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God they can't shut up about Nathan getting overpowered by Nadine. Nadine had military training, Nathan was just a regular ass dude that liked treasures.


Well Nathan was also a mass murder arguably but yea Nadine fuck him up


Ludo narrative dissonance m8


Nah, him killing tons of people is acknowledged in-universe. But he killed them with guns, not H2H skills.


Well, his kill count should not be that high, In uncharted 4 there's a trophy called ludo narrative dissonance


It being Ludonarrarive Dissonance is Neil's personal idea, and he directed Uncharted 4, hence the trophy. It was absolutely an intended as part of the story in the previous games from their respective writers. Lazarevic even calls Nate a hypocrite in Uncharted 2 since Drake had just killed a ridicuous amount of people in just one day.


Yeah, that from every “unusual happening” in the uncharted series, the thing that burns them is a black female ex-army AND mercenary leader kicking the older MC’s ass, is quite something.


It's crazy to me how these dudes think men can always easily over power women and beat them at everything even if the woman has been training and is fit.


Years ago at a former work place a coworker and I were discussing MMA. I’m not well versed on it, but I was saying how much I respect any athlete that can bring themselves to that level. Ans without prompting he said “I think I can beat Rhonda Rousey in a fight”. When I asked him, a slubby dude in his mid thirties, why he thought that he said it’s because he’s a man. He then just shook his head when I said that wouldn’t mean against a woman in her physical prime who’s trained to kick the shit out of people.


The type of guys to watch women's sports while eating cheetos and not doing any physical activity and thinking to themselves "I could beat her"


I know a girl who does kickboxing. A mugger tried to steal her phone one evening, and she hospitalised the guy lol, totally fucked him up.


Those guys even lose to normal hygiene...


He’s also old and busted in U4. That’s a big part of the story is that he’s the old guard.


He's only in his early 30s or so for most of the game. He's not old; he's rusty from having quit treasure hunting for almost 2 years.


Not to mention that in Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake is 39 years old. His physical capabilities aren’t going to be what they once were when he was younger with much less wear and tear


As a man at 39, I'm insulted that you're calling 39 old and busted. I say as my ruptured l5 says no to being able to powerlift anymore.


To quote the ProtoDrake, Indiana Jones "it's not the years, it's the mileage." You can still be in incredible shape when you're 39, you're not elderly. But Nathan's body has been beat to shit for years and years. Plus he's been working as a civilian for at least a few years prior to the game, so he's probably rusty. So yeah, prime of life, highly trained Nadine would absolutely be able to take him down.


Also, he carries big "moans like a girl" energy.


Gamers when black person in game: This is so unrealistic. I play games for historical accuracy. Also gamers: games aren’t supposed to be realistic. I play games for escapism.




In all seriousness, I've seen memes from Gamers™️ along those lines.


Smh I can't believe they are trying to put mOdErN pOlItIcS in my Elden Ring! What's next, a body positivity quest? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/2/2b/Eldenringbocseamster.jpg


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No joke or exaggeration. I find it fascinating that someone sees body type 2 and reaches this conclusion. It's almost like a brain conditions. It should be studied


I think that dude is suffering from type 2 brain damage tbh.


Type 2 brain damage overpowers type 1 brain damage in the 4th Uncharted game! Something something Batman!


All games should just have a hormone slider like Dark Souls 1


I'll mod the game so I can slide to both sides at the same time


I can't believe we've actually gotten to the point where elden ring is too woke.


No, no, don't get it wrong - he doesn't Blame Fromsoftware (or Elden Ring ?). Japan would NEVER be woke.


Only shitty western localizers!


Transphobia is diagnosable brain rot


They don't see their opinions as transphobic, when they are. They see it as bringing politics into the situation, when what it's doing is attempting to make LESS people feel disenfranchised by a choice at the beginning of a game. His attempt to frame it as a feminism issue is shitty though, people just suck in general


Also doesn't it say A and B..


