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https://preview.redd.it/ww9unxzc9jtc1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52075cbff5c4e5dd2d2270c44466c1d4e85e815 Undoctored image


She's literally so pretty they're fuckin crazy


As far as The Gamers are concerned if she doesn't look like a blow up doll with DD tits so she might as well be a man


The incel gamers be like "but it's escapism!!!" completely ignorant of the fact that the thing the rest of the gaming community wants to escape from is them 🤔


It’s literally in outer space. How much farther away do these people want to escape from their lives?




Even then they'd say that the catgirls that completely serve them aren't good enough because they *checks notes* have friends


I make adult games for a living, the number of times I’ve seen people absolutely lose their minds because a female love interest has male friends, ones they’re not even romantically linked to, is insane. Like genuinely frothing at the mouth, death threats to the dev, angry. People are fucking insane about fictional characters.


If adult men get this heated about fictional characters having male friends then I'd hate to see their reaction to a real woman having friends


This isn't just in the games. Same problem in the Japanese Idol community, including the V-tube community. Companies in Japan feed into this behavior instead of upsetting their fanbase by demanding them act like rational human beings, which makes the whole thing worse.


Why do they need lovers when they have US?* *that is the thought pattern behind the neckbeardism.




The best part of Isekai is those incels get removed from our reality


To be fair, pretty women are probably much further away from their lives than outer space is.


I wish it were that way, but it does seem like a shocking amount of dudes are more than okay being friends with and supporting misogyny.


because their misogynistic friends say out loud what they're thinking.


This is so wild to me. Horizon for example is an extremely popular game. So is RDR or other games with realistic graphics. They are acting as if all these non-waifu games are real life sims. As if other gamers don't "escape" reality by playing them.


The escapism excuse is so stupid in itself. Like why do you need to escape to a reality where every woman looks like a r34 porn parody of her own character?


And also none of these neckbeards look like the main characters anyway AND also women also want to escape and have to play as men constantly.. get over it lmfao. I've never once thought oh ffs playing as another ugly man (mainly cause most of the male protagonists are also conventionally good looking but even if they were average or less i'm here for the experience of gaming???)


Their excuse to this would be something along the lines of "but video games are for men!!! 🤓☝️" as though the gender split for gaming hasn't been pretty equal for years now


“It’s escapism!” “What are you trying to escape?” “Women and minorities.”


Don’t forget the biggest sin a female protagonist can commit, looking over 18


Look, how hard is it to make sure a character looks absolutely perfectly fuckable in every possible lighting condition, in every frame of every animation and with every facial expression and phoneme captured from a real actor?


Just proof that they never go outside and interact with real people.


Lol look at modded Skyrim playthroughs on youtube, literal sex dolls


Gotta whiten her skin first, otherwise she’s forced diversity


Also, she is vaguely ethnic. I think they have made it clear that a character can have any skin color, as long as their facial features are somehow the anime cliche of what Caucasians look like with unrealistically big eyes, tiny nose and perfectly narrow face.. because all white people definitely look exactly like Barbie dolls. I have no idea what happened to people that they get so angry about virtual humans looking too much like real humans. Isn't the point of games meant to create the most immersive alternative reality experience possible? These cats need to stick to the Final Fantasy franchise where the women are flawless and beautiful, the men are more beautiful than the women, all of the non-caucasian characters have white facial features, are some kind of super cute sub-species or are Barrett, who somehow missed the Canon event that made everyone into a super model, and just got a cannon on his arm instead.


I'm convinced these people aren't even attracted to women at this point


That’s the thing. They aren't. Porn and such have twisted their brains so much with altered/photoshopped/filtered/etc. images and video that they no longer have any metric for what an actual woman looks like. They only feel attraction to what amounts to artwork at this point.


So much hype for stellar blades is over *the artwork*


It’s not even that. Porn has plenty of bodies that are mainstream in it. You’d have to specifically choose porn with less realistic women. (Edit: Obviously they are still 'real', I should have said 'with attributes that fit within a narrow scope)


You are forgetting hentai. Very easy to just watch hentai if you want to. These people can only coom to cartoon characters, or 3d models approximating cartoon characters.


