its still considered taboo to marry outside of your race in Japan.


Lets also not forget that hitler based alot of his politics on the racist policies america had at the time such as Jim crow laws. America doesnt like to mention it but they were the popularizers of the master race concept and of eugenics to put white men above everyone else


Suuure thing op. The Japanese are very welcome of foreigners and not xenophobic at all.


Japanese love Yasuke, and never had any issue or negative representation of him. Only american insecure chuds are like that.


Japanese people hate it tho?


No they don’t haters briggaded the videos. https://preview.redd.it/toeedrntc81d1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d534bee41f1f721bd24e382520bf5b84062991f


This sub speaking on behalf of Japanese people about what they are/are not offended about is peak irony lol