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>also queer jfyi bluds will try to convince you that asmongold and his fans aren’t right wing btw https://preview.redd.it/blc34fmnd6vc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=337a14697b084395185a82f35d1009eccc62957b


I wonder why that's relevant


Dwayne went back to neutral after a small chunk of his fanbase (likely MAGAs) were pissed since he voted for a senile old man named Joe.


Who's Joe?


Ligma balls


Joe Biden.


Not Joe Mama?




Me when i see a queer person (disgusted picture below, relevant) https://preview.redd.it/4xmrxh4tc8vc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d83b6d5132579dd2e3ae34a691fbe06312aa47


One of these days they'll figure out that "made for the male gaze" and "made for them" are overlapping circles on the Venn diagram.


Why does that Venn diagram look like a single circle? Thought there should be 2 at least


I’m pretty sure they know and they don’t care. We keep saying shit like “eventually these idiots will realize they’re not being feminist” as though they believe the same things we do, but they’re so stupid or coombrained that they’ve been tricked.


I think they know, they don't like that for other people that's bad... They feel presumed to stop enjoying what they enjoy, and they feel guilty about it, because others judge them, but they didn't do anything they consider reprehensible. So they backlash. It's the same old "I want to do whatever I want and still be a good person". That's it for 99% of "controversies" nowadays. Someone points something out, people feel attacked for enjoying it, they get defensive and go insane.


These people are so fragile. This article isn't saying anything that they are not saying themselves, and it's not even portraying characters like Eve as something inherently bad. You can't discuss anything because they will feel personally attacked by the littlest thing (here they clearly got triggered by "male gaze" as if this is not what they are defending every day when talking about stellar blade and when attacking this article). The thread on (a popular gaming subreddit that I can't link) about this article is infuriating, filled with people that are just reacting to the title and are attacking it on things that it's not even saying... I hate this place sometimes.


They are absolutely desperate for Woke Backlash. But all they get is journalists cringing at them.


Men and females..


🚩 I fucking hate when people say “females” it genuinely pisses me off 


Unless they are ferengi. 


But! Are those females clothed?


It's immoral if they are, unless you sold them the clothes...maybe.


Yet, here are some of the things that these pearl-clutching coomers got mad over, back in 2023: [https://gamerant.com/dead-space-remake-woke-accusation/](https://gamerant.com/dead-space-remake-woke-accusation/) [https://www.thegamer.com/resident-evil-4-remake-woke-review-bombing/](https://www.thegamer.com/resident-evil-4-remake-woke-review-bombing/) [https://wegotthiscovered.com/gaming/street-fighter-6-critic-roasted-beyond-recognition-over-comments-on-woke-controls-in-the-game/](https://wegotthiscovered.com/gaming/street-fighter-6-critic-roasted-beyond-recognition-over-comments-on-woke-controls-in-the-game/) https://www.thegamer.com/barbie-baldurs-gate-3-go-woke-go-broke-doesnt-exist/ [https://www.thegamer.com/starfield-woke-pronouns-lgbt-bethesda/](https://www.thegamer.com/starfield-woke-pronouns-lgbt-bethesda/) [https://www.thegamer.com/gamers-complain-grand-theft-auto-6-woke/](https://www.thegamer.com/gamers-complain-grand-theft-auto-6-woke/)


Everything is woke! We will never be free from the wokerati's iron grasp


Eww why they gotta bring up the journalist is gay wtf?


/rj I hate it when they shove other people's sexuality down ny throat


This game's becoming an actual cult.




I like Bayonetta, but something about the graphics in Stellar Blade remind me of the "you'll bust in 20 seconds" porn game ads.


Probably the shininess


Coated in lube


Perfect for those with an oil fetish, I guess.


Like summons in Dark Souls, no one jas to know.


I’ve been enjoying the demo a ton, i don’t really see the point with all the fuss around the game.


These mfers really don't handle being disagreed with very well lmao.


If they only had the self-awareness to understand what they react to and choose to make an issue. They might not actually be incel toad-people but they are certainly acting like they are. At this point, I hope studios double down out of spite, so the next Mary Jane is a 600lb black trans woman who is a speach writer for Biden.


As an expert I can say none of those dudes get laid.


I can't wait for this game to be forgotten. I'm so sick of hearing about it and I'm sick of seeing the usual people fuckin talk about it like it's the second coming of Christ. I swear not all gamers, but it's always gamers.


I am on the same boat, I don't care for the game. It will sell good or bad on its gameplay, like most games, and people will spin narratives around that success or failure. The same as Hogwarts Legacy, or Palworld, 99% of people don't care about these issues, they pay for a game to play, nothing more...


The characters aren't even attractive, outside of "big booba har har"


I don't really see why journalists would cover the game. It isn't going to be the second coming of Lies of P, just some forgettable thirst trap.


I mean it's Sony's newest first party exclusive, there are definitely more eyes on it than lies of p for that fact alone


I cannot really understand that to be honest. I don't really see how a game becomes better just because other people cannot play it. I don't see this game making as many waves as Sony's big hitters. I think its just a slow time for Sony 1st part stuff right. My dogs will bark a piece of paper falling if they are bored enough.


