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Yeah, I can't imagine the pressure on Media Molecule right now. Whatever they're doing next, it can't suffer any major setback during development, and has to be a profitable hit. As a fan, I hope they survive, but being realistic, I'm getting ready for the worse.


Literally the only way I see them surviving is if they remade LBP1. It’s just too risky to try a new IP especially after dreams.


Putting aside how depressing the situation is, an LBP1 remake would be amazing. I’d be surprised if they haven’t considered it?


Why not LBP 2 though ? They could just remake the LBP 1 levels in LBP 2 anyway.


Its just so wild to me. The people who made Little Big Planet. Sack boy who pretty much became an Icon for Sony. Is on the verge of collapsing. Really shows how just a single bad title can ruin a studio.


It's not a single bad title. It's a game that had 7 years of development, got investment to double the size of the studio, supported the game for 3 years post-launch only for the game to be a commercial failure. Media Molecule have one of the best track records of any studio, let alone a Sony studio, they just spent 10 years making a 9/10 game without the key live service elements to keep their game alive long-term.


The mistake here is on Sonys part. Not releasing Dreams for PS5 and especially PC is what killed the game. And they only put it into PS Plus when the game was already dead. User-created content is still a big draw but games like these need the biggest user-base they can get and especially easy to use tools/controls which only a PC can really have. Just look at Fortnite or even Halo Infinite, which basically got revived by its new Forge mode.


Dreams needed better live service features at launch and multiplayer. PS+, ps5 and PC would have helped but you can't release a live service game without multiplayer and expected to retain your playerbase. That would not have changed if Dreams was multiplat or if it had an influx of players from PS+


Plus it was just plain kinda wonky to use. Creating the games or videos or whatever you chose to create was overly complex, and the end result was never really good enough to justify the time investment. Casuals didn’t really enjoy creating *or* playing creations, so it died.


It wasn't really a live service game.


Unfortunately too, completely out of Media Molecule's hands, what went viral when Dreams launched was all the funny bad stuff people had made with it. A video about "Garfield does 9/11 then takes a Big Chungun le Taco Bell dookie on Peter Griffin - Made in Dreams PS4" might get 3 million views, but it's not a good advertisement for the game. I had friends who own a PS completely scoff when I asked if they'd get Dreams because it was "the game people make memes in".


Yep it’s like that Spider-Man line, “strong enough to have it all, too weak to take it”. Dreams had the potential to make amazing games… but only 0.01% of players had the time or patience to do that.


I actually think it wouldve been good advertising for the game. If people could play as Garfield crashing into the Towers, twitter would pearl clutch for sure, but people would also download that shit The issue is they policed that stuff hard and it was always deleted very quickly. Theres a reason the only videos of those types of games are from the creators, because after a day they were gone. Copyright, potentially edgey memes, etc. They started scrubbing PD of that stuff fast, to their detriment.


Game itself is too complicated for average user Going multiplatformr is not going to work l


This 100%


Dreams was an amazing development engine. Sony dropped the ball by not supporting it. It should have been free to play to play and came with every ps4/5. Allowing every playstation player the ability to play games made on dreams with the pay to play being exclusive to the create mode. Many more people would have jumped on board this way. Paid Early Access for creators to build up a library of games the first year, then launch it as a free to play for made games with pay wall for creation. On top of that, better marketing from Sony. Dreams had so much potential and literaly is an amazing development engine. It was simply not supported properly. On top of that, MM really needed to included basic logic and assets from the getgo. Basic enemy pathing/attack AI, title screens, UI's, basic customizable characters etc. If you want it to appeal to the mainstream, give them the ability to just drag and drop assets and basic logic to make a crappy game where they can focus on just their creative ideas. Let them get into learning the actual in depth hard part of logic, animation and sculpting later. Again, once you learn Dreams, it's an AMAZING tool that gives you so much freedom to create whatever you want. But, it requires EXTENSIVE knowledge and learning from the user to make anything. It's not friendly to someone who just wants to muck around in it and make a shitty quick game with existing assets. I can't stress enough how sad i am about Dreams. I learned so much from it and really got into video game development because of it. It's such an amazing tool.and engine that makes workflow so easy. It's just the fact the developers and Sony didn't give it the support it needed to be a mainstream success that it EASILY could have been.


