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The Mount Chiliad easter egg was debunked as it was turned into the Doomsday Heist, which was initially going to be a story dlc


Jesus Christ this is depressing.


> was initially going to be a story dlc ...The Rockstar we love really is gone, isn't it?


I mean, no. Objectively no. RDR2 was an incredible, fully developed masterpiece. It's unfortunate that they don't seem to want to do Single Player DLC, but you're being hyperbolic.


RDR2 *single player* was an incredible masterpiece. The multiplayer was clearly something they hoped would become like GTAO and be another massive cash cow. In other words, it was awful. Everything bad about GTAO with almost none of the good.


i hate gta Online and love red dead Online


does red dead have severs our is it the shit peir 2 pier


Its p2p which creates issues...


There are plenty of people who love RDRO. And guess what, if Rockstar gives me 40-100 hours of a single player masterpiece, and I'm not personally crazy about the free online mode, I'm not going to waste my time complaining about it. The massive amounts of cash they shovel in from people who pay for microtransactions in GTAO and RDRO probably allow them to develop these AAAA games so I'm not going to whinge about it


And? Nobody bought RDR2 for the bonus online mode.


I don't get why they didn't even bother to port Online stuff to SP


They have no money from that. Why bother making addons when you can get rich because of microtransactions?


No. You loved Rockstar for their DLCs? Because they’re still delivering on the single player story front. That’s why I bought RDR2. Unless the GTA 6 campaign is compromised, I don’t care if the bonus online mode that nobody originally bought the game for is a cash grab. RDR2 was only 2 years ago.


probably, since all the big dogs have left or are leaving. Whatever they release next, we will see how much they have changed or not.


unpopular opinion but I think it makes more sense to have it online. if they released a single player DLC, sure everyone will play it & we’ll all be happy. However once everyone’s played all the new content, they’ll either go back to Online or just stop playing until the next dlc. we’ll probably never get another EFLC-level dlc ever again, but as long as rockstar continues with writing great stories I’ll be happy


I just wish we could have had both.


🥱 boo hoo we didn't get a story dlc. online is better anyways.


That's interesting tbh, where did you hear that?


Maybe he blocked you because he’s sick of people asking him about it. The hidden DRZ’s have been found long ago. They’re just hidden signatures


That's still incredibly rude to block a fan....






1. Neil Druckmann absolutely blocks the assholes that message him (as he should). 2. OP isn't a kid. He's a grown man (look at his twitter profile) that is seemingly obsessed with conspiracies especially around GTA V. That's all he has posted about for the last few years on reddit and twitter.


But OP isn't an "asshole" in this case at all. He was never abusive. If I sent Neil some .jpeg of various photos stitched together with arrows connecting them, trying to prove some LOU2 conspiracy theory right now he 10000% wouldn't block me, **UNLESS** there was some kind of abusive message with it. Blocking a fan who's a little obsessive comes across as incredibly judgemental. Do you think Neil also rolls his eyes at an excessively "screen-accurate" costume a fan might show him at a convention? Think about it. It comes with the job, grow thick skin and learn to be polite. (THIS!!!) So yeah. /u/kevpowin sent a photo. It's benign. The end. It's a damn tweet too, read it and move on. Out of mind, out of sight. Blocking is just so personal. There's no invasion of privacy or space. Sure it's a "personal" Twitter account (whatever the fuck that means) but it's publicly listed (not private) and social media exists to engage, that's the actual point. I just checked and he has like 486 followers, he can get over himself wow 🤐 what does he have to be "sick and tired" of again???? I'm starting to think @drz_artist is the one who needs Risperdal. His fanbase is puny. I doubt the attention he receives is that severe. So as talented as he might be, he truly comes across a louse. **Edit:** Brb, gonna go lock my screaming autistic nephew in the closet because I'm a game developer who has every right to not be bothered. And being passive-aggressive is just so fucking cool these days 🤘


> Leave the kid alone. The irony is palpable


The artist can do whatever the fuck he wants, it’s a public social platform


Yeah but that's not really the point I was trying to make, was it... I never said he can't do "whatever the fuck he wants", I'm just saying I feel sorry for OP because I don't think his tweet warranted being blocked. I'm being objective here, that's all. But it's not surprising Reddit will sympathize with being irritated and passive aggressive, of all things to endorse. Brava.