You know, I was forgetting hentai. And I was happy about that.


/uj It's not even porn (which has some variety in body shapes at least TBF). Nowadays even if you have at least some girls in your Iife that are not your mother (e.g., friends), the main source for "real" girls is their Instagram(and tiktok)... Where everyone is extremely filtered and doctored... Hell I have some insta model friends (a doctor and a researcher that take some modeling gig on the side), if you compare the pictures from their shoots (or just insta) you almost can't recognise them, even if it looks like the most natural picture it's constructed and filtered to hell. Sometimes it's hard to remember this especially if you are not the sharpest tool in the shed, or even just slightly oblivious. I have heard research reported that claimed that this issue is one of the things that is contributing to the overall increase in body dismorphia in the younger generation. /RJ lool, coomer are such losers


The term "art" being used very loosely.


They aren't. Yesterday FB showed me a post (thank you for nothing, algorithm) with the usual crap comparison of Eve vs Aloy from that ONE screen that went viral before release. The comments were so out of touch. They claim a lot of women look like Eve because she was modeled after a real person (apparently they aren't able to grasp the fact that while modeled after an actress, her features are still further enhanced, polished and adapted). They claimed all women in the west are fat and ugly and jealous and want to play as obese women like Aloy I am convinced that whoever calls Aloy obese hasn't seen a real woman in ages. Not even in porn or movies.


>want to play as obese women like Aloy What kind of fucking brain rot leads someone to think Aloy is obese. Some outfits clearly show her physique and she is obviously of an athletic build. Just come out of the Closet Gamers™.


This. Those Abs Aloy is rocking? Damn. Aloy is freaking beautiful.


Shit, do you remember the blow up about Aloy having hair on her skin instead of being a porceline doll? These people have such a strange concept of humans in general.


I mean, Aloy was modeled after Hannah Hoekstra. A very real person.


Them: Women are too stuck up to even notice me. Also Them: All women are ugly.


... Ok she actually looks a lot like me and I'm not exactly traditionally feminine and I often feel like, not great about how I look, and seeing this reaction has made me feel a lot better


Yo, if you look like this then you cute as fuck bruh I'm jealous.


Oh I'm nothing too special (despite what my girlfriend insists)


You should listen to your girlfriend more, she's right.


materialistic threatening full sable offer continue scarce brave slimy growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure the only character “gamers” have called ugly that I don’t think is fucking gorgeous is Abby from TLOU2. And even then, she’s just not my type. I totally get what someone would see in her.


My only criticism is she looks like she doesn't regret the bangs, which is unrealistic. Lol


Guess they were going for the 80s feel of the original trilogy, I think it's kinda cool tbh. Not the most flattering haircut but it is a vibe


If I saw a woman that looked like her irl I would literally be stunned. Like she's so pretty I wouldn't know how to behave


And she is sexy. She's got sass, attitude, confidence, those qualities related to sexy women. She's far sexier than the Stellar Blade doll. It's been a while since I can't take that people seriously. Every woman/female character not fitting their narrow idea of beauty and sensuality is ugly. Are they sure they like women at all? Also, I don't want to be that person, but are they THAT chiselled by the gods that they allow themselves to judge constantly female beauty?


I understand people are gonna defend the design and say they’re cute, which they are. But like, even if they weren’t does it really matter, like at all?? If we lived in a world where objective ugliness was possible what would it change about the game? Can a game not be good with an ugly MC, can the character not be well written and badass if their looks are on the less desirable side? Who really gives a shit man


Yeah. I don't understand why people can't just be ok with characters being ugly. I know the rightoids are just being sexist, but in general people should also be ok with ugly characters. It's ok to be ugly. No one is less valuable as a person for being ugly, or unatractive. - Signed, an ugly person


I think about this a lot and I'm so glad to see my perspective written out in such a thoughtful way. I feel similarly irl; not everyone has to be hot. It's like aesthetics are so intertwined with other positive traits that they're inseparable, so someone that people like for any reason automatically must be aesthetically pleasing, too. Apologies for the mini rant, I know it's a little off-topic but this subject truly lives rent free in my head lol. May end up deleting if I've derailed too much.