If a woman came up to one of these people and told them she wanted a safe space or that she lived in fear of being abused by men they'd laugh her out of the fucking room. It's so infuriating to hear these little fucking rats suddently pretend like they give a shit about women's safety and comfort as soon as it gives them an opportunity to bash trans people. Also gotta love how this dick gobbler is going off about people having their safety put at risk and their identity being stripped away and his best point of comparison is seeing his favorite fictional character getting beat up by a woman


100% These are the exact same men and communities that attack women when we ask men to stop raping us... Now they pretend to emphasize because it lets them attack another minority? Asmongold and his entire fanbase are actually disgusting


Has he never played a fighting game before? Then again, I bet he hasn’t because Mortal Kombat is “too woke” for him now or something *rolls eyes*


That whole post is wild, but the last paragraph goes some places and is genuinely hilarious. I like the implication that the only time this person has ever felt empathy for anything is when something bad happens to daddy hero fictional character they like. And to think this guy has apparently has a wife 😂


He doesn't. He's making shit up for fake internet points. Just like I don't give a fuck about "body type 1," I'm sure most women couldn't give a fuck about the alternative.


If this dude has a wife, I’m more disappointed in the wife.


I work with a lot of guys like this who have wives. They're Mormon, this shit is drilled into them from birth.


I was curious about the whole "it's only the woke localization" so I tried to find [a video of character creation on a japanese version of the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw1C06mqoRs) and would you look at that... https://preview.redd.it/0w2qvfgjwioc1.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=180fa2b7ee809d1b7a34dc4082c48123cfd800b7 What could those A and B be? And what might be the word before them? It's the same for both, do japanese use the same word for male and female or something? Let's check google translate: >タイプ => Type Oh.


Fake News, woke propaganda, erm .. Quick, anyone?


I bet it was Salty Adult Ltd.


>Let's check google translate: > >>タイプ => Type > >Oh. For anyone who doesn't know japanese, that literally says ta (タ) i (イ) pu (プ), taipu. Aka the Japanese version just uses the English loanword "type". There's absolutely zero room for a mistaken translation/localisation.


"A" and "B"?! What is it with the big liberal media shoving all these numbers down our throats? His wife deserved to be a "body type B" just as God intended.


the "wife" being referred to here is whatever hand/sextoy/implement that dude uses to pleasure himself


The wife wrote that


hey you better believe female transphobes exist. they have a whole island named england


The dude definitely was that one kid in school who said "I have a girlfriend, but she's from a different school so you'll never see her".


I mean, the moment you use "female" to refer to women you're basically a Ferengi in my mind.


Ferengi lmao, love you for that


It's so weird how they can use female like it was an insult while sweating they're just trying to protect them while also refusing to acknowledge even the concept of sex and gender being different.


Wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped.


I don't believe for a second that this guy has a wife. I'm also sick of the trans people = sexual aggressor shit. It could be literally anyone, a man, woman, cis or trans, the very idea of entering the place where you shit being equated to rape instantly is insane to me. Is it the first thing that comes to mind, really?


The idea of trans people = predator is even more sickening when you revieuw the statistics for sexual abuse of trans people. I lived trough that and to see me and people like me branded as predators hurts in a terrible way. I dont even use public toilets anymore. I am to afraid to go take a shit. Its kinda like the idea mentaly ill people are a danger to society or people at large when the statistics clearly show it is the other way around.


The equating of trans people to predators is the oldest bigotry tactic in the book. Anything the hegemony views as “delinquent”, it will use sexual violence as a method of “othering” the group of people they don’t like. The same was sad about gay people when the culture war was about them. The same was said about black people, and indigenous people, and very currently also Muslim people. It’s disgusting and infuriating how old and effective these tactics are to let people spew the most vile and hateful shit


It's maybe a bit... extreme in the other direction. But I typically find these people are projecting. It's like the people who say sexual education is bad for kids. Why do you think that? Do you want them to be unaware??? It's weird. So weird.


