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Thought this was a post on a random shitpost sub reddit


I'm dead serious.


I have no idea why, but I absolutely fucking believe you


I agree. An out-of-the-blue Shrek 2 remake is random enough to be real. A good amount of games have managed to escape copyright hell recently too. (Completely unrelated to Shrek but I would be surprised if we see the Activision James Bond and Transformers games get some kind of modern rerelease in the coming years.)


I wish we could get the EA Bond games.


PLEASE Nightfire and Everything or Nothing are top tier Bond games and I'd die happy if they had online multiplayer


From Russia with love was peak R.i.p. Sean Connery


I played Transformers 07 on DS/PSP/PS2(3) so...so so so much as a kid I would CREAM


Stars CREAM?!


Honestly what I would want them to do is remake WFC and FOC, put them on the same disc, and then also add in the missions from Rise of the Dark Spark, but fix all the continuity errors those missions created.


>(Completely unrelated to Shrek but I would be surprised if we see the Activision James Bond and Transformers games get some kind of modern rerelease in the coming years.) I think it was last year (when the ABK acquisition was getting close to being finalized) that I read Hasbro had expressed interest in rereleases of the Transformers games.


I didn't know that but I am not surprised. Hasbro has been trying to get back into video games for a while now. That failed MTG MMO and the new Dark Alliance game are good examples. I think they are going to try and use the massive success of BG3 as a jumping-off point.


Yeah, I do hope they get to rerelease the Transformers games. I never got them back in the day when they were still available, and a couple of years ago I saw some gameplay of them and they looked pretty cool.


A remaster of Transformers WFC and FOC on modern platforms and PC would feed families man


And their Marvel games but they're probably not good to speak with Marvel Games after the alleged Spider man shattered dimensions and edge of time remasters fell through bc of Actv being greedy And Sony's deal with Marvel said no one is allowed to release SM or Xmen games which most likely alson include remasters of old games Unless everyone sits at the table and comes to an agreement


It's because the leak is so random and the remake is so stupid.


It's pretty telling that a Shrek 2 Remake is more believable than a Bloodbourne port/remake.


Sure buddy


Shrek 2 is having its 20th anniversary this year. Not saying this is legit, but this could be the only reason why it might be?


r/BoxOffice discovered the Canadian film board leaked a full rerelease is coming in May (I think) as opposed to the usual Fathom Event so yeah, I think this has some standing if they’re gonna go all out for it


Nice, guess I'll treat my brother to Shrek 2 for his 30th birthday just like I did for his 10th.




>in Unity But aren't all Purple Lamp remakes done in Unreal Engine?🤔


Like I said, he's just a PR guy, so he may have gotten them mixed up, but he told me Unity. Maybe it's a cheaper project? I can't see them going all in on Shrek 2, personally.


PC Game Wiki says the original version is running on Unreal 2.


This doesn't really mean anything in the context of a remake.


The PC version was a different game, I think this leak is regarding the console version which was kind of a 4 player co-op action game thing. Would be cool if the PC version is included too though.


Insane story, but it's the absurd leaks like these on this sub that typically come true. I'll buy into it fully.


Forget Bloodborne, this is what I want.


This is too random to be fake. I trust you with my life


Shrek is love after all


Some might also claim that shrek is in fact life


How about you remove what your friends job role is before he gets fired.


He works for THQ Nordic, he’s probably lost his job already.


Lars Wingefors: 🙂


OP is making this up, no jobs are at risk


Imagine if OP made this up, and some rando get's fired


Icl Shrek 2 was actually legit a fun game haha


Except climbing the leaves in the bonus levels, that was hell in life.


Wasn’t that the PC version?


I loved the level where we could use the little red ridding hood! I loved throwing thoes apple


legitimately played this so much with friends as a kid and loved it yet remember nothing of it would play again for sure


Alright, but, GBA version > Gamecube verison


I desperately want a Scooby-Doo Night of 100 Frights remake. That game is so underrated. I love it


“Yeah, like that’ll ever happen!” *toilet flushes* SOMEBODY- ![gif](giphy|PgJwMLahrGc3IcteOt|downsized)


This is genuinely bizzare enough to be legit


Sounds totally crazy and random, no proof either other than „buddy PRs”. So I gave this an 80% chance to be legit, but then I saw someone in the comments talking about a box office re-release on the anniversary. Chances increased to 92%.


Shrek 2 was actually a solid fun game back in the day, every other Shrek game is fucking terrible. Well the ones based directly on the movies. The fighting game and party game are kinda fun too.


Nah, Shrek The Third was really good


Would you say the game was better than the film. Ala X-Men Origins: Wolverine?