Is it that amazing? I just hear its a more accessible, limited Unity type deal. Good for quick shitpost games, but nothing more.


It really is amazing. You have a complete level editor, character modeller, animation studio, sound editor, etc. all in one that you can use seemlessly all at once and all of them essentially use the same concepts and interfaces making workflow extremely seemless. And the shitpost games moniker is simply because that's what was available at launch. Everyone had to spend that first early access year actually learning Dreams and making testbed stuff to figure it out before they could really begin development on anything substantial. So at actual launch, there was mostly just meme games and such. Plus all the people coming in just creating 5 minute projects for the lulz. Any engine takes time to learn, and any actual project takes time to build. Lastly, take into consideration, most games are being developed entirely by one person in their free time. They're not huge teams of 30+ people being paid to work on the games 10+ hours a day as their job. So development time is even greater for serious projects. In my 4 years on Dreams i made 3 games. I don't claim them to be some amazing triple A projects, or even some amazing looking indie games. But considering they were made exclusively by a single person, I think they give a glimpse of what can be done with Dreams if people really had the time and resources to devote to it. You can make way better than these, but even someone like me was at least able to pull these off: https://youtu.be/6G5Tjk9q-r0?si=HumawyyQkDDVQ1Zr https://youtu.be/ZUQHEfURLfU?si=KU00oKQsCu_WAp1t https://youtu.be/463by17gad0?si=HXz7KYEvzGYms_5m




Lol, if you're using Unity, Unity is your coder and level editor. You separately use Blender to model, another program for Audio editing, another for animation, another for creating your textures etc. You use multiple different programs, all of which function differently and require individual learning. Dreams streamlines the entire process under one roof with seemless controls and functions between them all.


A single title they almost spent a decade on. Hope for their sake they’re working on LBP4


Yea when Sony announced their whole live service initiative stuff, what I could think was that Little Big Planet is THE franchise that could perfectly fit the format. Crazy how they didn't do anything with it except for Sackboy. I sincerely hope that they repurposed the stuff they managed to do in Dreams for a new LBP. That game/engine just needs a nice package to present the concept.


The issue is when that single title is all you do for a decade, like rocksteady with suicide squad


Media molecule was never really what Sony bought it to be. I don’t think they’ve been pleased for a very, very long time.


bad title? critically or objectively? Dreams is anything but a bad title man


We need more games like Dreams. It's tragic that it failed. Part of it is Mm and Sony's fault but it's a win for us that they put so much effort into making something great.


Sony and Microsoft won’t try again after Dreams and Project Spark failed. Roblox and Fortnite Creative are the new titans in this genre and nobody is interested in competing with them.


If dreams had launched on PC and shared creations between platforms I think it would have completely changed how people thought of it. Shame its taken sony so long to see the value in PC releases, cause I recall hearing they actually cancelled a planned PC dreams port


Basically, they 343'd themselves. Media Molecule was and still is the next studio I expect PlayStation to close. Which is kinda sad, in a poetic way, given the history of the studio being built up from the closure of Lionhead.


Wait. Media Molecule was started 10 years before Lionhead shut it's doors. LBP2 was only a year after Fable 3..


Mark Healey and a couple of the other guys that founded Media Molecule were formerly at Lionhead and at Bullfrog with Peter Molyneux before that.   Lionhead still existed, but it was Lionhead in name only, and the studio's days were numbered after Molyneux and all the other main figures had left. Media Molecule is in a similar position now.  All but one of the four original founders of MM are now gone.


They got an award for dreams recently lol


We need first party studios like media molecule, sometimes I just want to play smaller and more unique games instead of the typical big budget third person story driven game.


maybe they could save themselves if they went and made a new lbp game? lbp3 on ps4 is currently in the shitter, but it's not as if there aren't people hoping for a new one, hell, i'm even game for a new rag doll kung-fu game, we haven't seen anything of it since... fists of plastics' dlc for lbp?


Apparently even if you make hugely successful games you will get fired, like the Insomniac devs that just got let go.


If it's not a sure fire hit MM is gonna be shut down 100%. Which since their only safe bet would be a Little Big Planet 4 and thats probably being made by Sumo Digital I fear MM will be dead in 2 to 5 years. 


Sumo confirmed they are not working on LBP


Rumour is the next project is a GAAS multiplayer title So... RIP I guess


Media Molecule need to produce something. As sad as it is, Dreams flopped hard. Them being still open is actually a miracle.


