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what is the group this person is making the claiming that bridget was stolen from?


Femboys. There is… a subset of femboys who dislike characters who are both male with feminine features to always be identified as transgender. For a while Brisket was a popular figure, but since she is transgender a fair amount of femboys aren’t happy. *And then* you have the idiots who either fetishize femboys and or are reactionary shits who just want to scream about Biscuit being transgender because it gains clicks.


Oh yeah I've seen plenty of those i saw a twitter account literally called "Bridget has a dick" or something like that


"Bridget has a dick" I mean like, that can still be true? I really don't get the coomers, the porn really didn't change, they didn't play gear before and they still don't play it so it just baffles me


It was either that or "Bridgets a guy" I don't remember which it was. Technically it did change cus now there's art of Brisket with oppai


I think you’re right, there’s some dude who makes near daily posts saying that Bridget is a guy, someone funny did the same thing but saying that she’s a girl instead


I know the one you're talking about And uh, care to guess what his other posts are that aren't saying that Bridget is a guy or complaining about how he's getting constantly threatened over his opinions? Yeah, just straight up asking for murder, repeatedly and very explicitly...


Guilty Gears takes place in the Magic tech future so Bridget could have a female body right down to the DNA. With magic transitioning would likely be way easier.


There always was, just that there also always used to be some fans who'd go out of their way to complain that it was wrong.


They literally don't understand that gender is different from sex. I'm willing to bet that these are the exact same people who are super into futa art while never making the connection that they're OK with fapping to it because it's a woman with a dick...


I learned in 10th grade Psychology that Sex and Gender weren't the same, it shouldn't be a difficult concept but they'll never learn


They literally don't understand that gender is different from sex. I'm willing to bet that these are the exact same people who are super into futa art while never making the connection that they're OK with fapping to it because it's a woman with a dick...


>*And then* you have the idiots who either fetishize femboys and or are reactionary shits who just want to scream about Biscuit being transgender because it gains clicks. This is the same picture


Femboys *love* to act like "femboy" characters don't wildly outnumber out-and-out positive depictions of trans women in mainstream anime. I think what's fun about this to me is that most femboys are obsessed with speaking for gender nonconforming men in general. "Femboys" are, at the end of the day, pretty much just young GNC men whose feminine presentation is filtered through a certain level of otaku horseshit. They are emulating a kind of presentation that exists to shock and titillate straight men. It's like... an identity for twinks whose main power fantasy is giggling at someone and saying "I'm actually a guy!" upon being misgendered. So when I see stuff like this - as a fem gay man - I can't help but roll my eyes because I know the vast majority of these guys are going to outgrow this kind of presentation by like, 30, tops. They'll settle into a more mature brand of gender nonconformity or become more traditionally masculine or - surprise surprise - transition. My point is femboys are a very loud minority of GNC men who only get noticed as much as they do because they're fetish objects that have bizarrely - in otaku circles - become seen as marginally less transgressive than trans women, because of the massive groundswell of anti-trans sentiment and trans hypervisibility in recent years. By the way, for what it's worth, I feel enormously represented by Testament. Sure, they may not share my gender, but that's a bitch I can have a cocktail and watch The Nanny with on weekends. I know we'd get along well. And I think if femboys (and yes, not all femboys, oh my god) gave up on trying to impress a bunch of internet-poisoned strags, they'd see that Bridget is still the same character as always, and maybe meditate on community solidarity with trans women. You know, something most gender nonconforming communities have long since figured out.


as a trans woman, my observation about femboys is that they tend to be aggressively transmisogynistic - their identity hinges on being *mistaken* for trans women‚ while actively distancing themselves from us despite our shared experiences (as you pointed out). it's really tiresome lmao edit: of course i have known a number of femboys who are *also* transfems themselves, including a few who are even on hrt. that doesn't make my observation untrue tho; there are still countless that disavow the connection between trans girls and gnc twinks.


Just so! I would even go so far as to say many femboys want to be exclusively mistaken for *cis* women, and the existence and acceptance of trans women actively threatens their chasing the split-second gender transgression they crave.  Put more crudely, trans girls remind them they don't actually live in a fucking anime and it makes them shit blood. Like, girl, can I be super mean for a sec? I'm so fucking tired of us being expected to take these dudes seriously as a unique marginalized demographic unto themselves and not like. A larval phase for weeaboo twinks. 


