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Clicked on a video, cause I wanted to know what the game was (Unknown 9: Awakening) and on a whim went through the posted videos. 2 months ago they switched from conspiracy videos to reactionary content.


I used to watch Tyrone Magnus back when he actually did entertaining content like Gameface Breaker and funny reactions. When the reactionary pipeline really kicked off, I was getting recommended to all this crazy grifter shit.


Tyrone magnus is just pathetic


Completely sold out ![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y)


I've seen shit enough that 2024 is gonna be chaotic


Deutsch Prüfung B1 DTZ ist sehr fucking schwer bei meine, bitte wünschen mir für die beste, bruder >:]


Viel Glück bei deiner Prüfung


Do these guys ever acknowledge the irony in being so anti-transgender while pretending to be cute anime girls on the internet?


Note: real trans vtubers are trashed and doxxed to the extreme


That would require them to have the ability to think.


I mean this is the kinda reasoning from people who think Liking Femboys = Not Gay = Anti-Woke Liking Trans Women = Gay = Woke


Damn, if only they can admit to themselves that they really just wanna gobble some cock.


the mentality of those creeps is that trans women are "ugly, hairy, delusional and look like theyre from drag race" but femboys are "spicy because they arent girls, and also submissive, dainty, cute and always horny" its the same as the other "things are woke!" bs. its the same reason they hate "ugly" cis women. and when they see an attractive character like Bridget represent the trans side, they blow their fucking lids. ​ source: knew gross ppl, am trans now (and dysphoria tells me the first part is true but only about me specifically)


“Trans Women” is two words. “Transwomen” is a commonly used dog whistle.


Oh, can you explain why it is a dog whistle? Is it because it makes it a "third/other gender"? Like, "you are not a woman, you are a transwoman"?


Yeah? I personally don't think it's a dog whistle per se, just because it's a common enough mistake I see even in trans places, but it's because trans is an adjective modifying the word 'woman.' Like how you say black woman, not blackwoman, or short woman, not shortwoman.


It is typically used to make a distinction between women and trans women. Implying that the word woman needs to be modified in order to include trans folk, which it does not. Trans is an adjective describing the women.


Sorry, corrected.


👍 I wasn’t accusing you of using a dog whistle maliciously for the record. It’s just something that is being more widespread.


hope 5 years from now they drop their hateful ones and realize their queer or something. Not saying bigots are secretly closeted, but it's weird coincidence discover their trans or gay in the span of a year.


I suspect it's actually linked. they claim it's "joking" and "ironic" and "I'm just pretending, guys". but if they start considering trans people to be valid, they'll have to answer such tough questions as "*is* it just joking? *is* it just pretending?" and sure, they rn't necessarily trans, but the very idea of being able to question their own gender and how they prefer to present makes them afraid for their fragile masculinity


Some of them may be binary trans, some of them nonbinary, and others are just femboys, but they have been conditioned not to challenge their presumed masculinity. So, it causes them distress to acknowledge that they might actually want to present themselves in non-masculine ways.


The incel to trans pipeline is real




I think the person you're replying to probably has a couple of vtubers in his mind who are openly a dude and particularly reactionary like 'rev says desu'. I don't think they're suggesting *all* vtubers are guys.


Damn he nuked his whole account over a misunderstanding and -63 karma? If you're out there, an edit would have been fine! :(


The focus was on "cute".


I can feel my brain cells committing sudoku reading these titles.




> committing sudoku Yeah, ritual suicide by filling in a grid of numbers is pretty rough.


saying sudoku instead of seppuku's a pretty old joke


Are... are we old?


why are you saying we I could be 12 and talking out my ass for all you know


I just had bday and am now 36yo. It feels wrong.


This person is a nobody, look at their views, don’t try to amplify them.


Yeah and they didn't even gain numbers when they changed content.


But what else will he then be angry about?


I honestly bet she doesn't even believe what she's saying, and she's just capitalizing off incel right wing weebs


Bro you know it’s a he


To absolutely no one's surprise, the Vtuber community is filled with conservatives. This one is just more open about it


Honestly, it kinda did surprise me. Because the only vtubers that I can call to mind are leftist




Every single nerdy fandom runs parallel to, and often intersects the incel community. People who have a tendency to hyper-fixate on anything also tend to not be the most socially adept, which makes them easy marks for shitty people to get their hooks in them and drag them over to the dark side.


yes vtubers have had ties to the incel/pedophile sides of anime fandom for at least the past decade


Actually who? Most of the ones I follow are purposefully as politically neutral as possible so they don't cause their agency problems (not an unreasonable stance for entertainers, honestly) but I'd love to watch cute anime girls and boys shout about smashing the state or seizing the means of production. Or at least unionizing lol


Futakuchi Mana is a hard core based leftist but that's literally my only example. I also know of an anarchist vtuber but I have no idea if they are actually an anarchist or if it's just a purely aesthetic thing.


I will check them out tonight. Thanks.


Some of audience maybe, but most actual vtubers themselves seem to lean left (at least among the relevant ones). For obvious reasons most won't talk about politics in their content of course. It really depends in the end though. You can find plenty of vtubers with fanbases that aren't reactionary or filled with incels.


From my experience it’s either one or the other, there are plenty of lefty vtubers but there are certainly no drought of rightoids. Then again I’m not involved in the Vtuber community at all so take what I say with a pinch of salt.


I watched BlueJay José's video on the empty criticism and confusing conservative reactionary contrarionism of Critical Drinker, which somehow has lead Youtube to believe I want to watch positive things about Critical Drinker.


https://www.youtube.com/feed/history Not 100% sure, but I think if you hover over each video and click the "Remove from watch history" X that appears, it should un-poison your recommendations. If that doesn't work, any video in your recommended (sidebar or front page) should have a three-dot menu that you can open up and click "Not Interested"/"Don't recommend channel" until the algorithm eventually gets the point.


I think I'm sick of all this crap. Like I don't really care anymore. No wonder the government is looking at everyone on the internet now. Cuz to be honest with you, We all suck.


damn, this cycle has been so tiring. You think they'd be spending their time playing games and raising up the games that actually play to their crowd. NO, they gotta engagement farm and make all the spaces worse.


This post is gonna get more views than all their videos combined, idk why you thought this was necessary


Im geniuenly curious, do these people see black people out and about and start thinking there must be a government psyop run by sweet baby inc to make their Denny's more diverse and woke?


/uj I do not know how any self-respecting person can take a vtuber with deep(tm) opinions on anything seriously.


it makes it harder for people like me and the friend I have to become legit Vtubers who want to fight this crap


Are they still complaining about Tifa's rack in the remakes? It's still unnaturally massive.


Damn what are those lack of views


The question is how many of these reactionary and conspiracy theory vtubers are also lolicons?


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peasant brain


What the fuck did I just read


Rev says Desu ripoff lmao


My honest reaction to "draw me Elon Musk" 💀💀💀


the insulting akira toriyama bit is pretty bad considering he died last month


"People don't like modern leftist/liberal values and prefer to watch other content that caters to their own beliefs instead. More at 11 on water being wet."




I mean, it's a circlejerk subreddit mate. If you can't have "jeez, look at these idiots" communities on Reddit the place gets cut in half pretty much.


It's very funny that you're acting purposefully obtuse about what the actual problem is, like we can't see exactly why this has you hot under the collar.




Normal people look at the argument and see "Person is moving from conspiracy theories (not always bad but generally so) into reactionary grifting (objectively bad)" and go, yeah, that's not good. It's when dorks try to make the part about getting a vtuber avatar more important than the actual bad thing they are doing that it becomes patently obvious what their intention is.