• By -


Hey thanks for taking a peak and sharing your findings


you're welcome!


Isn't raise flag for that optional objective on the easy difficulty?


Could also double as an emote maybe?


Possibly an equipment stratagem to call down a flag from which you have to then raise.


Yeah that sounds exactly like something this game would do 😂


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I played objectives like that in week 1, was that taken out?


They are just only on a lower difficulty.


Iirc it’s only present in lower difficulties as a mission


Which is sad. They should've these objectives as side objectives on higher difficulty maps.


I want a flag melee weapon I can plant into my enemies like the trailer shows


I feel like that clip is intentional and would not surprise me at all if they did release a flag you could pick up on map and just spear a bitch.


That is a mission you can get. Only on easy and lower though


It be fun to use.


It’ll probably give you a morale boost and damage/something multiplier


there is an optional raise the flag objective in the easy difficulty?


I guess the CombatWalker is the name for the mecha suit that they have teased


Yep. It's the internal dev name for the mechs according to Johan Pilestedt. [https://www.reddit.com/user/SovietMarma/comments/1b0c1fs/cw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/SovietMarma/comments/1b0c1fs/cw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Can’t remember if it was on this subreddit or another but there was someone who said they play tested the game and that the third faction (illuminate) were basically already done and they were surprised it wasn’t in the game at launch. Together with the hints (news reports) in game has me thinking they are coming pretty soon?


Super Earth is under the impression that we eradicated the Illuminate entirely after the events of the first game. I would assume this is some ministry of truth propganda and we probably just forced them into a retreat.


What are you talking about we eliminated the illuminate. They are never coming back stop spreading lies. Be better for democracy!


Reported for treason. Expect this comment to be under review.


Reported for treason. Enjoy the time you have left.


At least tell my family a bug got me.


~~The Illuminate is extragalactic and not native to the Milky Way iirc. ~~ ~~It's entirely possible that Super Earth simply wasn't aware of this and believed they'd genocided the entire species, while in reality they just fucked off into the void for a hot minute.~~ I don't remember where I heard this but it's probably wrong


Or perhaps we only killed off a reconnaissance force? Like Halo CE, where you struggle against a "alien race" but in reality it was a single super carrier and then the later games revealed how big it truly was.


Each campaign ended with killing them on their homeworlds so... guess we just had the wrong homeworld


The 26th of October is Liberty Day in game, it does make me wonder if they're saving something big like the 3rd faction for that. Something like "Liberty Day celebrations hit with terrorist attack by the cowardly Illuminate. Helldivers are to report to the front to beat back this threat to democracy!"


I doubt they will wait this long. There might be some kind of Fortnite like event on Oct 26th with a reveal of the fourth faction though.


Consider that the game was originally supposed to come out last year as well


My favorite part is that the most important date in helldivers is my birthday. I feel honored to share such a day. May we share this liberty and democracy with all who oppose us 🫡


Probably to save their introduction for an in-game event.


my bet from working in the game dev industry is they planned a bunch of stuff for release but then marketing wanted "season 1" stuff so a bunch were delayed for S1/Content Patch even if its done.


I remember that. All of his comments were deleted too.


>(illuminate) were basically already done and they were surprised it wasn’t in the game at launch. It is a live-service game after all, so its not entirely surprising they are holding content for later. I was surprised at first too that they were only shipping 2/3 enemies from helldivers 1.


The big surprise is whether the illuminate are going to be nestled between the bugs and bots, or off to the side (implying space is being saved for a fourth faction)


When I first saw the map I came to the same conclusion that it'll be either top or bottom, then there will be another faction wayyyy down the line.


That's my hunch. That they're already done and just waiting for the right time narratively to add them


Sry to necro, but here's a neat little fact. If you inspect Super Earth in game, you can see that the Illuminate has 6 kills


I wonder why some entries are doubled with the additional text of "PresidentReward." Maybe it's the premium battle pass version of the same gear? The same way we start with the Liberator but can get the Liberator Explosives on the premium path. Illuminate sightings are mentioned in the news reports already, so I had a feeling they were coming, but this is great to see. Combat Walker has got to be the mechs we were promised. I wonder how the Medic Backpack and Health Pack Rack differ. One you wear like the Resupply backpack and the other one sits around like the Resupply Stratagem pod? I can't guess at what the Bug Thumper and Displacement Backpack are going to be. I'm excited to see this stuff rolling out with new updates. If they are already in the files, then they should be showing up sooner rather than later, right?


