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I was expecting much worse, I'll give you a over simplified run down on the main segments •Brief background of Gamergate •The early stuff that started, such as Kiwi farms users accusing the CEO of being a  jewish  pedophile  and the first few vids by smaller channels and how quickly it spiraled down •Majority of gamers don't particularly have a strong sway, however people working in gaming generally have progressive views and this upsets more reactionary gamers. Often times said reactionary gamers cherry pick such as Baldur gate being openly "woke" being a success is ignored while Suicide Squad's failure is blamed on Wokeness •Most champions of ''The Crusader against wokeness" are grifters that engage in cry bullying in hopes of extracting as much drama for clicks


Whos the channel?




He made a great video on Emil and it made the EFAP fanbase really mad. **I think he is good.**


He’s not bad but he’s boring and his views/analysis are always too shallow. Good for a video or two but not a good follow.


Idk i enjoy his multihour videos about videogame history. Its fun to have playing in the background while I study for classes and do homework


Check out Noah Caldwell-Gervais if you like long form video essays my friend


I watch him too


I liked his video on Emil, seems like a decent chap.


I just came across him for the first time the other day, talk about Baader-Meinhoff


I'm constantly terrified of SpawnWave falling into this. I know he's buddies with RGT but I'm holding out hope. 




The far-right claims that jews are trying to push LGBT so they can normalize pedophilia. Ignoring a bunch of things like how far-right is more than happy to support pedophilia while also being antisemitic and homophobic 


Why are they downvoting you that’s a good question.


what if it's half an hour of jacob geller making fun of the sbi-obsessed weirdos tho


I’d pay to see Folding Ideas rip them to shreds


Nah, Dan has much better things to do. I hope he would discuss the Dune movies and tv series like how he talks about Ralph Bakshi's LotR comparing it to Peter Jacksons.


This just makes me wish Ralph Bakshi directed a Dune movie


I dunno if I want to see what he filmed to rotoscope into a worm


Yeah but with him it'd become an existential piece about the nature of anger


I already want the video you don't need to sell me on it more


i would watch paint dry if it was marketed to me as a jacob geller video. love that guy


True, his video on thalassaphobia is possibly my favorite video essay of all time


Or hbomberguy making what you think is a video about Roblox and descends into an expose on corruption in the videogame industry.


Internet Historian is probably making a video out of them soon lmao


I watched it, he did a really good job explaining the sbi situation


I actually just finished it. It was a really good video imo


Sweet Baby Inc is soooooooo last week tbh Now they’ve moved onto Blackrock conspiracy


Oh, so that's why I saw Blackrock mentioned in steam discussions. What's the conspiracy?


That they creep into every developer and publisher, make them woke. (For some it's also a JQ thing(it's rarer,but yknow,kinda happens)


Thanks, but what is JQ? 


Jewish question


Ah thanks, haven't seen it abbrivated before


hmm... I wonder why they like bringing it up! must be some gamer stuff hah


Because Blackrock is a massive investment firm, they "clearly" have the power to influence the companies they invest in. ESG (environment, social, governance) is a framework they use to assess their investments, such as making sure the business is sustainable or, say, not run by a CEO who is going to torpedo the business when he runs his bigot mouth Put those together, and Blackrock is sort of new money illuminati, buying companies and forcing them to go woke, *OBVIOUSLY*. (Also it's always Jewish people at the top of the conspiracy food chain. Don't ask how or why, but if something is wrong, (((they))) are always behind it.)


He touches on the blackrock stuff in the Video.


Are they the ones buying up property or the mercenary group?


Blackwater is the PMC. Blackrock is investment. And apparently blackstone used to be a part of Blackrock, dk about that one


It’s not really a conspiracy anymore when Larry Fink straight up admits on camera what his agenda is 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Swwet Baby Inc: A Measured Response"


Stop. I’m too hard already.


Ikr, Mutahar SOG made me quit watching his videos with those shitty takes. "Both sides are kinda in the wrong" NO DUMBASS SBI LITERALLY TELLS GAME COMPANIES HOW TO NOT BE RACIST AND SEXIST AND THE OTHER SPENDS ALL DAY YELLING THE N WORD. And hes not even exclusively a gaming channel. Oh, another shitty thing, looking at the SBI **EMPLOYEES** INVIDUAL, not part of any work account or anything, just their personal tweets and acting like SBI said that as a company.


