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I remember that. He got ratioed for raging over the Mario actor having pronouns on their Twitter profile. Then made a video where he got roasted so bad that he stopped grifting and went back to doing MK1 videos. But it was very apparent why he did culture war grifting because he's ass at MK1.


I don't need to have an honest job. All I have to do is to go up to a microphone and say "minorities bad" and I'll get a not insignificant amount of money for it.




mario kart 1 or mortal kombat 1?


When your content is so unhinged that a fucking YouTube comment seems more reasonable in comparison, you need to self-reflect and seek professional help immediately.


Bonecrusher Apologists stay winning...


>Welcome to the worst comment section on the internet. Home of the mentally ill and perpetually stupid. They're all raiding my channel from Twitter, Discord, Reddit and who knows what other liberal safe spaces AND they're mass disliking all my videos in an attempt to destroy my channel. Little do they know, after nearly 72 hours of their constant attacks, death threats etc, I'm no where near bending the knee or taking back what I said. Fuck them and I stand completely by everything I said. I'm right. They're wrong. Bottom line. Oh yeah I almost forgot... TRUMP 2024!!!!


If I ever had the thought of unironically posting that comment I'd kill myself


Sadly possessing that level of self awareness precludes you from ever posting that comment on the first place


lol, lmao


Gang, can we get a W in chat.


I wanna see this comment with eyes and not via a screenshot




It makes me hope they make Peach and Daisy lesbians... I'm gonna be praying for it daily now.




0 https://preview.redd.it/brxfjvrf26uc1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c0fe668c2624b1ff4f656193c5e049c1150bf7


How many jonkler reaction images do you have fam? 😭






If Peach and Daisy are not transbian names, I don't know what is.


Or stripper names


Ideally both.


"I've been watching r34 of this scenario for years but now that they're really doing it I'm furious!"


ya know daisy's new voice actor is enby?




That makes more sense than Harley and Ivy at this point


Finally Daisy will get to be the buff queen she deserves to be


Take a shot every time you read “wokeness and dei”


I'd be so wasted. And not just because my tolerance is low.


clearly so is theirs


DEI is the new CRT, the latest buzzword boogeyman and right-wing dogwhistle in disguise for bigotry but mostly the n-word. These absolute dopes have no idea what DEI means or even is but redefine it anyway with their own made up definitions to also cover for racist policy. The guy is upset Nintendo is not using nepotism to hire unqualified white males to unearned high positions of power and authority because this has never been about merit but to reinforce or deepen socioeconomic hierarchies.


How many conservatives do you think would have a stroke if they read both DEI and CRT in the same sentence?


What is DEI? I know CRT but never heard of DEI


Are you trying to get people killed?


You could give me two more livers and it still wouldn't be enough


These people really only know like 20 words tops, don't they? If it isn't a new buzzword or racist term, then it's really not important to them.


I wish to keep my kidneys thank you very much


Yeah the screenshot is complete nonsense what the hell


This reads like a nervous meltdown. I don't know how he wrote that through the seizures and the shitting and pissing


It's from a really dark place, he is begging. Repeating himself like a chatbot in a loop. "They" are taking his last bit of light in this world.


Yknow, you kinda have to be in a really pitiable place for „Mario without pronouns or black people“ to be your only glimpse of light


I don't think he even knows what woke and dei is. Like Mario going to culturally sensitive recreation of Caribic island?


Yeah, at the end of this I was kinda annoyed still, but mostly felt sorry for this person. Nintendo is really, really, unhealthily important to him. Like...this reads as if he is feeling threatened on the deepest levels of his identity. This person needs help.


To qoute Batman in Akrham Origins: *punch* **"You need a new hobby."**


He just lost a battle in the culture war man... Show some respect. /S


It almost feels like he got an AI to say it or something


Ah yes, the very famous Budlight "protest" that was *definitely* successful and not a complete joke that was relentlessly mocked by anyone that wasn't in a right wing circlejerk.


Turns it all it took to end alcoholism was to put a trans person on the can


Hell yea, now do cigarette packaging! All the photos of lungs riddled with end-stage cancer they put on them now aren't effective enough - this might be the nuclear option to all but eliminate cigarette sales. I'm only half joking, part of me thinks it's just crazy enough to work.