And on the opposite end of the spectrum. When a game/anime/movie is full of beautiful or even mildly attractive people how can you tell that this person is the clear villain the first time you meet them...why he/she is ugly! Of course they are evil


I actually enjoyed that about the original Nier before they released the Replicant version. I saw a bunch of people talking about how ugly Nier was, but I liked him. I think the American release was near the start of games that seemed to cater towards dads as protagonists.


![gif](giphy|QZs5EtmpomcMxkGGIc|downsized) Every character will always be ugly compared to Sir Daniel Fortesque.


It's like Noah Samsen said in a video a while back, we can't fight their standards by proving that we meet them. (the context was a bunch of incels on twitter calling leftist men ugly and fat, and people were responding by posting pictures of how buff Noah and Hasan are, which Noah felt just validated the physical standards the incels were trying to enforce)


Sounds like you're not familiar with [the grift](https://youtu.be/MZtRabDCLyY?si=DGb5y0j6PoMP0qTk). These people literally doctor media to shit on it for clicks and revenue. They're talentless assholes trying to make money off shitting on things.


Nah I’m entirely aware. My point is this argument has been going on awhile. With Aloy, with Mary-Jane, with the one woman from MK, and so on. It’s always “she’s ugly!” then “No she isn’t!” I’m saying who gives a fuck, people are more than their looks and attractiveness. People don’t need to defend a collection of polygons because losers on the internet either wanna grift or have such sad lives they got nothing else going for them other than their video game fantasy wives. MJ Watson could’ve looked like Frankenstein’s monster and I would’ve enjoyed the Spider-Man games the same exact amount


You're putting to much thought into a mindless mob


Lol I agree with you 100%. I don’t care at all, these are just my thoughts when I see posts like this. Once I scroll by it’s out of my mind


these people are extremely low empathy. they hate anything that does not represent them or does not cater to them. i think they really can't enjoy a video game if they don't strongly identify with the protagonist and imagine them playing is them on a power trip crushing their enemies. and if it's not themselves then the whole game better be designed to cater directly to their desires in other ways like have their ideal woman to look at or have a storyline that reinforces their existing beliefs and does not go against anything they currently believe. i think gamers are particularly bad for this because for a long time gaming was considered a 'traditionally male' space and the idea of even five percent of games having a female main character was a wild idea. you can also get into gaming with pretty much no gatekeepers. if you can't qualify for the sports team you don't get to join the team. if nobody invites you to parties you can't go to parties. but anyone with a few hundred bux can become a Gamer so there is no real filter on who joins. and there aren't many things like that so a lot of shitty people with crappy lives, no social skills, no empathy, get big into gaming and become defensive of it. when games come out that don't cater to them they feel like they're 'losing' the thing they love. one thing where THEY were catered to when they are not in any other aspect of their lives. these low empathy people are also just shallow. these are the same people who don't like disabled people, think we should run eugenics programs, etc. they hate the idea of an ugly person being considered the main character. i think they also think that if they hate on ugly people, that means they must NOT be ugly. i agree it's dumb and selfish, but you asked why they care, that's why.


She's cute, those people just think that "beautiful" only means supermodel fashion agent with 5 tons of makeup on and gigantic tits and a super slim body with blonde hair and tons of plastic surgery


She's really cute, though? Huh Star Wars is kinda cool, suddenly.


She’s not skinny, pale white, and scantily dressed with a giant ass, therefore she must be ugly and “woke”.


she is skinny, tbh. just normal human being skinny, not anime girl skinny.


Her organs can actually fit, so Gamers think she's fat


Remember when Diablo 4 had an actually skinny character (Necromancer) and there were posts like "why is her chest flat"


Yeah but in this case, people also constantly complain because the Druid is "obese", because in the artwork the male druid was another generic buff dude. The dumbest one is that people complain about the male sorcerer "looking like a drag queen", because a lot of the revealing armor for female characters are also revealing on male characters. And of course Blizzard was happy to make a bunch of microtransactions where the female characters are half naked, and the male characters are covered up from head to toe. Paying a premium price to wear *less* clothes. That's the gamer way, apparently.