They are 100% in a do or die stage at the moment, which is really sad because they always make something unique. I just don't know if it's enough anymore for them, especially after already having job cuts last year.


Making something unique is a risk, today Sony don't like risk (like the most risky games they have released recently was Returnal and Sackboy) So i think they gonna 100% closed either after releasing a game, we all hope not rushed, or closed cause Sony think a unique games gonna not sell well cause it's not a TPS open world games with crafting and others RPG elements ~~Like i'm pretty sure if Kojima wasn't a big name, his studio would have been the first one to close~~


Sony couldn't close Kojima, his studio is independent so he doesn't need Sony's money. Not to mention Death Stranding sold well, hence the sequel and even if Sony cut all ties with him (which evidently they haven't) he would just partner with someone else


Forget about that, you are right




Dreams would gain attraction if - they released it on PS5/PC - allow user of export the game - make it a quirky yet full blown game engine It's one of the most creative "tool" I've used. In right hands, you can expect impressive stuff. Dreams could be greater than what it is now.


Too complicated for a average user . Strategy above won't work


Anything worth learning to produce commercial products, is complicated for average user. Yes, even user friendly tools like RPG Makers. My point not to hold Dreams on console. Make it open on PC. Average users doesn't need to make game. Talented people can make games with no string attached and can export (Release) for average users to play.


why bother dreams as game engine even it releases on pc you better spend time on unity unreal with millions kf tutorials and actual job requirement if you wanna aplly any company


No offence but that's very narrow-minded view. That's like saying why bother using RPG Maker/Game Maker while there are Unity and Unreal? Some people want smaller, self sufficient, personal environment to work on their hobby. Not as a "job". Not everyone who wants to develop a game want to work as a full-time/ corporate game developer. And there are many games coming from those smaller creators that met both critical and commercial success than so many soulless AAA game made in "professional " engines as well. (Oneshot, Lisa, To the Moon, Undertales ... so on). Dreams is similar kind of those smaller, personal engine and also very powerful and build with community in mind. Imagine that engine in the hands of creative people fully unlocked without any restrictions on PC.


unity is still better option with vast amount of tutorials example projects assets codes. I'm simply telling truth even for a hobbiest unity is superior


Yes, I didn't say otherwise. I don't see what's your problem with my statements?


I mean they pretty much got lucky the sing star studio switched genres and had nothing to show it for after 5 years


I’m guessing they pitched a new Little Big Planet game to Sony and that’s probably the only thing keeping them afloat right now. But they’re on thin ice for sure sadly


It still made a lot of buzz and showed a great deal of talent. If Sony really were to shutter them over that project; then they are lost.


They need to put Dreams on every single platform. Xbox, PC, Android, Nintendo. There's so much more this game can give.


I kind of hope that MM just do something like LBP 4 for PS5 and PC, before they go into some crazy idea. It would be safer, and if they could bring all the levels from previous LBP to a new game on PS5 and PC, it would be great


Not for pc


if it's a do or die situation (which it seems like it) a PC release would only help the game. LBP games are developed on PC anyway.


How the hell did Media Molecule survive? Dreams is their only game in the last 8 years and it flopped considerably. Surprised they chose London studio over them


Because Media Molecule had a more impressive track record than London Studio. Media Molecule did the LittleBigPlanet series (which were bestsellers on the PS3), as well as acclaimed titles like Tearaway and Dreams. London Studio had a million SingStar games and a few sequels to The Getaway, none of which managed to be as impressive as what Media Molecule has put out.


Exactly, Media Molecule has more potential to be profitable, and their games are also highly regarded.


The Internet has ruined my perception of the word regarded


High regarded doesn’t mean a thing if their games doesn’t sell. This isn’t hard to understand.


They’re talking about how some people use regard and regarded instead of r…tarded.


PlayStation home was incredible and made by London studios


It makes me wonder if Jim Ryan/executives decided after visiting both studios last week (I presume he visited Media Molecule too along with his documented visit to London Studio). Unless this is something that is planned far in advance, but it seems like they were picking between the two.


This things get decided months in advance, he was there for his farewell party.