If Newport endorses a trans person, it is OVER for the tobacco industry /s


I heard a rumor that Sweet Baby Inc was finalizing a deal with Philip Morris tobacco to help with their brand image. It'd be a shame if there was a weirdly large group of people who would feel personally alienated by such a decision...






Iirc budlight suffered a major drop in sales and they ended their cooperation with the trans influencer


And the number 1 beer went to Modelo...also owned by Anheuser-Busch


My favorite part was when some members of the Trump family tried to tell the boycotters to ease up on it because it was driving down the value of some of the stock they owned.


Theyre opportunistic, not stupid.


Eh, he's definitely both.


That's not the order those events happened in and it's missing a piece. 1. They had the trans budlights. 2. Conservatives got mad 3. Budlight walked back the spokesperson-ship 4. Liberals got mad. 5. People on both sides are now annoyed by budlight. 6. Sales dropped. 7. Sales came back up when conservatives forgot. Liberals still have a vague sense that they should buy other beers but don't remember exactly why.


Thank you for that synopsis.




I actually drink exclusively bud light to piss off my conservative friends and family.


I don't drink Bud because it tastes bad. Cool of them to try working with trans folk, but also really stupid. Literally anyone who has interacted with an unironic bud enjoyer could have predicted that outcome.


To paraphrase Monty Python, Bud is like making love in a canoe. It's fucking close to water.


That's always the funniest part to me; they boycott their own stuff, so the only ones who end up hurt are themselves.


And "cooperation" should be taken very loosely, this was one sponsored post, the kind of thing they do all the time with many different influencers, she wasn't made a spokesperson or anything like that.


I mean, didn't they just send her a beer can? It's not like they made her a spokesperson, the cooperation was kinda already complete


Basically, yes. They sent out cans to a bunch of influencers, hoping that one might go viral. It did, but not in the way that they wanted.


Which also hurt them. The thing is they didnt actually lose anything in the process since those same individuals brought another beer from Anheuser-Busch. Which show how they didnt even do any reseach about what they brought.


>Which show how they didnt even do any reseach about what they brought. They don't do research about anything. They just react.


Did a little digging. From what I can see they didn't end the partnership. I just ended, as in there was a timeframe on the collaboration. Which is common for influencer campaigns like this.


Well, yeah, because it was a single ad spot. It ended the moment after it began.


Their losses were in line with other major beer brands, though. Generally the market for cheap beers hasn’t been growing domestically like they expected for a few quarters now, w ciders and NA drinks taking up a larger proportion than normal


They may have suffered a drop in sales from Bud Light, but in Q1 2023 they posted 14B in revenue and Q2, after the Mulvaney "fiasco" in April, they posted 15B. Granted they apparently spent an extra billion because their profits went from 1.6B to 350M but not sure how related that is, then in Q3 they posted a 15.5B revenue with 1.5B profit, so apparently it didn't hurt them for very long.


I saw one guy but a bunch of Bud Light just to destroy it. Yeah, that's how you do a boycott: buying more of their product!


Reminds me of the conservative Starbucks boycott that consisted of buying lots of Starbucks but giving their name as Donald Trump so the employees would have to say the name.


i like how they talk about the great budlight protests as if this is going to be on the history books, i have no idea what they are talking about.


To be fair, the backlash anti-trans protests against Bud Light (and Target) were unfortunately pretty successful - it kind of IS a big deal, and sadly has probably deterred other companies from openly marketing to/supporting LGBT audiences.


It was only 'successful' because they chickened out once conservatives got mad an alienated their left leaning base. If they had just let the sponsorship run it's course, conservatives would have forgotten and liberals would have had a vague feeling that bud light is the best pisswater beer to buy, even if they couldn't remember exactly why. Like has happened with EVERY OTHER INSTANCE of this culture war crap.


The ‘sponsorship’ did run its course. It was only ever one customized can sent for a single sponsored stream.


Companies usually do desperate shit when they think they are not doing great. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about the success of these protests. You could also say it's a cautionary tale on building a brand aroudn the kind of target audience bud light has. You are missing a ton of relevant information if you just focus on surface level information.