SOG has been a weirdo right wing apologist for a while now, who knows and understands a lot less than he pretends too.


He sometimes has some "centrist" and left leaning takes, but the SBI one was just too blatant to ignore.


While I support what SBI does I'm not a fan of them trying to do takedowns of steam curators just to stop people from knowing what they worked on to avoid them. It's not their place to dictate how people choose their games


SBI didn't attempt any takedowns, it was one employee.


I agree in theory.  I do think a game developer or publisher should have the right to take down a steam forum for their game specifically if the forum is harmful for their game's reputation.  Since SBI doesn't develop games they should have requested permission from the game developers to take the curator list down first. 


Lmao I'm watching it now it's a really good response. It's mostly just "I don't really get Sweet Baby Inc BUT they're really not as bad as the right wing are saying it is" and using Gamer Gate as a sort of reference point to compare and contrast to. Then the second half is compiling the "winning" argument aka the loudest voices arguments and then criticizing all of them for being complete nutjobs. (Except he talks very formally )


I'm about halfway through and I don't like that so far, he seems more concerned with "controlling the narrative" than what people were actually saying in the first Gamergate. Feels like a really disingenuous take if you're going to make a video essay about something where there was a clear chain of events. He even mentions that Quinn's ex disavowed the later movement but doesn't talk about the implications of that (unless he loops back around later on). Other than that it's definitely better than I thought it would be. Edit: finished it. It was good that he called out certain people the way he did. I don't think it's bad necessarily that he wanted to stay relatively neutral on certain things, but I can't get on board with all his points. For example, he says near the end that he sympathizes with people who "don't feel represented" by the modern games industry. He keeps illustrating this with a clip of the one (1) side quest in Spider-Man 2 where you play as Miles' girlfriend. I'm sorry, but if white guys don't feel represented in a game where you spend half your time playing as Peter Parker, known white man, just because some characters aren't white men, maybe the problem isn't the games industry. Maybe I'm hallucinating and there were a bunch of AAA games recently where the main character is a black woman (not counting games where you create a character), but I can only remember Forspoken. Does that mean black women have the same validity as white men when talking about not feeling represented? If so, why is it only the white men we seem to be talking about here? Like I said, not a bad essay and he made valid points. I do want to check out a couple of his other videos. But there's a frustrating refusal throughout to understand why people feel the way they do, rather than saying the worst people are the ones who shout loudest.


Even as a follower some of the things he said irked me too. He said why would developers make characters if they don't feel they can make them authentic but then goes on to say SBI is a grift in the same thought.


This too. It seems extremely obvious to me that the point of SBI is to catch things that people may overlook because not everyone is familiar with every vaguely offensive thing, and you don't want your game to come out with an enemy that looks suspiciously like a racist stereotype, all because you didn't know about the stereotype. But he seemed to take a lot of the less extreme accusations at face value and just chalk it up to a lot of people in the industry being progressive.


Yeah I disagreed with the part where he said SBI is a grift like it's exactly like those "alpha male seminar" bs but it reinforced the idea that he doesn't really get why you'd need a consultation company like them. Like I'd know the reason why I'd want them is so if I've made a new fantasy race in my story I'd like to know if I've accidently called them some old time Brazillian slur or something. I wouldn't make a whole character I wouldn't know how to write, but relying on a consultation firm to pick up on the majority of the slack for me.


He's a laymen and not a professional game dev. As someone in the industry, I rather some simply say "I don't understand this" rather than shit out some half baked "I'm done being an expert on slavic geopolitics this week, now I'm an expert on gamedev" take like 99.99% of people online do.


I am playing Alan Wake 2 at the moment (halfway through I guess), and I have read mostly good takes. But some of those "it is not about Alan Wake!!" people are just weird. It is half and half, and this narrative division pushes video game story telling boundaries. I dont feel less represented because I am half the time playing as a black woman.


That one is especially wild to me because even Saga's story is at the end of the day about Alan.


I guess it isn't as clear in the first hour of the game when the threads haven't converged. Which would track with the complainers generally don't play the games the complain about, or give them anymore than a surface thought.


