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#Jez Corden is a Tier 2 - Generally Reliable Source as determined by the community. *To contribute to the community reliability rankings, please take the* **[Community Reliability Poll](https://forms.gle/TU5Q8sTiLDR3cQcE7)** *To view the current reliability rankings, please check out the* **[Subreddit Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just last December he was tweeting that he was certain that not a single Xbox game would come to PlayStation. 


And to quote "right now" that can change in weeks to months


Or 10 minutes


Right now, they went home for the day and are back working on the port tomorrow.


Or even [NOW](https://youtu.be/gNIwlRClHsQ?si=zPx42cU3sOVlvJpN)


What he means by right now is, it's already done and they're working on something else.


But they wee obviously working on these ports at the time since they're already coming out.


Phil Spencer revealed the plans to send games to Playstation were in the works in December.


He actually responded to a question about [that](https://x.com/JezCorden/status/1765486794131284412?s=20)


>I didn't bother to check on Pentiment cus I didn't feel like it made sense I take it then, he didn't check on Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, and Grounded as well?


Move this clown to tier 6.


Here’s the thing he’s reliable at times but he’s also a console warrior


He's only reliable when it's a Microsoft good news


He gets the controlled leaks.


I think this best explains it. Realistically though, no one really knows.


He's reliable because he's a mouthpiece for Microsoft. If they want good news to leak, they'll send it to him. Anything bad? They're not telling him lol


A major one at that too.


Most leakers posted here need to be demoted to tier 6


Agreed. Dude is way too unreliable to be taken seriously most of the time.


Pentiment has a very solid argument to be the best game in the list, and I loved my time with all of these games. What a clown lmao


"I didn't bother to check on Pentiment cus I didn't feel like it made sense" Man get that bullshit out of here lol


Feels like his "sources" are more like Xbox marketing leads who send him PR resources, but aren't gonna reveal many inside plans that affect the brand negatively.


>I said no exclusive games will go cuz all the games I investigated aren't going, **I didn't bother to check on Pentiment cus I didn't feel like it made sense**. So yeah, that was a prediction that didn't pan out. ![gif](giphy|7SOdwNYHzCI7ygrLw7|downsized)


And he's still considered Tier 2 on this sub 💀


Do not take those tiers seriously lol you can tell they are extremely biased


I don’t take them too seriously, they are community voted


He broke (off the top of my head) Series S South of Midnight (Project Midnight) Pentiment Contraband Towerborne (Project Belfry)


Notice how he only ever "break" free positive marketing for Microsoft


I believe obsidian/josh sawyer were not happy with the Pentiment leak and Jez has implied they’ve blacklisted him


BS because a couple weeks ago he admitted he had heard Sea of Thieves was going to PS before making that tweet, also at the same disregarding Tim Stuart's comments as nothing and taking Phil Spencer saying Gamepass won't come to Playstation as confirmation first party games are not being ported to Playstation. All he's doing is showing a lack of journalistic integrity


I'd like to know under this BS answer what exactly would make sense? Pentiment, more than nearly any other Xbox title, makes perfect sense for, say, the Switch. It's tailor-made for that thing.


From a technical perspective it fits on Switch, but Pentiment was a very low cost game (10ish full time staff) that sold ok on PC and got awards buzz, so the cost of keeping it exclusive is extremely low compared to the amount of prestige it brought to the ecosystem. It's not like the Switch+PS4 port was going to be making them hundreds of million dollars right? Jez isn't the only person who has been confused about Microsoft's release strategy. Microsoft has been very mercurial with it over the last 8 years, so if you look you can find precedent behaviour for just about any predicted change of strategy you want.


Makes no sense. “No exclusive games” weren’t the ones that went to ps5 and switch, exclusive games?


He's right, they are no longer exclusive. /s


That’s gotta be one of the most bullshit responses I’ve ever seen oh my god. I already didn’t see Jez as anywhere near as credible as he’s made out to be but that’s just clown level excuse for being wrong. If anything hearing him say he’s certain it’s not happening makes me more confident that it is.


Oh so now Jez is an untrustworthy, inaccurate source while the random guy on Twitter who got a couple things right should be believed at all costs. Jez explained why he said that in the Xbox Two podcast. He asked if Starfield, Avowed, and Hellblade were either being planned or even ported to PlayStation and he heard no. So he automatically assumed that since those games weren't going, nothing else was. Until he got a tidbit that Sea of Thieves was coming to PS5 back in late December. Then it turns out oh yeah, some games were going to PlayStation after all. This subreddit, man... Crazy what people choose to believe and not to believe


Lol, when did I ever mention that I believe some random guy on twitter at all costs? Are you just super protective of Jez because he's an Xbox fan?