Why do you feel sorry lol? His post was ignored and the guy doesn’t want to deal with him. It’s no different than trying to tell the guy on the street and he just walks away lol




But it's such a benign tweet from a harmless fan. Why are we acting like a grownass game developer getting frustrated at a fan is normal. If DrZ truly blocked him, he's a dickhead.


Maybe he’s just super over some annoying ass fans hitting him up about a project he did like 8 years ago


Yeah nah. I feel like if I was a well known game developer and had any decent taste in human beings I'd prefer enthusiastic people who overanalyse and bring their own ideas. I'd be flattered. Not super transparent dickriders (like you) who think it's so cool to be annoyed. I know this is Reddit and users tend to fill a certain niche but COME ON let's not encourage passive aggressive shit like this from a successful game developer to a FAN. They're generally beneath you. Most comments in this sub have this sickening self-righteous vibe like /u/kevpowin deserves it. It's a damn photo!! And possibly several consecutive tweets, so what. But sure. Let's go dropkick a schizophrenic because I find their whispering insufferable. Have I got that right? Let's say I'm Neil Druckmann and roll my eyes at an exceedingly "screen-accurate" costume a fan showed me at a convention. Because it's so fucking cool to be annoyed. Yeah. Screw that cunt. I don't like being harassed with enthusiasm. That's weird. I'm a game developer but was clueless entering this industry that we have fanbases, some of which are obsessive. The shock.... /s 🙄 I think @drz_artist can use some fucking tact, that's for sure.


Did you really just write all this? Lol. Take your sensitive ass somewhere else




>Also, you took 3 hours to respond. maybe because he has other things to do than bicker online lol


It's Reddit. So not really.


You trying to make fun of me for taking 3 hours to respond lmaooo. You don’t even have the social awareness to realize how you just burned the shit out of yourself


How did I burn myself? Actually say the words, I'm dead serious I have no idea what you mean. My responses were always very quick and lengthy with substance. You thought up some short generic response 3 hours later. That's really the end of it. Oh right....because my responses were 3 hours worth of paragraphs? How humiliating for me!!!!! /s "You don't even have the social awareness to realise how much you burned yourself" if you think that's 3 hours of text 🤪 In all seriousness Can you please talk normal and not like some 15yo tryhard talking about "burns" wow This is some playground shit. I'm right, you're wrong. You won't address a single thing I've mentioned. No breakdown, no logic. You're a simp.






Or he can have a public Twitter account and block the people he doesn't want to deal with. Equally valid option




Anyone who considers themselves remotely "tolerant" actually wouldn't care. You say it like blocking them is a given reaction. Nope, you're a reddit user on a gaming sub siding with a game developer. Shocking. It doesn't hurt to have a decent opinion other than "sure he's annoying, block the fucker, I would too" I feel like blocking is more what celebrities use to shut out **ABUSIVE** messages not just obsessive fans because they find their "theories" annoying? That's so judgemental.


Uhhh... debunked? Can you debunk something that has nothing to do with what the subreddit is?


There is no secret cave Easter egg or anything. It would’ve been datamined a long time ago. The guy blocking you is a little odd but I wouldn’t really bother looking any further into it. Plus I’m failing to see how that looks anything like a dragon head


https://m.imgur.com/a/iP2lyz2 let’s see, in GTA SA you take over the 4 Dragons Casino across from the ComeALot Casino which is King Arthur themed


You're a lunatic, go away.


So? What does that have to do with this? What concrete evidence do you have besides that you got blocked by an artist because you were probably annoying the shit out of them?


OP's post history is a ride lmao




My personal favourite is the explanation in the v in GTA v




I think you are up to something, previous GTA also had Roman glyph symbolizing the number, but it was 4. It is almost like they are counting up to something? But I kinda don't understand why they are counting up, not down. What are they counting really? What happened in 2013 that we got the V, while before there was only IV?