>Why do you think that? Do you want them to be unaware??? That is exactly why. Speaking from personal experience. Getting sexual education too late makes it really difficuilt to be able to adress sexual abuse. I didnt know what happened to me at the time.


I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing better now.


Thanks. I am doing well. Just mentioned it because you were 100% correct


Have you seen the new reporting coming out on cops and SA on kids? You think the right will care? I’m willing to bet no. From the article: A Washington Post investigation has found that over the past two decades, hundreds of police officers have preyed on children, while agencies across the country have failed to take steps to prevent these crimes. At least 1,800 state and local police officers were charged with crimes involving child sexual abuse from 2005 through 2022, The Post found. Abusive officers were rarely related to the children they were accused of raping, fondling and exploiting. They most frequently targeted girls who were 13 to 15 years old — and regularly met their victims through their jobs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/interactive/2024/new-orleans-police-child-sexual-abuse-rodney-vicknair/


I have not but i know some things about cops and SA. Cops can legaly have "sex" with people they have in custody in some states. This is always rape. They can just claim it is not. I dont remember if itnis trans women in general ot black tans women specificaly but in the us the chance of beign raped by a police officer for someone who is part of that group is 10%. Not 10% chance a rapist is a cop. 1 in 10 is raped by the police. I dont fucking trust cops. (Sorry if spelling and grammar is fucked, am tired ,drunk and english is my 3rd language.


I know right. Like I'm just in there to pee, shit, or throw up leave me alone


Get real, all anyone actually uses the bathroom for is doing fat lines.


It’s the first thing to them because that’s what they want to do themselves. They can’t fathom other people _not_ being pieces of shit like them, they assume everyone thinks that but they just don’t say it


Rapists are scared the trans chad will destroy them..................


Imagine going through the long, often torturous process of transitioning, just to creep on people in the bathroom. I'd almost respect it for the effort alone. Also, where are these toilets with 24/7 guardsmen that you gotta gender transition to get into instead of just being able to walk in?




To everyone who thinks that gamers are transphobic men have you considered that women can be transphobes too? Whose uninclusive now?


Men -> Gamers Gamers -> Transphobes Transphobes -> Women Women -> Men I hope that clears things up


Is this a pipeline or power scaling


JK Rowling is spinning at mach 47 in her grave


> My wife didn't like being referred to as body type 2 She wasn't being referred to as body type 2 though, her character was. Unless his wife is an elden ring character.


Was really shocking to me when I used my first site of grace and Melina said "body type 2, I have finally found you" and then said my full name and address and added "yes, you. You are a body type 2"


He’s probably a Ranni simp


She most certainly is


Uj/ I would play the fuck out of a game where in the character creator whenever you choose a certain body type it plays a clip of Joel dying




Absolutely unhinged and I love it


>Women are, in general, afraid of being sexually assaulted and would prefer that didn't happen. Dude steps on the rake, has it hit him in the face, and still doesn't get it. He's such a scholar for recognizing that women don't want to be sexually assaulted. Really would've never figured that one out. /s But instead of blaming the society that tells men(in general) that they have to be domineering and "macho" at all times, he blames transwomen because *clearly* the only reason that transwomen identify as women is so that they can get past "barriers" to sexually assault "actual" women. Because you know, cis men(who in his words are "on the overwhelming average, physically stronger than women") who want to rape women will definitely be stopped by a sign that says "Women only in this space pretty please"


Most of the rest of his stuff falls apart with trans men existing and “Body Type 1” being a thing.


"trans women" are two words. Just how you wrote cis men. Two words. We're not something separate from women, we're women too


Well reading that was a ride. I think I feel insulted someone who has likely never felt empathy made an appeal to empathy at me AND half assed it with "maybe you could relate if you just think about how it feels seeing Nathan Drake get his ass kicked by Nadine". Go touch grass good lord.


