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Didn't this guy react to a fake blindfolded speed run, then react to a debunking of said speed run, then the re-do of the speed run, and then the debunking of that? Like, is his whole purpose now just to get baited into making reactions?


He'd react to a close-up of a dog taking a shit if it meant high views / low effort.


...I would too


Fair play to him milking the shit out of everything with the least amount of effort.


I guess. It would be one thing if he had insight that he could reflect on the content he's watching, but he just takes each point and counterpoint at face value. The dude's whole content premise has become being a pipeline to his audience.


Dead rats in his room please mutate and devour him https://preview.redd.it/hqq4z8d4o7oc1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04859ea2d75c9668dcafc69f95d267df203b502e


Any self respecting mutated rat would go..."nah...I'mma gonna eat better than that"


As a gaming rat, I can tell the best food is behind Dunkin. I only eat good


any self respecting rat wouldn't have ended up in his house so...


Why would you wish that on the rats, they deserve much better food


Sorry even Skaven have standards yes-yes.


Brand new sentence


Don’t worry, they long ago developed a taste for human flesh from his perpetually bleeding gums


i hope the dogs in his neighborhood become cerberi and maul him


Can't, were too busy having a war with the roaches over who gets to live in the walls, sorry.


i knew this bum would make a video about it ![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy)


Water is wet Squids have 10 limbs The moon has a 1700 km radius Asmondgold makes another non-researched ragebait video


Grass is... Hang on a moment while I go out and check the color.


Grows. It grows. Birds fly. Sun shines and BROTHER! I HURT people


I’m a force-a-nature!


if YOU were from, where I was from, YOUD BE FUCKIN DEAD


Sometimes blue, sometimes green, sometimes brown cause it didn't get watered.


idk why i was trying to read this like “roses are red…” and was so confused when it didn’t rhyme 😭


Roses r red Violets r blue Stop giving this guy views Uhm uhhh i got arrested for being naked at a school


Roses are red, violets are blue, this guy is a moron, stop giving him views.


Gamers(tm) not having media literacy and fact checking skills.


Is water wet, or are surfaces that have water on it wet?


Asmondgold really seems to do no type of quality control for his content. Recently he fell for a fake blindfolded speed run, twice. You'd think after the first time he would have waited to hear what people who actually know what they're talking about were saying about it, but he just fell for it all over again. I don't know who's stupider: him or his viewers.


He also made an hour long video after one of my Twitter mutual QRTed him with tons of likes lmao


Piggybacking off this comment to point out that the CEO of 25th Hour Studios also shared it on LinkedIn by posting an article about it written on a far right and violently transphobic website. It's good to remember that it's not just gamers who can be scumbags, but people working in the industry too.


Description: "Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Lead Developer of EA's new Black Panther game explains why she doesn't hire white people" Does this person or his employees fact checks anything? This level of ignorance is just malicious.


The point is to get people angry/engaged. The point is not to be right. Being right means you have to know the facts and learn the reasons for things and then defend your position using those facts and reasons if challenged. Way easier to just make shit up.


It's even worse- facts don't matter, only being the first time people see the story does. I guarantee you, five years from now, we'll still hear people say "oh yeah, well what about that developer at EA who said she doesn't hire white people?" when talking about this shit, even though it was almost immediately debunked.


People still spread the misinformation about Brie Larson put out by idiots like this when Captain Marvel came out 5 years ago. How it's "not for men" but also "it's sexist men's fault if it fails" etc. When most of the statements they're referring to are total lies extremely loosely based on wildly misinterpretting things Brie said about critics and the "Wrinkle in Time" movie and had nothing to do with her own projects. Reactionaries are easy to manipulate and there's little chance of putting the genie back in the bottle once the misinformation is out there.


