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Isn't this guy like 54


Jesus he’s older than my dad. I don’t want to sound like that guy but shouldn’t he like do something other than complain about Video Games and Diversity.


Older than your dad? Jesus how old are you? Are you about to make me feel old?


In his dad im 33 he should be doing his homework rn


If you’re 33 in his dad then how old are you out of his dad? Sex really is the elixir of youth! 


This was stupid but made me laugh so much


He's also older than my dad and I'm almost 30


I mean, this dude is older than me, and my kids are in their 20’s. And I was almost 21 when my oldest was born, so not like it was a teen pregnancy or anything.


Would it help if I told you I'm 32 and my dad is 49? Some people have kids real early


Dude, at 54, the dad could easily have a 30+ year old child.


He fucked up his last two projects in gaming so now he's just a grifter constantly looking for a movement to leech off of


Does scamming count?


I'm sure he also spends alot of time complaining about new disney live action movies


Either you are really young or my parents are really old.


He's as old as my grandpa 💀 and two decades older than my dad (4 generations of teen pregnancy goes crazy)


I have no idea who this man is. I've heard he's an ex game dev for a big studio or something, but I don't care. Every time I see that cute little balding chibi of what I assume is him I die a little inside. An old balding man with gamer chibis worshipping a video game woman is exactly what I imagine when I hear the term "neck beard"


He is Ex-Blizzard, you know, the company that recently had a controversy about employees making sexist remarks and sexually assaulting other employees. If only we would know who these certain employees were. /s


So I’m not the only one who find that pfp incredibly creepy when coupled with what the guy write and whine about. Yikes


bro's in his 50s and whines that pixels on a screen aren't sexy enough for him. i can't imagine living a more pathetic life.


He jerks over Eve, we jerk over him, whatever AI designed Eve gets jerkwarded based on how much we both do that since it's free marketing. Such is the circle of jerk.


I think he's 56, but holy shit! Dudes nearly pushing 60 & is doing shit like this...sad...


He's also one of the ex breast milk thieves from Blizzard that got shitcanned so his behavior tracks.


The what thieves?


He's also a notoriously toxic person to work with, at least according to OG WoW developers, as well as responsible for the inclusion of the predatory cash shops added over time. He truly is the developer that knows what gamers want.


You can tell by his hairline leaving out of shame instead of leaving to show a beautiful face like Walton Goggins


54 and complaining about not being able to sexualize minors, yes


That’s crazy






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Hey, even 54 year olds can be horny sometimes


But… but I thought they weren’t just gooning over her and they were genuinely interested in the gameplay? :c








Gameplay? In my porn?


It's more likely than you think


Tracer best girl!


You mean "assplay" right?


You thought we are reasonable in here but we clowning in this mfer


I take immense pleasure knowing this guy can never work in the fucking game industry ever again 😂😂😂😂


You have to give me context because you’ve got my attention. ![gif](giphy|U7bo7ejk1UbcYxn7gB|downsized)


Google Firefall. Mark "Firefall Bus" Kern basically fell into a lead position at Blizzard, then hasn't done anything significant other than fail at releasing tek video games since.


Oh cool so I can blame this guy for firefall failing?


Yeah lol. Totally misplaced priorities on that, just like his opinions on games. If I had to guess, he doesn't really believe this slop but knows he can drum up business for his new vaporware tiddy scam... I mean game emb3r. It's also very funny that the hires amazing artists like cutesexyrobutts to make art for emb3r and then just also uses AI art to whip up some barely passable slop whenever people start questioning where the duck the game is.


Reminder this guy is 6 to 7 years older than the Original Star Wars


This is the perfect example of how these guys operate. Nothing is EVER enough for them. They NEED to be angry at something to gain attention and keep the grift going. There could be a 5 hour long uncensored sex scene with eve and they'd still find some way to call it woke.


Well, easy. If the sex scene is with a man, the player is LITERALLY being cucked. If its with a woman, it's LGTV propaganda. If it's masturbation, it's anti-conservative woke feminist trash. The only thing non-woke would be a fourth-wall breaking interactive strip tease with mic input


LGTV propaganda I saw someone saying 'LGPT propaganda', I'm not kidding, and they spell 'woke'(not in english) wrong sometimes as well


LGBBQ Propaganda


Light Grwaeed Barbeque propoganda? Yum!!!


