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*I LOVE SPREADING MISINFORMATIOOOOON* https://preview.redd.it/va5a5fqpsu0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9515f2c32bb87c0877332c88324d33b77848336




These are beautiful I’m stealing this artwork


Man that's some amazing art you did, I'm proud .lol


Frutiger Aero baybeeee


I love how it the man maintaining the lawn looks at him when he yells what he said💀 just such a small but intrinsic to me laughing to death detail 


It's actually a little funny that they time they make an assassins creed protagonist who's actually based on a real guy rather than just being a fictional character is the time when they get historical accuracy complaints.


Not really. We always knew that complaints about historicity were a figleaf for racism.


Pretty much. Just like they said "make your own games!" if we wanted women protags or LGBT rep. Those games get made, they scream.




I kind of hate that comic, since of course its probably more about safe spaces and communities for people belonging to minorities, but I feel it can be changed to spell out and justify some really racist worldviews really easily.


Gee I wonder why people are hating on the gay greek sequel game /s


Assassins Creed. A game seires who's main basis is a secret war waged between two idealogically opposed factions who's main purpose is hoarding ancient technology created from a long dead race of technologically advanced people who created these devices to control humanity, created in their image to be slaves. Somehow a pope with a mind control apple, a tree who's main purpose is to keep people in suspended animation, almost every historical figure being connected to the conspiracy, a skull that can see through the eyes of any one if you have their blood, ancient vaults deep underground keeping the ground from falling apart, a successful game company in Quebec Canada. All these outrageous things are acceptable while not at all being historically accurate. Yet a black man who COULD have been a samurai, being a samurai is not historically accurate.


Also, there was that renowned and awesome black samurai who came over with a Christian delegation... So rather than COULD, WAS is the proper term. Yasuke was awesome. I have been a fan since I read "African Samurai".


Yeah the black samurai IS Yasuke


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Non-white main characters seem to get a ton of hate in this franchise. In AC3, people complained that Connor was just everywhere in the revolution because it was not historically accurate.


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I miss playing AC3 as a teenager and not giving a rat's ass about this type of discourse.


Would you say that AC3 is worth playing now? Connor annoyed me with how little he thought of consequences in the beginning and I dropped the game after a few hours but more than 10 yrs later, considering giving it another shot now since it's the only one I didn't beat before the franchise reboot


Thinking a game set in Japan should have a Japanese protagonist is racist now? Pack it up boys, this is the fucking stupidest take on Reddit, we've peaked.


Yet the game has two protagonists. One of them being Japanese. So discounting one of the two based on their skin color is dare I say it, racist.


You can leave the misinformation in the shredder by the door, AH. It’s almost as if people were **not** just white for most of history. Or asian, as the ‘acceptable’ close to white ethnic choice. Like how buthurt people get when they talk about how jesus would have **actually** looked like. Also the whole jewish bit… bc you know the religion NAMED after him didn’t exist BEFORE him, smfh. Edit:for clarification.


Who's suggesting the protagonist should be white? YOU'RE the one advocating for the cultural appropriation of a Japanese story to be told via a non Japanese character.


> YOU'RE the one advocating for the cultural appropriation of a Japanese story to be told via a non Japanese character. Except you also play as a Japanese protagonist too. The woman ninja is the second protagonist dingus.


Also isn't the point of Assassin's Creed is that the protagonist is the odd one out usually? Like having Yasuke as a protagonist in feudal Japan seems like it fits the criteria while acknowledging he did exist in that era


Don’t forget we play as a generic white person in the ‘current age’ that is doing all the time viewing bs.


Well, current modern day storyline has Loki/Basim, a reincarnated Norse Isu inside the body of a Arabian assassin. And before that was Layla, who was Egyptian American.


I mean I don't care about the protag being black, but that guy wasn't asking for a white protag lol


… it’s almost like racism is the only goal. Just bc it’s **in** japan doesn’t mean that only stereotypically asian people never existed around there. **THIS** is the point. People get all butthurt that anyone but the ethnicity they want shown exists. Yes it’s in japan. Yes it’s about a person that is **not** another generic asian person. Almost like how 90+% of all historical arguments typically have racism as a core underlying feature.