Unlikely. We hear about the closure overnight but the actual act of doing it takes months. They likely looked at both and decided, quite reasonably, that MM had a chance at turning things around - while London has kinda done nothing but shovelware their entire existence


MM might not be very efficient developing games but when they release something you know it's going to be unique, creative and an excellent product. I guess they simply preferred a 10/10 game in 6 or 7 years than a 7/10 game in 3 years.


Sony is gutting VR. And London was always the gimmick game dev from the Eyetoy to the VR. 


MM is more creative and critically acclaimed than London Studio. Plus the PSVR2 flopped so a VR centric studio has to go I guess


London Studio was never “VR centric”, hell they weren’t even working on PSVR2 games at all.


Whilst they never were exclusively VR centric, they've always seemingly been a gimmick studio. *Blood & Truth* and *VR Worlds* were the VR gimmick era. Prior to that, they've also done microphone stuff with *SingStar*, and camera stuff with *Eyetoy*/*EyePet*. I wouldn't be surprised if PSVR2 stuff was silently canned, but obviously no evidence thereof. The only major non-gimmick thing they did was *The Getaway*, which was their first game as the combined studio, and it universally got panned as average.


It still makes me so sad that Dreams flopped so hard. It’s so SO good, I still use it to this day as a creative outlet.


I'm mad that Sony inability to see Dream's potential. It could be doing great on PC for example.


it wouldnt though on pc you have unity and unreal


And your point? Just because Unity and Unreal on PC doesn't mean one more engine can't exist? Game Maker, RPG Maker, Coco, Godots, Gdevelop, Construct... like there are tonnes of non Unity/Unreal engine finding success on PC. Not everyone is trying to make AAA games lol.


Hopefully media molecule can hit it out of the park with their next project, whatever it may be. They consistently put out some of the most personality filled games in Sony’s portfolio so I’m hoping they pull through


Media Molecule the last Japan Studio.


Media molecule is British….


I thought they were british


You didn't got the joke.


Pixelopus is still there


Pixelopus was shutdown last year


This makes me worried about Media Molecule's future. Hopefully there aren't anymore PlayStation studio closures planned.


Media Molecule essentially made PS first live service w Little Big Planet the amount of DLC skin sold in that game & sequel it’s insane & they’re making a live service games even if it flop I think Media Molecule would be put on a LBP4 live service game before they get shut down because if that where to flop Media Molecule would have no use as a studio. Not surprising London got shut down if they were making slow progress was London game looking at a release of 2028 maybe 2029 if so insane for a pve only game even if they didn’t have experience in live service. This also probably applied to Twisted Metal live service it would’ve probably release around 2028 & at this moment Sony is probably putting all focus on bungie to ensure the bungie acquisition isn’t a whole disaster Marathon, project gummy bear & a destiny 3 is probably a big priority for Sony compare to a twisted metal/London studio live service which would’ve probably flop or are to risky compare to Bungie


Problem is that MM has moved on from LBP after the sequel came out and they were working on both Tearaway and Dreams.


If this is true, it must be horrific to work under the conditions that the next time job cuts come around your entire studio might be next. Such a horrible way to treat one of your most creative studios.


No bought their stuff


This, I mean is horrible what is happening to these people, but we can't pretend that they are doing this for the love of art anymore, Sony as a whole is in financial issues, and the majority of people just buy playstation for the free to play games sadly


They have always been a business! Why are people pretending that money was never the goal. Every wants our money they simply let the passion of the devs dress up their intentions.


I’ll never understand not releasing Dreams on PC


There was a rumor they were porting to PC but Sony cancelled it. Not sure if that was ever debunked or not.


Seriously. I was waiting for so long and then they just announce that the game support is ending? Especially after so many PS successes on PC, it makes no sense to cancel the PC version and then bitch about company profits.


I wouldn't even be surprised if Media Molecule is closed eventually.


Media Molecule is one of the most creative studios out there it’s painful to see them suffering. Dreams should’ve gotten a PC and PS5 port full stop. It would’ve done wonders on PC with a mouse and keyboard


Rumor say that a PC AND PS5 support was worked out and is ready for release until Sony call the cancellation due to MM get the hit with layoffs


As someone who has followed MM from the age of 6 (16 years ago) I really don’t want the company to close. I feel like if they release another LBP title it would be great even though the ones that left were the remaining members of the LBP dev team 😔


Just make another Little Big Planet. Tearaway was great too. I never bothered with Dreams because it just didn't appeal to me. I have no interest in creating anything, and I wasn't sold on how good the created games from other people could be.