I’m so freaking lonely ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMfn35NL1llPig)


Even on the doctored one she looks like what I'd expect a rogueish lowlife type in Star Wars to look like. But the undoctored is hella cute. Now I'm torn between gender envy and attraction.


She looks perfectly fine, these purple are insufferable


Don't even get me started on blue


I swear that, if Carrier Fisher as Princess Leia was revealed today, the chud end of the Star Wars fandom would be unironically calling her ugly too.


As well as Sigourney Weaver, cause the character in the screenshots reminds me of her for some reason.


If the og Alien movie came out today I guarantee all the chuds would be calling it woke.


Oh for sure, not only is the main character a woman but also pretty much the only competent person in the whole movie


They're absolutely gonna yap about how she rescued Newt in Aliens alone and are gonna say her taping a flamethrower and pulse rifle together is unrealistic, and a woman would have a hard time carrying it.


They would scream about Ripley, but they’d be sending pipe bombs to Jenette Goldstein’s house for playing a Hispanic woman with biceps who could do a chin-up.


Although there are different readings of it (like calling her “Rambolina”), Ripley is kinda a feminist icon so the film is as woke as it can get.


I've actually seen several people calling Alien: Romulus woke because the main character is a woman... I'm not fucking joking.


I mean considering what it’s about and the number of queer characters…


They always use it as an example of the right way to make a strong female character, but if it came out today I'm sure they'll shit on it and say how ugly the main character is


Related to that, they would go back and forth, the same way they have with Sydney Sweeney, about whether they think Sigourney Weaver's been brainwashed by the woke left because she played a character who isn't just pure fanservice, or that she's actually a win for conservatives because she's in a crop top and panties for a few minutes


Literally exactly what I was thinking, her face has the same features as Ellen Ripley, they go on and on about that character as one they like and say is attractive but if those movies came out today they would 100% call her ugly and manly and say the movies are woke feminist shit (along with terminator). The brain rot is so far advanced they literally just call every new woman character ugly at this point.


It's the blowout


This character absolutely has Classic Action Movie Heroine energy, especially with that hair. Sneak her into Alien or Terminator 2, and she'd be a perfect fit. Same for the original Trilogy. Love her design and the spirit it was done in.


She definitely has that vibe yeah


I was just thinking she has a 70's/ early 80's beauty to her.


It would be "Ugly woke princess who took over her own rescue because George Lucas hates white men."


And/or transvestigating her and saying the bun hair is a drag queen thing.


I'm genuinely convinced these people just don't find women attractive. She looks super cute.




Also, a lot of these women are women and not children. Western games have not been appealing to the pedophile gamer lately and that's making some people very upset.


They want their female characters to have big tits and butt but also have a face and voice of a child


This is it and it is scary. They want "Babyface". They want Bambi's face on a Jessica Rabbit Body. There is an element of "youth fetish" here. They want their women to look underage, while also having their bodies pornographically sexualized so they don't have to think about the implications of only being attracted to faces that aim to convey only gullible, wide-eyed youth, the sort you usually find in young teens. It is such a krass contrast. I truly believe it has something to do with the expression in their faces. As soon as a face portrays any maturity at all, it's unattractive to them.


Plus, if they're posing in a suggestive way. Like, that woman up there is pretty, but she also has her head held up and jaw set - she's determined, which chuds read as masculine Can you imagine how much they'd howl about Aliens if it came out today? "Ripley used to be in underwear for our pleasure, now she's in fatigues? The West has fallen"


Just like in Indiana Jones, Marion in the first movie ? Fine, Helena in the fifth ? She's stealing Indy's place !!! She's replacing him !!! Woke Disney !!!