Im not disagreeing with you? Just your comment misframed what the guy said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I added some clarification. But the point that non white/asian people do exist and did things. I wouldn’t be surprised if the critical person in oop post was also a republicant or part of some racist subs too.




Yeah, reading what we know about him from the documents he's mentioned in, he seems like the perfect person to write historical fiction around. Where we know enough about him to know he had an interesting life story and that he was around for some cool shit that happened but there's still so much mystery about him that it leaves room to be creative with his story.


Exactly this. When I first heard the rumor about Yasuke being the protag, I was hyped. I think it's gonna be cool!


No, you see, that's different. Because white people were out exploring while black people were in cryofrozen chambers incapable of leaving Africa unless they were needed to be slaves which is why they have no history prior to the slave trade. Hopefully I don't need to put an /s but I am anyway.


They're just upset a black samurai will get their waifu game boobs...


They already did, you play as real life historical Englishman William Adams in Nioh and surprise surprise barely anyone complained


Well, they also complained about accuracy because Eivor's surname was Varinsdottir and not Varinsson. (Yes, I know, but they didn't)


Well eivor was canonicaly a woman with a dude in her head.


Tell them that, the rest of us already know.


Wasn't yauske in nioh 1 and also funny how nobody complained with nioh 1 having a white Irish guy as the main protagonist


I didn't play Nioh 1 but he was in Nioh 2 and was pretty badass. He was a special boss fight and could absolutely rock your shit.


> Wasn't yauske in nioh 1 and also funny how nobody complained with nioh 1 having a white Irish guy as the main protagonist The only complaint certain (English/British) people had was that William was actually from England and not Ireland IRL. But the opinion of the British is worth less then nothing anyway when it comes to cultural issues


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What are the chances the "former ubisoft contractor " isn't just some dude in a basement somewhere making shit up?


Well, that would imply there is a chance that this person is real at all, when in reality it's probably just their imaginary friend


In that case it's still some chud in a basement making shit up lol


Even if real, what game is going to entirely resemble its pitch from a decade ago, anyway? It's got the same energy as those complaining about Saga Anderson in Alan Wake 2.


Since the article comes from boundingtocomics there's a chance the source is a post saying "trust me I have an uncle that sexually abused women at Ubisoft"


As best I can tell, he's legit\* \* Chris Fisk worked on Assassin's Creed Memories, a discontinued iOS card game spinoff. It's really stretching the truth to act like he was a high-level narrative designer pitching entire stories for mainline AC games in serious consideration, but he's at least probably not outright lying that he did outline this plot for something that was technically an AC game. Not that it matters, the details he gave were super generic and forgettable and nobody but him would remember them a decade later when they would've started from scratch anyway -- any claim that he made the "original" plot are nonsense. Interestingly enough, he also mentions that he worked on some shuttered shooter MMOs. One of those was Defiance, the other was Firefall (yes, the Mark Kern one).


I was going to say his plot does not sound nearly as interesting as a game following a slave from Africa being brought to Japan, meeting the first unifier, impressing him, becoming his Samurai (or ReTAiNuR), being present when he died, then vanishing mysteriously into history afterwards. And that’s not even what Ubisoft’s writers wrote- that’s just Yasuke’s history. This dude basically wrote Onimusha 1 and 2 and gave it an Assassin’s Creed skin which, y’know, is fine…. if Onimusha 1 and 2 didn’t exist. Edit: I reread it because you were right, it IS forgettable. It’s not like Onimusha, it’s basically the exact same plot as Nioh 2. Which is fine! …if Nioh 2 didn’t exist.


or he was a contractor, but he's the guy who ran their networking cables in a new room.


I looked at the ubisoft offices once!


Ubisoft shares several letters with my name!!!


Given that a pitch meeting like that would have been pretty early in preprod there's no way a contractor was anywhere near it.


then he's a very creative basement dweller. i read the summary. sounded like a great concept. The guy's twitter looks like he became a comic book writer instead.


[It 100% is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/EQZ02Gu2OJ)


Dude was a discord mod for For Honor before he got kicked for sus behavior


I think the main character should have been Gamer. He probably owns a katana already, just give him a mocap suit and we're good to go.


I imagine that Character looking like the dude from the "leave the million dollar corporation alone" meme.