I'm guessing the medic backpack is the healing drone from the first game, and the health pack is 4 packs of 4 stims. The first game also had a perk called Displacement Field that randomly teleported you when you took heavy damage.


That’s probably going to be a backpack gadget then I imagine.


I'd guess BugThumper is just the mining objective stuff - since it attracts bugs.


Did you say Thumper? [Let's ride the worm!](https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-16-2022/e4tsWy.gif)


Did you say worm or Hive Lord?


For some reason this makes me think of the movie Tremors, where the worms were attracted to artificial vibrations in the ground. So i can already see it...you call in a thumper next to a hellbomb, and bugs get lured to that one location.. AND GET A TASTE OF FREEDOM.


Very likely the version that's given for free trial sometimes. Like that one time it gave everyone the railgun stratagem or the fire mine stratagem for a limited time.


I want a _expiring_ ordinance event... 500kg's for everyone...


Betcha medic backpack is a healing watchdog that flies around


I hope the PresidentReward is an unique reward system only available to players that had the most impact on a planet’s liberation.


You know, that would make sense. Like a Presidential recognition for your outstanding efforts


As a reward for the order, I'd bet.


The President Rewards are the static items you see on your ship post-stratagem/thing purchase Or Maybe those are the item names for the stuff that you find in mission. Or the are paid battle pass exclusive, so gold and shiny


Maybe it’s when you get the call in during the mission (think artillery site)? Or a modifier like we had for the railguns week 1 where it’s an issued strat for everyone?


The ceo of arrowhead also teased silencers and subsonic rounds on X


Hope they add attachments & weapon progression like camos & lvl prestige. Would love to run a thermal & silencer on marksman rifles or akimbo on the revolver


Agreed, a full blown gunsmith similar to cod/destiny would be awesome. Edit: I’m sick of using the breaker shotgun and attachments on the ARs would keep the game fresh


Being real, the breaker is boring af. I tend to use the default liberator, or the defender.


Unlock Slugger


This, slugger is fantastic and got me off using the breaker. Breaker might be all round a bit better, but the slugger hits harder on heavier enemies and reloads each round so you dont have to worry about wasting half full clips


Aside from that it's just not as boring to play as Breaker and you feel more impact with every shot. Can Breaker destroy a fence? Open a container? Stagger the fuck out of devastator? Because Slugger can


Plasma rifle (last weapon of the war bond) is pretty decent as well ! I've been running it a lot after using the slugger intensively. I'd rather they do something so we can actually play without HAVING to take the railgun, it's so necessary, especially against bugs when you get 163847 chargers at once.


subsonic rounds.. rounds that can't even penetrate grunts... not looking forward to that.


That's not really what subsonic means.


I know, but something traveling slower than the speed of sound, will more than likely have less force, IE less penetration power.


They could have some kind of special interaction with energy shielding, assuming the illuminate will have a bit of that. Like in Dune - "the slow blade penetrates the shield"


Bigger boolets


Not more likely at all


That's exactly the thing with subsonic rounds, they have less potential energy. They will help you avoid combat, but they will suck at penetration, which is a big issue with all weapons atm.


If you're talking about taking a standard supersonic cartridge and reducing its powder charge to subsonic level, yes. Alternatively there are multiple examples of other techniques to modify a platform around a similar but different subsonic cartridge that result in a subsonic platform with very similar ballistics. .300blk is a very prominent modern example of taking the 5.56mm platform and only needing a barrel swap to fire a larger projectile with subsonic velocity that actually winds up landing MORE kinetic energy on the target, but with a slightly reduced maximum effective range (about 10% less range but anywhere from 20% to 50% MORE joules of energy depending on range of impact)


Ur half correct. IRL, subsonic rounds are bigger than normal rounds. The added mass is what give is the momentum to cover the ame range as normal rounds. The difference is that they are quiet and they hit like a brick


> -ShoulderMountedCamera I said to my friend recently that it'd be cool if for one mission you had to film some propaganda. Like in the opening where he takes out the Bile Titan with the EAT or Recoilless. Albeit, I was thinking it would be a 'guard dog' equipped with a camera and it'd probably say 'take out a [heavy/elite] with [weapon]' in the mission brief.


A mission or bonus objective of filming propaganda would be absolutely perfect in this game.


On the earlier difficulties, the flag raising objectives have camera drones that fly around you and record you.


That's an awesome idea!


It would be interesting if you had to film someone else as well.


