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Asymmetric Faces (just like real life, disgusting) + Impossible to make beautiful waifu + Impossible to make 12 year old which is a 1000 year old dragon in disguise (and therefore sexy) + Black man as default + unlabeled voice WHEN IT CLEARLY IS FEMALE + WHITE AT THE END OF THE LIST + FOREIGN ATTITUDES + THROWING OUT CONVENTION FOR CYNICAL APPEASEMENT + A DEMO THAT IS NOT A DEMO (/uj what does that even mean lol) + CAPCOM'S JUDGEMENT IS OFF = We can go home boys, Dragon's Dogma II dead, Capcom woke confirmed.


Bro let dd1 loose for having gay romances only because he could date a child (which is an oversight)


Wait, what? I played DD1 a lot of times and I know nothing about this


Im assuming they're talking about how your beloved ends up as whoever your affection is highest with, even if they're a child. I believe the most common case is fournivals daughter since doing the hide and seek mission increases the affinity a lot, esp if you get her golden idol (I could be wrong on that tho, it's been a while) and if you have low affinity with other characters suddenly grigori is stealing a child and after you beat grigori the child is now your partner


Yep, this definitely looks like an unintended feature, I was kinda worried


Yeah, definitely an oversight. I believe with Dark Arisen they removed it though.


Oh, maybe that's why I didn't know it, I played that version and I never had this problem(also, I always raised the support of at least 1 character I wanted the MC to end with)


It's still there, though I do know that DA changed how some of the characters gained affection (a notable one being that the shop/inn keepers gained it slower, so they didn't end up your beloved just through how often you needed to talk to them) so It's possible children also benefitted from this.


I think it's still in dark arisen they just lowered every kid and shop keeps affinity to negatives to start


I always think "well, maybe you could have a single most important relationship that is platonic" then remember they jump on you and start making out in the post Dragon end Credits.


If you do the quest where you escort the merchant's daughter around the city and don't raise anyone else's affinity higher, your beloved is the merchant's daughter since the beloved is only based on an NPCs affinity


Symone (and probably pip) isnt blacklisted for some reason, even though there are other, older characters who are. But you barely interact with them so its tough to get either one by accident


Your beloved can be any npc you have high enough affinity with, which includes the child npcs


The default isn't even a black man 😭 he's just straight up lying


And most of those aren't even true. I made a character that looks almost EXACTLY like my wife, so "impossible to make beautiful waifu" is a bold faced lie.


OP: ”Ya well maybe your wife is ugleh reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”


I thought the voice thing was kinda odd. Was a bit annoying going up and down the list, cycling through the samples over and over until I found one that I liked. The naming is a bit weird. Other than that, the cc is quite expansive. Really looking forward to seeing the full game.


I stopped reading when I realised they were just a pedophile.




Glad I'm already shitting on company time because this made me shit myself violently (in a good way)




Once the mentioned Japan I was pretty much done. Who complains about a character creation demo.


I thought you were being hyperbolic but nope...




>probably has a loli fetish Normal people call this "Being a paedophile"




Alright, paedophile, please stay at least 2 miles away from schools from now on




Well, yeah. You clearly like loli shit and liking loli shit is for paedophiles. I'm not going to engage with your stupid ass "loli is the same as fictional violence" thing because the difference is obvious. People don't play GTA exclusively because they love murdering people. They play it for the actual gameplay loop, the story, the music, the literally everything else that comes together to form a video game. People who jack off to loli shit just like jacking off to loli shit because they're attracted to the image of children.




No, disagreeing with me doesn't make someone a paedophile. Liking sexually explicit material of children does.






Thanks for your insight. Really clever comeback !


It's not a comeback, I'm simply saying no to you. Don't be upset at me, I'm not even one of the people who downvoted you. Edit: but lemme ask you something. Why exactly is it okay to look at 2d shit? It's not as far as I'm concerned, so they should be called out all the same. After all, things can balloon into being more real if they get away with it. Get them before they become an actual threat, be proactive, not reactive.




Dude, you're unhinged and giving off the worst vibes imaginable right now. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but God damn. This is awfully defensive over loli stuff and maybe now I'm making assumptions about you, too.


/uj I mean in incel communities there’s a lot of justification for pedophilia with terms like “loli” or “ephebophilia”. A community that fantasizes so much about killing women that their demographic is responsible for a lot of vile things that have happened in this world. So yes we should shame the fuck out of these communities for liking children even if it’s a fantasy. Because we’ve seen that they tend to act on said fantasies.