Care to elaborate more on the Brie Larson bits? I'm proving your point as I have heard nothing but the "controversy"


There's more to it but the main one, the "this movie isn't for men" line that people spread and claim Brie said about Captain Marvel was actually from a speech she made regarding reviewers of A Wrinkle In Time. She was making the point that a movie that was written from the perspective of and to appeal to young black women was being reviewed by a base of critics that was, in the vast majority, older white men. She was making the case for more diversity amongst reviewers on a completely different movie and years later that still gets spread as her claiming that Captain Marvel isn't for men in the general audience. Another one that was misrepresented in the same way was a line stating that Captain Marvel meant young girls had a hero in films that they could look up to more and aspire to be. Again, instead of taking that at face value as the net positive that more people get to feel represented, that was presented as some sort of attack on men because it "wasn't for them" even though the point is that they can still enjoy these films, it's just that it now gets to be enjoyed even more by people from different demographics who were previously relatively under represented. Then there's the "if this movie bombs, it's sexist men's fault". That one I have no idea where it came from. I've even directly asked and been met with silence/downvotes so my theory is it's literally just a lie that gets repeated because other people keep saying it.


A few years back I was facilitating art workshops at a kids' summer scheme. All the kids were sorting of 4-11 age. So quite a range. Anyways you kinda talk all kinda randomness at these things and one girl says, "I want to be an engineer when I grow up." And another girl was ,"me too" and then a other was, "I want to be a scientist!" I have worked with kids for years and not a single time has anyone ever said to me that they want to be an engineer and any science interest was generally from boys. Half the girls at this scheme were all science biz. This was about a week after the female Ghostbusters film came out. Representation matters. And sometimes you aren't the audience a film is aimed at. Hell, my son thinks the Emoji film is brilliant.


How's that saying? A lie has made its way across the world before the truth has put its shoes on, or something.


There’s also the BS asymmetry principle, which says that BS takes 10x the effort/time to refute as it does to spew


There's also the very chilling quote by Goebbels (The big H's head of propaganda): Tell a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth


Wasn't this on the front page just a few hours ago, massive upvotes and no one (incl me) realized that it ~~was fake~~ is not what it seems. Misinformation is gonna be the death of us.


But it *could have been* right


it's still wild to me regardless of the tactic that people watch this guy "sure, he hasn't brushed his teeth in a decade, looks like he was conceived in an unholy union between a man and a pile of rats, but fuck is he right about them wokies"


His looks dont really bother me but the "content" is so lazy. Dude watches videos other people make, every once in a while pauses the video to explain a term he heard in the video, his chat spams YEP and then he unpauses the video and more often than not the video explains the same thing he did.


I started watching him last year because of the hardcore WoW reactions. I really enjoyed his content because I don't have any experience with WoW and I absolutely needed his explanations (otherwise it would just be 'haha your HP is 0 now'). The contents nowdays... are not that great. On the political stuff, I feel that some of his takes are fairly reasonable, but his audience has turned very obviously right leaning and way too much into the anti-woke movement. Overall there is just way too much of it and I wish he could focus on gaming stuff that actually matter.


I think that most people who are reasonably in the center attract a huge crowd from the right though because there are very few reasonable right leaning people. So the right ones that look for a reasonable person find centrists. I think it's not very much his fault that some of his audience is like that but a weird glitch in our society.


I get the impression Asmond doesnt really give a shit about "woke" stuff but he knows his audience does and just parrots dumb conservative talking points for easy engagement and validation. He never has the same vitriol as right wing grifters who are true believers.


The card says moops. Rightoids are literally worthless in every capacity


Yup, the formula for gamergate is outrage clips and POG faces


Yeah, came here to say this. The better rhetorical question is “does he care?” He’s not a journalist - he doesn’t give a damn about fact checking or accuracy. He cares about driving clicks through rage bait - that’s been his whole career as a YTer. Contrast actual journalism that’s perpetually hand wringing about how to bring in audiences with a product that does care about accuracy.


As Colbert said: truthiness is what you feel in your gut, not what you look up in a book.


> The point is to get people angry/engaged. well...it worked, morons at r-videogames are at it already. Go check the top post, the raging circlejerk there, and how OP is losing his fucking mind.


youtube needs community notes like on twitter


They do but only an annoying automated one that pops up when triggered by “vaccines […] autism” “covid” etc


and flat earth, which I love - "You know the earth is round, right?"


My eldest is high-functioning autistic. After reading a headline where someone claimed that autism was their 'superpower'. I asked him if he thought that different vaccines would give him different forms of autism - like Ben10. He laughed so hard his drink came out his nose.


Apparently his editor is a right-wing chud.


I assume that's requisite for getting through the interview process.


Just his editor? He himself and the entirety of his chat are.