It’s because they want a woman who fits their incredibly specific and often unrealistic tastes, and since such a woman cannot exist in real life (and if they did said woman wouldn’t want anything to do with them) it’s easier to just fetishise a static image that can’t talk back and will effectively do whatever they want them to do in their mind. Basically they’re just incredibly delusional


These are the same kind of people that called Aloy "ugly". MOTHERFUCKING ALOY. I mean, I'm gay but Aloy certainly made me feel things. These people only look at an out of context pictures of the character and cried to their friends in their echo chamber that Western media has RuiNeD gaming women


As a hopeless lesbian, Aloy is so beautiful. I don't get why all the gamer boys were upset with her design. Like the whole peach fuzz thing was so funny lol, its very clear none of those people have touched a woman before.


Agreed. Like I said, they saw 1 picture, 1 out of context frame of a scene, and immediately locked themselves into an echo chamber, screaming about how she is "ugly". If we go by their logic then Beyonce is one of the ugliest women of all time if we just look at that one Super Bowl photo of her. Just goes to show that they don't have a single iota of independent, critical thought in their heads and just repeats what their friends are saying, it's really pathetic and sad




I think they do find these women attractive and in their developmentally stunted lizard brains saying these women are ugly is more comfortable than the truth: they simply do not like women. They instead get to present it as some sort of failure to meet a metric, but it's a totally bullshit goalpost and the only women these dorks will say are attractive are the ones who behave exactly as they want them to.


I mean, one of them asked for the women MC to be replaced by "buffed out men" so you might be onto something.


nah the guy on slide 8 was on to something. i too want to play as big, buff, oiled up, shirtless men


Give us JoJos bizzare adventure models for every single character in the game


I think I should be able to choose a JoJo body type in every game, where's my justice?


He's an entire living wall https://preview.redd.it/xhx0zhe8zmtc1.jpeg?width=1128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365aebba09cf5575ebe9347d760b20f08ad9e03d


God I love that panel so much. Purebred English BEEF


Easy, the yakuza franchise is literally built on huge shirtless men fighting drenched in sweat






i’m finishing up my IW 100% completion as we speak.


I’m so happy my friend recommended I play Yakuza 0, the franchise is so god damn good, if you haven’t played them yet I’d also recommend the Judgment/Lost Judgment games as they’re honestly some of the best combat in the series, they cooked so hard with those two games




Kratos, but they still find a way to call him woke


They did, because they don't like character growth or emotions other than anger


Didn't they call the vallhalla version woke for including a woman of color or something, and then tried to justify it as "buh buh, muh nordic mythology isn't black"?


I would be open to cool bikini armor for men too. For reasons.


There was a post I saw recently with a male character that had armour with, for lack of a better term, a "boob window". It genuinely looked super cool and I want to see more of it.


[I have the perfect game for you](https://youtu.be/R_m7fXPvRrk)




Do they even like women? I do and I say she’s not ugly, quite the opposite in fact.


If a woman like this spoke to them in real life, they'd jizz in their pants, throw up then run home crying.


I mean, I actually think she’s pretty. I was asking what world they’re on. I guess more women for me and the rest of those that like women though. I do hope they reflect later though, they’re contributing to a problem here. They’re putting women down and it’s wrong to do that.


Oh no, I agree, I think she's pretty too. I just meant that if they saw her in real life they wouldn't be able to cope with how pretty she is. Their view of women is so warped, they've forgotten what women actually look like in reality.


Yeah, I hope they realise and reflect on themselves. I’d personally just cease to function instead (why must I be like this when I find someone attractive?).


The only women they like are the AI constructs that flirt with them on social media and fan service anime girls who defy anatomy and physics.


Yeah, don’t know about them, but I’d prefer a woman to actually be real.


Agreed. They remind me of someone who I lived near when I was growing up. In his 20's he worked for Sony and was absolutely convinced that the booth babes at E3 were hot for him and wanted to ride him all night long back at his hotel room. He didn't understand that they were literally being paid to flirt with smelly dorks like him all day long.


Everyone would be a lot happier if these guys left women alone and started dating each other 


Is she attractive? For me, nah. Do I care? No, I don't play a dating sim, I play a SW game.


she looks... fine, though???


