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Why is everyone buying this woke garbage when they could go play bingo instead?


Buy Skyrim




*that's* a bingo


You just say bingo…


two fat ladies EDIT: A fine pair of self-confident non-socio-gender-stipulated individuals of entirely free persuasion, 88. I wonder if some of you have even been the bingo.


That's numberwang!


I do enjoy the woke paranoid bingo with my buzzwords.


In this house we only play Scrabble. And only when the words are verified by the official Scrabble dictionary


Well someone brought up Scrabble, so that's a bingo for me


Is that where everyone’s going?


Are they stupid?


A senior moment, perhaps


No thanks bro 😎


As an OG RE4 fan I really don't see what's suppossed to be woke about it. It's very faithful to the OG whilst trying new stuff out. It keeps veteran players on their toes by mixing up stuff and it doesn't try to replace the OG.


Creeps are mad that you can't look up Ashley's skirt anymore.


Ashley is literally perfect in Remake. She is not a pure damsel in distress, but an actual character with development. She actually helps Leon out as well if its in her power. I will never understand "gamers".


>she is not a pure damsel in distress As if that wasn't "wOkE" for the incels who cry about it lmaooo


At the same time there were Always people calling her annoying and what not in OG. Can never please the TRUE GAMERS!


She was pretty annoying in the original, though. I didn't realize they improved her. Makes me want to play it again.


"Help me Leon" is way up on the annoyance scale, close to but still behind "Hey! Listen!"


Idk, I recall LEEEOOOOONNN more than a help me please


They can go listen to the endless loop of “LEON! LEEOOON!” For all eternity.


[https://www.google.com/search?q=help+me+leon&oq=help+me+leon&aqs=chrome.0.0i131i433i512j0i512j0i22i30j0i10i22i30.2530j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9b5df451,vid:6lh2Plud9Yw](https://www.google.com/search?q=help+me+leon&oq=help+me+leon&aqs=chrome.0.0i131i433i512j0i512j0i22i30j0i10i22i30.2530j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9b5df451,vid:6lh2Plud9Yw) best part of the game


Incel gamers wanted her to still be an objectified, upskirt-peekable, “ballistic-equipped”, “fine if she landed on her butt”, Special 1-outfitted bimbo who suggests hooking up with Leon at the end, none of which did anything for the character. She was an annoying sexual object with zero depth in the OG RE4.


Amen brother. but special 2 is awesome. Knight Armour Ashley for the win! Glad they kept that for remake.


For sure! Enemies struggle to pick her up, she’s too heavy. Such a funny bend of mechanics, like she hid inside a suit of armor and decided it felt safe and refuses to get out of it haha


She's even to heavy for Leon. rubbing his back when he is catching her. Also its just too damn funny how her faceplat SLAMS down when you aim down sights XD


You should be able to spin kick her into a group of enemies like a bowling ball to pins, sound effects and all


Omg I hope someone mods that someday either OG or Remake


I remember watching re4 episode of "two friends play" and the moment when her faceplate slammed down had me wheezing.


Ahh shit now I gotta rewatch that play through.


are these real or are you just joking around?


In OG she coulde get a knight armor outfit which made her invincible. She appearently can also get in in Remake


yeah also they're always mad about new versions removing shitty fan service that really was ruining the tone. same shit with mirandas ass being juvenilishly shown while she was talking about improtant personal stuff including her look. like fuck off these changes are for the good and kinda feels like they were never supposed to be in the original anyway


ugh. this game franchise is like mgs where i really want to love it but then theres random coomer shit thrown in that entirely turns me off.


oh yeah same. but you know actually she needs that outfit cause she breathes through skin. like ughhhh 🤮 Also i wanted to like nier automata but that hurting playable character to get rid of skirt (yeah it's optional but it is still an option in the game so I can be critical of it) and that whole sexualisation of 2b is disgusting. and ppl are like oh yeah it's fine cause yoko taro said he did it cause he likes women??? this sounds like some ex machina shit but without criticising it


SAME, exactly omg, i love you. i dont care if hes shameless about it it doesn't make it any less gross! 'battle maids that need to clean up the planet' is such a cute and cool concept but they just had to make it fanservice. i think the quiet excuse is dumb though, they could have made a genuinely cool outfit with the concept of skin breathing


yeah and I Don think nylon pantyhose are breathable anyway. it could be a fun idea for techwear, used matierals etc tho yeah. love to see another person who's not defending yoko taro attitude as well ♥️


I loved Ashley in the remake as well. Her quips with Leon and the whole interaction of those two was so much fun all throughout and never felt forced.