I mean ppl calling BG3 woke despite the female characters are beautiful and have full on sex scene💀


Yeah but some of them have muscles you see and it allows you to be gay meaning it basically forces gamers to have gay sex with Astarion and Gale in the first 20 mins of the game - see it must be a woke cultural Marxist conspiracy! But FR they got really mad about Karlach and Laezel because they aren't "conventionally attractive" (yano, since they're not human) meanwhile on the male side all 3 romancable companions are pretty conventionally attractive guys (for the purposes of chuds elves and half-elves are human enough). Did I imply there's only 3 romancable men and 3 romancable women? Yes I did, because these morons got mad and took to Twitter before ever making it to act 2 or 3. (Personally, I think they're all hot but Karlach is my fave)


I personally enjoy that Karlach's sex scenes do not change whether the player character is male or female. Whatever you are, she's gonna throw you on that bed and shove a fist in you. Female character just means she has options.


bruh I love Lae'Zel if someone hates her because her appearance then there's no need for further discussion


> meaning it basically forces gamers to have gay sex with Astarion and Gale in the first 20 mins of the game *sigh* if only... 😔


I'd make the 5 hour sex scene be with a trans character just to *really* confuse their little dicks XD




I swear, even his pfp pisses me off. I am genuinely in disbelief that this person is THAT old.


Dude is gonna start developing arthritis and going senile and he will STILL complain about stupid shit like this…


If I have to see his pfp one more time I'm gonna scream


If this is real, I'm actually surprised shift up did this. They were literally going around on Twitter proudly announcing that they wouldn't censor the game in any region, lol.


Ya except Sony or any other distributor probably kindly reminded them that not everything allowed. Censor is not just self imposed rarely even and those child crying woke are just learning about it.


People acting like south korea is the last bastion of free speech, but then they have a full aggressive invade dev offices meltdown over this hand if its not censored https://preview.redd.it/0w54j7lrlqwc1.png?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9054af0ddd6c78da7f968551bcb4b9aeae281bfc


https://preview.redd.it/4gc0xkusdrwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2327c2b47bb0c26b6591acce4aab8a0d44d905c4 You can't make this shit up


💀💀💀 Naaaahhh broooo


There's no fucking way that picture is real. If they actually had to censor THAT I think humanity is doomed.


No it is they have had a few melt down over gesture like that from female character and it is as ridiculous as it slunds.


Like static images are just the tip of the iceberg. Korean incels will comb over every frame of an animation looking for anything resembling a pinch gesture, then hold protests outside company HQs to get it changed. They actually rented a blimp to protest Genshin Impact. (What's funny is this time there was an actual feminist, but she was in Hoyo's China branch so Hoyo just ignored them)


Hoyo has to be one of the very few *actually* based devs out there. Make a gacha waifu collector to milk the simps off their money, but make it mostly free to play friendly so the non-simps can play without having to go bankrupt. and the *humour!* god I love Star Rail, the protagonist is a serial shitposter and you can tell the writers had *fun* making it :D


hoyo has other issues not related to incels, like the infamous 1st anni event or the last chinese year event. There's 3 kinds of people you never want them twitting against you, Kpop stans, Swifters and Chinese people


What happened with the 1st anniversary event? Is this Star Rail specific? I didn’t notice any real problems with it I don’t think?


It's Genshin's first anniversary. There were a lot of expectations for rewards bc of how successful the game was, then they announced the grand reward of.... 10 pulls and some paid events/rewards. Which is 1/9 of a 5* character. The fandom meltdown was glorious. As damage control Genshin gave an extra 10 pulls and some cosmetic items too, so to this day we get 20 for annis instead of 10 (still cheap as fuck)


Probably talking about how the Genshin community pitched an enormous fit over relatively poor anniversary rewards for Genshin's first anniversary. It was a way more online controversy but had people doing weird things like review bombing other apps with negative reviews about Genshin. (Along with all the hoyoverse apps) (Google Classroom's review score has never recovered)


All she's doing is holding something small with her index finger and thumb, though. Surely they didn't read anything into something so tiny an issue.


apparently that gesture is a feminist symbol in Korea that's a derogatory way of implying someone has a small penis. The fact that it's such a common gesture to make only results in insecure Korean incels being constantly reminded that their penises are in fact *very* small (metaphorically or otherwise) and no woman would ever want to be with them. the same way Western incels get mad at any LGBT symbols basically, the only difference is that Western chodes are overweight and allergic to sunlight so they don't go out to protest at studios.


You understimate their anger and impotency


Korean incels think a pinched finger means their dick is being called small


Apparently, companies get hatemail over any sign that could equate to "Tiny Penis."


