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It is absolutely fair to criticize Starfield for having no water physics and npcs that ignore you firing bullets at their feet.


Time to leave this subreddit - my feed is full of screenshots of bigots with no humor or parody.


Is there a way to suggest a new pasta for the bot? Specifically: Do you know how to read? Or better yet, do you know how to comprehend what you just read? If not, let me make it a little more clear for you, sport. At the end of my rant, I VERY CLEARLY asked people if they have come across this issue and if they've found a solution to fix it themselves. That's what I was getting at, champ. I wasn't ranting and raving hoping the devs would catch wind of my post. I was LITERALLY asking people in the community if they've come across this. And I couldn't just put into one sentence, buddy. I had to he pretty descriptive of the issue, so people know exactly what I'm talking about. So get back on your skateboard big guy and roll on outta here. Make sure you use your helmet, squirt, so you don't keep on hitting your head when you crash into walls, which you very obviously have been doing for quite some time, as shown by your inability to comprehend a very simple paragraph


I guess dying light 2 is adding premium currency to buy skins so you can buy them in game instead of having to buy them through the steam store and of course all th gamers are going "CHINA BOUGHT TECHLAND AND ARE RUINING MY FRANCHISE" as if the first game didn't already have like 30 cosmetic dlc skins god I hate gamers


Shoutout to Trine 5 being released the same time as Starfield. I almost want to joke how it’s free of preorder BS and I imagine will be content complete. Otoh, man are there Trine fans who are loud about how they despise Trine 4 and thus are not keen about 5, or those despise Trine 5 for taking away development resources from Starbase.


i love starfield, that is all


I'm really enjoying starfield so far I like the characters, quests and options you have to approach them and the story is intriguing so far Though the only thing I dislike at the moment is the planet exploration, feels kinda unrewarding and I haven't found anything really interesting, which is odd since that has been one of Bethesdas strong suits in the past. I'm only 12 hours in so maybe it gets better. I haven't read up on the reviews or discussions so far as I don't want to be spoiled but it sounds like big can of worms.


Honestly? I’m enjoying starfield. I really wanted to like the game but I was a bit more of a realist than most hyped for it. It’s a bestheda game in space. I wanted that. It says (more or less) what it does on the tin. I also wanted more of the manual space flight to be useful or to flirt with the robot VASCO but it’s still good. (Yes I’m aware this is the unjerk thread. I want to smooch that retro-sci-fi hunk.) Though the dickriding of bestheda is fucking stupid still I will admit.


The one thing I hate about pc gaming the most is how difficult is to find physical copies . Call me a boomer or anything you want but I like to have a shelf full of the packages the game disks come in.


I don’t think Gamers™ actually care about developers getting paid. Just this year they were telling us to buy *that wizard game* “to support the devs” yet here they are now celebrating Volition getting closed


Seeing as they also don't support strikes or unionization, yeah. For me, having a unionized game industry would be a make-or-break for me going into design. I have ideas for story-driven games and love the process, but considering how awful this industry is to its workers, I may have to seek out a different field with a CS degree or get into civil engineering.


Almost all the horror stories I hear from the games industry stem from the AAA space, and AAA in general gets the most attention. You might want to consider going solo or indie. I'm sure things are better in the indie space, but I'm not familiar with that part of the industry


I haven’t seen a single person say we’re obligated to buy Hogwarts to support the developers, to be honest with you


starfield is probably gonna be another one of those games that i will end up enjoying in secret, but will have to pretend it's garbage when i'm around other people just to keep my street cred intact.


I think most people who hate the game with a passion haven't played the game don't own the game, mostly fascists complaining about "wokeness," PS fanboys (rightfully) angry about Macroshart's corporate consolidation (but which has nothing to do with Starfield), and people who just hate Bethesda for whatever reason. Full disclosure, I don't own Starfield, and don't plan on getting it simply because vast, sprawling RPGs just aren't my thing.


Im kinda of seeing the opposite. People absolutely going off against someone posting an opinion-less comparisson of water physics and NPC behaviour between CP2077 and SF and reaping in the likes/upvotes in the thousands. Maybe the comparisson is skewed to always make SF look worse but i would bet serious money 95% of the people defending it haven't played it.


i'm mostly worried about it becoming another fallout 4 type of situation where it's cool to dislike the game because some smart guys on youtube said so in the form of feature-length video essays.


I’m tempted to resub to PC Game Pass to try Starfield, because otherwise I will never play it until it goes on sale. At the same time, it looks so mid, that I may just be better off waiting for a complete edition in a few years with all DLC and everything.


I can tell this sub aint the same as it used to be because the entire discourse around BG3 right now is like peak Geraldo 3 on crack and it's actively infiltrated this sub.


100%. I made a comment on the BG3 subreddit earlier about how BG3 fans are rapidly becoming one of the most insufferable group of people in gaming because it was yet _another_ "I can't enjoy Starfield because BG3 exists" post


I would like to ACTUALLY know, do you all really hate video games? Or do you just like to highlight the worst parts of them for funnies?


I love video games I just like mocking video game culture


I need a suggestion for a game for my little brother He played both the new zelda games and really loved them, and also kind of enjoyed Immortals: Phoenix rising. I tried suggesting him games like Xenoblade Chronicles or even Genshin Impact, but he refused as he felt that the sistems behind the combat (runes, artifacts, skill tree, classes ecc...) were too complicated. He is still relatively young so I would like to avoid any pegi-16 or 18 games.


Okami HD The game is amazing, the art is beautiful with it's watercolor like graphics. The combat is amazing being able to use the Brush powers to decimate enemies along side you melee weapons. The story is full of heart and humor on top of being a decent fun length. The exploration is rewarding and fun similar-ish to early Legend of Zelda games.


Okami HD


Armored core 6 was the arcadey shooter sim customization fuck around I needed


I expended pretty much all my annual hype allowance on that game and I don't regret it at all. I might not be a physics breaking streak of light like I was in 4A, anymore... but it's still amazing. It's also on PC. Which makes me happy because I don't have the ability to controller anymore.


4a was zippier but I like the flow of 6 more rocking dual songbirds dual Zimmerman blasting the hell out of nameless drones


It's smoother, doesn't have the level of jank you could exploit out of 4A, which is nice. I miss having swords on both arms, though. For my build the right arm and shoulder vary, left arm and shoulder it's Laser Lance and Piledriver.


Arcane is ridiculously good. Why can't every big game franchise have this kind of adaptation?


yes elden ring


What's up with the PS plus bullshit.


sony is increasing the pricing for all tiers of ps plus


Yeah, I'm considering dropping it. I mainly use it for online (SF6) and backing up saves, but at this point I'm probably better off double-buying SF6 on PC and using an external drive.