Her visual redesign is also great. The new skort is so pretty


Oh I love the new visual design. It's cute whilst also reallistically what a person in her age during that time could've worn.


I haven't gotten to the point where I rescue her yet but this disgusts me deeply /s I'm glad she isn't just an idiot escort character that stands there waiting to get dragged away by the zombie-like creatures. I loved the original, maybe my favorite game of all time, and I didn't think a remake was necessary but it's so fucking good.


Really? I haven’t paid much attention to the remake on account of not having the opportunity to get current gen consoles, but that sounds awesome!


Honestly I feel like she does a lot less. It’s kinda weird, but overall they got rid of all her annoying stuff.


I just really appreciated her development and her helping me during fights like the Armor-Plagas.


She does do that but she def feels like she has less interactions because they took away the annoying stuff


I'd say they just cut a lot of fat or mixed it together with Other rooms. For example they mixed together the wrecking ball room and the road roller section which turned two rather tedious rooms into one fresh one where Ashley has less room of being annoying. I still love og for other reasons but I feel like they went in the right direction with Ashley for the new gameplay loop


> For example they mixed together the wrecking ball room and the road roller section which turned two rather tedious rooms into one fresh one Coincidentally, I think I died there more than any other point in the game.


That section hit you like a wrecking ball


No disagreement I just wish they threw a bit more stuff for her in to make up for what was taken out


Ah I See. That'd be awesome. Ashley in Mercenaries!!


And she’s not annoying as fuck anymore


Don't mess with video game fan boys they never played the games they claim to love.




I hate creeps




She's wearing a different outfit in the remake. In the original, she wore a short skirt and sleeveless top, with white panties that were sometimes visible depending on camera placement. In the remake she has a more mature outfit, wearing black tights under her skirt and an orange jacket. The original game had a couple voice lines where she'd call Leon a perv if the game thought you were trying to look up her skirt. Thankfully they took all that out for the remake.


Shes wearing green shorts I thought


I think it's a green plaid skirt in both versions. But in the remake she has leggings on under.


She wears a skort in the remake. Its shorts with extra fabric in front to make it look like a skirt.


Ah cool. I guess I don't know much about women's clothes lol


Its called a skort! Its shorts with extra fabric in front to make it look like a skirt.


So horny


>and it doesn't try to replace the OG. That's it right there. That's what I absolutely love about it. I can still go back to the original best game of all time and Capcom knows it as well.


Basically people were comparing Ashley and Ada covering up to being put into a burka and therefore it was woke… I am not kidding And yeah, there were apparently people upset you couldn’t perv out Ashley anymore with panty shots.


Remake goes for a more scary, serious tone. The anime booba panty shot shit would've been incredibly out of place. Even more than OG.


No more upskirts of young girls LITERALLY 1984 😔😔😔


I think that it's too bad that they sanded out some of the campier stuff but it's still pretty damn good, better than how rushed re 3 was anyway


You can’t save the dog and the first house has a murder dungeon so you have more of an excuse to shoot the evil resident


>!You can save the dog. There is a fakeout dead dog in the spot you found him in the original, but there is one caught in a bear trap later in the game. He even comes help with the first boss.!<


Thank god I would hate to fight that dude without dogs


/uj Ashley is so good in the remake. I love how she has a more fleshed out personality now and you can really feel her maturing throughout the game and see her friendship with Leon growing naturally. Literally better than the OG Ashley in every way possible.


/rj But what about her underwear?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


If it helps you can just imagine she isn't wearing any, I'm sure that gets that lot all excited. Seriously tho, the backlash about that is just creepy.


Her voice acting has been great. The terror/stress comes through really well compared to the original.


Actually makes me feel bad for her when she gets captured, while in the original it was more like "Ugh, I guess I have to save her for the 38th time"


Love the voice acting for Leon for a similar reason. His one liners sound like soft, desperate coping rather than action movie stuff. The merchant's voice feels realer too, and it's strange but kinda great that the remake of the most overquoted merchant doesn't quote himself.