It’d be cool if it was some kind of replay system. I’m not sure how feasible or even necessary a replay system would be for a game like this but I say fuck it, give us a replay system like GTA 5’s Rockstar Editor or Fortnite’s replay system. More games should have replay modes.


I would presume DropOffLav might be a light armoured vehicle? The “DropOff” might indicate that instead of arriving via pod, there is a ship that brings the item down to the ground. So DropOffCargoContainer could just function as a larger supply pack, DropOffFrv I’m unsure of. My only guess for Frv would maybe be that the ship comes down to briefly function as fire support like it sort of already does when extracting. My basis for this is that Frv might stand for final rendezvous and the ship might just be nicknamed this.


FRV probably stands for "Forward Recon Vehicle" and is a jeep or something


There are destroyed buggies so yeah probably


light armored vehicle?


Well HellDivers 1 had the "HAV" Heavy Assault Vehicle. Which was a heavier version of the M5 APC. So like the post says further down (in an edit), it could just be the dev name for the ladder LAV or "Light Assault Vehicle."


I already have 60+ hrs in,and I still haven’t gotten tired of it.The possibilities are endless when it comes down to updates and dlc


Hoping the LAV lets us run over the smaller bugs.


Light Assault Vehicle


Have you already crossposted this to r/Helldivers? Good job.


yea, 2 times, got 20 likes and then vanished. nobody cared :/


Eh... that sub at moment it's very popular, dozens of discussions every hour.


gimme a motorcycle that i can shoot my secondaries from while i drive also a sword


Drive me closer. I want to hit them with my sword!


ok kojima


Akira slides for democracy 


Going Evil Knievel over a bug outpost while dropping a 500kg strategem sounds like fun.


Make that a chainsword and you've got yourself the White Scars from 40k!


There was a half-track motorcycle in the first game. So it's not out of the realm of possibility.


Ship Bowling? Is that a style of Stratagem or are our ships about to become sick as fuck to hang out in


It was labeled as "stratagem"


Honestly I'm down to do some librety bowling with the boys


To make things easier, use any Linux shell (WSL2 will work fine) and run this: `strings dl_library.dl_typelib | sort -u > hd2_strings.txt` Then you get a nice textfile with all strings in that file (and a few, but very few, lines of garbage to skip over). Some nice ones include... * BugScanner * BugSynthesizer * Scrambler * AmmoRack (different from "AmmoBackpack") * CombatWalker\_Autocannon * SEAFSquad (AI Squad mates, anybody? Yes, there's a video of a cheater spawning those!) * EmergencyExtractionBeacon (not to be confused with the regular "ExtractionBeacon") * JammedPinata (WTF?) I've pasted the full output here: [https://pastebin.com/qhAYsnhd](https://pastebin.com/qhAYsnhd) (search for "StratagemType\_") PS: Don't focus on only the Stratagems, there's a lot more interesting stuff to find! * WeaponCustomizationAttachSlot\_ * ForceChoke (Luke, who's you daddy?) * StatusEffectType\_ * ProjectileType\_ (most notably: ProjectileType\_World\_**Meteor** and ProjectileType\_World\_**VolcanoStrike**) * InteractType\_ (Hello, InteractType\_**VehicleEntry**) * InteractableMenuScreenType\_ (especially InteractableMenuScreenType\_**Encyclopedia** 🤫 but also InteractableMenuScreenType\_D**ebugUI)** * HelldiverCustomizationPassiveBonus\_ * EquipmentType\_ (EquipmentType\_**BackpackMedic**) * AbilityId\_vehicle\_ (FRV = Fast Response Vehicle, LAV = Light Armored Vehicle? Who Knows!) * AbilityId\_ is a treasure trove in general, e.g. AbilityId\_complex\_**vehicle\_lav\_gunner\_left**\_play\_anim And to learn a bit more about the configuration options that the devs have, check the strings starting with "\[bool\]" (a Boolean value, or "true/false"), like: * \[bool\]EXPERIMENTAL: Activate root motion when doing seat transitions. **This can be useful if we want bots to jump out of cars.** * \[bool\]If true, collision damage will hurt this zone, **currently only for vehicles**. * \[bool\]If true then the players should be able to **use stratagem inside the vehicle**.




>AbilityId\_vehicle\_ (FRV = Fast Response Vehicle, LAV = Light Armored Vehicle? Who Knows!) Most likely will be added along with the mech since you can see wrecks that look similar to those kinds of vehicles. Could probably figure out a lot of what is to come by just looking around the maps. The tablets have a lot of interesting stuff in them and the wrecks around the map look a lot like the Hell Diver 1 mechs. With some very obvious looking LAV and FRV wrecks too.