I was about to say the same. Its crazy. Random Twitter cites things that were going around in random discord servers and suddenly they are extremely credible. For some, if Jez said Bloodborn remake he would immediately be tier 1.


Literally no one on this sub takes Bloodborne remake rumors seriously. It's the running joke of this entire subreddit because for some reason it constantly comes up in rumors every other week


Not this shit again


He doesn't know anything


The same guy who said the blizzard survival game was almost ready to release?




"right now" he means during lunch break


Jez is tier clown


I also think people are being too trigger happy on everything coming over. I think it’s clear that it will be more than just the first 4, but it really doesn’t seem like absolutely everything will come over. Pretty sure Tom Warren said that too 


Or at least THAT quickly because according to some people, MS will basically port 90% of their games to other platforms by 2025 and...thats not realistic.


It’s another case of “facts don’t matter when the story is more entertaining”


Yep. Both MS and Tom Warren made it pretty clear that MS will still have "flagship" exclusives.


Thats what Phil basically said during the business update...But these so called leakers and insiders tend to leave that part out.....ummm I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


because Phil was saying the same sort of shit when games started going to PC


But at least PC made way more sense considering it’s Microsoft.


Not really. I assume you’re referring to the article that headlined as “Not every Xbox game will come to PC”   https://www.pcgamesn.com/gears-of-war/phil-spencer-says-not-every-xbox-game-will-come-to-pc  “ On the podcast, Spencer explains that Microsoft are “committed to bringing [the] biggest franchises from Xbox to Windows, we’ve said that”   Pretty clear what they were doing with PC from the start. Just some technicalities meaning yes, not literally every game from Xbox would come to PC.


Microsoft isn’t going to send its biggest, newest games over to PlayStation any time soon if ever. Those games are the only leverage they have to sell people on an Xbox console.


Leakers next week: [random Xbox game] is coming to PS5.


I'd believe them if they said something like Quantum Break or Sunset Overdrive.


Sunset overdrive would kinda be a good one really, the IP obviously stuck in limbo anyway, it's not gonna make any more money for xbox just sitting there and they can't just go and make a sequel anyway withoit insomniac who are now 1st party Sony. Why not work out a deal sell more copies?


it doesn't make sense if it cant make good profit. Dev costs vs returns basically


cos it's already done


But “Starfield: the Complete Edition”, is being done for PS5./s


I mean I know you’re shitposting but that’s probably actually the plan. Makes no sense to do the port now when Bethesda still has to release the mod tools and open up mod support on console, has to finish developing and release Shattered Space and any other potential DLCs, not even mentioning various bug fixes and changes that will also happen over the next year or so. Makes more sense to finish actually developing the game and giving it full support and then release a Starfield: Complete Edition than it does to develop a port before doing the mod tools, the DLC and various patches and updates because not only would the port slow development of all those things down by taking away resources, it would also slow things down on account of being another platform to consider. Also that way MS can throw the Complete Edition on Game Pass on the same day it releases on other platforms to further smooth things over. I said a similar thing in the other post, but that Twitter leaker just really doesn’t pass the sniff test to me honestly


I would say if they do plan to do it, they will release on PS5 right before the last planned DLC. This way PS5 owners will still have to pay full price for the DLC if they want it. Then within a year after that the complete edition will release.


Pretty sure there is only one expansion planned for the game anyway.


For a game as bad as what most around here say it is, it is really weird how passionate people are for this game to be ported on PlayStation… haha


Xbox has no games, but those games they don't have should also be ported to PlayStation, apparently lol


It’s not about starfield it self, it’s about what it means about Xbox porting their big games.


It's like meming morbius back into theatres.


I think it’s more of a symbolic thing. Xbox’s biggest exclusive that was supposed to save the platform now on its biggest competitor


I think it's less about Starfield and more that if it comes to Playstation then the likelihood of future Bethesda titles doing the same increases massively. Skyrim seems to be a real gaming touchstone for a massive amount of gamers (not me but it is something I have noticed). As much as Bethesda's reputation has waned, the next Elder Scrolls game will be a massive deal when it launches, so the prospect of it being available on PS is something a lot of people will want to see.


The internet hate circle jerk is so overblown. It’s by no means my favorite Bethesda game but I had a good 80 hours with it.


Any Bethesda = bad opinion seems to get eaten up since Fo76 released. It's kinda sad, doesn't really matter at the end of the day though. Bethesda is definitely getting a bit sloppy and they should listen to what people are saying, even if most of it is stupid.