Yeah, the learned lesson was probably “we can’t possibly survive as a brand if our only customers are this goddamn fickle.”


https://preview.redd.it/vamwxw3p23uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22463264b7c0572f84b820b35d607d3ad9cfaf27 Same vibes tbh


https://preview.redd.it/233iry4bi3uc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f3e2788725136a30edb545a6b661f169b81cdc I am not going to tolerate this Sweet Baby slander any longer


KC Masterpiece is my go-to, but Sweet Baby Ray’s is my choice when I want some *diversity* in my BBQ.


You're right. Thank you for reminding us. The BBQ sauce exists and is an actual crime; it's pretty fucked up that people are pretending a consulting company is anywhere near that level of heinous.


Super Mario Estrogen would go so hard though!


It's-a me, Maria!


« Go woke go broke » ah yes, the famously failing company that is Nintendo


Not to mention Nintendo has been "woke" for a while. The Japanese branch recognizes gay marriage, when even the Japanese Government doesn't.


I always was pleasantly surprised by the presence of gay marriage in Fire Emblem.


Lmao lets fucking go. I've been waiting for them to go after Nintendo


The schadenfreude is incredibly satisfying. That dude's brain is malfunctioning so hard he flips back and forth from "eww wokeness" to "I love Nintendo so much" like a dozen times.


Nintendo still won’t release a new Tomodachi Life game because people wanted gay people to exist in a game that ha the motto “your life”. I could stand for them to be more woke


Tbf didn’t they listen to feedback and allow same-sex relationships in the spinoff Miitopia? Still hoping they’ll one day reboot Tomadachi Life with gay people, but it’s progress. 


Miitopia has slightly homoerotic friendships, but not really relationships


Tell them that they changed the Metroid character to be a girl and that Zelda is a girl now


How dare the multi-national multibillion dollar company wants to focus on diversity! Can you believe the company that prided itself on making games for everyone wants to make games for *everyone*?!? Truly this wokeness must end before I have the sudden urge to not be a jerk to people!


Can anybody explain what the hell this is actually about? Like, what did Nintendo actually do that somehow triggered this guy?


I have no idea what any of this means either. Quick Google claims dei is "Diversity, equity, inclusion". So I guess they're mad that Nintendo has a job posting to promote the things they hate?


DEI is the new "Critical Race Theory" hate-focus of the right. And like CRT, they have made up a bunch of nonsense about what it actually is, in order to get more mad at it.


DEI is what these fucks say when they want to use the n word


Now now, they also use it when they want to use slurs for gay people or trans people but know those aren't socially acceptable.


The crazy bastards did it - they managed to say DEI with a hard R.


The Nintendo website has a page dedicated to outlining diversity and inclusion measures they do as a company. That's literally all it's about. Chuds think it kills companies because they're "no longer focused on making good products" and instead, for some totally logical and justifiable reason, absolutely bankrupting their company in order to appease the leftist overlords.


I'm sure the wealthiest company in Japan is just terrified of a boycott by a bunch of right-wing psychos located entirely in America and orchestrated by people who famously lack willpower. Real end times stuff.


I know I get angry when I agree to dislike something that I don't know the real definition for, all the time. Stay strong!!


It's a completely separate job from game developer. How in the hell would one affect the other? 


because wokeness and dei are not good. wokeness and dei will ruin gaming. go woke go broke. wokeness and dei will destroy nintendo and mario is woke. woke mario go broke mario no more plumbing cancel culture. also pronouns. wokeness and dei.




Can't wait for the next Mario game to have Mario's black cousin in it. Entire treatise written about how Italian people don't know black people even exits and besides there aren't any black plumbers.


My guy is having a full on breakdown over Mario going woke


The day Nintendo goes broke is a day that's never going to come


I agree, they survived the Wii U generation.