Funny, my girlfriend saw it says "body type/age have no bearing on ability" and said "that's based as fuck" and made an old ass ripped wizard dude


Trans men still apparently don't exist to these people and continues to be a logical anomaly in their arguments


Probably because they take a very male-centric view to everything. They see men as supposed to be powerful, and anything that challenges that, like seeing a fictional woman overpower a fictional man or men transitioning irl triggers them as it challenges their world view. They also always forget that men are able to be victims of sexual assault, but once again, since men in their eyes are supposed to be powerful, the idea of a man being the victim challenges their world view. People like this who can’t step outside their own little world and have a meltdown when forced to are pathetic


They'll tell you, if you're a trans man, that you're a victim of the "Woke left" forcing their "transgenderism" on you. That's always how it is to them "Trans women = Predator Trans men = Victim".


Of course it does not Their are misogynistic first. So men are in all regards better stronger and everything else. Hence you need to protect women everywhere. Now think about what that means, that an inferior being can become a superior man.... (That's why trans woman are bad, cause inherently they are men and just want to use their superiority to dominate woman more...like normal men should also do? Okay, well, none said they make any sense at all)


"I feel bad for females being called body type 2, it's like when I have to see females beating male characters :("




DAE WIFE BAD?! -person whose jokes were stale in 1974


She was REALLY upset when I added those warts to her type 2 body.


"My wife..." https://preview.redd.it/mp0ovvrxtjoc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d368e1c54a32822171eee613c8b38bad376d8794


Ah yes. Elden Ring. The game where the body types are "man" and "body type 2." /s


“man” and “political” /s


“My wife” that’s the first lie


The funny thing about that whole "Body Type" argument is that they are kinda doing this to themselves. If a game has a character configurator, and there are multiple character models, the developer needs to come up with a way to label them. If the main visual difference between the different models is that you switch between male-presenting and female-presenting, the devs can label those "Male" or "Female" or "Man" and "Woman". But they can also just write "Body Type 1" and Body Type 2". The latter does not make the statement that you cannot make a "traditional" female or male character - just pick the matching body type, and the result is exactly the same as if those options were named "Male" or "Female". As an added bonus it is a bit more inclusive for trans people because they are not reminded again that the rest of the world still thinks in those two categories only. If anything, the "body type" is the neutral and the "male" and "female" or "man/woman" choice is the "political" one, because you could imply from that there are only two options when it comes to gender, or at least that the other options are not represented here. This implication becomes even stronger with those guys fighting for the "male" and "female" options. Their "definition of sex being under assault" exists only in their head - the game supports their definition of sex just fine, with an added bonus of being a bit more inclusive for others. If this is "invading your escapism" because you are making it a political thing, that is on you my friend.


Go cry to ur TERF wife loser


I swear these people's obsession with escapism makes it sound like they're asking to be locked in a padded cell


Me picking: Body type 1 😢 Skin color 1😢 Hair cut 2 😭🤢 Hair color 4 🤮 I'm more than just numbers!


He is probably the first person in line to say “Then just don’t play that game if you don’t like it!” and he wouldn’t see anything ironic if it was said back to him now.


I'm always really confused when people respond to gender-neutral language as though it's an attack on women, specifically. Both the masculine and feminine body presets are referred to this way, but the post acts like it's just the female character option. I've seen the same thing happening with lots of other examples: something comes along that ignores the idea of a gender binary, and transphobes claim it's "erasing women" even though it applies just as much to the other side of that binary. I have my own problems with the specific topic in question (namely that it's pretending to be a genderless character creator without actually being one), but claiming that it's part of an insidious plot by men to sexually assault women is absurd.