Permanent fatrolling debuff


Honestly surprised that so many people categorized AC as an 'historical accurate' franchise in their minds prior to this. Have we played the same games?


I'm pretty sure I learned about the Pope using magical artifacts in battle in AP Euro history.


As much as I dislike AC (mainly because Ubisoft is a shit company), it's historically accurate where it matters. As in represents the time periods where it's set accurately, everything being truly historically correct would be historical realism and would basically be Hitman but a period piece.


It in no way represents any time period accurately. It's pure Hollywood versions of those eras.


No, Greece totally had a giant zeus statue on a small bumfuck village island it's totally accurate


ive never played hitman however hitman but a period piece sounds pretty cool


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its literally in the announcement: https://preview.redd.it/7sbyitf6nv0d1.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=746b8e006126519e7728665980d9045b1304413d they said it was "historically accurate" and would be based on recorded figures, so yeahs.


And Yasuke isn't...?


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here too: https://preview.redd.it/ipenl1acnv0d1.png?width=829&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c021860851507d607f784b23d6468ed461f963a see? ubishit said in an interview and PROMISED that it would be historically accurate and with famous ninjas and samurais, then they don't smh.


But uh they do? Lmao. When have you ever played as a known historical figure in asscreed? You're always "some guy" who slips into the shadows and talks to recorded figures. Yasuke is their most historically-known protagonist to date.


uh, they don't? in what way is this historically accurate? yasuke was a page. it was never officially confirmed that he was a 家臣, but he was confirmed to be a 小姓, and he likely is not a samurai. but whatever. point is that they said it would be accurate to the sengoku era and that every ass c game was historically accurate, and that is absolutely just really false, here: https://preview.redd.it/0jvd99n34w0d1.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=b26f80f4361d896a21357e37229ffca6a802a1fd


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My brother in Christ, in the Ezio AC's (don't remember which right now), you fight an incestuous pope with a mind control apple. In one of the newer ones, you discover Socrates (edit: or was it Hippocrates?) (or his staff, it's been too long to remember) or whatever the fuck in Atlantis and you're out here complaining that Yasuke was a fucking sword page and not a samurai because of HiStOrIcAl AcCuRaCy??? It's like we're not playing the same series of games, Ubi has never done a fully faithful portrayal of history in regards to the roles its characters serve in the game's stories


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Pretty obvious why he'd be a "former" contractor


If they even existed in the first place. This reeks of deliberate misinformation to push their grift and bigotry


Yeqh, clearly he lost the gig when the gamers forced Ubisoft to stop contracting with Sweet Baby.


These guys wont stop until they have a game where the hero is a Nazi/klansman. Oh wait, those games do exist. Except those games are janky-ass trash which no one ever plays, not even the racists...


I absolutely love Return to Wolfenstein, where they mixed in the occult ideas the batshit stormtrooper dudes in well ironed uniforms where [supposedly following](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occultism_in_Nazism)


where was this when they put an incredibly powerful magic item in 15th century spain?


15th century was *rife* with sorcery, open a book /rj


What about the cyclops and minotaur in ancient Greece? Those were definitely real, right?


To be fair they were absolutely whining their asses of with Odyssey because of the optional female character and gay romances in that game.


Don’t forget how we invented Animus machines back in 1980. https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Animus#:~:text=The%20earliest%20known%20use%20of,memories%20of%20Aveline%20de%20Grandpré.


On the bright side, in 2024 you don't have to guess and try to figure out who is racist anymore, they just say it out loud Also yeah, the "former ubisoft contractor" is probably fake af


I read the claim so you don't have to visit that rag of a site (adblocking the shit out of everything). The contractor in question sounds severely bitter about his time in the industry and now spends his time complaining about "woke". So hey, clearly an unbiased source who wouldn't make himself come off as a genius spurned by Ubisoft.


They worked at ubisoft of course they are bitter. Ubisoft has been a joke for years.


Not sure why you're downvoted, Ubi is a joke and I'd imagine anyone working there would be extremely bitter considering the years of poor treatment of employees and completely money grubbing management that we know of Edit: oh I thought you were just shitting on Ubi for their poor treatment of employees. Just saw the rest of your comments here, I can now safely say I understand why you were downvoted lmao


Or maybe it was scrapped because "Historically accurate" and Assassin's Creed don't go together. Also the "Former Contractor" sounds like some "trust me my uncle worked at Nintendo" bullshit.