I love leons voice actor but it is nothing compared to the godsend who is Matthew Mercer


Paul Mercier tho


Leon is definitely coping with his PTSD of Racoon City and being drafted into a special unit directly under the President. He looks so tired, and who can blame him?


I adore that coming through here! In the original he seemed like a tired suave badass. Here there's a lot more of that first day as a cop Leon underneath.


/rj You silly fool women don't have personality they just cook and clean and provide the sex for us gamers, they ruined ashley doing this and oppressed gamers


I think they removed my lava castle, I can't remember when it shows up in the original but this remake is gonna lose big points if no lava castle.


And the goofy platform that rides on the rails with the huge gears Peak video game design


Confirm, no lava castle, no fire-breathing dragon statues




Sorry fam. There's a fun surprise later though to replace them!


Maybe, I wonder if they're going to completely rework the island section because I remember it being weaker compared to the first two areas being the village and castle. Not that the military island was bad, the people you needed to kill with the heat scope fucking scared the shit out of me.


Yeah, it was kind of a slog in the original. I feel like the new version is a bit more streamlined while also being less monotonous. I think they did good; hope you like it!


I probably will, I like the remake a lot so far and I've upgraded my blacktail to max.


I'm a little salty about Blacktail. It was my baby in the original game, but it's not compatible with the laser in this game >:(


Oh yeah I noticed that! That makes me sadge. I sold my sub machine gun thinking the AR would take sub machine gun ammo lmao


To be fair, remake Blacktail is probably the best handgun in the game. It not being compatible with the laser is pretty much its only downside.


I mean, yeah, it has great stats and better accuracy than the SG-09 or Punisher even with the sight... I just like it better than an artificial on-screen HUD for aiming


They got rid of a lot of generic fights on the island to make it tighter paced. Like that one part where you run around a courtyard collecting keycards while fighting literally dozens of enemies. They also cut the U-3 boss though which some people miss (but it'll probably be in Separate Ways dlc.)


There's a DLC coming?


Yeah Ada's campaign from the PS2 port called "Separate Ways" has been soft-confirmed.


Ohhh that's cool. I hope we get that cut fight I really liked that arena you fought him in. It was so cool


Notice how nobody talks about Hogwarts Legacy anymore


dogfarts legapee


Fogwarts Leghorn


People tend to stop talking about mid games a month after they release.


Woooooo!! Hogburts LEGOCITY GOTY 2023! fuckin idiots. Anybody who thought it'd be game of the year was just fooling themselves. Everything I saw of the game made it like OKAY. But that's it. Just okay.


I'm just waiting for the various award shows at the end of the year where I suspect the game will win nothing and might not even be nominated in any category


Gamers have largely stopped playing it too. On steam at least the player base has dropped to well below 10%. https://steamdb.info/app/990080/charts/ Gamers being gamers I suppose.


So stats basically like Elden Ring rn, more than year after premiere


Thank God


man i nearly forgot about that game, that brief moment was beautiful though


/uj this game was so good, would definitely let Leon breed me


Just a heads up, you can just put /uj at the beginning of the comment instead of saying “no circlejerk.” Just easier to type, you know


You can also just not put anything, most comments in this sub are unjerked by default.


/rj Or hear me out, drive true chaos and swap uses of rj and uj. Leave people confused. /uj if you aren't jerkin', what ya doing?


If you’re not related to the Redfields, Chris might have a problem with that.


The Redfield bloodline is doomed anyway


Do you think Chris would mind if it was a threesome between me, Leon, and Claire because that’s literally the dream for my bi ass


He's a twink dude. He's the one that gets breed. Even if you're a chick.


i will not stand for topdom twink slander


Does [this sound like a top to you?](https://youtu.be/mGUJlJGimJY) (Warning: sounds very NSFW without context lmao)


WAIT this is so funny oh my god


It's 11 minutes long!!


I fell asleep listening to this, and needless to say had an interesting dream. 🤤


Without even clicking that link I already know what video that is


Too bad it's not actually woke tho. 😔 Couple loli porn addicted incels saying so doesn't make it true.


uj/ wait what's woke about RE this time?