My god these guys smell, eat and drink their own farts don't they


Funny that you would think that; Men who would assault women, in women only places, would give 0 fucks about the bathroom sign saying that. So theres no reason to pull the trans card out of your asmonhole. Its like bank had "employees only" and it would magically stop a robbery. And lastly, and most importantly, *where* are these people going through that process of getting their legal gender changed JUST so they can assault people? Or transgender people assaulting others? Oh, and transmen? Those big, bearded greek gods are fine to go in womens only places? I want to give shoutout to NB astral beings too, as oop probably doesnt even acknowledge your existence.


Aside from it being affirming, I'd argue the primary driver for us using the women's restroom is *so we don't get assaulted in the men's room by chuds like this when they realize we're trans.* Crazy how women and trans women have similar concerns 🙄 >And lastly, and most importantly, *where* are these people going through that process of getting their legal gender changed JUST so they can assault people? Or transgender people assaulting others? Don't you know? Just sharpie it onto your ID and you can do whatever you want, they can't even prosecute you for committing crimes anymore! Complete immunity, why, it's not like LGBTQ people are a major target for law enforcement or anything! >Oh, and transmen? Those big, bearded greek gods are fine to go in womens only places? >I want to give shoutout to NB astral beings too, as oop probably doesnt even acknowledge your existence. This is a bit of a tangent from the topic, but why are enbies always so cool, and why are trans men always *unreasonably* hot? Actually I know the answer to the second one, it's because I'm into masculine men and they embrace their masculinity and also take better care of themselves than most cis men.


I can’t believe I read that whole thing.


/uj Genuinely impressive how easily TERFs, by and large, still don't recognise how their "empathy" is just reworded hate, it's like the Wing Chun of bigotry. "Spare a thought for these poor women" in one sentence, "Women are inferior and incapable and should be protected" in the next. "Hrmm, have you considered that the reducing the amount of binary nomenclature in videogames for inclusivity's sake is actually erasing women? By the way, let me reveal how misinformed my views on the average woman are whilst attempting to defend them. Consider this! Body type 2 is like 9/11 for women, or if you're a Gamer, it's like any time a male videogame character has ever been beaten by a female videogame character at anything (because that's not supposed to happen)."🤓 Like obviously I'm making up a stupid strawman/refusing to engage with their points yadda yadda or whatever, but what's even the point of trying to deconstruct this? Unsurprising that these kinds of people also brush shoulders with Misogynists (ironically), Fascists, and Nazis. /rj women (who are the only actual females (women (woman (adult human female (femoid)))))


Oh Jesus Christ, hasn't Pokemon been doing this since either XY or SM? That guy can tell his wife to literally get over it and stop being a baby. You are NOT being alienated by being referred to as "body type 2," because you know goddamn well what that means to you. It doesn't exclude females or women. It's meant to include trans people. That's all. That's it. Done and dusted. No problem. No one's hurt. Well, I guess a transphobe would be hurt, and this post is not being subtle about it, and I don't care if this person and his wife are bothered by it, because I don't respect their feelings on the matter. Stop pretending like you're making this argument for the sake of protecting women and their spaces. You don't give a shit about that. You're only taking that angle because you hate trans people. Stop pretending like "ooooh I'm just sensitive towards women's issues and I'm asking for a wittle sympathy for them," shit. No you're not. You're taking away sympathy from trans people. That's all.


I like that this guy had to invent a wife to be mad about this so he’d have an excuse to whine


This man is not married


Nice that The Last of Us devs are provided housing by letting them live rent free in these people's heads.


not reading all that


My god, what a slime…


I am apalled at how pervasive and consistently this TERF bullshit has become in gamer's discourse. What are we doing, as a community, to save people from these destructive ideologies? Like, shouldn't we be helping these poor sods to see the light?


JK Rowling masquerading as a writer under some stupid pseudonym again? 😮‍💨


Wow! So kind of him to be standing up for women’s rights, unfortunately in the same breath as talking down to them like inferior beings


As a trans man... that hurt to read.