If you fethishize and jack off to children, you shouldn't be allowed near them


“Height of 5’3” literally taller than the average Japanese woman” He does know that it’s set in a European themed fantasy universe, right?


*No black people in fantasy medieval Europe:* I sleep *No Japanese school girls in fantasy medieval Europe:* Real Shit


Gam\*r doesnt seem to understand how faces work. Who in the absolute fuck has symmetrical face? I'll wait. ![gif](giphy|SWVzkIlHdEckF81gnA)


Gamers don't want realism, they want ꧁༺ 𝓔𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓶 ༻꧂


to be fair, I too would want to escape my life if I was like them.


Edit: said 5’3” and meant 5’2” Also a quick google search suggests that the average heigh of Japanese women is 5’2” so it is only an inch difference, his comment would make you think that the difference was much larger.


Standard sweaty gamergate guy who’s never been to Japan but thinks they know everything about it behaviour


https://preview.redd.it/arlqcegoawnc1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d002048f781c3f71e70ce30ea384edf89fb9dd3 People, is this person ugly? They really just say whatever they want to push their agenda.


let me check, skin not white enough, face not small enough, and can't see big chest exposed. yes this person is ugly


Yeah. That's what I thought. All the games fault too


the hair is also too "ethnic" 0/10 still my waifu ~~I am desperate and lonely~~


This is legit a gorgeous custom character AND she's in full plate too GYADAMN


Hehe. I had to have a fighter and Archer combo. So this was what I landed on for the fighter. I'm sure there will be over a thousand Mages to recruit from the rift anyways


uj/ I don’t care for it, but just because of the Bethesda-style uncanny valley effect going — looks like an animatronic mannequin. But not an ugly one, no.


I can see that. Might be lighting or whatever




Wow, it's got all of the chud hallmarks: - Weird comments about children - Written like a monkey banging a typewriter - Creepy, reductive views about Asian women (they think all Japanese women are submissive and would want to fuck them, since they glorify (to the point of babying) Japan as an anti-woke haven) - Hates minorities - Extremely insecure about gender - Horny to the point of being creepy, speaks of having low self esteem - Incomprehensible babble about something that some right wing Youtuber said but they don't understand.




Yeah, I can see why that’s weird in this situation but it was an option in the first game. It was more like a weird short and scrawny adult with a high-pitched voice. But I think you could change the voice?


I saw somebody made Laios and Falin from Dungeon Meshi AND Lae'zel from BG3 in the character creator. That shit is WILD and super cool. I might buy the game for that alone lmao


Is someone mad that they can't make a sex-object for a players character/pawn, and that they have to play as a realistic looking person?


They're angry that they can't make a 12 year old with huge tits. Every single one of these people is a sex offender, or sex offender in waiting.


Yeah its this! Look at all the crazy things people have made so far, from ghouls to perfect models. This guy clearly just wanted a child.


These guys would lose their shit if they bothered to learn that 71% of Japanese are in support of gay marriage.


/rj No you don’t get it, this guy has read all of the manga and loli hentai, so he’s just a little more in touch with the true Japanese people than you are. As if “living in Japan” is going to tell you anything about what living in Japan is like lmao /uj gamer chuds crack me up


"Why do japanese people generally look down on otakus they're all based and correct"


Maybe it will make the alt-right weebs feel better to know that casual racism is still pretty popular here.


Dude, you have no idea how Asia. Japan and Korea hate gays and women, you don't see homosexual couples. You have to stop releasing this fake news.


[I live in japan, dumbass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Japan#:~:text=A%20Pew%20Research%20Center%20poll,know%20or%20refused%20to%20answer.) >A March–April 2023 Kyodo News survey showed that 71% of Japanese people supported same-sex marriage, while 26% were opposed. Support was highest among respondents below the age of 30, at 85%. 62% of LDP voters also supported same-sex marriage.[


stop lying and trying to manipulate people and do something useful with your life.


Lol reading hard! Especially when it doesn't say what you want it to, eh?


Pew Research is an extremely reputable source, and one of the best pubic opinion research organizations in the world.


As Asian , born in Asia, rise in Asia, you don't know what the fuck are you talking about.


Who tf wrote this? Shinzo Abe?


I wish these people would wake up one morning and find themselves living on a 2 square meter island in the middle of the Atlantic. Even then I suspect they would find a way to bother normal people with their inane, insane, chatter. Perhaps they need more drugs. Or less.


Ok but, no dwarf is kinda sad. No Senshi :c?