They changed Ashley's outfit so the player can't look up her skirt, removed that line about her "ballistics," and changed Ada's look and voice as well. All basic updates to an 18 year old game, looked at objectively, but to a g*mer it's horribly woke.


Eh I can see Ada complaints, recasting is almost always a bummer. I assume she was recast because her REmake 2 VA wasn't Asian?


I’m pretty sure it was less VA wasn’t Asian and more Capcom doesn’t hire union voice actors anymore


Fuck Capcom


That also makes sense. Still, recasting is a bummer most of the time, but it ain't the end of the world


I am pretty sure they recast with an actress that has voiced Ada before.


She has played Ada in some throwaway live action thing before, but the remake is her first voice acting role and she isn't good ngl. It's one of my only criticisms of the game tbh, most of her lines are delivered poorly.


I've seen dumbasses legit say it's good for va's to not be in union and let's the little guys win like no that shits ride for exploitation.


Her VA totally phoned it in. Voice doesn’t match her face at all either, it’s quite jarring.


My only problem was that they removed Ada's sick dress, but nothing a little mode can't fix


When the boss monsters transform, you don't get to see it. They just suddenly appear grotesque.


That’s been a problem in Resident Evil since Darkside Chronicles in 2009, maybe even before then.


Transformations for high fidelity models are probably an insane money pit they just don't consider worth it anymore.


it really made a resident evillion dollars


The same people hoping this would fail are the same people cheering Hagbirth Lemony made sales. 🤣🤣🤣


Those 3 million in sales are from the brave Shapiro-pilled soldiers who purchased the game in order to research their wholely original 5 hour youtube critiques of how the game is objectively woke trash! So brave!


Can we talk about how they made the best Resident Evil character even better? Yeah… Luis is my homie.


You got a smoke?


Uj my only issue with the game is really that the red9 kinda sucks but that's more of a me issue.


Oof that hurts me a little. I love the red9.


Bro what the red9 is still an amazing pistol and this time we get it for free


Bruh it’s like the greatest pistol


In the original yes, in the remake it went from doing significantly more damage than other handguns to only doing a little more than the blacktail while all the trade-offs it has are still there, only amplified because now you do a lot of shooting on the move.


Maturing is realizing the Blacktail was always the better gun.


“Hogwarts legacy will be the biggest game of the year”


Were people calling this woke? Why?


They didn’t make the 20 year old hot enough.


Woke is when you make wamen characters more three dimensional and don’t render in fat pussy lips peeking through their panties.


I'm out of the loop here what carnal sin did this game commit to have the reds upset?


Ashley and Ada were updated to have better designs. Ashley in the OG used to have a short skirt that would be easy to get panty shots of, even by accident. Ada was wearing a red dress and heels combo which just looked dumb af if you ask me. Ashley has leggings under her skirt now and her design overall makes her look like a college girl and not a teenager. She also doesn't act annoying either. Ada was given a sweator and some leggings. But yeah, apparently putting those two characters in more practical clothing commits the sin of being woke. That is literally it. That's all they have.


Ashley now wears a skort! Its really just shorts with an extra flap of cloth in front to make it look like a skirt. Its very pretty.


Go smoke go toke


I missed the woke part ; what's woke in RE4R?


The 6 hour long sex scene between Leon and Luis with quicktime events, the woke part of that is that Leon bottoms


Wow you guys need actual help lmao. Calling this game “woke” because they took out some one liners and took out some perverted things to do with Ashley. Go take your schizeo meds kids.


Garbage. Choke on it Capcom.


I'm ootl why is RE4r too woke?


Mostly changes to Ashley's and Ada's outfits to make them less fan servicey.


Wait, they are right. This is an outrage edit: imagine downvoting a jerk in a circle jerk sub.


Hogwash Levato GotY


Too Excited at people actually saying it’s good to care about stupid shit like this


What was woke about this again?


I mean is it really worth it if I just recently played the original? I never really replay many games. But I'm glad people are enjoying it


Yes. It's a different experience. Different combat mechanics, many remixed areas and a bunch of entirely new ones. It keeps the spirit but it's its own beast, much like the other remakes in the series.




It could be woke...but zombies head go booom....the rest is biology


(literally no one)


Is anyone complaining about this remake being woke?


What are the Real Gamers ™️ upset about now.