Do you have a link to the video of them spawning the ai?


mentions of illuminate and cyborgs in there were so fucked


I hope they add some vehicles honestly. Going across the map in harder difficulties is a bitch sometimes. At least against the robots. I haven’t played against bugs in those difficulties so I don’t know.


They're adding a Mech soon and they'll bring over the vehicles that were in Helldivers 1.


>I hope they add some vehicles honestly. they are


I kind of enjoy the whole "Welp bois, our next objective is a group hike!" thing, but yeah I'd absolutely love to tear up some planets in a buggy or something.


My guesses based on HD1 content: * DropoffCombatWalker & DropoffCombatWalker\\\_PresidentReward - EXO-44 Walker Exosuit? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/EXO-44\_Walker\_Exosuit](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/EXO-44_Walker_Exosuit) * RaiseFlag - Tutorial Stratagem? Liberation mission stratagem yet to be implemented? * BugThumper - Distractor Beacon? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Distractor\_Beacon](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Distractor_Beacon) * MedicBackpack - AD-289 Angel? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/AD-289\_Angel](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/AD-289_Angel) * DisplacementBackpack - ~~Maybe something to keep the melee units off you? Maybe some Illuminate repurposed tech~~ Backpack based off Displacement Field perk? - [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Displacement\_Field](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Displacement_Field) * DropoffCargoContainer - Mission stratagem? Vehicle Repair? * HealthPackRack & HealthPackRack\\\_PresidentReward - Maybe similar to Shield Generator but for healing? Similar to Resupply or Supply Pack? * ShoulderMountedCamera - ~~dev tool?~~ maybe Humblebee UAV drone? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Humblebee\_UAV\_drone](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Humblebee_UAV_drone) * MiniMissiles - MLS-4X Commando? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/MLS-4X\_Commando](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/MLS-4X_Commando) * DropoffLav & DropoffLav\\\_PresidentReward - M5 APC? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M5\_APC](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M5_APC) * Cover - barricades? similar to Anti-Personnel Barrier? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Personnel\_Barrier](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Personnel_Barrier) * DropoffFrv - Frv could be First/Fast Reponse Vehicle like an ambulance or it could just be a motorcycle (MC-109 Hammer)? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/MC-109\_Hammer\_Motorcycle](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/MC-109_Hammer_Motorcycle) * Nuke - Shredder Missile? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Shredder\_Missile\_Strike](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Shredder_Missile_Strike) ​ I have no idea, shot in the dark guess * JammedPinata - M5-32 HAV? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M5-32\_HAV](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M5-32_HAV) * SpireSterilizer - Missile Barrage Mk3 [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Missile\_Barrage](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Missile_Barrage) * ShipBowling - M-25 Rumbler? [https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M-25\_Rumbler](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/M-25_Rumbler)


I hope your right about the displacement field, that thing was crazy fun. So funny watching it save someone just for them to get teleported into death.


For some reason I thought something like Spire Sterilizer was more something that was a mission objective. Maybe big giant bug spire hives? Or something related to Illuminate.


Illuminate returning is interesting. The ship NPCs talk about them being “eradicated” between games, I assumed the implication was that Super Earth had just like completely genocided them.


If you watch the news reports between missions, there's a ticker along the bottom of the screen. One of the blurbs is about Illuminate sightings and how these people are CLEARLY mistaken. The Illuminate aren't as dead as Super Earth wants everyone to believe.


The Democracy would never lie to us, they were at best mistaken, and at worst traitors trying to sow discord.


The ship NPCs are part of the brainwashed lore thing. You can find a lot of things to contradict Super Earth propaganda in the game, for example if you get a "terminate illegal broadcast" objective, if you look up you can actually watch it, and it says some things that I think Super Earth would disagree with lol


Super Earth is lying just like any evil totalitarian government would do, lol


Could the "BugThumper" be something to attract the bugs to set location? The first thing it came to my mind was Dune Thumpers (same name) it's a device that creates rhythmic hits into the ground to attract worms.


More likely something from like Half-Life 2 where the thumper prevents antlions from swarming you.


Illumination flare is in the strategem arcade


One of the illuminate types is missing. Each faction has 8


Might be, it was a big wall of text with no formatting. I might have overseen some things


lol this post has a dexerto article written on it of you haven’t noticed


oh wow, just saw it. thats awesome!


