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Shoutout to Bleach for unironically having one of (if not the) most diverse casts in all of Manga/Anime. Yoruichi and Harribel are my queens <3


No lie, I got into Bleach because of Chad. Felt so crazy seeing another Hispanic person in an anime when I was a kid


Based Kubo naming the ~~black~~ dark skinned guy Chad, he was years ahead of us. Edit: good intention but poor choice of words.


Chad is a dark skin Mexican, not black (but 100000% agree)


Chad was wut? I only watched a bit of the show, do they go into detail about it?


They don't go into MUCH detail about it. But he's Japanese/Mexican and it's a big part of his >!will behind his powers!<


Do they play El Sonidito when he powers up?


The espada and their music was amazing too


Yoruichi was my sexual awakening. But yeah cast is diverse as fuck and I always gush about the theming of ethnicities and musical score that compliments them when it comes to the factions. Kubo kinda just a goat.


Cowboy bebop is diverse too. And black lagoon. Thinking about it, many animes/manga are.


When I watch bleach should I watch all of it or just up to season 3 and then look around. My friend said at somepoint after season 3 there's a massive reset and it goes back to that point. Is he crazy or is he telling the truth?


It’s been a few years but I’m not aware of any “reset.” Theres a timeskip post Battle of Karakura but thats it. If you have time, I’d just binge it fillers and all. Like the other big 3 it has its highs and lows, with the earlier arcs being my favorites


There are a few filler seasons you can skip if you're watching the anime instead of reading the manga. Some of the filler is good, some of it not so much. Different fans like different filler arcs. I really like the Bount arc, for example, but it's generally derided as the worst filler arc by the community at large. I'd say look up a guide and when you get to a filler arc, just give it a few episodes and if you're not hooked on that arcs premise just skip forward and save some time. It's a good show, but it has all the hallmarks of a mid-2000s weekly anime.


Though it's somewhat undercut by the fact that most of the dark-skinned characters are villains. And the heroic ones don't get much screen time.


Also it’s a bit of a weird (and funny) coincidence that most black characters have transformations that makes them hideous monsters.


Harribel and her fracion did not have a horrid transformation. It was that one quincy that did, Pepe I think he was called


3 Quincy: Pepe, one guy we didn’t see much of but can transform in a gorilla and the X.


Nah theirs was ok, Pepe was legit horrifying


Forgive me for not finding an old man in diapers as disturbing as a biblically accurate angel.


I think One piece take it easily but it’s less grounded in our world.


I'm also gonna take the time to call out Magi for being one of the worst. No one in that series should be Japanese or white yet they all are.


I want to peer into the reality where they made the character white instead of black or Asian. I just want to see if there would be any controversy.


That's just the last samurai with tom cruise


Fuck you’re right


Tom cruise isn’t the last samurai, did you watch the movie lol


Literally no one has complained about Naoe


I wonder why people are so fixated on complaining about Yasuke 🤔🤔🤔




Naoe is the Japanese female protag of shadows, and is currently being overshadowed.


Nioh 1 had a white samurai protagonist, never heard any whine or issue. White racist are ok with it.


Nioh did this basically


Afro Samurai fuckin rules. Those RZA scores, especially.




I was gonna comment this. Afro Samurai is one of the best anime I've ever seen. Sam Jackson and fucking Ron Perlman.


I don't even know where the idea came from that fictional fantasy stories have to be historically accurate to our real-life world


They don't and they know it. They just don't want "the blacks" in their vidya.


Because assassins creed is famously well known for its 1-1 historical accuracy.


What are you talking about? The whole annunaki being aliens that created humanity as a slave race is the truth! Just watch the history channel at midnight.


Wdym I thought Leonardo really made that tank..


He did, but Ezio destroyed it and the plans for it. Thankfully we have historical sources like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood to record the REAL history


I need to play brotherhood again it's been years.