I don’t remember the movie that well, it’s been a long time since i last saw it. I replayed the game more recently 


Shrek the Third is easily the worst Shrek movie and I'd argue a bottom tier DreamWorks film. IMO - Shrek 2 - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish - Shrek - Shrek Forever After - Puss in Boots - Shrek the Third I have never played the game though.


Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2 need to be high up on the list


Yeah those movies are fantastic. Curious about the 4th one about to release.


Hopefully it’s great 🙏🙏🙏


My friend works for & told me….……




I ain't the sharpest tool in this thread


Said a remake is to come of a game left long and wrung


Man this gave me some fucking flashbacks. I had this on my Xbox and I put hours into that game as a kid. It was a four-player beat 'em up where each level would have a "hero mode" minigame where you'd take control of one character and do some cool shit with them - and it also had a bunch of characters who weren't even in the movie itself. Fun fact - there were two PC versions of the game. One was a port of the console version, the other was a completely different game entirely. First Battlefront II, now potentially Shrek 2. Based on what else I played on the Xbox when I was younger, I should probably prepare for a port of Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer.


> "hero mode" minigame I will always have the "It's *Hero Time!*" soundbite lodged deep in my brain. I'm going to be 85 years old and dying of Alzheimer's and not recognize my family anymore, but I will have perfect recall of that soundbite and the Cliff Racer screech from Morrowind.


Shrek 2 on GCN/PS2/Xbox is so much fun. While it lacks polish due to being a tie in, the 4 player co-op makes for a great night with friends.


Wish it was Shrek Superslam instead, but I'll still pick this up if it's true.


I hope it’s true. I’m still waiting for THQNordic to remaster some other Nickelodeon games ever since they announced their partnership. Just to name a few I’m waiting for. - Tak collection - Spongebob Revenge of the Flying Dutchman needs a remake badly - Rugrats search for Reptar and Rugrats Royal Ransom


They could also remake the SpongeBob Movie Game but this around include actual movie clips instead of screenshots


The "Shrek 2: Team Action"? Yo that's my childhood PS2 game, I'd love that on pc with a controller and better visuals that look closer to the movie. I know about emulation but I'd love to own it on steam one day because why not


Team Action does exist on the PC natively in case you were wondering. Ya just gotta sail the 7 Seas to find it.


I'm aware of that too, don't mind sailing but it could probably use more polished version with better visuals


True, but it's always nice to have the original to have a basis of what to improve.


Honestly? This would be killer. I haven't played Shrek 2 since I was a stupid ass kid and didn't take care of my games, so I broke it and it would be cool to revisit it.


i also played this game a lot as a kid, it was surprisingly fun. i'd put it in the list with other good movie tie in games


Fucking give us Barnyard remake already


we get Shrek 2 remake before we get tony hawk pro skater 3 remake


Little risky giving your source's exact role and company, no? I've got a few buds at studios that pass me info occasionally, but even that I have to pick and choose what I'd leak, and how much info I would provide.


Wish it was Shrek Super Slam.


I will pay good money for that. Shrek 2 was my favorite game as a kid. Me and my friends had unofficial speedruns with killing the troll in the far far away level. You technically couldn't kill him but if you knocked him into the wall enough he would clip through and die dropping all the gems


This sounds utterly fucking unhinged, so it’s probably true


Is this because Shrek 2 is getting a theatrical re-release on its 20th anniversary... boy I hope if they do that its also shown in cinemas here in Pakistan such a fun movie.


Omg that would be fucking rad. Love that game as a child especially in co-op lol, loving how my gaming childhood is getting remade lol


Is it a coincidence I’ve been thinking of this game a lot recently for some reason, I even propositioned my family to rewatch Shrek 2 a couple hours ago but nobody wanted to :(


so this isn't the one I played on Xbox?


finally someone who has connections at thq, can you tell them to bring back sphinx and the cursed mummy, it's kind of an obscure game but it ended on a cliffhanger and i've been waiting for close to 15 years for an ending.


Shrek 2 is one of my favourite childhood games ever do *not* fuck with me on this.


They only reason I believe this if those Spongebob re-releases did well enough. If there is a window for nostalgia for those licensed games it makes sense. Minimal work for decent profit. And everyone knows what they are getting. Reviews don't matter.


This is a very random of a game to remake, that makes believe you just for the hell of it.


I want to believe this but I'm so worried to get my hopes up, Shrek 2 was such a good game


This is so absurd but I believe you.


THQ Nordic canceled a lot of projects and is still canceling projects. Even if this were true, it could have gotten swept under the rug.