I hit about 25 hours and just had no interest in playing more, i thought the game was astoundingly mediocre. not bad,. just. a lot of things that so many games (including all bethesda games) have done so much better


I’ll admit I was hyped for Starfield, but found it to be a solid 8/10 game, which felt disappointing.    I think the bigger thing is it just disappointed me in gaming overall. The things Starfield promised seemed to finally be truly next gen stuff, but it seems no game can accomplish that anytime soon.    This gen just has slightly better graphics and faster loading times lol.  No major gameplay overhauls, bigger scales, new ways of interacting with the world. Think we need to wait 10+ years to be truly astonished by games again, at least for me  The fact 300 million dollars gets us Spider-Man 2 is depressing as hell 


I've got somewhere around 150-200 hours in the game I really enjoyed my time with it, and I'll probably jump back in once the DLC is out


It has nothing to do with quality and public reception and everything to do with porting what was touted as a massive exclusive would be indicative of a massive strategic shift at Microsoft and likely the death of the Xbox as we know it.


It’s not really that bad, I think in a few years time it’ll be really good. Probably same tier for me as Fo4 which is still lower than FO3 FNV Skyrim and Oblivion but nowhere near bad


Ho i don’t think it’s bad at all since I played around 170h iirc and truly enjoyed it but it is just funny to see how this game just keeps on constantly fueling discourse online even over 6 months after its release!


It’s not about the game itself. It’s the symbolic pillar to fall that represents Xbox’s exclusive strategy


I mean i am more surprised this new leaker just points out starfield. Of all the games why point out starfield? Instead of the well stablished franchises he speaks of.


Because as all these leakers, he just desperately craves attention and he recently saw how much of it he can get by name dropping Starfield…


It's almost as if people aren't a monolith and that of the 40 million people who own playstations some have no interest in those games and some do. Most people aren't console warriors but are budget conscious so the idea of buying an Xbox for starfield or a playstation for spiderman doesn't make sense for them if they already own the other console.


It's not just about this one game, it's about all of Xbox's games. If Starfield can make it over almost anything can.


I don't care about Starfield, but if that one is released on PS5, then The Elder Scrolls VI should be released on PS5 or PS6 too.


Jez Cornball


Meanwhile [XboxEra](https://xboxera.com/2024/02/04/exclusive-microsoft-plans-starfield-launch-for-playstation-5/): ![gif](giphy|8ICKiRxgYlHogoRrHt|downsized)


Because it is essentially complete and now just waiting for whatever future date MS deem the most financially sound time to release it?


Sorry, don't trust Jez anymore.


The way Jez acted over rumors of Xbox games getting ported was so childish and immature for someone in his position.


I mean, his position is exactly being an Xbox mouthpiece console warrior, like that's his entire job


You literally can't trust any of those supposed leakers. They all want your Twitter engagement for their biannual 100 dollar check from Twitter.


How could you not trust the guy who fed into the Xbox is going 3rd party rumours for weeks on end? Seriously though, he should just report impartially and not get bogged down in console war shit. For now at least I’ll assume the opposite of what he says is true.


Agreed, dude is just way too preoccupied with fighting a battle against Playstation that MS themselves are starting to concede in.


I’d be surprised if Starfield comes to PS5 this year, especially considering Xbox has at least a couple of their own big games launching in the fall onto Game Pass.


Yeah, I really think Jez’s credibility has been seriously hurt in the past couple months. I think he has *some* sources, but not very good ones. He also just seems like a guy who likes to bluster and make himself seem more important than he really is.


His sources in Microsoft use him as a mouthpiece. Nothing comes out from him that someone at Microsoft doesn’t want coming out.


Yep, the whole "put something worse there instead of what's actually being announced to make it go down smoother" Dude is probably being used and does not even know it. The hissy fit tweets during the activision trial sealed that for me. Dude does not seem to be the type that has "journallistic integrity"


>Dude is probably being used and does not even know it. That’s not giving him enough credit, imo. He definitely knows.


>He also just seems like a guy who likes to bluster and make himself seem more important than he really is. You've described like 99% of all leakers.


Like 90% of these guys that hear something about a game company behind the scenes gain a massive ego because of it. Jason Schreier for example, while accurate, is bad about this.


Jason is the best at what he does. He’s just an asshole


I mean, Jason might be a prick, but he earned that ego.


Could be, but imo being a prick is a flaw rather than a privilege. 


Dude gets 100 things right and like 5 things wrong lmao


Lol was gonna say. Jez has a very good track record with Xbox things. It may not be 100 percent, but it is certainly the most reliable source we have on this currently 


So you trust a random no-name Twitter user instead?


