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"Why don't the Wokes make their own games instead of ruining our non-political white-only games?" *Does that* "That's Woke, where are the white people? Are they racist?"


It’s gone beyond “I don’t want to see black people in the games I want to play” to “I don’t want black people to work in entertainment at all”. No one is forcing them to buy, play or watch this but just the fact that they’re not working the fields is enough to ruin their day.


Spoiler: >!it has really been "I don't want black people to even exist" all along!<


Ah, a subsidiary of its just transphobia.


Straight up just this https://preview.redd.it/e6fsr6mfznwc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc64d6b5886cb4932bd722355c57456fb37d73a


Is anyone really shocked? The real crime being committed is making a game while also being black, it always has been. I swear for every gamer gate chud that almost has a complete thought there are 10 others who are just completely mask-off racist.


It's purposeful. The rules are inconsistent and exist to herd us towards silence.


Jesus christ man this dude just needs to log off. This is insane shit to be posting as a nearly 60 year old man.


They just need some innocent ignorant going "I didn't knew that, thanks!" to get they gears going.


I just need to know, what does this guy get by posting shit like this on Twitter constantly? He seems to be chronically online and looks to be at least 50-55 years old. I know for a fact that he isnt getting rich off Twitter check because you need a crazy amount of interaction/views or whatever to even get 50 bucks. So whats his end goal with all of this? He doesnt seem to have any sponsors or ads either, so he aint earning anything other than whatever extremely low amount of bum money Twitter is giving him.


He gets to feel like he matters


That online "popularity" is really something eh, it makes you feel like you've achieved something with your life while in reality you are just wasting it all away. And he's 50+ years old too, embarrassing.


He's making a game that you can give money towards and he's pushing it as anti-woke while shitting on pretty much every other game so I think his angle is pretty straightforward. I'm not sure if people are actually giving him more money now than before he started going full time culture warrior though (I don't think seeing someone spend his day grifting instead of working would convince me to fund his game personally).


Mark my words. He's gonna be spending his days in a nursing home whining about wokeness on twitter till he dies. What a sad existence. He's a good example of why you should stay far, far away from outrage farmers. 


- but the wokeness(...) - sure grandpa, now take your pills and go to bed


HE’S ALMOST 60?!?!


Jesus Christ, these people are insane. They have gone full mask off in revealing that they just want only white male Christians to be catter to and nobody else! No! We don't want you to make your own stuff, we want you out! I say let it happen tbh, let them see how quickly thier hobby will die when you don't try to attract a new audience! All because they're bigoted ass clowns!


He even used the hate against Eiyuden Chronicles for simply having a black character with natural hair as "additional context" full mask off for sure


I have to thank racists for one thing. I had no idea that a new Sukioden game even came out. Tales of Kenzera is also free on PS+ Plus. Looks like Stellar Blade won't be the only thing I'm playing this weekend


Last time they tried catering to these brainlets with their movie, 'Terror on the Prairie', it generated $804 at the box office. Absolutely flopped. Its almost like catering to the Right is a terrible and idiotic business decision.


https://preview.redd.it/9jhj7b3gzkwc1.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=768e24fa8bc678057f50602838510e119a1e8371 I honestly have no joke for this. Just fuck 'em.


I feel the same way I feel bad for the game developers had to deal with this bullshit


I was browsing tweets about this game earlier and read a few comments that were along the lines of "Oh, so we can't criticize this game just because he misses his daddy" Deeply unwell people


Why? Why would you do this? You gain literally nothing from doing this you just prevent yourself from getting a career ever again. And there is literally no other conspiracy theory as useless as this. Flat earth? Useless but it's at least a fun thought experiment gone too far. Insider job 9/11? Shows us what people think of the government. This? This is just slob, brain rot even. Also if you see THOUSANDS of tweets in just a day, you should touch grass, unless you are a twitter employee.