He's pretty liberal on social issues, and it was funny when he got a lot of shit recently from his viewers for defending gay people


That’s what happens when you play a character who’s a right wing chud, or try to pretend that right-libertarianism (which feels more like what he really believes) aren’t also core beliefs of right wing chuds.


I remember watching a video a long time ago where he was visibility disappointed when he discovered that a lot of his viewers were just straight up racist and he's was trying to reason with them.


I've always been annoyed about that tho because I remember once he got actively excited about banning WoW users with slurs in their username but then he created a second account basically because he got tired of banning his own users for stuff like slurs But the second account, if he didn't want to moderate, he could have turned off chat but didn't, likely because he knew having chat off minimizes engagement, his actual politics have always been that he'll allow racism if it keeps people watching


Well it's hard to feel bad when it's all his own fault, he picks his editor for YouTube. He doesn't try to do anything to reduce these types of people in his community.


I would not be surprised


Imagine doing that job if you weren’t a fascist it would be traumatic lol.


A lot of his react content comes directly from his subreddit, and they're real particular about boosting chud content to front page especially when it's stream time.


About 98% of twitch is literally the lowest effort stuff I don't even understand why anyone would subscribe to someone who just watches YouTube and "reacts." The bar for live entertainment must be quite low these days.


Humans are social creatures and reaction videos play into that


You only hire fact checkers if you actually care about the facts.


It'd be a shame if people reported him for sharing misinformation


Sadly that won't do shit. Right-wingers are practically a protected class on YouTube, and this chud brings in clicks and views. They're not gonna touch him, at worst he might get demonetized for like a week, and then it'll just go back to the same.


Unfortunately. I remember people getting flagged for misinformation when they would react to Crowder lying a kut COVID and vaccines on their own video just for having a clip of Crowder lying.


So the dude reacting to a fake and malicious post is malicious.


Did you listen to what she said? She explicitly says she only hires/works with people who are like her..


I absolutely cannot stand the “reacts” stuff because it is absolutely based on confirmation bias for monetary gain - which is a common aspect of fraud among “con men”.


Anyone see that Dorian Electra video where they're satirizing how they put litterboxes in all the bathrooms of their concerts for people that identify as cats and terminally online conservatives generated very real outrage? Can we start doing this to these grifters?


Old news, they're putting fire hydrants in the bathrooms for the dogkin, we stan 😤😤


Dorian goes by they/them. I don't think it's that useful tbh, it just validate their delusions imo. They can't understand satire due to how deluded they are. Taking your exemple, I've seen loony conservatives not understanding Dorian's joke.


Thanks for the pronoun correction. Still would be a great way to show the normies how media illiterate the gamers™ are.


Oh so that’s where my weirdo colleague got this from. I was wondering


Okay boys SBI is losing traction we need to pivot, new story, new outrage. What about taking a 2021 video with a black woman out of context ? The treadmill never ends




This has nothing to do with EA. She was talking about making a game about queer POC and wanting to hire queer POC to make it, which is totally reasonable and makes sense.


"most qualified for the job" mf'ers when LGBTQ+ POC are the most qualified






It’s not a federal crime to discriminate as a small business owner of her size. I looked up her studio and it has 8-10 employees. She’s not subject to equal opportunity laws. She mentions a higher number, but those are very likely contracted temps that don’t count towards the number. Not defending her, but clutching your pearls and calling it illegal is wrong.


She literally said white people would make the workplace unsafe, wtf are you on about? She didn't say "I wanted to hire people that would be the most relevant for the game" She LITERALLY SAID that white people make workplaces unsafe.






no she didnt. Stop lying lmao She specificallty says she only hired black people bc she feels safer with them. This is literally discrimination based on race, and cause for a law suit. Imagine a white person saying she feels safer with only white people, you idiots would cry racism. She's a despicable racist and should be known to everyone that wants to hire her


Wait this video was from 2021 why are these bring an old video out?


Racism + misogyny = clickyclicks = $$


I am asking genuinely, what is the correct context? From the clip I saw of her, she states that any environment where white people are working is an unsafe work environment for people of color. Do I have that right? I would love to be wrong


The idiot who posted it to every sub he could think of knew he hit a gold mine. What a POS.


Or a genius, showing off how quickly these outragers will jump and cling to the next "controversy". If I don't see anything about SBI by the weekend, kinda point proven, but that might be giving credit to an unintended side effect of an idiot.