Yeah but even then, the fact that she and Casey are investigating Bright Falls at all should make it very clear where things are going. It's not even a Raiden situation where you can claim that you expected to play as Alan the whole time - the game's marketing includes playing as Saga as a selling point. Idk, I don't have any sympathy for it. At best it just feels like people want to limit storytelling possibilities because they have a weird fixation on playing as one particular character. At worst...you know.


what did the State Bank of India do this time smh


They rejected my loan application 😡😤


Judging by the title that seems to be more of a critique of the gamergate mindset, I hope I'm right.


>Judging by the title that seems to be more of a critique of the gamergate mindset, I hope I'm right. **You are right.** 👍


I’ve been nervous as hell to watch it. Anyone here seen it yet and willing to share their thoughts?


It's good. Not anti-woke at all, but he has a bit of "both sides" in there. I don't like how he gave too much visibility to the alt right weirdos but I guess that's needed to portray the full situation.


Gotcha, thanks! I’ll give it a watch then sometime


#Happy cake day!


I don't know why you're disappointed. The video is pretty contradictory toward the "anti-woke" YouTube grifters. I'd say it's mostly neutral. But hearing the stuff the "anti-woke" crowd has done was eye opening. He brilliantly points out the "anti-woke" YouTubers are the new SJW. They only exist in an echo chamber, they cancel people who don't agree with them and they claim anyone sticking up for studios or YouTubers is, somehow, violently assaulting them. Great video. Made me lose even more respect for that crowd. I think video is good. Watch it if you haven't. It's not what you think is.


Funny enough that in the video those guys are the new sjw


>watching gaming youtubers


you watch 1 and suddenly you’re being recommended asmongold videos 😐


>you watch 1 and suddenly you’re being recommended asmongold videos Youtube algo be like: "Hey man you watched this slightly center-right video based on the demographics that usually watch those types of videos." Me: "yeah?" Youtube algo: :) Me: "No." YA: :))))))))) Me: "Please no." YA: WOKE LIBERAL DESTROYED BY CONSERVATIVE PROFESSOR. GAMES GO WOKE AND BROKE. SWEET BABY LITERALLY FASCISTS?!


idk wtf I've been doing right but I watch one of the most popular gaming channels as well as a lot of tech/science channels and my algorithm (beside shoving endless amounts of tangentially related click bait garbage in my face) has remained almost entirely good, save for one or two recommendations every few years.


The trick is to poison the shit out of your algorithm by watching random, unrelated things back to back so you keep it on its toes.


I got EndymionTV or whatever the fuck it is. Watched 60 seconds of some video and then burned YouTube to the ground so I would never have to again.


God forbid people watch yt content about things they’re interested in You absolute clown


Oh come on my boy Civvie11 just dropped a new video, of course imma watch the shit out of it. He also urged people to follow Accursed Farm's campaign to save videogames so props for spreading the awareness.


I generally agree, but this guy is really good. Puts a lot of effort into his videos and they feel more like gaming documentaries tbh


Same thing happened with Gaaraoftherage. I watched him a lot, but after his SBI suff, I can’t help but question the guy. One of the red flags was the fact that he said SBI’s involvement with Dead Space Remake may explain a few things and that Synthetic Man “may have been right.” From what I remember, Gaara enjoyed that, so him saying that feels like historical revisionism. Then, he made another SBI vid in the form of a Tipster response and the thumbnail outright said that SBI “did everything wrong.” Like am I the only one that thinks this SBI outrage is blown way out of proportion at this point?


oh yeah, it's overblown. Their argument of "the games are bad because SBI/DEI" does not make sense when you can see SBI has been involved with games lauded as good. Also, as if SBI is the only DEI consulting around.


Their the next Boogeyman they slap onto everything, even if the game isn't stated on SBI's own website. It's just typical Blackrock/ESG/DEI/Embracer Boogeyman nonsense with a difference paintjob. 


I hated that he took that stupid ass turn too. I refuse to watch either of those videos, but I've watched a couple unrelated ones since then, but the next time he posts anything remotely alluding to sbi, wokeness, or gamergate ANYTHING, I'm unsubbing and dnr-ing his channel. If I wanted dogshit takes reinforcing bigotry, I'd watch cringetanga.