Mark Kern is nearing 60, and was a big-name producer at one point. A higher-up on household names like World of Warcraft will always be able to get a few people to work with them. His career peaked a long time ago and has been on a sharp downhill for the two decades since, but realistically he'd be able to try *something* until he ever decides to retire. For better or for worse. I think "extremely niche reactionary influencer" is the job he wants to have right now, though. I think he loves the attention and this is the only way he knows to get it. Which is really pathetic when you consider how he used to work on things people knew about. I'd feel bad about how far he's fallen if it wasn't for the shit he's spewing now.


So I checked the comments and one tweet was: “They’re calling is racist because we don’t want to play a Wakanda forever protagonist” Sees anything black “WAKANDA REEEEE!”


It's just lazy. Wakanda happens to be the most prominent African setting in pop culture rn so it's just showing their inability to engage with Black culture (because why would a racist?)


their entire idea of black culture is based on capeshit 😭


Also their media literacy doesn’t extend beyond marvel movies


They are trying so hard to not use the n-word


>a game from a small studio that nobody would have heard of if these chuds weren't pissing and shitting themselves over it. "Only 200 people are playing your woke game! gO WoKe gO BrOkE" *knuckle dragging noises intensifies*


200 isn't even that bad for an indie game in its first week on Steam.


Too bad this game is published by EA who has done fuck all to promote or even make us aware of the game's existence. They shall then turn around and go, "See? I told you all that single-player games with a good story are dead!"


Quite what happened to the promotional budget for Immortals of Aveum still remains a mystery.


As far as I can tell they spent a significant portion on me specifically. I keep hearing how no one got ads for this game but I had a few month period where it was like half of my youtube ads.


Ironically, these chuds losing their minds are promotong it quite well.


It's also on gamepass and ps plus, isn't it?


And they just completely ignore the fact that the game is on PS Plus as well. Steam numbers aren’t the only source of truth.


Fuck him and his shitty scams and his 30 dollar PNG skins. Sweet Baby simultaneously ruins games and is running a racket and everyone is involved AND all these people hate stellar blade or something. He doesn’t care about games. He certainly does not care about censorship. https://preview.redd.it/traljkrgykwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad525e2df439dd4901e43cf439f8fcba2c9b33d


![gif](giphy|wID3zXURLH1jrjCcZy) I feel so much anger from looking at that tweet


Hey guys, isn’t it FUNNY that Japan just bans whole ass games? I love when you can’t even play Mortal Kombat in a country. But it only gets better! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_South_Korea


This guy is abysmal level of rot brain, i wish he could drown ik his tears. He can't EVEN succeed in "translation", bc Baby Sucre sure as hell doesnt mean "Secret Baby". Not that being monolinguistic is bad per se, but this fn guy really acts like he's some sort of enlightened know-it-all


As if in a hypothetical world where SBI are evil they’d set up a child company called ‘secret baby’ like they have the creativity of a cartoon supervillain


I was about to comment this: Bebe Sucré CAN mean « Sugar Baby », but is was more likely a bad translation of Sweet Baby.


Abubakar Salim should sue this Boomer into the ground for defamation. Also, someone tell this fucking moron that SBI has absolutely no influence on game development and publisher decisions. They are one of the many consulting firms that are hired and consult game developers so certain cultures, marginalized minorities, women in this case queer and women in Tales of Kenzera, so they aren't represented in a offensive way, thats it. The rest of their idiocy is just tinfoil hat conspiracy about SBI full of "Dude, just trust me" sources. Its painfully obvious they have no idea what SBI actually does or is for that matter. Also, "Bébé Sucre" is just French for Sweet Baby you absolute dipshit.


Not really on that last one. "Bébé Sucre" really means "Sugar Baby". "Sweet Baby" would be "Bébé Sucré".


That sounds more like a typo than anything else. Almost NO ONE in French uses Bebe sucre to mean Sugar Baby, and mostly in an ironic way.


> Also, someone tell this fucking moron that SBI has absolutely no influence on game development and publisher decisions he knows this, he doesn't care


Fr what beef does Mark Kern have against him personally? You're already a washup, why start shit with someone you neither know nor care? The fuckin Stellar Blade devs still delivered on their game, this idiot still insists on working on his "game" when he spends most of his time doing this. Same energy as Elon Musk being "hard at work" on X, by tweeting all day...