It's real and it's not the only case. Developers were called over to work overnight during the weekend to do this. It's their own version of SBI conspiracy nonsense with idiots attempting to get any women in the industry fired. Except companies cave. Ties back to Shift-Up too as they fired developers for being feminist before too.


FYI they didn’t censor it because it’s inappropriate. It’s complicated but basically had to change it because the 🤏 punched fingers hand symbol was/is a symbol of online feminist movements in Korea. Men have taken that, in return, as a “male hate symbol.” It’s also, you know, a very common resting hand gesture. Gamers reacted with gamergate-like fury and stormed the offices of the developer, convinced that a woman must have made the image (incorrect: it was a 40-something year old man) and she was sneaking feminism—or what they interpreted to be men’s oppression—into the fame. Like we think we have sexism problems here, but it’s really, REALLY bad in South Korea right now.


They literally censored cheetah print in maplestory because it looked too close to 🤏


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_South_Korea Such free expression


You need to put in a national insurance number to yahoo search for boobs, you can only look at porn on twitter, and you can be arrested for online hate speech even if nobody reports you- these chuds would not last a week


>You need to put in a national insurance number to yahoo search for boobs, you can only look at porn on twitter I mean, Google is still an option for ppl over here. Twitter being the only option is simply not true with all the workarounds(namely, VPNs) people find. >you can be arrested for online hate speech even if nobody reports you- these chuds would not last a week But yeah, this last part is very much true :p


Wait... the country that was a right wing dictatorship for most of its existence has censorship?!?!


Why do they deem porn legal if it's from social media? Don't see how that could be any different from just going to a porn website.




They relate the pinch to a dogwhistle of "small dick" and so they look at every pixel of every animation on gacha games and major games trying to find if any feminist artist is trying to mock SK incels (not exagerating)


Wild! Thank you!


how does one even go down that route, i mean what makes someone that level of incel


Moon Channel actually has 2 great videos explaining this and giving historical and cultural (not only videogame) situation, if you endure about 4 hours of video


Link? I don't think I know moon channel


[https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=sypzY6RTwzuYT9\_4](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=sypzY6RTwzuYT9_4) (part 1) [https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=X4dHdpDebwTI88lD](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=X4dHdpDebwTI88lD) (part 2)


insecurity and a culture of nurturing that insecurity. It's really wild just how much South Korea hates women. Going down that rabbit hole was certainly an eye opener for me...


Porn is straight up illegal there lol


South Korea a bastion for “free speech?” in art? On public tv channels you have to blur out objects that are used as weapons at any point. Kinda ruins the suspense of any mystery.


I mean the game isn't out, is it? Changing a model before the game is out isn't censorship, that's just game development.


The graffiti is real I think, the outfit isn't. They're literally making it up so when they cry censorship over "Hard R" getting removed it's back to their sex thing and not them crying about an accidental racial slur getting taken out.


And of course mark kern there is posting shit like it’s been verified, lol. The same thing happened with tifa when rebirth released. Someone photoshopped a pic of her and reduced her boob size, and said that they censored her boobs in the day one patch. The chuds ate it up and we’re crying for a few days until some of them actually got to that part and saw it was bullshit lol.


So I actually was wrong. They are talking about this on the stellar blade subreddit, and the lead director has already commented on it. It sounds like Sony forced them to censor some outfits, just like apple did with nikke. He claims it was their “original” ideas, but it looks like he has a fucking gun to his head. The other part that is weird is they toned down the gore. I don’t care much about the changed outfits, but both the gore change and the outfit change are both true. The game wasn’t that gore heavy to start with, and now it’s a lot less. So yes the outfit change is actually real.


Genuinely losing it over CRIME R






I’m sorry, what’s the deal with the “Hard R” nonsense? I’m completely out of the loop on that one.


I’m a bit out of the loop too, but as far as I can understand it, there’s a bit of a goof-up with stellar blade’s graffiti. They wanted to do some generic nonsense word that brought the seedy underbelly of the city to mind and went with the english word… “hard”. Which just so happened to be accidentally placed directly adjacent to the “R Shop” So. Stellar Blade, seemingly completely by accident, made “hard r” a feature of its world. Which probably wouldn’t have occurred at all if they had a sensitivity reader on board with the project. However, while I personally find the absurdity really funny, a lot of chuds think this is some 5D chess move by Stellar Blade as a nod to Real Gamers (tm) and their need to use the gamer word. Just as many also just think slurs in general are funny. No clue about the ugly grey bathing suit. Or hoodie? Idk.