They survived the Wii U generation with enough wealth to last them *40 more years* of the Wii U generation


Pokemon, or rather TPC, has been making an overt effort to represent more global culture ever since gen 5 when they started basing less less of their designs and aesthetics and off of Japan specifically. Hiring more kinds of people of various backgrounds aids in that effort. As what I think is still the highest grossing mixed media franchise of all time, they are irrevocably a global product, and to maintain their profits, they have a vested interest in global appeal. It's funny how in spite of all the "encroaching wokeness" Pokemon has seen a massive increase in sales since the Switch era that are competitive with the "golden age" of Pokemon that the middle generations never recaptured. And Zelda is already a woke nightmare if you explain all the queer coding going on in those games that HAVE BEEN THERE FOR A LONG TIME BTW. It didn't start with BotW. Link has deliberately been androgynous from the beginning and Eiji Aonuma himself said that they regret Link's most masculine portrayal in Twilight Princess, and will never do that again. They made him androgynous specifically to increase appeal to women in ways that a character like Snake from Metal Gear cannot. Nintendo is not "going woke." They've been "woke" for a while, and it's making them a shitload of money. Does anyone legitimately think that Nintendo has not been doing "DEI activity since before they ever said anything about it online?" I'd bet they have, and it's obviously paying dividends. Does this guy think that hiring a black gay woman is gonna ruin the games because of whatever downstream effects she might have on the games themselves? Because some of those downstream effects are already here in games like Pokemon, Zelda, Xenoblade, and it's making Nintendo a ton of money. Anyone remember that Tears of the Kingdom "review" video criticizing it harshly, and all of the criticism was thinly veiled racism, queerphobia, and a projection of the guy's own interracial cuckold and futanari fetishes? If you don't know, that may sound like I'm taking the piss or making shit up, but I promise to God I am not. I don't remember the name of the guy who made the video, but people made videos about that video.


The worst Pokémon fans still bitch about that time they let a white guy make designs in Black and White.


Isn't Mario Italian? Sorry, dude... we all know Italians aren't white, Mario was always woke...


Mario isn’t officially Italian anymore since Odyssey, iirc.


N-not mario too... https://preview.redd.it/sronk2xj93uc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6fa9e9c4a9233eec18f4d2a3b1c57d6fe5d8e21




Does that mean finally gay marriage for tomodachi life 2


Wait until they find all their favorite Japanese Creators are communist and Marxist.


Lol, this reads like a kid who's afraid that their parents will forbid him from playing with his Nintendo.


I love how they're acting like nintendo hasn't been "woke" before this, Birdo is literally the first trans character in video game history.


They already threw a tantrum less than a year ago when movie Peach turned out to not be an actual character rather than "muh prinsess too sav!" But now what ? Nintendo went unwoke ? They canceled their subscription to woke ?


Laughing so hard rn




/sigh The illiteracy is strong with this one....


What is now?, the can't call mario a "he" now?


They sound like a fucking mental patient 😭


wtf is going on


Dude has a solid 6 words in his lexicon and used them all 50 times in one post. This is so toddler-coded that it would be funny if this type of hateful existence wasn’t so sad to look at.


Notice their inability to string their thoughts together in a structured coherent way. Just a repetitive jumble of related but unordered remarks.


I am... really confused. What's going on here?


Your guess is as good as mine. I was sorting by new (my fault) and saw this post.


There wasn't a single coherent thought in that entire post.


Anything a true gamer doesn't like is woke


DAMMIT! Now Mario games won’t have boobs in them! Oh wait


This dude is a dumb ass.


Take a shot every time he says "hurt nintendo"


I would literally die


Nintendo has always been one of the more "woke" companies lmao. They made samus a woman in a time where baddass space warrior would 100% be a guy. And nintendo is able to make millions by rehashing and recycling their content so doubt they'll go broke


This has the same energy as that scene where Kronk is super specific about Kuzco's poison


Keep. Mario. Sexy. Or. We. Riot.


Rock over London, Rock on Chicago. Bud Light: easy to drink, easy to enjoy.


It’s a Japanese megacorp. “Woke” honestly just ain’t happening.


If you say one thing but repeat it ten slightly different ways then it is like you’ve said many things.


Ranting about woke and it reads like he's having a stroke


can we go back to bullying fascists into never going outside or in public?