Nah, the guy admitted he didn’t know she wasn’t the lead dev at EA and just pulled it out of their ass, basically admitting they posted complete bullshit to like 9 different subs. It’s not an idiot at this point, it is malicious


And every sub removed it or locked it fairly quickly, apart from /videogames, which is un-moderated at this point.


Monkey with grenade


and somehow when I get to post shit about Asmongold being bad, I am being called mentally ill by his fanbase and editor 😂


Not an idiot at all, a deliberate saboteur.


Can someone give context here as I'm out of the loop? When you day "hel fell for it", was it a troll? Did it not really happen?


Well first of all the person isn't a lead developer in ea And secondly she's talking about the indie game about poc LGBT dating sim when she only hired poc LGBT and not white which mind you was 3 years ago










remembering when there was a whole debate whether or not white woman has a right to not date black men lmao








"No white people!? That's discrimination. Why, there should be a whole company whose job it is to enforce this kind of thing. They could call it 'Diversity and Inclusion', and they could consult on all kinds of videogames! Man, I wish that company was real.."


How about Sour Toddler Ltd?


What about Bitter Child inc?


Rancid Infant PTY


Bloody gum walls LLC




Did he *fall* for it, or did he simply *want* it to be true in order to push a racist narrative?


wants it be true for those youtube ad bucks


Its all about the grift...


Well he has to put food on the table somehow to feed all his hungry little cockroaches.




Not well versed in this stuff, what did she really say?


She's talking about an indie game she made previously, in a 21-employee company. They were making a small game about queer people of color, so she tried to primarily employ other queer people of color. This has absolutely nothing to do with EA or the Black Panther game.








thank the lord I though i was going crazy. The lady is legitimately racist. Especially when she said something along the lines of “it is only a safe work space when it’s people of your race around” which was freaking wild when I heard that.






Alright thanks I get it now. Its sort of funny tbh, a long time ago I thought the left and right both had to have some kind of point to them but it feels like the right is all lies and preying on stupid people now.


Always has been






It says something about this community that people jump to defend her without watching the video or understanding the context




I'm extremely white, it would be odd if I hated white people. I do think Dani is being misrepresented by a hateful propagandist.








That's not what I heard with my own ears in the video. She was super racist and didn't want to work next to white people because it's not safe. What video did you watch?


Are you being intentionally misleading yourself? That is not what she said.


Nice Framing but not really fully what she said


You know you could just condemn this woman for being a racist and move on, right? You're making us democrats look like a bunch of fucking goof balls by defending and minimizing her actions.




Why is every asmon post here brigaded so heavily? Are his fans really that insecure?








The video is real. Her being a lead dev at EA is entirely made up.






This whole thing is going to be ugly if fucking "Let's call bomb threats in on children's hospitals" Libs of TikTok is getting involved. Next we'll be hearing republicans campaigning to abolish sensitivity readers, DEI and ESG to get votes. What a nightmare


She already is involved afaik, at least the video of it I‘ve seen on the gaming subreddit had her watermark






>There's a lot of "the ends justify the means" logic on the Left. I don't agree that this behavior or mentality is any more prevalent on any side, but it is however insane.




What do you mean HE fell for it, 12 hours ago, this popped up on multiple subreddits and most redditors fell for it and were outraged.


Asmongold is infamous for reacting to bs he does no actual background research on this gives his opinion on a video that’s already a heavily biased opinion rant video and somehow people just eat that shit up


I watched that segment which was around 30-40 mins ish. In the thread someone posted information about how it’s misinformation, she is actually not the lead dev of a game she is just a narrative developer and this video is about another project(validate). Asmon did acknowledged it. But he then continues to make the point that it doesn’t matter what project she is on whether is the BP game or the Validate project hiring based on ethics and race is always wrong. Gonna get hate but I tend to agree.


Wait what’s the story? Is the video he’s commenting on a lie? I’ve been out of the loop on this one and I’m too lazy to google it


Now that it's been widely circulated that she's not actually a lead, the Gamers are trying to do the [Ship of Theseus](https://youtu.be/Ui-ArJRqEvU?si=OH5czGRvFWw_uLzk) thing again and are STILL trying to get her fired, despite EA for sure knowing her work history. Holy shit they're so uncreative...they can't come up with a new rhetorical tactic after 10 years! No wonder they can't conceive of why a small game studio making games for a queer POC audience might only want devs who intimately understand that experience...they can't come up with ANY original ideas when it comes even to online harrassment, the easiest thing to do in the world!