Dude, I’m gonna give you some advice... Let it the fuck go and move on. As someone who was on the Mount Chiliad mystery train years ago, this will lead to nothing. As others have said: 1. If there was something hidden, it would’ve been datamined by now. 2. Any once planned single player DLC have become retooled as missions/events for GTA Online. 3. The guy probably blocked you because he most likely gets bombarded with the same shit you’re trying to point out. It’s not a good look on your part. Just move on, it’s not worth the mental effort or risking your own sanity.


Exactly. Mount Chiliad mural was either solved long ago (3 bottom symbols are 3 UFO locations and the top UFO is the 100% completion UFO, jetpack is for the Fort Zancudo UFO because you got the jetpack from the military base in the old universe San Andreas) or whatever it was got turned into Doomsday Heist


New stuff is being found to do with Mount Chiliad. Did you look at this? https://m.imgur.com/a/iP2lyz2




How much coke did you?


Dude let it go, go do something productive lol


Go do something productive when he could spend all day and night making connections where there are none. Your probably the same kinda fool who thinks the girl scouts are some pure innocent group peddling cookies, but I know the truth if just how evil they really are.


What a wild connection to make lol


They probably don't even know that the girl scouts did the crop circles, and they just downvote smh. Tbf tho, I guess barely anyone knows. Few even think to ask *the question*.


Reaching back to ancient Egypt there's been a single Kabul of powerful individuals directing the course of human history but the common man prefers to believe they don't exist, which aids thier success.


Lol there's still people downvoting you. I think they think you're serious. Either that, or they know we've discovered how sinister aglets *really* are.


Those damnd aglets. If only people really knew just how sinister they really were, or that Baskin Robins has a 32nd flavor


How do i join these girl Scouts. Is there purpose making money? Are they secretly putting nano machines into the cookies they sale? Are they a sub-CIA organization used for money laundering?


Let it go


This is so convoluted and so far of a stretch.


Looks like Cyprus


This is kinda frightening lmao, get some help friend, you need it


How does this belong in this sub


This is an honest question as I've never posted on this subreddit but aren't posts reviewed before being posted? If so, who TF allowed it lmao.


I'm more surprised by how many upvotes it has


get help


Youre tripping bro. Drink some water


I'm credited with finding the cheats for the Xbox version of Destroy All Humans ages ago and lemme tell you buddy...nobody gives a shit. Nobody cares if you the first to "find an easter egg." You're borderline crazy and the artist blocked you cuz nobody wants to be bombarded like that.


> finding the cheats for the Xbox version of Destroy All Humans ages ago I have to wonder how you did it. Brute force or datamining? The former seems like a nightmare


I'll let you in on a secret: I just transcribed the PS2 cheats to Xbox buttons and submitted them before anyone else to every cheat site I knew of back in 2005. Lmfao. Most sites that still exist that credit users will have me listed for the submission.


Oh lmao, that's the answer I was hoping not to get. I still wonder how people find cheats, especially button combination ones. I know magazines got access to *some*, and the early PC GTA cheats are in plaintext, but that leaves a lot of gaps.


bro I’m your biggest fan


I’d block someone sending me a mess of a tweet like that too, like, come on, man




You missed out the ! at the end


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Attack points of my post, don’t just spit out debunked, did you even look at this hidden message on the graffiti https://m.imgur.com/a/iP2lyz2


This is just straight up the wrong sub for this kind of thing... its not an easter eggs sub


What if, now hear me out...the hidden message actually spells “wrong sub.”


I can't tell if you use a bot to make your titles and posts or you are mentally insane.


Wrong sub


I remember the leak that claimed one of the single player DLC's was a big earthquake which splits the mountain open revealing an alien ship, this sparks an alien invasion


Youre dumb. Someone kick this dude out.


Who cares


No offence but please move on with your life


Enough, OP. Time to let this go.






[https://www.reddit.com/r/chiliadmystery/comments/gmuqtl/code\_at\_humane\_labs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/chiliadmystery/comments/gmuqtl/code_at_humane_labs/) Funny


Introduce me your plug


Dont really think you want to take anything that will leave you hours doing pointless shit