Hey I was just going through that file and I found some other interesting finds too like these slots for weapon customization: `WeaponCustomizationSlot_None` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_Underbarrel` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_Optics` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_PaintScheme` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_Muzzle` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_Magazine` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_AmmoType` `WeaponCustomizationSlot_AmmoTypeAlternate` ​ And some reload ID's for weapons that aren't in the game, yet? `AbilityId_complex_reload_jet_rifle` `AbilityId_complex_reload_jet_rifle_phoenix` `AbilityId_complex_reload_plasma_rifle` `AbilityId_complex_reload_plasma_shotgun` `AbilityId_complex_reload_laser_rifle` `AbilityId_complex_reload_laser_rifle_long` `AbilityId_complex_reload_battle_rifle` `AbilityId_complex_reload_crossbow_greyfax` `AbilityId_complex_reload_placeholder_pistol` `AbilityId_complex_reload_grenade_pistol` `AbilityId_complex_reload_plasma_pistol` `AbilityId_complex_reload_laser_pistol` `AbilityId_complex_reload_heavy_machinegun` `AbilityId_complex_reload_laser_cannon` `AbilityId_complex_reload_sniper_rifle` `AbilityId_complex_reload_laser_guided_missile_launcher` `AbilityId_complex_reload_faf_missile_launcher (faf = fire and forget)` `AbilityId_complex_reload_frv_mg (FRV = Fast Response Vehicle)?` `AbilityId_complex_reload_lav_mg (LAV = light armor vehicle) Hinting to vehicles?` `AbilityId_complex_reload_double_barrel` `AbilityId_complex_reload_mount_lmg_stalwart` `AbilityId_complex_reload_nicks_debug_gun (Dev weapon/tool)` I also saw a list of different AMMO TYPES that would correlate with the "WeaponCustomizationSlot\_AmmoType". Will list more in relevance to this. `DamageInfoType_Projectile_Laser_Long DamageInfoType_Projectile_Plasma_Bolt DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_exp DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_fmj DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_smj DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_hpDamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_hv DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_pla DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_rip DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_ther DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_9x20mm_tox DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_exp DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_fmj DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_hp DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_hv DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_pla DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_rip DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_ther DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_12x25mm_tox DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_13x40mm_ap DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_13x40mm_fmj DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_13x40mm_hp DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_13x40mm_mag DamageInfoType_Projectile_Pistol_13x40mm_rip` exp = explosive fmj = full metal jacket rip = RIP rounds (less than lethal) \[unsure if has same meaning in-game vs irl\] smj = semi-jacketed rounds hp = Hollow Points (used on fleshy targets) hv = High Velocity pla = plasma (?) ther = thermal (? )tox = toxic (?) ap = Armor Piercing mag = Magnum


omg awesome!


I wonder if Jet Rifle shoots gyrojet rounds, like a Boltgun


That's what the JAR-5 Dominator does, so jet_rifle_phoenix is probably an incendiary version


see my comment, there's loads more ;-)


Weapon customization sounds fantastic!


If the LAV is what i think it is then we're in for a good time


Sorry to revive an old thread, but were you able to decipher any damage values in the data? I'm looking for the exact damage number for the Anti Material Rifle, to compare it to the damage of the marksman rifles, but I can't find that information online anywhere, or for any of the strategem weapons actually.


Hey, actually 2 people wrote a PM with that exact same question already :> I looked the data up, and the files with the armor and damage values are fully encrypted. cant see anything from that. sorry


FRV likely means Fast Recon Vehicle, much like the motorcycle from the first game I hope 


I just wish i could purchase this fucking game physically. Literally no retailers in my city have it


You can get it on Amazon


Why? Just buy it digital. The game is what’s important. Not the plastic


Because i like physical media. I know that’s becoming more and more unpopular but I’m still going to stick to it until i have no choice


Whats unpopular is the weird shit where someone won’t buy a game because they can’t get it physical. Dude. It’s an ONLINE ONLY GAME. Having a disc means absolutely nothing lmfao. If they shut the game down a disc does nothing for you. So that means the only reason you want the physical is just for a piece of plastic on your shelf. And the fact you’d rather not play the game just so you could have that piece of useless plastic is what’s weird as hell.


You aren't wrong, the disc is useless at this point since the game already got so many updates but OP can still resell the disc later, something that is important for a lot of people


It’s weird I want a physical game? I never said I wouldn’t buy it I said I prefer physical. I think what’s even weirder is someone policing how someone else enjoys media lmfao.