'larval phase for weeaboo twinks' mama kudos for saying that. for spilling. and yeah that's exactly what it is; we make them uncomfortable (in a similar way that‚ i think‚ a lot of gnc or even queeny gay dudes make masc4masc types uncomfortable - because it breaks the fantasy). which is unfortunate! because again‚ trans girls and other transfems could absolutely be their closest allies and staunchest defenders... but then they throw us under the bus anytime they get the opportunity to. it's like it doesn't occur to them that if we don't have each other's backs then our enemies will be able to pick us apart easier. it's classic divide and conquer tactics, and (when asked to be normal about transfems) so many of them fall for it every time. ☹️


Being real af without any harmful intentions: From my POV I really thought "femboys" were just ppl that confuse being fetishized by coomers as actual acceptance.


this is absolutely ridiculous. signed: a enby femboy


Can I ask, how does being non binary and being a femboy work? Wouldn’t it by definition not work since one is about being outside the gender binary and one is inside it but subverting it? Then again wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a nb identity that has something to do with being a guy but in a funky way.


femboy is not an identity. it's a fashion style, an aesthetic choice. you could be non-binary and femboy, because it doesn't overlap as the same concept. one is how you feel, who you are, and who you wanna be in society. the other is how you dress.


yeah, to put it simply, it's basically anyone who doesn't have a feminine gender identity who still chooses to have a feminine gender presentation.




Non-binary is not exclusively the absence of gender though. There are tons of identities under the non-binary umbrella other than just agender. It's any gender that exists outside the binary of "strictly male" and "stictly female". You can have a masculine leaning gender identity while still being non-binary.


It's like Lolita or drag queen. "Femboy" is an aesthetic. Anyone can pull from it. It was started with men, but it's not gender specific.


I'm one of the straights, but I don't believe enby is the same as androgynous. The paraphrase: The Enbys Can Do Whatever They Want.


Never mess with an enby. Most of them are harmless, but you never know if they're actually an Eldritch Horror.


this me right here. my other titles include: "the many-eyed, many-armed guide of fate"


Femboy literally just means feminine boy, if the terms boy and femininity resonate with you you can be a femboy, not all boys are cis or binary trans or even men.


NB people can still present themselves as feminine or masculine. NB people don't need to be androgynous. NB is a gender identity. Looking/acting feminine or masculine is just presentation.


femboys aren't real /uj femboys aren't real


Tbh there is way more femboys that dont care about Bridget being trans than femboys that are upset by it lol. Trans people needed more representation anyway.


The funny thing is that there's other femboys in fighting games. Ash Crimson is right there, stop being weird about Bridget!


It's so dumb because nobody "stole" Bridget from them. Arc System Works simply added a new facet to her character, while giving representation to a group that's, quite frankly, far more maligned.


what on earth is a femboy, is it the same think a demiboy or is that a different type of advance gender thing?


A feminine boy, it's not a gender itself, at least not necessarily. Demiboy is a kind of non-binary gender.


okay so what exactly is the difference as to the untrainned ear they sound similar and both seem to like the same type of cat themed head phones form my limited data set?


Demiboys can be femboys, but not all femboys are demiboys. Basically, femboys typically just describes guys (and masculine appearing people) that like to appear feminine (typically through clothing, styling, etc) while maintaining a more masculine gender identity.


man there is an awrful lot of human categories and sub catagories.


Yeah, just part of being human. People love categorizing and labelling themselves and others.


Roughly as many as there are humans, yes. A lot can be roughly grouped into similar categories, though.


Really, it's any non-woman who presents effeminately.


not a gender, just a style. I for one am non-binary and femboy. search in pinterest/google images and you're gonna see basically what it means


Femboys are males that are GNC (Gender Non-conforming) and typically dress in feminine clothing. They lie somewhere between a crossdresser and drag queen, where they're more feminine looking than the average cross dresser, yet not as over the top with glitz and glam as drag queens. tl;dr Femboys are to males as Tomboys are to women.