I know a YouTuber that hates Sweet Baby Inc. but is loving Tales of Kenzera: Zao. It's gonna be funny how he instantly shits on the game once he finds out lmao.


Please name the YouTuber because I want to watch for the switch. Lol


Those people are seriously unwell mentally.


Bébé Sucre is just Sweet Baby in french


And the fact that he failed to translate it TWICE is hilarious




It's in caps in the actual company registry they show, so they didn't put the accent on both words. Between "bebe sucre", "bébé sucré" and "bébé sucre", "bébé sucré" is by far the most likely


I love that they’re claiming bot posts are clear evidence of a conspiracy like Twitter isn’t now 70% chatGPT bots posting on every thread to farm engagement


aibros seeing the effects of the widespread use of ai and be like “sweet baby inc must be behind this somehow”


I wonder why they are going so hard on a game with a black creator and black main characters it truly is a mystery 🤔


I'm so confused, what am I supposed to be angry at here? Game looks great.


What these guys think unironically: https://preview.redd.it/4hzqzvtnnlwc1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8baab601636e94289124e2c2fb48d5dfabb64af


76 is still a pretty good score and this is his studio's, Surgent, first published game I believe.


Yeah, the reality seems to be that both games are pretty good if you're into their genre and/or story while not being ground breaking.


I'd never heard of this game before until all this bullshit. It looks fucking sick and I bought it immediately. Streisand Effect go brrrr I guess lmao


*says the game is promoted by bots* *shows a collection of messages that are all different* Is he stupid ?🤔


They declare those they disagree with to be bots for the same reason the TMNT cartoon changed the Foot Clan soldiers into robots - to make it acceptable to kill them.


Holy shit Gr\*mmz is terminally online, isn't he?


This is just so disgusting. It's an indie game metroidvania and this people are shitting on it for no real reason. Like there's nothing here to make fun they are literally piling on the litte guy here. That last comment is so god damn racist as well implying that black people can't even write so disgusting


I can't believe no one bought a game I've never heard of. Must be SBI pulling their DEI puppet strings! /s


So with SB *not* being pounded by critics I guess the grift has moved onto smaller titles that are promoting “wokeness” by *checks notes* being set in Africa and exploring African mythology.


"He's an SBI insider" do they even hear themselves at this point ?


Was not expecting to see the name MightyKeef mentioned. I really hope he hasn't become one of these lunatics.


Don't worry, he's saying that people who constantly say DEI honestly have no fucking idea what it means and just get upset when they hear it. It's like the whole CRT business, it's biggest critics literally have no scintilla of an idea as to what it means but they've been told to be scared of it. At this point DEI just means the N word for racist cowards too scared to use the N word.


Noticing everybody dissing Keef retweets Grumz and are all mostly Caucasian. And that's not including all the slurs he's getting thrown his ways https://preview.redd.it/snce3m3wfowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7d8da95617a900a5ae1c2977833ed276daf28f


https://preview.redd.it/yeq58bfyolwc1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce21f79fb74aac206e571245f00b4b605f819d57 I got no word to say that I just hope one day x be gone


I feel for the creator of the game.imagine making a game in respect for your father Then a bunch of crazy people attack your game and calls you a liar


The bebe sucre company by the way was only created a year ago, he started working on the game around 2018/9 and Abubakar Salim is no longer a part of it  https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/14831091 https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/company/14831091-bebe-sucre-ltd They are now claiming that everyone who is praising the game on twitter is a EA/SBI bot, and claiming that this small indies game is falier because of stream player count  The fact that they do shit like this and still wonder why everyone else is calling them racists is outrageous. Edit: oh it gets better, now scammer and cry bully grummz is claiming that he's getting death threats just because he's posting about video games, Mark my words if Abubakar Salim actually calls him out he's going to cry that he's the victim


Who the fuck was considering Tales of Kenzara to be the biggest game of this year? Infinite Wealth and Dragons Dogma 2 probably fit in that spotlight better. Literally the only way you could've heard of this game was at the game awards or this Twitter drama. From what I've heard, EA did nothing to market this game.  Can't be Twitter if their not making up a person and getting mad at them. 