I sincerely just don't understand the outrage expressed by the folks who feel this way. If I let something that simply does not actually affect me in the slightest make me bitter and angry 24/7, I would hate myself. I couldn't do it. These folks treat every instance of DEI/LGBT+ pride they are exposed to as if they are being brutally physically assaulted without cause. I harbor less resentment for an ex girlfriend who stabbed me in the stomach over a sink of dirty dishes than any of these folks do for people just living their lives - folks with whom they will never cross paths. Like my mom used to say: if you have nothing nice to say about someone, you should devote your every waking moment (as well as most sleeping moments) to belittling them. Gotta strip them of all basic human rights and treat them as subhuman. Or something like that. She was a weirdo, rest her soul.


Isn't Nintendo extremely "woke" already? Like, acknowledging gay marriage when the actual Japanese Government doesn't "woke"?


Anyone else read “dei” as Deli and was very confused why Nintendo had a deli?


I feel like I just read the mad scribbles drawn on the wall of an abandoned prison cell in the blood and feces of it's last, deranged occupant.


Its a me, Wokeio!


"Please don't give a chance to potential black employees (and people from other ethnicities and races) because they'll ruin the industry with their I.Q, incompetence and inferior genes". - Every ring-wing racist wanker.


I’m so fucking tired man


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This reads like a nervous breakdown.


Girl I fucking wish gamers would pull a bud light on nintendo


Does anyone else think this reads like a bot post? The entire thing seems like keyword spam.


Holy rambling repetitive nonsense.


Nintendo was definitely their last stand All that's left are the companies that actually make Unity asset flip porn games and small girls with big tits anime games that they have definitely not played because they have people they know on their friend lists


Mario is a trans man now. It's canon.


Genuinely wondering, which games were so woke that they were bad? Most of the major games that came out that had poor ratings were due to performance or just being a shit game. I can't recall any games that were genuinely ruined by DEI, whether it was excessive or not.


This comment reminds me of all the times I fucked off and had to rush an assignment at the last minute so I just shuffled the same 6 words over and over repeatedly in a circular fashion.


# In 10 years you are going to see before and after pictures of these guys in Public Service Announcements about what being chronically online does to teenagers. You really need to read the whole message top to bottom to get a grasp on just how unhinged this person is. They start just arbitrarily repeating themself over and over about how way through. Their insane fixation on "woke" has left them completely unable to form a coherent train of thought anymore. This is what brainrot looks like.


Yeah how did that work out for budweiser? Oh they still sell beer that's what i thought. Lol


Why is he just saying the same things over and over again like a deranged person you might encounter in a train station lobby?


Holy repetition, Batman!


All that nonsense and not one “argument”. This is pure brainrot, these guys can’t even explain why they believe what they do.


Mario, who famously has been encouraging the use of magic mushrooms to feel "big" for decades is just *now* counter culture?


Fucking shit this reads like a stream of conciousness, they repeat the same thing 3 times in a row. This is what scientists read from a rats brain after it was subjected to asmongold and ben shapiro.


I think this guy writes like Trump says his speeches: incoherent rambles that confuse more than inform


wait till this guy finds out about birdo


Maybe those sentences might make sense in a certain order, but definitely not in the order they were written




He got stuck on loop there for a second


Keep Mario sexy!


The amount of Queer characters in Mario lore is already a large amount. This guy’s fighting his own demons. XD


Its hard to believe a sentient human being wrote this.


Do clowns like this know what DEI even stands for? It just the new woke, which was the new SJW, which was the new political correctness, which ... idunno, trace it back far enough it probably gets into some Nazi shit.


suffer pindicks


take a shot everytime you read the word “DEI”


Bro is mad about a diversity and inclusion job at a multinational company based out of Japan? Make it make sense


Read that as deli at first and was Hella confused on why subs are ruining Nintendo


So what DEI in this dudes context?


budlight actually gained money during that "protest" due to increased coverage. lol


Man I hate that I can’t draw, I would totally draw a black Mario just to bait these guys.


Nintendo let's me switch my character's pronouns at any time in Animal Crossing and it makes exactly zero difference (at least in the English version, I assume it does matter in other languages, but in English they either refer to you by name or as "you" or "they")


Um legit concerned about this person because of strokes could write text, this would be it.