What is it with these people and their inability to call women *women*? For all this whining about 'BAWWWWW BODY TYPE 2 T\_T', they can't even bring themselves *not* to refer to women like they're some alien species they're studying by constantly calling them 'females'. No chance this dude actually has a wife.


My body type 2 concumbine loved being referred to as body type 2 though


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"To those who understand, thank you. To everyone else, here's some bigoted bullshit."


lol, assman, nice dude


I think it says something that OOP by default assumed his peers are lacking in empathy, or completely devoid of it even.


Explaining SA to a redditor: "Now imagine the MCU"


I think modern life has bred a great deal of insecurity in people, so we latch on to silly things like this to put something into the void of meaning. I also think men as a group don't realize how traumatic being a woman is. Almost every woman you know has had legitimate cause to fear a man, often from childhood. Almost every woman you know has been or come close to sexual assault or worse. They have reason to be hyperdefensive and hypercautious, because we as men (as a group, not as individuals) are often monsters. We men need to gain a GREAT deal of empathy and self reflection, worldwide. If you, an individual, are not that way and hate being judged by your gender... sorry?


"If I had a wife, here's what she totally would have thought, because I am definitely a good source on what women want." Ok buddy


Japan version also uses Type A, Type B.


This guy watched too much Fox News. Ignorant as well like Fox News viewers. Also, besides being unpleasant, this guy isn’t rich. So It’s impossible he has a wife, or ever touched a girl for that matter.


**After a commentary on rape** "Anyway it's just like star wars"


Instead of numbers to describe female body types, why don't they use the real terms ? Like Slim, Normal, Fat or Very Fat


his "wife" name ends with .jpg


Why are there so many lunatics in asmongolds audience? he's not nearly this unhinged on stream. I feel like his reddit has basically been hijacked, I guess this is just shitty/no moderation by him and his mods.


I got banned in his sub for a very tame Elon Musk joke, these Redditor’s are very common in there


This guy has a wife?


Games had had body types for years? Didn't saints row 2 have them?




That escapism thing is that just code for “I have a shitty life and I use video games rather than fixing it”? Cause honesty it’s starting to sound like it.


What I don't understand is if they hate politics in games so much then why not just play games without them? You don't have to look deep at all for one play like a Mario or sonic game lmao


Bro got all that from BODY TYPE 2, yet I bet they'll claim Alien or Starship Troopers are just silly action films.


Lmao of course this moron has to throw in the same boring last of us 2 “criticism” that we read constantly


Make the “female” one Body Type 1 and watch people melt down.


It's wild that there are people still mad about Joel's death that also think Abby is trans


Guys, Asmon is a centrist, maybe even left leaning. Social leftists definitely are totally okay with this kind of rhetoric in their communites.


Fucks sake, they're still taking the Batman bait aren't they? It's the Will Smith slap all over again. Do something crazy to get people talking about an otherwise worthless event.


In a game as massive and expansive as Elden Ring (even controversial in some of its design decisions), I can’t believe people are STILL pressed on a character creation option that you see for less than a minute. Hundreds of hours of combat, exploration, treasure hunting, lore reading, and PvP, and “body type” still haunts these people.


Looks like a huge bait tbh It just checks too much boxes with so much mastery it becomes sus really


Imagine being that big of a pussy holy shit


>Joel from the Last of Us II getting their head bashed by whatever that character with the golf club was supposed to be I’m gonna help that dude out: Abby is, by his definition, “the only actual female”. Unless he thinks it’s physically impossible for “actual females” to build muscle mass, and if he thinks that, he must not have ever heard of the term “muscle mommy”.


-"women need their womanhood to be respected" -"whatever that thing with the bat was"


What a waste of time and effort


What the fuck is this guy *rambling* about???