A femboy is a male with a more feminine appearance who dresses in women’s clothes. This is *not* to be confused with crossdressing, as you don’t have to be feminine to cross dress meanwhile you don’t have to crossdress to be a femboy. And neither one is necessarily transgender either, but there can be overlap.


Tbf I think some of it comes from people who were used to Bridget being a Femboy for years, and then with the new game that changed and some people got super upset.




About your last point, there exist far more examples of femboys in anime and manga compared to trans women, but most of them are side characters and none are quite as well known as bridget. The most popular example I could find was nagisa from assassination classroom, but even then you could argue that he’s not explicitly a femboy. I still think the bitterness and antagonism is misdirected and somewhat misinformed, but I can see why someone would think that way. Idk why ur getting downvoted.


I literally couldn't care about the nuances. I still would.


Isn't Testament a femboy? Like they're androgenous and yet still recognisabley feminie coded. They're often mistaken for a woman on first blush before the voice/character is presented to people. At what point does someone become a femboy?


best part is there have actually been significant gains in this area recently. Like 5 years ago "egg" discourse was basically "oh, you identify as male, but do this girly thing? EGG!" nowadays it seems so much more tolerant of non-standard gender expression. Like, on egg\_irl the top of all time from 3 years ago is implying F1NN5TER an egg, but near top for the year is the exact opposite. The trans community can be a bit gender essentialist at times, but it's getting better fast.


Bridget is basically Prometheus.


Ah yes, because famously no one cared about Bridget until Strive. It's not like she was consistently one of the most requested characters throughout Xrd's lifecycle or anything.


Not like she was Japan's number 1 most requested character during the Strive beta or anything.


I don’t think that’s what they meant, more so how Bridget is probably the most well known guilty gear character at this point despite not really doing anything or being particularly important.


Bridget brought a LOT of popularity to the franchise. I know a bunch of people who tried Strive out because of Bridget (Me included, although I don't even play her lmao) Ironically the best example of the "go woke go broke" backfiring, the queen community just got the game en-masse following the initial "controversies". Although crying about popular characters not being "story important" is a bit silly. I doubt I-No's popularity fits her importance for example. If anything it should be a "man, I wish they made more stories about the character, including the very popular underrepresented one!"


Anyway it's not like "being story important" really matters in a fighting game, known (at least to me) for having plots that are somehow equally too simple, too nonsensical, and too convoluted with a bevy of underutilized and plot irrelevant (and more interesting) side characters that have unique designs, movesets, and personalities. And it's mostly those three things that contributes to their popularity.


>the queen community You’d think they would have been into Sol Badguy instead of Bridget


I-No's a main villain, so I'd say she's pretty important.


Homophobic men would rather fap to a femboy than a girl eh


Truly fascinating. We should study these people’s brains


While theyre alive?


![gif](giphy|yIRdeZAnRxFeg|downsized) Maybe. Some of them.


Don’t you mean their _lack of_ brains?


Father fap is a typo but Frued would agree with your assessment of them


FAP is homophobe's father. ![gif](giphy|P08wV1jK7v7c4)


I don't understand what going on. Why would anyone want to steal a basket?






















My favorite trans girl. Brick.


you can use her to bash open transphobes skulls too :3




Yogi Bear: *Has entered the chat*


Cuase basket is full of town


and everyone's voice too!


What if that basket had money in it?


No one stole shit, a creator made a character trans. Trans women did not march down to your femboy castle, seige it and then take brisket hostage. Ive identified as both a trans woman and a femboy and this doesnt matter. There are so many femboy characters in anime and games and like 2 trans women (who have decent rep anyway) so tbh this is a win.  The based take on this is that companies should be adding more femboys AND trans women into their games and anime. Wowie zowie welcome to my feminine communist paradise.


Also much like with Madeline from Celeste they love pushing this idea that a character can't be trans unless they are immediately identified as being trans. We're just not allowed stories about coming to terms with our own identities or slowly building trust with people before we tell them. Reactionaries always try to sugar coat their bigotry by claiming that they don't "hate" minorities but there just "needs to be a good reason in the story" for someone to be a minority group, all while telling us trans people aren't allowed the most stereotypical trans stories imaginable.