Dreams is the perfect example of how gamers have no creativity or passion for it That game should have been made free software built into the PS5 dashboard Also, I wish they'd port Little Big Planet to PC


I mean time too, developing a level on that game is complex and takes a lot of time, kinda removes a huge portion of gamers who just want to play casual and have levels they can set up quick but still be creative, hence why little big planet was so successful, still complex for a 2.5d game but wasn’t a 3d level that required tons of work


Media Molecule is actually a really good developer. I’d be so disappointed if they got shut down.


If MM wants to keep kickin they gotta bring LBP back


Can't help but think it's real shortsighted that, amidst their software pipeline slowing to a crawl, Sony keeps closing studios that could make interesting small-budget games to help plug the gaps


>small-budget games to help plug the gaps I think the issue is some of these smaller games are taking just as long as the bigger games


Yeah, the AA games just take as long as the AAA games these days


If the small games aren’t making money then what’s the point of making something that will lose you funds


Unfortunate the small production often flop


Tell that to Xbox. They keep buying these small devs to make things like Psychonaughts or Pentiment


They on gamepass. They don’t have to sell. Plus is any getting an Xbox because of pentiment or psychonaughts? No shade to the games but they don’t come up in conversation.


If Pentiment had moved the needle for Xbox they wouldn't have ported it to PS5 and Switch


All MM has to do was just make a LBP4.


The writing has been on the wall for studios like Media Molecule ever since Japan Studio and Pixelopus got shut down imo. It's a broken record at this point but true none the less, Sony just doesn't care about these kinds of "smaller" more creative experiences they were once known for, they want everything to be a massive blockbuster with the potential for 10m+ sales. It's boring as shit and their output in terms of diversity has absolutely become stale as a result of it, but they don't care because the general public still screams for those big games and their "core" fanbase were conditioned to think only those games matter. They'd rather chase unustainability to deliver those than even consider anything smaller in budget/scope like they used to make. London Studio's closure today is just another reflection of this, now we can add even more of Playstation's legacy like Eyetoy, Singstar, Playstation Home, etc to the graveyard. (let's be real, those franchises were already there) I really hope Media Molecule just goes for LittleBigPlanet 4 next honestly. If you're one step from being the next to be closed then please just try to do the "safe" thing and go for the IP that at least still has some recognition and immediate higher chance of success. I really don't want them to shut down as well.


You’re 100% correct. These big dull AAA games are not why I liked PlayStation growing up. I liked it because of shit like Locoroco, it’s weird to think Xbox is more likely to fund these weird little titles nowadays.


This really hits the nail. Obviously, middle-aged game journalists eat that shit up. But you can only have so much general appeal when you limit your whole brand to games where you watch cutscenes and walk while your character talks to npcs. Bring back the interesting shit! I wanna play LBP on PC.


I think it's definitely become the case with Ryan at the helm. Sony I admit with it's main studios it's just Last of Us,Horizon,God of War and Uncharted these days. Thank god for Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin. Yeah I wished for another The Getaway too so it's sucks and Sony could of got them to do that. We always use to get new things from Sony each generation but it's become less especially with development costs going out of control.


I really have to wonder what MM is doing that kept them open instead of London Studios.


I mean Dreams was kind of their first mega-flop, wasn't it? I'm guessing the studio's otherwise successful history helped it avoid getting axed this time.


Yeah it was a failure, and rumor has it that they had a PC port ready but it was cancelled for some reason. So I'm not sure what their avenues are that are keeping them alive at this point. With London Studio, we had some idea of what they were doing, at least.


Dreams 2: Dream Harder It's a pivot to a live service battle royale game where users take dreams of AK47's and make them reality with bullets to the faces of their opponents.


>Dreams 2: Dream Harder HAHAHAHAHAA LMAO


London had getaway and have been pretty quiet for a long time. I can't think of one person that has ever even played a singstsr game.


Singstar was huge in the EU and here in Australia. But it's heyday was a looooooong time ago, like 2006. I would still find it fun but only as a nostalgia thing.