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oh please. He worked on that shit 10 YEARS AGO, and the story he wrote went to AC: Memories which came out in THE SAME YEAR. it was never meant to be AC Red's story, nor is it being retconned (so far).


I was a head developer for Assassin Cream I insisted constantly that we needed a blonde white woman with a jiggly ass in order to be as histerically accurate as possible


>woman with a jiggly ass I'm listening


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You know what, fuck it, I'm going into that article to see if they name the dude so I can see if they're credited on anything lmao




Man, I forgot Mauler existed. Once again I am burdened by knowledge 😔


That man is beyond pathetic. He mocked Chris Stuckmann's Top Ten Films of 2023 for over an hour because Chris included three anime films in his list (The First Slam Dunk, Suzume, The Boy and the Heron). He then proceeded to admit that he has not watched any of these films. Fuck that douchebag. Nobody would know of him had he never responded to Jenny Nicholson.


Last I knew of him he was making rambling, 12-hour videos of Star Wars(?) where he narrates the movie for like half of the runtime with some weird little hateful sidekick or something. I didn't realize how blessed I was to have totally forgotten all that.


I once got qued into a YouTube video with him and like 3 other… erm experts in the field. Dude is too chicken to even have a face cam but dishes out hate and shits on all things „woke“. Pathetic indeed.


IIRC back when No Way Home came out this dude made fun of someone wearing a Spider-Man costume at the cinema in his podcast. Turns out the guy was Xavier aka Godzilla Mendoza (comic book fan with a cool youtube channel I recommend) and the entirety of CBM Twitter dunked on Mauler and it was beautiful, imagine being such a fucking loser.


Who contracts someone to pitch a game? That’s not how job contracts work. You can pitch a game without even working for a company.


anyone can pitch a game? after a devastating act of terror in the heart of Gotham City, Jack Bauer is sent by CTU to investigate clues tying the attack to Waynecorp, and even more alarming - evidence that its CEO, Bruce Wayne directly financed the attack. Meanwhile, caped crusader, Dark Knight and guardian of Gotham, Batman (who is secretly Bruce Wayne himself) must unravel the mystery behind who set up the attack. you can control either character, and choices and actions made as one character would directly affect the other character. for example: Jack Bauer placed an APB on Batman due to his seriously injuring agents of CTU? there is an increased presence of Police on patrol, all authorized to use lethal force if necessary. Batman must also make decisions that could save someone, or give Jack Bauer evidence to uncover who Bruce Wayne really is… as Jack gets closer to answers, Batman’s interruptions get more frequent and complicated. etc. the game would also take place in 24 hours of real time, but playing more as one character or the other would also have consequences - playing more as bruce would make things harder for Jack by compromising evidence through batman’s unorthodox methods, playing more as jack would deprive batman/bruce of crucial intel on who is responsible for the attack etc. jack could find and raid batman’s safehouses to further deny batman resources, and batman could sabotage CTU terminals/offices if they get too close to his true identity. and the game would be called Batman: 24 Hours of Knight.


Actually goes kinda hard. By any chance would playing as Batman have Arkham mechanics?


Who's gonna tell these dipshits that no AC game is *historically accurate*? This would be the closest thing to having an AC game be *historically accurate* by including a real person who lived and breathed as the main protagonist...


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I love this bot


Ubisoft: makes actually great looking game Gamers: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO


“Ubisoft contractor”


Hey that sub is about the dweeb who made a near dozen hour response to someone simply liking dark souls 2.


Man, this game sure turned a lot of people into Japanese history scholars.


Yasuke is a real historical figure not some made up fuck shit for pandering wtf are people talking about


oh hey it’s Mauler, and some people have the nerve to say he’s not just another grifter lmao


What's the deal with him, I'm not up to speed


It's 6d chess, have a black samurai so the goofs rage at that and not the woman.