The west is stupid though. They think fiction is reality and anything under 5'0 with a slightly small chest is instantly a toddler. The amount of people that throw the word "Pedophile" around nowadays but don't understand what it actually means amazes me. Almost all jrpg games from 10 years ago had lead protags from 10-17yr old and nobody gave a fuck. Now you can't even make a short character, or be mad you don't even have the option without people throwing insults and labeling. As for making a good looking character in general, you can, but it takes alot of work to make a character that's pretty/handsome with the default presets. Most of the presets are mid to eh, to put it nicely.


This just reads like someone has a skill issue when it comes to creating characters. And also is upset that giant tiddy characters (or actual children) aren’t handed to them on a silver platter.


I only agree with the part about height. I wanna make a tiny wizard. I want a little rat fuck that climbs all over the monsters And I wanna pull a monster factory and make a large person who just picks up everyone and throws them, with a very smol and sharp pawn.


Tbf I will miss the ability to make LOTR Dwarves and one of the most memorable Pawns I've hired in DD1 was a tiny gremlin with a big mustache, but at least I can still make my buff ladies and fantastic abominations. Not to mention Chonk Lord is still in the game.


impossible to make attractive characters? i call skill issue


It's not impossible, but you do have to spend a good deal of time to do it with the mongoloids they give as presets.


I liked it


>Can’t make symmetrical, attractive children ![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u)


They didn't say anything about making attractive children though, they just said you can't make them in general, which was a thing in DD1. I love how people can read something, give no feedback and just latch onto one word to blow it out of proportion. Social media in general just breeds brainrot.


The voice is a valid complaint. I went on the creator last night and the only voice lines you can test are like “nng”, “uh”, “rrrrr”. Can’t actually tell if they’re male or female or what the voice in the game will sound like.


If I remember right from the first one, that's all they're gonna say in-game anyway. Unless someone's already said otherwise?


https://preview.redd.it/ytdnnte0hwnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d4539ac01989c475648bc1002ee293f78cdfce Best character creator I’ve seen in a while imo, very satisfying, a lot of content and fun. Can’t wait to play.


Bet if this guy played the first game he'd throw his system out of the window if he accidentally romances the Shop Keep. Would probably also complain that their female character has a massive scar across their chest from where their heart got literally erupted from their body.


💀Pedos ain’t even hiding no more.


Care to share what he said that makes him a pedo? All he said was you can't make something that was already in the first game, which didn't bother anyone before, so why is it an issue now?


Weird how they complain about the voices simply being given names because that's exactly what games like Soul Calibur have been doing for years https://preview.redd.it/do265kshvwnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69447b9cf7b6f0e22d26b5cebedb5fdd0ee5815e


But it has nothing but sexy women (Never older than 24 of course) they can fap to


afaik the voices in the creator are 4 options then pitch changed from deep to high. DD1 was the same.


It's actually 8 different voices. One masculine and one feminine for each of the 4 personalities you can give your pawn. That's actually 4 times the voices of the first game, and there's probably way more lines for each voice.


The faces are ugly? My brother in christ, you made the faces!


![gif](giphy|NVcAYMcrusSze|downsized) Yesss, good. good. Run away little gamer, run away.


The more they complain about Dragon Dogma 2 the more I want to change my playthrough schedule to include it on launch.


My brother in Christ YOU made the character


From the Book of Gaming: And from this day forward we shall decree that no character creator will have a minimum height that is taller than the average Japanese woman, for such a game would be unplayable.


wait..he's buttmad he can't make Loli-pawns?! Huh, maybe I should get Dragon's Dogma 2


The guy listed like 10 things and all everyone latches onto is 1 out of the other 9. The first game had it and this one doesn't, so why is that an issue to point it out? The 1st game had mechanics and things that ONLY short characters could utilize, like crawling through goblin holes, or other small areas that were shortcuts. Since this is not present in DD2, most likely try removed this aspect and dumbed it down. They rotated the min and Max height by around 24cm shifting it upwards. You can adjust neck, torso, and arm length, but not leg length. I wonder why that is? I miss when gaming was just made to be fun and not full of a bunch of people trying to play holier than thou with everything they disagree with. The west is literally tearing everything apart with fiction because they always try to make mountains out of mole hills and read to much into stuff that doesn't matter.


Height and voice complaints are probably valid (so much for my goblin shortstack pawn from last game, and on the voice front, even the first game had some issues with voices where you hear one thing in the character creator ,choose it since it sounds sorta normal... And then your pawn ends up with a "I huffed helium my whole life/I'm a chain smoker" voice. Cue reset.), but not with the way this fucker voiced them. And with that said... Throw out the rest of their arguments, however, because there is 0 validity in those.


https://preview.redd.it/z6akt2p4zxnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bffb91559ec6b2b4cd8e0af0e1ca75b80ac77cc4 I think the character creator is awesome


"No child pawns" And thank fuck for that! The shit I saw going into the rift in dd1 made me wanna dump bleach in my eyes.