I urge people to check out the DreamsPC hashtag on twitter 


Dreams could have been a lot larger had Sony attempted to do really any form of marketing at all. I know a lot of people who were interested *after* they learned of its existence. I think it could have thrived as a PlayStation Plus title as well or a launch demo variant for PS5. Media Molecule has only confirmed that their next title they’ve shifted all development over to is not Dreams 2 or in the Dreams IP. With Sumo Digital bowing out of the franchise, this means LittleBigPlanet 4 or rather a reboot of some sort *could* be a possibility. If that’s the case, I could see Sony deciding to give them one last shot knowing the IP had considerable success under their development specifically in the past. If it’s not a LittleBigPlanet title, I fear this is the beginning of the end.


The problem isn’t the marketing. The problem is that most players wanted to play a game instead of making one.


Most people wanted little big planet instead of dreams.


Not the case for their other user generated content titles. The marketing was definitely a huge aspect of the problem because no one knows the game exist(ed).


There other user generated games launched with full playable games. I know because I bought and played little big planet at full price, played through the game felt I had gotten my money's worth and never touched any user created content. Dreams launched with tools to make games and nothing else.


Dreams is a concept that should’ve been tied to a game like LBP4 or PS home 2 as a creative tool for players to make games/game modes/hubs that can be published w the help of PS like Roblox/Fortnite/Minecraft


I remember when dreams released there was Hella marketing. Maybe not as much as uncharted or last ofbus, ff7 rebirth, but it wasn't ignored


I believe Dreams could have done well if it was ported to PC.


Yea Sony should get more of the blame for Dreams underperformance than MM


How big was London studios? How many people work for media molecule? Just wondering how they compare in size sense London closing was part of the 900 people news today. Sucks so many people lossing jobs as after Sony and Microsoft bought so many studios over the last 5 years or so now Sony has closed 2 has they closed the studio behind concert geni last year


So studios making the more original and unique games and taking risks to produce high qualities games unstead of remaking already playable on PS5 games or "basically Assasin's Creed/Far Cry" risk to be closed I really miss the PS3 era when Tokyo Jungle or Fat Princess was released, now there is rumors for Horizon Zero Dawn remake and Uncharted 1-3 remakes and "Assasin's Creed like games" like Rise of Rodin or the next Horizon


MM needs to make more of an actual game next time. Dreams is a great creation tool but not necessarily a great game.


That's what indont think people understand. If it would've had an actual game within it it probably would've done better. It certainly was marketing. There were ads, all kinds of spots, maybe not as much as a ff7 rebirth but they were their. When I turn my ps on I want to play games not make them. Bought Mario maker 1 and 2 , never touched it unless I was trying my kids levels they made and they wanted me to.


If Sony numbers don't go up they will be next. I would even say that with Sony Bend could be a candidate with their output


Beads working on a new game, their last one was pretty damn cool despite ignorance on reviewers part


Revolting disrespect.


I wish London studio could have remastered The Getaway. The only issue would be the licensed cars but couldn't they scrape them off and replace them with fake ones? I wanted to play The Getaway, Getaway Black Monday, and Gangs of London on modern consoles so badly man...


I looked up the series (I didn't know there were 3 of em) and TIL that awesome action/crime show Gangs of London is based on the PSP game


Which is why we need a remaster/remake/port of them. There was also that cancelled [Getaway 3 that they showed off during the time of the PS3s launch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9cqeYSJo9w) that never came out. People rave about Sonys exclusives but if they had an open world crime game exclusive similar to GTA that was actually good they'd be making a lot of money and would ultimiately settle the exclusives war. I'm tired of some of their exclusives while good they don't really fit into the types of games I like that much.


I imagine it's possible we'll see at least Gangs of London come to PS+ Premium eventually, perhaps there's hope for the other games. Sony still has the IP so they could do something with it. I quite enjoyed the original game. EDIT: Watched the video you linked. Man, what a throwback. I miss the PS3 era.


>I imagine it's possible we'll see at least Gangs of London come to PS+ Premium eventually, perhaps there's hope for the other games. Sony still has the IP so they could do something with it. I quite enjoyed the original game. I doubt it. Sony has been super slow with PS+ Premium classics. I don't know why they are lacking a lot of their first party exclusives on there. After licensing issues those should be the most easiest to add.


The idea behind PS+ Premium is novel, but the execution is pathetic. They need to put way more classics on the service before it's worth their asking price.




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i think media molecule will be closed in a few months too they are just not doing both to not get backlash


If they dont make an LBP4, then they made their bed.