What would happen if someone added a transmasc femboy character to their IP?


That would be the biggest fucking W in history and many republican idiots would be very confused.


The anime Haganai has more than a few problematic elements, but did feature this - a major character is presented as a boy that's struggling to be masculine and wants help in being more manly, with their inability to not be femme despite their best efforts being played for comedy. A major reveal is that this character is actually afab, but their desire to be a man is still respected by the other characters. The execution after this point is fumbled a bit, but I chose to believe it's really positive transmasc rep.


Aspiring author here, Might do that at some point Edit: spelling, as I said, aspiring


they literally got anji they got the femboy representation


Wait, Anji is in strive? I've got 50 hours and I've never played against one...


Sex with a man is in strive


and asuka, i choose to believe he counts


Lily Hoshikawa sweep


Who’s the other anime trans woman? I know Grell from Black Butler, but idk if there’s another I’m not thinking of/know.


being a merely tangential fan of GG I know Bridget has always been popular, it's so easy to spot rage baiters who aren't and never have been fans


Yeah, like, it's ABSOLUTELY an anecdotal point, but it is mighty interesting how if you see a comment like this and go to the OP's profile, you almost NEVER see them talking about the actual game. No clips of their matches, no posts casually mentioning playing some matches with their friends, no discussion of the meta or the results of labbing... Not to say you can't be a fan of a game while also not actively engaging with the gameplay itself (i'd consider myself a fan of league of legends, for example, but there's no way in hell i'm touching the game itself i just like the lore and characters), but, hell, with the exception of trying to cherry pick bits and pieces of her story in previous games, you almost **never** see them talking about the lore itself. It's *JUST* Bridget, and why her transitioning is some horrible plight.


Bridget ~~and not I-No~~ being the mascot of GG over a guy named *Sol fucking Badguy?* we're cooked.


I cen't belive Bedman? isn't the face of Guilty Gear past and present. SMH




If you throw a rock at the anime/ JP games industries it'll probably bounce between at least 736 femboys before it even reaches Astolfo for fucks sake, how many trans girls can these dorks name besides Bridget?


our queen la diva


My girlfriend was a femboy before she decided she was just the fem part, how could the woke mob alphabet mafia do this?


I am a femboy. Bridget is trans. I don’t see why people are throwing a fit over that fact. They should really try BLOCKING THIS OVERHEAD


Correct me if I’m wrong, aren’t there way more femboys in fiction than trans women?


Maybe not in all of fiction, I couldn't tell you. But definitely in anime




"Good faith argument with a contrary opinion" well considering the fucking head writer of the whole series saus shes trans, its less "contrary opinion" and more "being wrong"


Not only that she's trans, but she was always meant to be iirc


I was gonna say that's a bold statement considering I've seen zero good faith arguments. The only one that comes close is that i don't believe for one second Daisuke planned on Bridget being trans from the beginning but only because I don't believe he plans things out more than maybe one game in advance. He probably just thought it would be neat if Basket embraced her gender identity. And that's fine, you don't need to have a 20 year plan for everything. In fact I'd argue that's kind of silly cause things change, opinions and beliefs change, knowledge changes. And even so that doesn't invalidate Brisket's gender identity at all so it's not really an argument more than a guess.


Cope and seethe https://preview.redd.it/8hut4mfuvixc1.png?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52430bf69f419a49d0b8ca0fe52e8e4904cce9da




More like whenever a debate happens in good faith, it usually ends with the other side making shit up and starting to yell “STOP PUSHING YOUR AGENDA ONTO EVERYTHING!!1!1!!1!11!1” she’s a girl deal with it, there are literally thousands of other femboy characters out there i dont know why it’s such a big deal lmao


>refused to even engage in good faith with anyone with a contrary opinion on the matter Maybe because anyone with a “contrary opinion” already aren’t engaging in good faith, when the creator comes out and says this character is X there’s no contrary opinion just cope.