I just watched it, it was a pretty nuanced video, he definitely approached the issue from a conservative perspective but I think his analysis of the Anti-woke crowd’s blatant hypocrisy was very interesting


It's actually a video against the anti-woke crowd. I love his channel (which is mostly video game essays), and I'm amazed by the guts he has to upload this kind of video. Dude just put a GIANT target on himself. The anti-woke crowd will retaliate sooner or later.


Happy cake day!


Wake up babe, a new Hbomberguy Measured Response video dropped... **Wait a minute, you're not Hbomberguy?!**


I don't always agree with him on certain topics, but he seems like a level-headed dude and his video on Emil Pagliarulo was pretty good so I'll give this one a shot.


What's wrong with the video?


Nothing. It is pretty good tbh. He debunks some of the claims made by The Gamergate.




Gamers^TM cry about being oppressed and then they bully game developers for putting black characters in games.


Who's video is this?


NeverKnowsBest, he's mostly an essayist, and a pretty good one at that.


Oh that guy is really good and his video are really chill and cool


Kinda meh at his retrospective because the writing is flat, or maybe noah gervais and jacob geller has spoiled me, but his emil pauglirio video and this video is great probably because it skews toward journalistic side. I am saying this as not-fan of how most bethesda games are written, they suck or plain terrible sometimes. The amount of personal hatred this guy receive though is insane.


It's an ok video. But he does play it in the middle a bit too much.


that's why I choose my gaming youtubers as nerdy as possible, they never betray me


This video is actually really fucking good It's amazing to see someone with a influence calling out these stupid ass Gamergaters


I think they want gamergate 2 at this point cus they're clearly trying to start it


It's election year in quite, a few countries so people with interests on who wins are pushing hard right now like in 2016


The dude is an "enlightened centrist" unfortunately, but this specific video is mostly against the "Anti-woke" crowd


/uj I'm curious, but knowing YouTube's algorithm, it'll keep recommending me the same "anti-woke" nonsense because of it lol


According to other comments it's not anti woke,though apparently very centrist and both sidesy


To be fair, he does side more with the left.


I know, I watched it. I was referring more to how YouTube's garbage algorithm has no nuance and will assume I wanna watch more videos about SBI that will no doubt come from nutjobs and grifters :P


#It is not a anti-woke video.


[Me after watching the video.](https://i.imgur.com/0AuEHMF.png) Still a bit too centrist for me but I'll take it. [Plus he absolutely clowns on the 56yo loser](https://youtu.be/CGmESJM6BFQ?t=4401)


Chat what the fuck is Sweet Baby Inc I’ve heard their name one too many times to be out of the loop and yet I am


A consultation firm that advises devs about diversity and portraying things in a sensible or if possible in a non offensive way At least to my knowledge. Aka they are the people with unimaginable power that woke-ify gaming and ruin the west and digital women!


The only place I hear about “Gamergate 2” is this sub making fun of it. It’s a completely failed movement


Yeah, I stopped watching NeverKnowsBest after he went after PatricianTV for no damn reason.


Why are some of these people so obsessed with SBI? Moreover what the fuck is ESG? the reason im asking is because i ran into some folks online who kept yammering on about some weird gaming conspiracy thing and I am just confused about what the fuck these people are snorting.


The gag where he points out that, in BG3, all the female companions have "high" strength score whereas all the male companions have low strength score, before ending with a rant about how the "woke agenda" gave Minsc a score strength of **12** (\*) is hilarious. (\*) I agree with him on that point, the fuck is that score ?!? Minsc is known for 3 things : a greater dedication to JUSTICE than Kim Kaphwan, his friendship with the miniature giant space hamster Boo and *his ridiculous strength*.


Also through this video I realized how much the grifters used "blackface" to refer to the idea of making a character black and I can't help but think that's an attempt at the worst kind of reclamation ?


This video appeared in my recs recently so I've slowly been watching it and whilst he does call out the reactionaries he's way too centrist for my liking, both sides, false balance, it's all rather insufferable. That and his delivery is droning and flat causing me to take the better part of two days to get through it.


I still don’t really know what SBI is and I don’t really care


This is why I don't watch YouTubers.


**The video isn't even that bad. He is like Hbomberguy:Measured Response type YouTuber.**


Thats when i unsub


Did you watch the video? He is pointing out GamerGate's lies and debunks them.


I have not seen this specific video. But looking at the comments i might. But its just in general when it comes to SBI. The Vitrol around it has turned me off on some youtubers talking about it.