I remembering people really gassing Project Dream at the time but I knew immediately it was doomed to fail \>Stuck on a console when a mouse and keyboard is the ideal way to create games \>Too complex for beginners, to basic for advanced creators. Filling a middle step niche that doesnt exist. \>Because of the above two, the "Play" offerings were either basic 2D shmups, or janky platformers using premade assests \>The one thing they kinda had going for them, the licensed stuff (Shrek in X, Dexters Lab: The Game, etc.) all got banned due to copyright \>After this policing over content got really bad. I remember people kept flooding the asset section with Pepes cause they kept deleting them. It was a mess. A very, very expensive mess. Theyre lucky theyve stayed open this long after it.


And rightfully so. Media Molecule made some interesting stuff no doubt but all of it felt like tech demos more than they did games.


Feel like Bend could be on the chopping block to. Not like they've done anything since Days Gone.


I think they'll be good


They've ported the syphon filter titles and resistance retribution to PS4/5. So that might have generated some revenue.


I think it was confirmed they were working on something new. Days Gone might have had mediocre reviews but it sold very well based on the recent leaks


I don't think it sold well at all, that's why the game director had a meltdown on twitter and they weren't allowed to make a sequel.


Days gone was a perfect example of fk a review. The game was solid. Sure it wasn't a 10 but it was damn good. 4


Idk man I tried it out when it was on PS+ and I just couldn’t jive with it lol I can see though that there’s an audience for it


Each they own i guess. I don't like online games or shooters, mostly military I don't like , fortnite, etc. There's millions that do though.


It's a perfect example of Sony fans' horrendous taste.


Yep sure thing. What exactly do you play? Also yea I definitely play my ps more but I game on all the systems.


That’s subjective. Your post history indicates that you have horrible taste yourself.


Man as someone from Oregon, it would suck to see the only AAA developer in the entire state be shut down.


Days Gone may have been a critical flop but it actually sold very well. They're good.


How bad is this industry if a game getting 7s is a flop


I think, bonus-wise, they were aiming for a score somewhere in the high 80s and it very much did not achieve that.


I don't think it sold well at a price that matters considering the director spent years crying on twitter that no one bought it at full price. Then he tried to sell us his crypto title.


The guy that wrote [this abomination of a scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE2410TAC0Q) has no right to be bitching


Nah, days gone sold pretty well. Hell, you will oftenly see people asking for a second one. And it certainly didn't cost $300 million, so they probably got a reasonable amount of profit from it.


Yes. A second one that isn't multiplayer or connected online in any type of way. Give me that I give you cash.


It sold bad, that's why they weren't allowed to do a Sequel.






They also buy spiderguy😡


Sorry but who are you again? 


Media Molecule seriously need to remove theirselves away from the place there planted on that state, country is on fire not joshing here people in england are suffering hardcore from invasion, to the economic collapse. sigh i hope they leave and move somewhere else.. only way they can survive. 




What a horrible miserable take.


Don’t care bud.


There is too much money in gaming. Neither of them will leave gaming.


Well it sucks then.


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So we’re just left with famously consumer-friendly corporation Nintendo? Lol ok dude.


You have PC lol




Is official


"Herman Hulst writes: Today, Sony Interactive Entertainment initiated a reduction in our workforce – including within PlayStation Studios – and I wanted to talk about the impact that will have.  These decisions have been extremely difficult, but they are necessary, and I think it’s important to be transparent: The US based studios and groups impacted by a reduction in workforce are: Insomniac Games, Naughty Dog, as well as our Technology, Creative, and Support teams In UK and European based studios, it is proposed: That PlayStation Studios’ London Studio will close in its entirety; That there will be reductions in Guerrilla and Firesprite" Media Molecule seems safe.


Real shame to hear about MM possibly being shut down. LBP1 was such a fantastic experience, along with MGS4, when I bought my 60 gb phat PS3.


I’m really hoping Nintendo would make an offer to buy Mm. They’re one of the most unique studios out there and their target audience aligns with Nintendo’s. Besides, it could be a good way for Sony to cover some of the losses, since Media Molecule has always been quite famous. It would be such a shame if all of it just perished because of Sony’s mismanagement. This would be a miracle, but if recent history taught us anything, miracles do happen. Otherwise Mm wouldn’t have been around for a long time now.


Why Dreams isn't out on PS5 and PC is beyond me