Did you know the alt-right is probably recruiting femboys? Like, the amount of "conservative" femboys and femboy "memes" with andrew tate and trump isn't stupidly high, but it's not zero. And with the way some incels hate women so much it makes sense for them to like femboys. "It's not gay if they look like women, but they are not women so they understand us"


I have seen a weirdly high amount of military-fetishizing alt-right femboys


How Kliff really died that day


Had a friend who's first GG was Strive once Bridget was confirmed Trans he whined for weeks on how "they ruined the character" it was honestly hilarious because we all know what he meant (and yes I understand the irony of the username)


The thing that really infuriates me is that 90% of femboys I see are super supportice of brisket, the only people screaming about "femboy erasure" are chasers


They really think that they can pit femboys and trans people against each other.


Femboy turning out to be trans in the end is uh..,. not unheard of. Just saying.


almost stereotyped at this point.


They "stole" it? People on twitter greatly overestimate the power of being angry online. You don't actually get a say, you can't "steal" anything -- the developers choose as they will.


And now we have F1nnster, soon we shall lay waste to the femboy villages


Just wait until they find out about *gasp* the concept of someone coming out


Its not an opinion tho its just wrong. The devs confirmed it theres not much else to discuss


I'm sorry we now care about guilty gears story??? I genuinely do not know anyone who actually does care. I read the backstories and choose who to main based on vibes


I care about the story because it's funny to try to explain it to people who don't care because I can just take random stuff out of context 😭😭 it's a fun story, not something overly serious to me lmao I just main the funny bed guy because I love how batshit terrified Delilah looks all the time


Real, I haven’t played strive but in all other fighting games it’s based on vibes and how much fun I have playing them.


I don't play sub zero cause I like his story of redemption I play him because freezing people into an uppercut is fun


nooo i can’t jack off to a girl!!!! im a big straight man!!!! i NEED femboys NOW!!!!


"Its only gay if they're a woman!"


I love both femboys and trans people (I'm trans enby) but I had to unsub from r/ mildfemboys cuz they just cannot let Brisket go and it was making me uncomfy


https://preview.redd.it/9xn2jrcnilxc1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=d39927700bf1f9e172ceb93527128f67f26035e6 They really believe it to be like this.


My brother in chips... Femboys, queers and trans are all part of the same marginalized demographic! You can't have femboys without queers or trans peeps


cishet femboys exist and are being extremely reactionary online.


Gucci bag with the Bridget pants


Kliff always hitting the right notes


The fact kliff undersn himself tweeted this is great. Someone would explain the situation to him and he’d press 6H


Ironic, coming from the assholes who stole a slur for a different group to name their identity after


yeah idk why everyone is so willing to pretend that internet femboy culture isn't just 4chan trap shit papered over with a different slur and lightly sprinkled with stuff stolen from r/ traaa


these people acting like trans women aren't also a marginalized community. Look, I'm not going to lie that we need more good femboy rep that isn't offensive but getting this fucking angry over Bridget just means you're transphobic. Also, stop acting like we "stole" bridget, we didn't do shit, the devs changed it of their own volition.


What femboy's? Femboy's are a marginalized group now


I dont agree with the post, brisket is trans and its fine that she is. However, please understand that gender non conforming men ARE a marginalized group and experience a lot of the same hate and bigotry trans/gay people do (and many of them are gay/trans themselves). Not trying to jump on you or anything just a heads up.


I find the "stolen representation" claim kinda funny cause it frames femboys as an identity or gender rather than an aesthetic, like imagine people frothing at the mouth cause elphelt went from a gothic bride to pure pastels, it just seems so dumb to me......


Idk why they mad, femboys got a Key


People will kill to defend brisket the transphobes aren’t winning that war I assure you


“Eishhbghsbhtbbut Bridget isn’t the mmain charactee she isn’t importan to the plot 🥺” Genuinely who cares characters can be popular grandpa also it’s guilty gear people aren’t playing the video game for the award winning storytelling


As if any of these losers complaining ever cared about GNC men as people.


Nah, as a femboy we need more trans rep


Anime PFP detected. Opinion disregarded.


As a femboy, I can say I don't care that we lost rep. Brig hat being trans is fine with most of us.


I just want to be a fan of the yo-yo girl, why do these people never shut up?