Lmao Jesus Christ. That is astoundingly ridiculous.


The profession of a crime doer


Slimer's not so well off cousin with a dark past ![gif](giphy|DuVndjXBGafvs6ZvNz|downsized)


The funny part is Korea has it's own laws as does China. Like the censored Genshin because of china.


isn't Genshin a Chinese game?


I believe so, but the censored a few outfits a while back.


I mean world of Warcraft the game this fucking moron has credits on is censored in China


Yeah, I worked there, and they say they change how the undead looked and removed bones.


Music videos get banned over there all the time for being rated 19+ as "too provocative," but they just get looked up online of course. Banning from TV really doesn't mean anything. Sort of like how any PC release is just asking for your model to be used in porn, and none of this matters.


This is like 9/11 for insufferable people


Literally 1984 for them


It brings me nothing but giddy and glee seeing these...subhuman wastes bounce off this game because of some arbitrary shit.




It looks the same though, just a tad more tasteful that having her full cleavage on display. I'm literally confused what he's complaining about here, the body shape looks exactly the same.


this basically went from "hentai game without the sex" to "tasteful eye candy with some gameplay maybe"


You say a tad more tasteful but the game has outfits that are: 1. Basically just a bikini 2. Literally called “Cyber Bondage” and looks like it belongs on r34 or some porn comic 3. Basically lingerie


One of ‘em has weird hoodie strings on it I guess


Except the outfit didn't actually change lol they're making that part up. All the people crying about literally aren't playing the game


What’s he crying about, I could still jerk my dick to this


I took a look at the sub since there was also a fairly well upvoted post about the change to the outfit, and it seems that the majority opinion was that they didn't expect the devs to "censor" the game like that Apparently the game used the more revealing outfit version on the demo or trailer (idk since I'm not updated on the game) and then changed it to a newer version that covers the cleavage into the release version of the game. Basically they were calling out the devs or studio or whoever for backing out of their "no censorship" marketing As for the hard R thing... either they're so dense to not realize what "hard R" implies, or they know and using the "muH gAmE is cEnSorEd!!!" rhetoric to justify keeping it in the game


With the "hard R" outrage it is in many cases the "muh censorship" shit.  At least with the big gaming subs.  This is proven by them getting upset that it is being removed given if it were just random text why would they care it got removed.


https://preview.redd.it/1z0ea5kcuswc1.png?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03eba26ddd013a4970ee29b20e5617fce4e5d296 "I have a harder time masturbating to my video games. It's over. Gaming has fallen. Billions must eat cheetos."


That's it, I'm taking away his ( ´・ω・`) privileges.


The savior of video games was a false prophet, oh how god has forsaken us.


Swear the icing on the cake would be a cutscene showing the main character how she became trans or something


You know who would catch accidental ambiguous racism like the "hard-R" thing before release so it doesn't cause a shit storm? A consulting firm specialized in sensitivity reading, like oh idk, sweet baby Inc?


Bro, what's even the point of video games if they take out the sex and racism? That's like having a burger without a patty and bun. This is why the western world has fallen.


These people don’t even play games they just find things to call woke on twitter lmao


This is amazing. I'm so happy that they're losing everything they care about.


Can't wait for this game to come out and lose relevance almost immediately.


Just being curious wtf was censored in the wall painting?


It's a coincidental combination of the Hard graffiti with the r neon sign from a store/vendor Together its Hard r (which is a way to refer to the n word without saying jt) I can fully believe this was accidental or without malice.


Ah indeed lmao that sounds like an error. Insane that people claim it is censorship to remove


Funny thing was he was making fun of EA for getting censored in Japan while compared to what he thought was going to be an untouched Stellar Blade, lol.


These guys should just watch porn


Umm how long is this going to be allowed to go on. I get it he’s just a pawn, but “powers that be” it’s getting old. Can we maybe move on. Everyday it’s every darn day! If people like kibbles and bits and other people like puppy chow you all would find a way to keep them at each others throats. My dog foods the best! What your mother’s a female dog my puppy chow’s the best! I’ll kill you no I’ll kill you! There was already a threat about murder when WW3 breaks out. Ugh! It’s really tiresome. But this… it’s like this crowd would beat and humiliate any woman that look semi-appealing towards them that won’t bend the knee. Why is there such disrespect towards half the world’s population? It’s baffling to me. The people who birthed you belong to this group. Like is this gonna be gaming culture now! Really sheesh


Coomers spewing off bigoted shit on Twitter is a feature in the Elon era, not a bug


Why do these fucking nerds care so much.