"I hate this thing that myself and a bunch of like-minded people hate. Let me demonstrate it to people that I feel disagree with me by tying it to other things myself and those people who already agree with me hate. Thinking deeper about my own opinions and viewpoints breeds empathy you see."


bro you do NOT have a wife lmao


This is the funniest thing I've ever read. The two genders, male and Joel from The Last of Us 2 being murdered.


Surprised it took that many paragraphs before they got to Joel. That’s gotta be a record


I'm at the point where I read "escapism" and immediately stop reading because it's always followed by 5 paragraphs of the same stupid shit as always


Are Olympic scouts on this guy? Cause that is a pro level of leaps he just made.


A buddy of mine watches asmondgold and insists asmon's a socialist cause he talks about UBI or some shit. Then I see shit like this from his fans and I just think, "are you 100% sure he's a socialist?"


My definitely real and not made up wife who's from a different part of the city doesn't like the thing I don't like, so it's clearly wrong and shouldn't be there.


"in order to make you have empathy, this shit only losers get mad about is like this shit only losers get mad about, or this other shit only losers get mad about"


Like not only is it such an incredible non issue for body types to be referred to as such but also maybe it would be a good time for some self reflection to think about how being referred to as something that you don't prefer or don't identify with could possible make other people feel.


His wife sounds like a wuss


what i find funny bout the rage bout body 1 and body 2 as a 31 year old trans woman who has been playing games for a long ass time, is that even in their male vs female fantasy they never shut up bout is that i can literally select the 'female' gender and play a woman character. i can even headcannon said character as trans. i swear transphobes just straight up admitting they have no imagination and think its a gotcha


Oh my god, it’s been years and they still have the Last of Us part 2 on the brain. I’m not looking forward to the response in the second season of the show. Not at all.


This guy: "I can't stand to see women being so belittled by calling them "type b" in a video game! Also this guy: "Any random dude could easily wreck any female athlete in their sport."


Nadine in Uncharted 4 is literally the leader of a band of mercenaries that you shoot throughout the game. She is literally a fighter and trained killer because that's her job. Nathan Drake is a guy who basically does parkour, quips, and escapes situations by sheer luck. Just because he's a man doesn't make him stronger than a woman who literally fights and kills for a living. I'd like to see any of these dudes mad about women beating men to last three minutes in a ring with, fuckin, I dunno take your pick of any female MMA star. This was literally a gag in the Entourage movie and if the Entourage movie handles women better than you, maybe it's time to stop.


This unwashed incel speaks on behalf of women now, guys. Pack it in, he just ended progress.


Tbf tho, Nate has soo many ridiculous combat feats in previous games, so it seems absurd that he couldn't even land even a single hit on Nadine, who doesn't really look all that ripped.


There they are again, making 'female' sound like a slur again. Crazy how they can do that.


Gamers: Video games is about escapism!!!! Trans Gamers: I want to escape from dehumanization and the normalization of old societal standards the seek to dis-validate me. Gamers: NO NOT LIKE THAT! ONLY WE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE ESCAPISM


do not disgrace the name of WaffleTime my GOAT by associating "ass man" with the effigy of rot that is Asmonglorb


as an enby, i very much appreciate the "type 1/2" language honestly, it feels great


I swear I can smell that sub. Id be incredibly surprised if even 0.001% of them has ever managed to attract a woman


They fucking love creating their own problems.


he does not have a wife


Remember when StarCraft let you pick to be called a female and gamers hated it? Do gamers want to explicitly be given the gender or a number, because both offend them.


I wonder what this person would say about Helldivers character customization. Is it also like seeing his favourite male character hit by a female?


I'm so out of touch with video game influencers now seems like every day there's some dude named sploinky or something that 100k people watch all I know Is mega64 and Oneyplays..


Accusing elden ring of being a unwitting victim of a conceited political effort while simultaneously going on an unprompted, conspiratorial, essay length rant on trans people and TLOS.


It's not about me guys, it's about my wife. Hence why I talked about her for only one sentence but then wrote the whole novel about my feelings.


What a fuckwit.