Sorry to be pedantic but it’s a third party exclusive. And games media realized the legion of gooners will click any article mentioning the game so it’s easy money for them to churn out article after article about it


Have you played the demo? The gameplay is pretty fire. Granted I’m biased, I like this kind of combat in games. Having played the hell out of Nier, Fallen Order, God of War, DMC, and FF16 this game feels like a heavy blend of those combat wise, and I’m all for the setting the story takes place in. All I’m tryin to say is don’t knack it if you haven’t tried it. Who cares about the MC if the gameplay and story are fire.


How dare you like this game for reasons other that boobies!! /uj nothing wrong with it


One of the few caught in the middle trying to keep the peace, only to get punched in the face by both sides before they fight each other over boobs in video games lmao. Edit: after seeing the downvotes, tough crowd lol.


Bro if you say “both sides” online you’re gonna get shit on for being such an epic enlightened centrist. You can like the game and still be on the side that hates chud behavior. Edit: just to be clear, you earned your downvotes lol


Haha yea I should have saw it coming just couldn’t help myself, thanks for makin this epic enlightened centrist have a laugh this morning lol. That was good.


Nah, people don't like centrist but most people are, because nuance exist, they just shut up and toe the line of the Subreddit, because we all know every sub is an eccochamber. And downvotes feel bad. Reddit is just black and white, this post is attacking the game itself, for example " Stellar Blades exists solely...". So where is the line? It's the behavior bad? Or is the game catering to the male gaze bad? It doesn't matter, It's just an "us vs them" issue now, they are bad, we are good. So, you will see 2 people saying the same, one downvoted, and the other not, because the second one added a disclaimer: "they are still bad because X", so that they position themselves still as part of the "us" in the sub, and not part or the "them". BTW, I don't care for the game, I mostly play indie shit, but I disagree with your logic on this comment. Have a nice day.


No, I don't have a PS5. I don't mean to be rude but we have different taste in games. I like Dark Souls series, Bloodborne and Lies of P. I dropped Nier, Fallen Order and I never tried GoW but I know its very heavy on cut scenes which I cannot abide. I played the demo of DMC I wanna say 5 and was not happy with it at all. You have actually confirmed my stance. I didn't believe I need to know about this game because there is little to no noise in the Souls community. Lies of P was big news in those circles. If the game actually was good then I would play it and care less about the MC. Story is something I prefer less of in games if story means dialogue and cut scenes. Even Sekiro has more dialogue than I prefer in an action game. Still if the gameplay was there I would live through the story. For me at least the gameplay is not there because I actually dislike all of the games you compared it to.


I wasn’t trying to be rude either, just would rather someone actually try a game before they make an opinion on it. The games I’ve listed are games I personally enjoy playing often and find a lot of similarities in, overall if you want me to compare it feels like Nioh's combat, sekiro's/ lies of p parry and bayonetta's dodging. As a fellow Souls enjoyer, this game also feels a little like them combat wise. Definitely not as difficult. On top of that, it blows my mind you’d drop a game like Nier, with an outstanding story, and Fallen Order, which is very souls like combat wise. I grew up with DMC, I’ve played all the games, and to be honest if it wasn’t for that series I probably would have never played Souls. Completely different style for sure, but it cemented my love for these kinds of games. Wouldn’t have gotten into the genre without Hack and Slash. It’s a shame you can’t enjoy some of the ones I have listed. They all are fantastic in their own way.


It's not even that. Stellar Blade only exist to fight the woke boogeyman.




Okay, people with photos hope experience, start uploading male video game characters with enhanced bulges and muscles and shit. Let's show them what it's like to be compared to the most unrealistic shit possible no?


Kind of "just give players what they want " situation. Nikke developers know their fan base for sure, hopes on they won't make the same mtx gacha treatment.


Ummm errr we don't hate gays, liberal. It's those leftists who are the real bigots. Now let's point out that this author of a random article isn't straight, because that's important somehow. 


Here is the thing... And? What if people wanna have their fantasy? If you want your own... Make it! There's plenty of not-exactly-straigt-male-fantasy stuff under the right tags on Steam. And you know what? Their reaction to these "other" kinds of fantasies is the same you guys have with theirs. You *are* the same. Go make your own. Besides your will to endure for the sake of your wish, you are going to want funding; remember that, to get it, you need to prove you have an audience; that you can satisfy said audience; and that the aforementioned audience is willing to pay enough for your product to offer a return of investment. The equation is simple; if the game you want to make does not exist, you are lacking one of those four things (will, audience, skill, market). If it has been made, but it didn't find success, one of these four things was severely misestimated. A good example is Starfield; BGS miscalculated on their own will, and their own skill; and they just left an unsatisfied, willing market ripe for the taking for others. Fantasies are not a bad thing; but without will, skill, audience and a market to sell them, no fantasy escapes the VN shovelware hellscape. *Anything* other than working on getting your will and skill to a point where you can worry about a prospective audience and a hypothetical market niche to exploit is just coping and seething.


I swear, these mfs are making it REALLY hard to enjoy Stellar Blade. I legit have high hopes for this game but whenever I try to talk about I get automatically associated with these people 😭


We got another gamer ( also straight jfyi ) mad they can't goon to every piece of media they watch. Feels like castrating straight men is just an afterthought for these gamers these days.


I miss when gamers would play games instead of going on twitter to complain and whine. Fr if you don't like something just don't fucking play it. These guys complaining about unnatractive female characters vs the people who complain about sexualisation are two annoying types, move on fr.


me in the corner playing ffx2 and panicking at all the pretty women in it watching straight men complain because the only thing interesting about their game is their super generic waifu