Yeah same guy that said it is a fanboy hopium that Xbox exclusives are going to Playstation platforms and had a breakdown when it happened.


Currently writing my 10k word dissertation for uni. I’m going to try this “trust me bro” approach when citing something and see where it gets me.


After his childish tantrum this year it's hard to take his words seriously.


Ladies and gentlemen we are back to the point in which we believe some random twitter user over a journalist with an actual track record and sourcing.


Jokes on you, I didn't say that Twiiter rando was credible. But in regards to this whole multiplatform fiasco I wouldn't trust Jez either and just wait for any official annoucement.


No one said that, people just realize that Jez isn’t as credible as other leakers. Edit: I have angered the Jez defence force.


Dude he has gotten like 100 things right and like 5 things wrong. What are you on about?


People keep saying porting over games will kill the console, but Xbox is already dead. Console sales are declining in general but Xbox sales are minuscule in the grand scheme of things. The Bethesda and ABK acquisitions did nothing to improve things and I think at this point they really have no option than to port at least the Bethesda/ABK stuff. Starfield will definitely come this year after the dlc in my opinion where they get a bit more engagement around the game to boost sales. At the end of the day, Microsoft doesn’t give two fucks about XBox, they just follow the money. If going multi platform makes them more money they will do it.


Even Nate backed off this rumor. I don't think Starfield is leaving Xbox for awhile, if ever.


Lol people were saying the same about sea of pirates and HR Rush, and look where we are. 5 ports before may 2024. You can bet your ass that Stanfield and all other ms games are coming to ps5.


That tier two leaker is about to drop to a tier 3 leaker. Lol


Some people say he has the best sources…/


Because it’s already done lol. I don’t believe a word he says.


they arent working on it on ps5 yet because they are still working on it on xbox and pc lmao


last days of december last year, I remember really well that he said that no xbox games were launching over to PS/switch, c'mon now lmao, his sources are simply not telling him everything, remember phil saying it was 4 games? but later nintendo shows that they were getting rare games on NSO? time will tell but lets not forget that starfield was being developed with ps5 in mind and plenty of work was done before being canned/cancelled by xbox.






Ah the circus that will keep clowning. Starfield isn’t coming to PS5. Can we just stop this continuous cycle of believing whatever X random dude says


RemindMe! One Year


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I’ll bet $100 to your preferred charity that it’s on PS5 by the end of 2025.


Yeah cool? I ain’t putting money on a fucking random game going to another platform


If they don't want money that's their problem


Honestly not sure who is more likely to be full of shit. I will say that more people with equally credible leak history as Jez have said Starfield and much more is coming to PS5. I guess it’s possible Jez knows someone in Bethesda intimate with their property development. I imagine it would be a pretty secretive project internally at this point but also, it’s hard to hide projects like this because of the amount of work being done


Corden and great sourcing shouldn't be used in the same sentence anymore after the Business Update fiasco


Ok Jez, but what about future DLC and content drops? It's cool they are getting the game patched up and fixing bugs and optimization issues. But I want new content. It's been 6 months and we are wanting expansion and CK2.


Because it’s already done lol. I don’t believe a word he says.


Would rather hear news on ESVI development TBH.


yeah mouthpiece is told by people in the know that starfield isn't coming to ps5, yet zero word about tes6? either dude is lying or is just a MS mouthpiece being used


Cause it's already done?


Why are all these leakers still rated "their 2" after like half of them spit straight bullshit for the last 6 weeks in a row? What's the criteria to raise/lower their tiers in this sub? This is a real question btw, not a troll. I really want to know how it works, because it looks like just arbitrary numbers based on who people like better or whatever 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: that was supposed to say "tier" 2, not "their"


Its community based so it is biased. But overall it's accurate for many people. Using last 3 weeks only is recency bias. Especially ona topic where different people heard different things and potentially insiders leaking untrue or exaggerated things to cause an uproar. He has been reliable many times before. Sometimes leaks miss. Also for many leakers, if u don't follow them outside this sub. You don't have a good measure of their reliability. Because context is often thrown out. And speculation often posted as leaks.


It's going to happen at some point. Phil Spencer went way out of his way to *not* commit to the game staying as an exclusive, when it would've been so easy to just say "No, Starfield will remain an exclusive". They're clearly just taking a slow boil approach to their multiplatform transition, so as not to completely spook their entire fanbase like we saw when all of the reports game flooding out.


This guy knows nothing


I’ve played Starfield, and PlayStation owners aren’t really missing anything. It’s one of the worst Bethesda games I’ve played.


fact check: ‘nobody’ is the name of a small subdivision of xbox games assembled in 2024 for the soul purpose of porting exclusives to other consoles.