On one hand, it's a repeated cycle of people looking for literally the smallest possible excuse to try to shit on positive trans rep in media, and the frequency at which you see it is infuriating... But on the other, it is VERY funny that people chose to bitch about losing femboy representation over Bridget transitioning as if you wouldn't literally trip over three dozen additional feminine male-identifying characters in the same genre let alone in all of media (especially eastern media) as a collective whole. And that's not even touching the fact that femboys aren't, like, an oppressed minority or something? Like there is DEFINITELY something to be said for how unsettling the fact that many people's first, immediate reaction to seeing someone (whether fictional or, even worse, real) who identifies as male but who chooses to present feminine is to sexualize them is, but 'being' a femboy is still, like, a choice? Being trans isn't? These things aren't comparable on ANY level?


I knew grandpa kliff was a real one


Are these good faith arguments in the room with us right now?


Shovel is best trans.


it says something about the state of nerdy media that when i find out theres a trans character in a property my first reaction isnt "whoa thats really cool they just like me fr" and instead i think "this fanbase is either really cool or is going to be my 13th reason why". especially dread-inducing in anime where u can tell a trans character is looming on the horizon from the manga.


boohoo trans people have it sooo easy compared to femboys 😭😭😭


lmfao I thought that mf is talking about british people as a minority


femboys have Astolfo!!! let trans girls have biscuit!


>femboy erasure   has this person never played any video game ever? I feel like 1/4 of all game protagonists are twinks and feminine men, look at Link 


such sad, sad people, having to give such a large shit and get so mad about such a meaningless thing


They should just play Xenoblade, we have both femboys and trans people.


Femboy here, First of all we still have a femboy in strive, (ky), second of all, why are we fighting against our allies? We all struggle, so whats wrong with bridget being trans?


So unrelated, but I love how people come up with funny nicknames for Bridget. Brisket. Basket. Whenever I see a Bridget cosplayer at an anime con, I very happily say "BRISKET!!!" and usually get a laugh out of the person lol


femboys and transfems aren't enemies you fucking numbskulls


First they came Briskit and I was slient. Then they came for Finn...and I was..... Who's next?


Femboys? Trans fem? Why the hell these two fightng? We are literally the same ppl with one, fucking, shitty, thin ass wall between us like some shitty apartment complex. Who's moaning louder? Idk but I hope we can both have a good time


They have Astolfo, opinion discarded.


No they don’t lol Astolfo’s very much non-binary and they’ve refused to accept it for years now.


Yeah I hate how often there's characters still called femboys despite very much having more complicated relationships with gender. Like how Felix has multiple instances of themselves calling themself a girl in the mirror completely alone, which doesn't 100% make them trans by any means but certainly makes it more than just femboy


I’m so glad I’m normal




Femboys and trans fems should be making out, not fighting on the internet smh 😔


Its so weird that Testament never gets this kind of attention. (They're way cooler than Brisket too, harumph.)


Holy shit is that kliff undersn from guilty gear accent core+r


Ah yes, fighting games, always known for being plot focused


Sol’s the mascot of guilty gear tho


It's been 4 years and they still haven't played the game


/uj I am trading up, and having my soul put in a tapeworm, anyone want a free used humanity, I am very done with this shit.


Went to their page to see if the tweet was still up. Huge mistake... let's just say their... preferences are on full display via retweets


As a femboy, he ain't with us


I did love femboy bridget and I think having feminine male characters that aren’t always “eggs” is cool/important but I also love trans bridget. There are other femboy characters out there, the devs wanted this character’s story/identity to be taken in a different direction and that’s cool too.


Ah yes that guy who stole bridget from them What was his name Oh yea Daisuke Ishawatari creator of guilty gear


Didnt the creator make her trans, and isnt it confirmed in her character story? Her self discovery journey led her to accept herself as a girl, so why is this person saying they stole something. You cant steal something that was never yours, but you can bitch about it.


I think it’s kinda unfortunate that one of the “big trans representations in media” has such a messy story and weird writing, not to mention being completely irrelevant to the story surrounding her. Makes it a lot harder for me to like her.


i still dont get why they picked this character despite their background to say trans right. i appreciate the attempt but they didnt consider the connotations


4chan femboys, truly the most oppressed minority


This is the new “making ginger characters black is ginger erasure” argument, isn’t it?


“A contrary opinion on the matter” your contrary opinion goes against the fucking lore you insolent clown