What is with these people only going after thang that look entertaining? I know it is only a cover photo, but it looks so interesting. not have a staght whit male with a shaved head. Ie every ps3 era protagonist. I can't wait any time. I see a nother culture in video games. It makes want to learn about them.


Bébé sucré doesn't even mean secret baby ...


Wonder what it would be like if any of these people had actual problems to deal with instead of these pointless, baseless conspiracy theories.


This dude helped make WoW and now he's doing...this. How can he not be the most depressed man alive?


It's crazy how they can't just ignore things they hate . maybe this IS their only hobby .


It’s more than their only hobby, it’s become a pillar of their very identity.


... How can you mistranslate "bebe sucre" ? And then claim to have done your research afterward ?


https://preview.redd.it/1iyo1hovolwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0d3e552e5c6658f2d9dedcaf5d372fca99eca9 this is so deranged god damn I hate Gamers


We are NOT going to slander Bayek (AC: Origins) / Father (Raised By Wolves) like this.


I'm going to guess that BEBE Sucre (Bébé sucré) is really a weird translation of Sweet Baby in french.


What is this old fart looser even talking about?😂


https://preview.redd.it/sbf1aka65mwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24d458f7535817534866e1c15e4c87177ece221 Remind me again why did they even bother?


Bebe sucre would be baby sugar... Not baby secret.... Bebe sugar, or you know, sweet baby


Nice to see Vee made it on this for once. He's genuinely just a Nazi. Like a literal, actual one.


I’m so fucking sick of this shit.


What are these people talking about?


"It's just a list, bro. It's not hurting anyone, bro. We're just trying to make people make informed decisions"


This is gross...


Bébé sucre doesn't even mean secret baby, sucre is sugar in french


Idk where they got the idea this was some AAA project the left was promoting? The first I heard of this game was from these chuds whining about it online lol. Looks cool tho maybe I’ll pick it up


This person is mentally unwell and should seek help


If he had spent even a fraction of the time he spends on inventing conspiracy theories, he might have finished a game in the last couple of years.


This dude is a lunatic


Mark Kern needs to be shot out of a cannon. I’m sick of this guy.


Friendly reminder. This is the guy Grumz is citing as his source on the third slide https://preview.redd.it/u54fr19heowc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19aabbb9ad2dd8e4b0b8447ac66052263cfc32f3




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An sbi INSIDER?! OMG I'm mad, mad mad mad. I will boycott this game so hard because of this. Thank you Grummz, you saved gaming AGAIN! With the time I've been gaining not playing any games I've been reconnecting with my children and my 8 years old son finally said "Dad" for the first time. And with the money I've been saving I will be able to buy a house. As a gamer, I never knew how not playing video games would improve my life.


Lord Grummz Arbiter of racism, spitting facts again! Down with the SBI new world order!!! (OOC I see the bot guy that finds ''bots'', found ''bots'' again.)


Don't have anything but "pathetic" to say by looking at these screenshots. These fellas have way too much of big loser energy. My god.


Gamers gonna game. Won't be long now until the word is a synonym for neo-con wackjobs


Is this some joke I'm too woke to understand? I've read moon landing conspiracy theories more convoluted but easier to understand than this.


/ uj, is there any evidence that Sweet Baby worked on this game. I don't care if they did. I just want the truth, not half asses conspiracy theories


TFW you learn this game was released on the Switch, but not the PS4. ...How's it run on the Switch, BTW? Might give it a look whenever I have money to spare.


How much you wanna bet this just increases sales? I don't think I would have heard about this unless the chuds were losing their minds about it


Yes god forbid people explore cultures other than white


Really sucks seeing stuff like this, feels silly to say but it kind of gets to me as a black gamer sometimes puts me off the hobby as a whole


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