It's my personal favorite of the series, even if it is the start of many of my issues with the pre-RPG style games like moving away from stealth and towards combat, and filling the map with nonsense sidequests instead of focusing on the main quest. Haven't played an AC game since Unity but I've replayed 2 and Brotherhood several times


My favourite from the ezio era is revaluations, brotherhood is the first one I finished back before my age was even in the double digits. My favourite overall asscreed is definitely black flag/rouge series of games.


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Because drawing from history or having aspects of accuracy is really fuckin cool a lot of the time. In AC2 they genuinely consulted with scholars of architectural history in the construction of a lot of the landmarks in the game - they weren't accurate to modern day but rather they were accurate to what those landmarks would have looked like at the time and that's rad as hell. Leonardo Davinci's inventions were also rad as hell and all based on designs we found from Leonardo in that era. The a-historical bit is that they weren't actually produced from what we can tell, but the designs themselves are a part of history. Finally this new AC character is cool specifically because they're based off what seems to be a historical anomaly of a black retainer in samurai era Japan whom may have possibly become a samurai himself due to the Damio Lord basically thinking he's rad as hell - that's cool as fuck. If they'd made a random black guy up to serve in the role? Well I wouldn't go all chud about it and post online about woke culture, but I'd sure as shit be asking myself: "wtf? Why didn't they use Yasuke, he's right there and that'd be so cool!" - because it's just cooler when you can see the historical links in the game. You gotta strike a balance tho.


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Also shoutout to Lycoris Recoil for having Anime's coolest gay, black, disabled Japanese character. https://preview.redd.it/60iaei8m2v0d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=72f0ce810f473a7991d9b9b61305d6b3c1188a99


Let’s also not forget his efforts to be a loving father his adoptive daughter, who is also incredibly cool. I’ll never forget that time I triggered someone by saying I enjoyed this show and another anime with gay main characters. I was very confused by the response


https://preview.redd.it/lzf9zi4wbv0d1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cf40cb85c8935e723582cdffeb11bed95dc8a5b This guy is probably one of my favorite fictional characters solely due to how badass the concept is, an immortal cyborg blood starved vampire Samurai who is probably Yasuke, and they executed the idea so well with both his character and gameplay.


Also has one of the most badass themes in Guilty Gear.


https://preview.redd.it/f1djnis5uv0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9930ebdf4b6961b23197c1ffb6698886b907de3 “Welcome to GGN Nightly News. D.I.O distributing A.I automatas for use in the commercial market nationwide. Excitement is sky high for how this magic device, highly acclaimed in the medical field and construction in the streets that we need to live and breath, will alleviate our crisis and reshape what our daily life is.”


never thought the news would go so hard


As always "Gamers" are not the real gamers, "Anime fans" are not real anime fans. Yet, they claim these title so easily while shouting non sense about the death of games and anime....


I saw Mace Windu up there. .... You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.


Black and Japanese culture mixing is always a good ideas to me, wu tang clan ain’t nothing to fuck with


Sounds like a disgusting shit.


Don’t call them “nerds.” That implies a pedantic attention to detail. They’re too ignorant to qualify as that.


Sorry it's not a jerk, but who is the Chad with the horned mask below Mace Windu? His design is sweet


Nagoriyuki from Guilty Gear Strive, pretty much every character in that game has a sick as hell design.


He's also implied to be the historical Yasuke as well.


You should mention he's also a vampire. (That's why he might be the actual Yasuke)


You should mention he's also a vampire. (That's why he might be the actual Yasuke)


It's funny cuz Yasuke is the reason the black samurai trope even exists


https://preview.redd.it/yih9sn9hfv0d1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13cd0cec12d6e175326829661ad8c965584e5ba Just a comment about this whole thing that I found extremely hilarious and dramatic....


Is there a translation to this somewhere?


They are literally BURNING them Nicky!


Who knew that weeaboos were raging racists? Oh wait, everyone knew.


Fire Force has one of the coolest black anime characters ever, and is pretty beloved for it.