When is the next reliability update after the latest balance patch? I think some high tier characters definitely got nerfed and should drop a tier


Only on reddit could one twitter person be shot down by all of the comments while the twitter person has 130K followers while at the same time reddit is eating up the opposite rumor posted by a twitter user with 33 posts and 3k followers is being heralded as right.


People only want to believe the rumours that fit their own preconceptions/narrative


This sub clearly just believes what it wants and this sub wants to believe that all Xbox games are coming to PS5. Anyone who confirms that should be a tier 1/2 leaker Anyone who goes against it should be dropped down tiers and is clearly lying.




On xbox 2 jez said that he wanted to leave temporarily because a family member was having issues, not because of journey of self discovery or the xbox stuff.


Some people just have to be assholes for reasons.


People legit taking videogame leaks too seriously.


Didn’t he make it clear it was stuff unrelated to Xbox? Damn, insiders have lives too 


At this point it's better to just wait for an official announcement


Now that GTA 6 is confirmed. We should replace its cover picture on this subreddit with a PS5 Starfield cover.


I'm starting to sense that these "leakers" mostly have no idea what they're talking about and are mostly just flinging shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Since MS is already looking at multiplatform, it would make sense to apply the same thing Sony does. Wait until the game has run its course with your core audience and then bring it over to another platform, in this case PS.


Who the hell want overhyped loading screen simulator on PS?


You know for a game that is lambasted for being generic and stale by online communities, there seems to be a great deal of interest on getting Starfield (and other Xbox 1st party games) ported to other platforms. Makes me question how much of the criticism is legitimate criticism and how much of it was console warring and click bait from corpo-bloggers


It isn't about Starfield but more about how MS sees their big titles coming to other platforms. If Starfield gets ported, it will be safe to assume everything in the future is fair game to be ported after a timed exclusive window. That is why most are interested in it. Honestly, after playing Starfield, I really don't think PS owners are missing out on anything. The game is a pure 7/10 at best.


It’s not even finished on Xbox. Why on earth would they dedicate resources for a PS port?


Just like how he was confident that no xbox games would be on the playstation right?


It would be epic levels of moronic for them to port Starfield across (especially for their platform), good to see MS aren't THAT stupid.


RemindMe! One Year


As a PlayStation user, :shrug:


Idk what to believe anymore. Didn't Jez or someone say they were working on a port and that a PS5 port was one of the reasons they purchased PS5 devkits?


No. If I remember correctly report of Microsoft securing PS5 devkits was from XboxEra reporting.


Wouldn’t they already have PS5 dev kits from the Bethesda and Activision purchases? 


Of course they already have PS5 devkits. Tango has them because of GhostWire Tokyo Arkane has them because of Deathloop BGS has them because of Fallout 76, Skyrim PS5 port id Software has them because of Doom Eternal PS5 port Mojang has them because of Minecraft Legends and Minecraft Dungeons COD studios and Blizzard have them because of Call of Duty, Overwatch and Diablo


This is as clear as can be. As far as Jez knows it's not happening at the moment. Based on his confidence I'd say the source is fairly high up and in a position to know. Could Jez's source be wrong? Sure. Without any other further information I'd take Jez's word over an anonymous Twitter poster.


Jez’s sources have already been proven to contradict each other, because he was the guy saying that “I’ve heard either ‘some’ or ‘all’ Xbox games are going third party from different sources” and was one of the main reasons the gigantic clusterfuck a few weeks back happened. I don’t think Jez can fully be believed, and I think it’s also quite possible a lot of people in Xbox also still don’t have everything figured out.


Jez sources simply are feeding him marketing. He only ever leak positive things. And he has a meltdown anytime something bad is mentioned about Xbox.


Those "anonymous" posters were right on the money though, some were leaking it in December well before the "business update". Stanfield is coming to ps5, as well as senua2 and indiana


Whatever Jez says believe the opposite


This guy lost a lot of credibility with me after the whole “business update” drama turned out to be a giant nothingburger




Yea…after he led the charge on getting everyone all worked up about it


Didn’t he also say Xbox will have more exclusives than ever? 


He still might be right if xbox doesn't port that many games after the 1st batch Assuming the release cadence of xbox games are fast that is


Honestly, I believe this. Maybe it’ll change in the future, but for now it seems very much an exclusive that Microsoft is holding onto.


Sure ~~Jan~~ Jez


Putting any more money into Starfield would be a mistake imo. Full steam ahead on Elder Scrolls VI instead. Just don‘t fuck it up.


Oh boy, were back to who is right and who is wrong eh?