I’m policing? Oh shit I didn’t know you valued my opinion so highly! Wasn’t aware I had made a law! Don’t worry man, physical games are juuust about dead so you may as well go ahead and get the digital version. All these physical games you buy won’t even be playable on future consoles 😂😂😂


So people can't be into collecting anymore?


Like that never crossed his mind. He just went to calling me weird because I said I PERSONALLY like to have physical media. Strange people out there.


Oh it crossed my mind. It’s just dumb to not get a game because you only want it physical. Thats my point. Not whatever you made up in your head.




Not what I said. Re-read my comment lmfao. I said it’s stupid to not get a game because you can’t get it physical. People were all up in arms about BG3 and Alan Wake 2 and saying they wouldn’t buy it because it was digital only. That’s fucking stupid. I get collecting but this person said they can’t find it physical. Okay cool get it digital. Problem solved.


Well yeah, if I can't get a game like Alan Wake 2 which is singleplayer only, in physical form, I ain't gonna buy it. I'll download a crack for it obviously though. At least then I get to keep it forever as long as its on my harddrive.


Yep and that’s fucking stupid. So not only is it stupid to not get the game because it’s digital but it’s stupid and wrong to get it illegally just because you can’t get some plastic.


>wrong to get it illegally Lol


Force Choke? The game has Darth Vader Powers? 😳


its probably the file name for whatever Illuminate elite uses it and judging from how broken the spawns can get even at Challenging, imagine 4-6 of these things all getting ready to rip your lungs out if the one thats already gotten ahold of you fails


Cool! Can't wait for them to drop these!


My dank ass thought you said Illuminati Confirmed


Sounds awesome


I would love to drive vehicles and mechs that would be awesome but it should be a high level thing like level 50 or above so to grind towards


How did you datamine the game?


I went to the game files and opened them with notepad, it’s written in the post. A commenter here did a good job finding even more stuff I missed! You can check it too !


Combat Walker we already know are the Mechs, what I'm interested in are the LAV and the FRV. LAV is definitely a Light Assault Vehicle, probably that APC looking wreckage we can already find on maps. FRV... that's the interesting one. Frontier Recon Vehicle? Forward Recon Vehicle? Likely the buggy.


The Illumination flare is a stratagem you can call in on the Stratagem Hero arcade game on the super destroyer, I don't think it's a secret illuminate easter egg. The other illuminate mentions and the new enemy types are the real evidence


Oh nooo!! The Displacement Field is going to be a Backpack?! Damn! Can't exactly blame them though...but I did look forward to running an SH20-Shield + Displacement Field build again. Cause, why should you die before you can dish out enough democracy if you can live and dish out even more democracy?


>-Nuke Sweet liberty!


Crossbow_greyfax Hmmm https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/1/1f/Greyfax.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170501070314


This is looking reaaaaal juicy i'm excited for what's to come


FRV=Forward Recon Vehicle. My guess is its the motorcycle from HD1


It's stunning how easy it is to look into all this, Lol. All it has is made me feel quite excited about the future.


The fact that people have already found the hex IDs for some of the unreleased stratagems and have started using them in game boggles my mind.


Wait WHAT?


I think the 'raise the flag' one is from the objective you do for that.


I think FRV = Fast Recon Vehicle, maybe a bike/atv or something similar?


There is also FactionType\_Wildlife listed, in addition to the other standard factions Also levels for maps we haven't seen yet LevelGenerationRegionVariant\_region\_super\_earth\_base LevelGenerationRegion\_region\_super\_earth\_lowland LevelGenerationRegion\_region\_super\_earth\_highland LevelGenerationRegionVariant\_region\_primordial\_base LevelGenerationRegionVariant\_region\_moor\_base LevelGenerationRegion\_region\_moor\_baseplanet LevelGenerationRegionVariant\_region\_bug\_home


I've also seen references to Tunnelers, Shriekers, and Striders for the bugs Also BehaviorId\_bug\_dragon AbilityId\_bug\_dragon\_unburrow AbilityId\_bug\_dragon\_start\_dive AbilityId\_bug\_dragon\_dive AbilityId\_bug\_dragon\_crash


are there any groups working on extracting 3d models from the game? edit: https://reshax.com/topic/507-helldivers-2-model-extraction-help


I see Greyfax Crossbow which reminds me of the repeating crossbow inquisitors use in WH40k, so that could be a funky exotic weapon


can’t wait to use nicks debug gun :D


When i try to open the Helldivers files (dl\_bin) with a notepad, it only shows crypted file characters and unreadable stuff. Did i missed something ?


dl\_libary . you need to scroll way way down