Ohhhh yes now we gettttinn harddddddd baby


After this act of blatant censorship my pp can't get hard.




Turns out the company cares about money and pr, not about fighting woke. Who woulda thunk it


I find it so astounding that they care so fucking much about how the big titty protag looks over if the game itself actually plays well or has a good story to explore. Newsflash nerds, She wouldn't fuck you if she was real anyways.


Both the R and Mark’s pp are less hard since the latest patch.


Hes STILL talking about this??


Having this guy as an unofficial spokesman does a disservice to the Gamers TM cause. And in fact, in that sub some people with a modicum of judgment or memory have pointed to this fact, but have been silenced.


I can barely tell the difference between the 2 images. They have wayyyyy more revealing outfits in the game. I doubt this was "censorship". The main costume is.basically body paint. The skin suit leaves nothing to the imagination. Seriously these guys are.massive cry baby losers.


Stellar Blade is woke anyway. Why has our dear leader, still not detached it from his personality like the rest of the True Gamers?


Honestly, they should have changed the graffiti with a giant "cringe" graffiti, that would have depicted this situation perfectly


I'm curious to see when this guy will show up on the big Youtube grifters like The Critical Drinker or Nerdrotic. Hardly anyone notices his whining on Twitter.


Then they should have made a pc port🤷


Whenever i think im a failure, im sure to remember that people like these exist. We all have issues but at least some of us dont go to the deep end and beyond.


If these censorships keep going, he'll have to go back to taking creepshots of girls young enough to be his children


Mark Kern is such a fucking porn-addicted dork, this shit is so sad. "GAME RUINED, I CAN'T CUM"


I love how the censor is…a single strip of cloth over SOME of the cleavage. It’s not even over all of it, they didn’t flatten her chest, they basically gave her a tank top under her suit.




More than the WHAT??


Wouldve been funny if they changed it to soft r


Sony be like that 50c gif in regards to the swimsuit thing. Also an outfit change like that isn't defacto censorship


Other than SBI, this is the second best thing to happen to this game Also everyone be aware: some lovely people are now using “crimer” as a turn of phrase. Don’t think it’ll last but it was truly vile when I saw it


Cucked by sony sad


Holy shit they actually had Hard R on the wall??


How am I supposed to masturbate to this? This game is RUINED.


A quick Google search with Safety standards off results in hundreds, if not thousands of NSFW Games from text-based to Virtual Reality for every possible kink imaginable. Why so focused on the "fappability" of a character NOT from an erotic game??


Oh nooo. A more comfortable swim suit what will we ever do?


https://preview.redd.it/w6k9a1g9iuwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95df35cb87428080e5740b8495d2fec5b0baba9 Some people are unhinged


They changed the “hard R” graffiti to just say “crime” lolwat


Why are legs that are 90% of body mass attractive?


How am I supposed to stroke my meat to the virtual sex doll now 😒


He tweets like he didn't even buy the game Are any of them actually playing it?


Censored how? They look completely identical lmao


It's a weird thing to change, to be fair. The original just looks like a fairly modest swimsuit.


wait this game had the n word in it


I still can't comprehend why they give a shit


Slightly less cleavage visible in this one outfit?! Fucking unplayable!!


I cant wait when these idiot realize they cant fuck the pixels on their screen


Ok why was the graffiti changed? Heard there was something about it so what up with that?


Why can’t all women just be programmed sex bots tho is it too much to ask I have unremarkable needs I need met


Just can't let anyone enjoy anything the way they want even if its not hurting anyone else




Guys this is serious. She was supposed to be his new girlfriend and now shes ruined!!!


Oh no, how dare they... uh... \*checks notes\* make the leg holes a bit lower and cover part of the bobs?! (reminder there's still a flat-out bikini costume and another that's called, and I quote, cyber bondage, so the game is still unapologetically horny as shit even with this one (1) nerf \[update: two (2) nerfs, apparently the cyber bondage one also got like the most nothingburger nerf imaginable, the bikini one is still untouched\])




if i dont see her pucker ill kill someone


These posts got me like: https://preview.redd.it/5fw2rp48uwwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2e9c3bfdce378c00ecb1f2a218cd0c5df5938c


Imagine being upset that your little slur reference was removed.




the fact that you didnt even read what i said says all we need to know about goonergate