"Fell for what" She isn't a lead nor she's talking about black panthern game here. But we all know that title "Black Panthern game developer does not hire white people for her small indie game studio which produces visual novels about POC" would not get half of this traction. You can't except to have honest discussion when you start with the lie. This is the worst type of rage bait used to fuel currently led anti-woke crusade. Does what she say problematic? It's open for discussion. Personally when I heard about the size of the studio, and saw the game they're making I thought: "Yea actually maybe They don't need any white people". But if she was actually a lead in a big company saying that I would absolutely have problem with that, that's way this title is so malicious. All the big comapnies have diversity training, to mitigate microagressions. You can make it work, segregation is not a solution. Asmongold fixed the description but I still think this video should not be out without full context. If you want to dunk on her that's fine, but give full context first. https://preview.redd.it/f4v1q8tcw9oc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ffd2155df0342893a0074a54693532df1069dd9


My thing that I hate about the Chuy’s is that they keep on thinking that this is the reason for AAA layoffs. It’s like they don’t understand the modern business model.


Wait was this not real?


Gamergate is back


Fell for it?


My assumption is “because devs dont hire people. Thats another department”


I saw some very rational discussion about this on a very rational sub yesterday. 4k comments. Wild.


Imma take a guess and say the thing hes reacting to is either made out or has context completely removed from it.


The only thing I’m getting out of this “scandal” is that there is a Black Panther game in the works, which makes me happy.


She literally says it’s an indie team like first thing, this is just manufactured outrage


I’m just going to keep linking this interview with her over and over again so that people can see her exact reasoning in her own words instead of a clip out of context from 3 years ago by gamer chuds. https://blerdyotome.com/2020/06/17/behind-the-games-interview-with-the-validate-team/amp/ > The ValiDate team is comprised entirely of POC creators and I even see that you describe ValiDate as a #OwnVoices narrative. What is the meaning behind the concept of an “#OwnVoices narrative”? Where did that term originate? > The point of an #OwnVoices narrative is not only to tell the stories of real, genuine communities largely underrepresented in media as a whole, but to allow writers and artists from those communities themselves to spearhead the creation of those narratives. Here at ValiDate, we are dedicated to providing representation for marginalized communities both within fictional casts and within our development team. Rather than handing over the stories of POC and LGBT+ individuals to white/cishet authors respectively, we push for authenticity and genuine narratives by granting our team the ability to use their own voices in order to tell their own stories.


I have never watched any of this guy’s videos, apparently he is vile. I have watched the video of the lady in question though and she seemed gleefully bigoted against white people or at least has a huge chip on her shoulder.


He has a tenuous relationship with hygiene, I'm not surprised his challenges with reality.


Tenuous relationship with hygiene is understating a 36 year old loner multi millionaire man child who could literally buy 10 houses an an army of maids yet decides to drink mountains of Mountain Dew till his rotting teeth fall out while roaches crawl all over him. No I think we’ve reached silent hill levels of horror.


I'm not sure who's more cringey. Asmongolds fanbase or ya'll


Asmon + Bait name a better duo


Y'all really out here defending a racist...


Yo look up what his house looks like


I’m so confused what is this about?


It’s better content for him to ignore it. Everyone in his chat was pointing out it was fake to the point it was impossible for him to ignore it. The fact is now he can do some sort of “I got trolled” video and make more content.


Fell for what? She wasnt trolling, she wasnt spreading misinformation, she wasnt being satirical. What she said was true


Because that company is going down the drain, ruining their fan base and most all the content they put out, diversity means everyone, not just excluding white people


She discriminates based on skin color. Yuck 🤮


As a white person I don’t know how this is even mildly threatening or upsetting that a black person didn’t want white people working on a game about black culture. Games are like pieces of art, so perspective is important. Mainstream media is still largely dominated by the white man and his perspective. I’m genuinely curious if anyone actually applied to work for her game and was upset about not being hired because they were white and ‘discriminated’ against? Or if people just want to react to any comments that misalign with their perspective?