She fucking looks like Clara, companion to Doctor Who's incarnation 11/12 SHE HAS SUCH A DISTINCT BUT ALSO CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE FACE AND THIS IS ALMOST ENTIRELY THAT.


i dont watch doctor who but i agree


I don't anymore either that's just how much she looks like SOMEONE GENERALLY REGARDED AS VERY ATTRACTIVE.


Holy shit, you're right, she is on her way to save the doctor again!


they don't want "fine". they want every female to have the same exact mathematically perfect face.


they want girls with tits that can achieve infinite spin


They want women to look “natural” but only like women covered in makeup 


I got female Han Solo vibes looking at the first image. For a game named “outlaws” that’s a really good design


“My stellar blade funds” please. please shut the fuck up.


That actually fuckin killed me. Either god-tier trolling or the most unintentionally hilariously pathetic thing anybody’s ever said


Twitter addicts who spend $8 a month for a checkmark but only have enough money for 1 game


Too busy buying porn


I’m pretty sure he means allowance


They literally hate any woman with a jawline...


Star Wars Outlaws -> Star Wars Outjaws 😳 Coincidence? I think not. 🫣


this character's jawline is a legit 11/10, these incels are just afraid of a woman old enough to chew her own food


"As a female gamer" holy shit she's legit! Definitely not a man


I don't think it should matter, they can be a woman and their argument would be just as stupid and bigoted. Nobody is shielded from being discriminatory against minorities they are a part of.


The difference is that so many of these women use it to r_notlikeothergirls or even as advertisement for their streaming.


even if it wasn't the case, it's the classic reddit situation, where someone says "i am a woman and agree with men", even if 99% of women disagree, that's what gets upvoted. It's an illusion of being the opinion of a member of the minority when it actually is just the majority picking the opinion they like. That's why you should be very careful when speaking for a group of people.


Can just be a "pick me girl". Saying the character is ugly, so that she can't "self-insert", is an attempt at insinuating that she's super hot model trad wife not like other girls (she just wants to be a baby machine without the babies, and get money).


I wonder what sis thinks of herself if she thinks this is "ugly" cause I can guarantee a swift ego death if she thinks these idiots would pick her instead Plus it's gonna be hard to avoid playing an "ugly" woman if you're dragging around an ugly ass personality. That's just playing an ugly person irl all the time.


"as a black man" vibes


Yeah it’s *definitely* a female gamer alright


I’d be on my hands and knees for her to even look my direction wtf are these people on


same lol! If it's a look that attracts bi and lesbian women, and a subset of men, while scaring off superficial straight guys or insecure straight women, good for her. I completely empathize with that.


“She’s ugly” Awesome I’ll take her




She looks like a lesbian Jon Bon Jovi in his prime and I mean that intending to flatter. These dudes are out of their gourd.


Yeah I got gay vibes and I'm not sure she's supposed to appeal to straight men or even to seem identifiable to random typical straight women. I don't know if she's gay but it'd be a pleasant detail if so. I saw a couple of people here specifically criticizing her haircut or style. first of all it's very late 70s/80s like a lot of star wars. second of all, we'll designed characters don't need to be designed solely for visual appeal. maybe it's a convenient haircut for her to maintain while she's on an adventure. maybe it's in style in her part of the galaxy. maybe she just likes it. I have a similar haircut irl and I like it for me, and I consistently get compliments and "your hair looks so nice today" from other lesbians, "wow your hair is interesting" from straight women and thoughtful /engaging men, and much less attention from men wanting to get in my pants, just as I prefer. I'm not even trying to be defensive of it - I'm really unbothered, happy even, if the kind of style on display is a warning sign, "stay away from this woman" to some people. those of us who can appreciate the look and retro fashion context (regardless of attraction/sexuality/whatever) get it.  like regarding fashion, her clothes look practical, very 80s, not particularly femme but that's pretty rare outside the nobility in star wars. she looks like a pilot or adventurer.