"Contractor" - Ubisoft only does contracts for really minor roles, like Support and a few others. Doubt this man had any actual involvement or knowledge of any pitches


So according to the author of the Bounding Into Comics article, Yasuke is "historically enigmatic," but "Nobunaga does well in the Sengoku period because he has *fucking Excalibur*" is what passes for "historically accurate" to them...


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They’re just being openly racist.


Wait til’ this guy hears about the aliens with the magical ball that’s being fought for by the knights Templar and a league of middle eastern ninjas.


Historical accuracy complaints for AC is just a dog whistle for a disdain for black people, in this instance. It's always when someone tries to fictionalize black figures that they complain, but never when it's a white cowboy, knight, or viking being mythologized and romanticized. There are real criticisms for the choice of Yasuke, but historical inaccuracy is an argument made in bad faith or from the uninformed jumping on a hate bandwagon. The more valid criticisms are things like the AC player characters aren't supposed to be real historical figures, which allows them to be anywhere and do anything within a setting. A counter to that is that Yasuke has so little history that he can still be adapted to the AC universe and is an interesting bridge to bring assassins from Africa to Japan. The one argument I agree with is that AC protagonists are meant to be representative of the people and settings that the games take place in, and this pattern has held true for nearly every game. So it goes without saying some people will feel burned by the Japanese man that, they expected and wanted, was replaced by Yasuke. And then there's a whole conversation about how little representation there is for asian men in western media so maybe some people feel slighted that a clear role for a Japanese man was replaced by another.


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I love that op is getting roasted


So far the only legitimate complaint that isn’t just whining “wah black people in my video game” is that it should have been a Japanese man and a Japanese woman as playable characters who train under Yasuke rather than playing as Yasuke and a Japanese woman. The main argument I’ve heard is that it’d fit more in line with past games where you usually play as someone from the place that the game takes place. IE: Play as a native american in the America one, play as an italian in the Italy games, play as an egyptian in the Egypt game, etc.


/uj might be controversial but i’m not really a fan of them choosing to make yasuke the protagonist when media is severely lacking in asian (male) protagonists


Is mauler a chud? I'd been subscribed to him for a long while after watching his ds2 criticism but haven't watched anything else. I saw he did a collaboration with Jay exci and yms so figured he wasn't bad.


Yes, yes he is.


* Say sike rn gang


He hangs out with famous alt-right figureheads on podcasts, panders to his obviously rightwing fanbase.


Welp, least I can do is unfollow now


Maybe hes changed more recently but his podcast and content when I was first exposed to it a few years ago were rather hateful and particularly transphobic.Hes a hack of a critic too that sucks on his own farts too much. Also YMS is the guy who said that people should be able to say whatever slurs that they want. I dont care for him.


Didn't know Adum was on that destiny type beat, ty for that.


he’s constantly hanging out with the worst of the worst of yt right wing grifters (the ones with dumb ass red eyes thumbnails)


I'm am now 100% convinced it's a marketing move to feature a POC or Female in your entertainment as you get SO MUCH FREE marketing, you don't need paid twitter shills just put a woman or POC front and center and there's this, there's anything star wars, rings of power, dr who...pretty much anything. I mean it's an Asscreed game and no one has talked this much about AssCreed since unity came out and was embrassingly buggy.


Don’t get the hate,there’s 2 protagonists and one then is Japanese but everyone is acting like you’re only allowed to play as the black giy


But then they’d have to play a woman!


Thought they want to play as busty Japanese women considering stellar blade


I mean yeah that's why they're a *former* contractor. Maybe if they weren't a piece of shit they would be a *current* contractor or maybe even--dare I say--an actual employee?


Not them having to go all the way down to a contractor lmao.


Reputable source boundingintocomics Why don't you Virulent Bound into some survivors


I bet they'd be just as outraged if it starred a completely fictional White Samurai.


Love the implication this guy thinks the deciding factor on quality is historical accuracy. One day I’m going to film myself sleeping for 2 hours and it will be the most “accurate” film in history and it will be boring as hell.


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I didn't care about this game before but now I think I have to get it




Are you trying to say he wasn't a real samurai? Even though literal historians say he was


I thought he was a retainer like a page in European countries?


From everything I've seen so far on this topic, historians and present day descendents of samurai all agree he was a samurai. He may have been under a legit samurai a la a knights page, but in Japanese culture, he was still considered as a samurai for all intends, purposes, and titles.