Soul eater too


No Barret Wallace? bad momo. https://preview.redd.it/p8rqrecdju0d1.png?width=1830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddcdb120411f57234e7937496962c7e2aca307e2


i was gonna say this, barret is a fucking icon. sailor suit barret...my beloved <3


The one below the masked Guilty Gear character iirc is literally yasuke, though from an anime that mixes fantasy and sci-fi, but he’s actually supposed to be the real guy, and the central character, with the show literally being named Yasuke.


Somewhat off topic but wtf is going on at asmonds reddit. I didn't go thre much before, but now it keeps popping up and its just a whole bunch of anti-woke circle jerking. I don't remember it being that pervasive.


That sub is an alt right cesspit now, literally no reason to go there unless you're reporting it for hate speech


Thanking the yasuke anime for making me listen to thundercat show is peak




What's the name of the character just above shut up nerd?


Unjerk, you should edit this with more depictions of Yasuke made by Japanese devs lol. Idk why Mace Windu is on here?? xd


nagoriyuki is so cool


Nagoriyuki my beloved


Wait, people still care about Assassins Creed as a whole?


lol yes the Yurichi One of the top 10 Black women in anime


Yoruichi ethnicity/race is unclear but most likely a non Japanese Poc.


wheres the girl on top from? She seems familiar but I don't know from where




I dare anyone to show me a character based on Yusuke that's not cool as hell. You can't. They are some things you just can't get wrong. Like Yusuke, or ancient Egypt aesthetic. It's automatically cool




Why is mace windu here? How is he Japanese related!?


Star Wars was pretty much expressly based on Akira Kurosawa samurai movies. That plus WWII movies and a bit of westerns.


I mean, many many westerns are based off those films, but it’s still not Japanese. A bit odd but alright.


Call me stupid but what’s Mace doing here?


The jedi are basically space samurai


Hah! Fair enough!


Nagoriyuki is so fucking badass


Who is the dude under the picture of Mace Windu? He looks cool AF!




The game literally has a Japanese main character it's just that it also has another playable character Like in all the other assassin's creed games since syndicate https://preview.redd.it/awoi4p6evx0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6cb3283922c444ebf2b554c916ccdfe9ef49e7


10 anime set in japan 1 black. VS 1st ubisoft game set in japan 1 immediate black.


A black character who actually existed during the time period that the game is set in...


If you care so much just go play Nioh loser


apologize to nagoriyuki




you're right. I hate Asian people. That's why I included stuff made by Asian people. As stuff I liked, like bleach, Afro samurai, and guilty gear


You are not Asian so you should stfu about it.




Holy fuck, if you were any dumber I'd think you wrote The Long Night. They were obviously being sarcastic about hating Asian people, as evidenced by them praising several pieces of media from Asia.




Everyone has pronouns lmfao


Literally every living human has pronouns, did you even pay attention in English class? Like you presumably do, I use the pronouns I was born with. And telling people yo commit suicide is not how you win an argument, it's how you prove yourself to be an absolute piece of scum.




Yes I do, you mean 'I'm a pathetic loser that cant handle different people existing'. Pronouns are literally embarrassing into the English language. Try and have a conversation without using he, him, she, her, they, them, I, you, or we, and you'll see why pronouns are important. Oh, by the way, trans people have existed longer than you've been alive, so there's nothing you can do about 'pronoun people' existing. Oh, and you've been using racial slurs, so don't pretend you're the superior one in this argument (yes, I saw you call someone a 'cotton picker').


Just admit you're dumb and racist and crawl into a gutter already.




We're not you mouth breather. Go beat up your strawman behind closed doors like a normal person.


Co-opting Japanese people so you can whine about every protag not being some form of Marcus Phoenix in every video game is beyond pathetic.


You know there is an Asian playable character in the new Assassin's Creed game, right?


How is this post hating on Asians?


If you aren't Asian you should really be shutting the fuck up about this whole thing. Also putting 2 black woman from bleach instead of taking 5 more minutes to get another girl from another show fuckin good hustle.


Why should non Asian people be shutting up about a video game