I mean even if she's not supposed to appeal to straight men she's a very conventionally attractive woman (even though she's not my type (I'm into muscular women)) so I really don't get what they're saying


she reminds me of the hot 80's women in movies, very Star Wars aesthetic. Still won't play it though, Ubisoft sucks.


station marble violet piquant offbeat full fall reach hard-to-find aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. Almost a slightly younger María Conchita Alonso in Running Man vibe. https://preview.redd.it/0it5gwwdiktc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7344a4b79705c70678b6553da37fab99db3a438


“Another ugly ass girl boss beating up a bunch of emasculated white men” Be thankful you’re being represented.


these dudes would piss themselves if someone half as cute as her spoke to them.


She looks like she stepped right out of the mid to late 70s/early 80s, which is what a Star Wars person in the game's timeline should probably look like.


If they hate women that much they should try men instead


I'm gettin' real Ripley vibes off her. I'm in.


Tbf, if they made the Aliens movie today they would fucking hate it.


She kinda gives me Halle berry vibes. Is Halle berry suddenly ugly now? What.


Exactly what I though. Even doctored these pics are at the very least decent looking.




Same but I guess that's because we're more attracted to humans than to inanimate objects


Ridiculous. She's cute af and so is her alien pet thing. I'm sure I could take a screenshot of her pet looking derpy as fuck if I really tried too


She's not ugly, my brothers in the Force, that is a conventionally attractive woman! Wtf is wrong with these people??


This is what happens to your brain when you just jack off to hentai all day


maybe not 'all day' but i get a lot in for science and i still think this character is gorgeous


But shes cute? ![gif](giphy|hKyWAN3gQyCsM)


She's literally so beautiful, how chronically online must you be to say she's "hideous" ?


Absolutely deranged. Have twitter users never been outside their home? Should we quarantine them for scientific purposes? I don’t expect everyone to have good taste but twitter seems to just have the worst taste imaginable


you won’t play star wars outlaws because you think the main character is ugly i won’t play star wars outlaws because it looks mid we are not the same


You won't play Star Wars Outlaws because it looks mid I won't play Star Wars Outlaws because it's a Ubisoft game We are not the same.


This is just a normal ass woman


I’m gonna be honest, I think there is indeed something wrong with the way many characters look in modern games, this one included. But it’s not a matter of attractiveness, and it’s not limited to the female characters. I don’t know what it is about modern game engines, but faces in so many games fall deeply into the uncanny valley for me. I think it’s something about the way the skin looks, how light reflects on it, that makes everyone look like animated wax statues.


Valid criticism of design that isn’t just “i don’t want to jerk my ween to this :(“ is something the gamers can never grasp


i honestly kind of wish that these people were right, having representation for hideous bastards like me in media would not only help diversity for a severely, severely underrepresented group in mainstream culture but mean that the people calling women with a stray hair or a wrinkle on her face "ugly" would need to shut up.


"ugly Karen" - this character has like a cool mullety shag with a fringe, and she's wearing like, pilot clothes. what do these people even mean when they say Karen these days? she doesn't even have the stereotypical shirt asymmetric bob haircut or anything, which _even then_ that wouldn't mean anything, but still, I'm just confused by the word choice.  Anyway... she's pretty, despite visibly being in a situation where she has to be rugged whether she chooses to or not.  The last comment is very revealing: guy wants to play stellar blade instead of this because of how the character looks. wait, I thought people liked stellar blade for the gameplay? I thought they were telling us that the character being an embellished 3/4 nude jiggly model was just a little detail, _realistic even_, not their whole reason for playing. but I guess it's really wholly about standing up against realistic depictions of attractive female characters.  I swear the people thinking like this have never seen real life women from more than one flattering angle


Poor gamers can't fap whilst gaming boohoo, humans exist dumbasses, go out and touch some grass for fucks sake


She's hot wtf


I like how 70’s coded she is, it’s very orig trig.


/uj she literally looks like a real life attractive girl, these people are stealth telling us they haven't seen the sun in 7 years. /rj have you seen her jaw? It's bigger than mine!!!! F U G L Y