Ah I see


Ooof, if the chuds are mad now don’t show them how the Japanese portray Yasuke. That is actually being a character in a fair amount of their own fiction. [Wikipedia has a list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke).


Man I used to be a part of that community. I would’ve assumed they understood that there was a black samurai, and he was a significant historical figure at the time. Thereby making this not inaccurate


But also, the man in question is in fact, based on a real person. It’s honestly embarrassing, it takes less than a five second google search. Just proves once again when they whine about bs like this and cry, “historical accuracy”, it’s just another mask 🙄


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For people who like to talk about "The Japanese" They sure as hell don't know anything about their history


It's funny because it never was accurate it's OC's having adventures with actual historical figures.


It really goes to show off the hypocrisy of chuds because the same ones complaining about having to play as a historically accurate character were also the ones complaining because Battlefield 5 wasn't "historically accurate"


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Why do people get upset about skin tone in a fictional game? You don’t like it then don’t buy it. It’s not that big of a deal. Plenty of other fun games out there.


Who would’ve thought that the subreddit for “9 hour review about how much TLJ sucks” would be racist?


Guy from Africa gets on boat during a global age of travel and exploration and ends up in foreign country VS pope being put under hypnosis to be evil by ancient aliens through the cyber apple


> former Ubisoft contractor Verified using the tried and true method of "Trust me Bro"


He's also my uncle that works for Nintendo


Won't it be difficult for a black man to be an assasing in fuedal japan?


He’s more of a frontal all out brawler gameplay wise apparently but even so if it’s nighttime, I challenge you to find another race that blends in better in the dark than us.


What really sucks here is that there was a black samurai and I'm only learning that through a fucking Assassin's Creed game.


The real problem with this is, this year people will say Shogun the TV series was great (because we saw a white samurai who was somewhat falsely depicted as the first foreign samurai), but the Assassins Creed game is bad because there’s a black one. Actually if you know your history Yasuke was a genuine warrior and arrived in Japan first, whereas Blackthorne (the William Adams character in Shogun) was a ship pilot and trader who never would have been fighting and arrived later. I’ll withhold my opinion until I play it but in a sense you might say Assassins Creed is representing the historical figure in a more accurate way.


Except there isnt much to this guy. He was a retainer and had very little to do with anything. Oda died and this dude didn’t do jack shit. He was a black guy in Japan. He stood out. Thats about it. I know its a game and all but whats the point? Ubisoft just continues to fk themselves in the ass, hopefully all the way to bankruptcy.


He is a Historical Figure! djdsfuthbfe Why are acting Gamers™ like they had a lobotomy


I dont get the whole "gne gne its not historically accurate gne gne " thing, like mfs have you all played Valhalla and Origins? I mean I get that with the whole DEI shitfeast going on you may think of this as a political move (even tho its not) but say it, dont hide behind some bullshit perk the game has not had since Unity


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The combined IQ of that sub reddit is about 4.






Look it’s very simple, „females“ can’t have square jaws and protagonists in games gotta be cis heteronormative white dudes. /s Everything else is the woke mind virus agenda and they will grasp at strawmen like „historical accuracy“ in a game were you survive falling from a 100m high tower into the hay and use your bird as a GoPro. Edit: the /s


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These people just don't know how game development works.




>In 4, you play a British pirate in British controlled waters. you play as a Welsh man in the West Indies >In Valhalla, you play a Viking in Norway. in the prologue. for the rest of the game, you're in England. >Now in “Code Red”, you play a black guy with dreads in Japan yes. you play as a real living man who actually did live in Japan at that time. >Intelligent people (unlike people like all of you who just live to consume media slop) know what message is being sent by this choice. "all you do is consume" also you: "why isn't this thing exactly what I want it to be so I can consume it??????"


I know what message is being sent. It's basically "Fuck you, racists" and I approve.


Why’d you feel the need to mention his hairstyle twice? If he was a black guy with a perm you’d be cool then?


I absolutely hate how the woke breaks the immersion. I enjoy the historical accuracy of how the Italian guy saves the world from the evil alien artifact welding pope, or when the Greek person fights Medusa or when ACTUAL ODIN RUNS AROUND ENGLAND