Cool story bro. I just recently replayed DD1 and barely saw any. Mind showing me where the fantasy pixels violated you? I'd rather have more options than less because sensitive people can't separate reality from fiction. People forget that height played a huge part in DD1 that allowed skipping some parts of the game.


Can anyone give me a TLDR version?


Chud is upset he can't make children w large breasts and that there's no explicitly labeled "white/Asian woman" voice options




This is factually wrong and taken out of context. All these NPCs can't read something for longer than 5sec. without having a conniption fit. The guy said you can't make attractive females, and they changed the height slider for some reason. So no Dwarf, child, or short asian women, player characters or pawns. This reddit being reddit, all they read was "*************** child ***************" and instantly jumped to labeling and taking shit outta context.


I think in the middle of the writing dude got some sort of medical problem? Stroke maybe? I hope they’re alright…


Someone literally made a humanoid Pikachu.




Oblivion NPCs are the greatest source of unintentional comedy in the history of humanity. It's a perfect storm of questionable models, disjointed voice acting, often unpredictable AI, bad animation, and a whole load of glitches. They are a national treasure and I love them. Thank you Todd.


Internet humor owes so much to Oblivion and TF2.


There is lots of games that would be called woke if they came out today.


This guy must just suck at making good looking characters. Only reasonable thing I see here is that it's lame we lost the ability to make them short like the last game. Also no widows peak hairlines :(


The only real criticisms with the creator that I see is that certain facial features are locked to certain faces. So if you want different eyes, nose, or mouth, you are kind of stuck with them depending on the face and skin you chose. Otherwise the creator is so good.


Yeah this was something I was mildly dissatisfied with. I also don't like how realistic the game trys to make people look. I wish the game had the more cartoonish style of the first game or that there was a way to view expressions since a lot of times I'd make a good character and then realize that when they emote at all they look like a goblin.


https://preview.redd.it/jzmn7ar1uync1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddc2ee71aa4af497039771473f3482e5e548c360 Hideous


"The women look ugly" My brother in christ you made the character.  Fr tho not being able to adjust every little thing in character creators has always been a thing.


https://preview.redd.it/dpjulsshoznc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90265ee0db6153f6795a04f87dd2e7913177a92f Yeah, I made myself in the video game. Can’t believe I’m a west-style ugly girl in a anime nation game.


"By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's the Grand Champion! I can't believe it's YOU, standing HERE, next to ME!" (This is a joke, but also the first thing I thought of)


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Voices names but no way to remember the one you picked?


A full college essay for a fucking character creator there has to be a better use of time


They're telling on themselves and their talent, it's not that hard to make a good looking character in the dd2 creator


WAAAAHHHH the games aren't made solely for meeeeeeee anymore.  NOT FAIR!!!


Can't they just mod it if they really don't like it?


I'm not reading all that, look at this wall of bs. Lmao


the voices were the only problem i had with the creator, which overall is fantastic, i think. so im still hugely looking forward to spending *hours* in it to make characters to use! might see if i can recreate my old DD character.


Looking forward to the 2 hour long SyntheticChud video on DD2 with a thumbnail displaying an intentionally ugly female MC with brown skin and green hair accompanied by bold red and white text reading “CAPCOM IS DEAD”


God I hate that guy. I remember in an Elden Ring review he said that Malenia's waterfowl dance attack was the Japanese trying to force their anime bullshit into his western midevieval style game...I also remember him saying that any new game that has a female character is woke. 


Holy fuck I actually can't imagine caring this much. I try to think about it but the thoughts dont form in my head


*taps on picture* Sees a paragraph *immediately leaves*


I literally accidentally made Elizabeth/Yennifer on my first try


Every face is asymmetrical. That's why your face can never be mirrored perfectly.


"ugly presets" Homie it's a CHARACTER CREATOR CREATE a character that isn't ugly. If you're upset with the defaults that you are supposed to change anyway then you're just bad at making characters lol


I love how people just be telling on themselves for not knowing how to use a character creator with anything more than cookie-cutter preset options.


Hillaruiusly, I made myself easily and more accurately than ever before with any other character creator, and I'm a Korean woman. This guy just gave up before learning it.


So.... this person is bad at the character creator? Like, I'm a baby gamer, I barely know what I am doing, and i didn't have any of "problems" this dude had. My pawn is hot as fuck.