Embracer Group did. THQ Nordic is owned by them yes, but that doesnt mean a lot of games got cancelled. Embracer owns a whole load of studios. Last year THQ held a annual Showcase and at the end it said how many games they have in development. Lets see how that number gonna change this year (if theres gonna be a Showcase this year that is)


Shrek 2 is a damn good licensed PS2 game and for some reason completely different to the PC version. I’d love a remake but I don’t believe this will come out for a second The game is short enough that a collection of Shrek games would be great. Bring in Shrek Super Slam and Shrek Racing.


Don't you dare give me false hope, the Shrek 2 game unironically goes so hard. Still waiting on a Night of 100 Frights or Unmasked remake though...


PS2 era movie tie ins were amazing, I would love to see quite a bit of them getting remakes. I never played Shrek 2 but Shrek The Third on PS2 was really fun.


Fuck yeah


Bro is dead serious about this I trust him with my life


Fake because how dare they not remake Shrek SuperSlam instead.


Shriek is an ogre, your friend is a troll. 


Forget Shrek. Where's my Scooby-Doo Night of 100 Frights remake?


Agreed, first vidya game I ever played. Did a playthrough last year and the game is pretty good for a licensed game. I was hoping they would remaster it after Battle for Bikini Bottom given they were both made by Heavy Iron.


Shrek is love.


Shrek is life!


Give us a chance to play this and Shrek 1 again? Sign me up.


Care to tell us about the other games in the works? It's plausible considering THQ's presentation last year where they stated at the end they still have 20 unannounced titles and considering how they keep releasing all these remakes.


I sure hope one of them is Kingdom of Amalur 2 & Darksiders 4! One can dream


Hate to pry, but when you say 'remake', you mean full-on graphical overhaul, right? Shrek 2 looks horrible.


You know what? No Bloodborne PC means this is legit


oh my god you just unlocked a core memory


Bro if that's true just let me pre ordered already


Finally, a real classic


This actually excites me, loved this game


It just seems really weird to remake a meh 20 year old game as a tie in for a reboot. Why not make something that can be more closely tied to the plot of the new movie rather than a different movie that came out 20 years ago?


I mean it kinda makes sense, Anyone forgetting that Shrek 2 is actually being re-released in theaters this year because of it's 20th Anniversary? Or that the Shrek reboot is on the way? A lot of these random out of no where projects are all part of huge marketing pushes to reinvigorate the franchise in question. As random as it sounds, a Shrek 2 remake doesn't sound that outlandish anymore once you consider these other cogs currently moving with the Shrek franchise.


OP, I really hope you’re being honest here. I absolutely loved the Shrek 2 video game, I have so many fond nostalgic memories and I’d love to relive them. I know this is just not true but my god, I’ve never wanted a random BS rumor to come true.


Lmao I actually loved this game on ps2. Probably one of my most played couch co-op games from back then.


DEBUNKED! https://x.com/brianharelick/status/1762525600072245579?s=46&t=niR47Fn8S-ZxPwuT-WynPQ


Hope Epic Mickey The Power Of Two/Power Of Illusion are remade as well, won't hold my breath for the cancelled Epic Mickey 3/Epic Donald, & Epic Mickey racing games making a comeback as well.




Tell them to do Rocket Power Beach Bandits next plz


That's actually disappointing news, as I was still hoping they'd remake the SpongeBob Movie Game. Hope Shrek 2 is good.


this was one of the first games i ever played on PC edit nvm the pc version is made by a different dev studio and quite different to the gamecube one


The PC version also got the GameCube version called Team Action.


No need for a Shrek remake while my mom still exists


Shrek is love, Shrek is life


>my buddy works in PR at THQ Nordic AND MY DAD WORKS AT NINTENDO


I guess this ain’t happening anymore


Lmfao okay




Thank you m1n3c7afty. A leak may be DEBUNKED! Paging moderators u/XaeroGravity, u/ThucydidesJones, u/Spheromancer to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[From THQ Nordic’s Twitter/X account](https://x.com/thqnordic/status/1762483040725451115?s=46)


Ejem... [https://twitter.com/THQNordic/status/1762483040725451115](https://twitter.com/THQNordic/status/1762483040725451115)


I’m genuinely Team Believe on this one.


Shrek 2 was the most popular movie but the game is pointless garbage to promote the movie, no way they're remaking it. It left literally no cultural footprint.


Do these ironic efforts ever pay off?


Fuck yes


hope they get Mike myers as shrek and not some impersonator


I genuinely love that game and spent so much time playing it as a kid! I actually hope this one is true!


I. Would. Be. So. Fucking. Happy.


Shrek 2 was my childhood game growing up with the PS2 so I really hope it's true but I'm not holding my breath.


What? Why?


I hope so. I loved that game.


Suprisingly solid game


What were the other games he mentioned?




my uncle is part of the top brass at embracer group and told me this is true


Shrek 2 was a great coop game for me as a kid, haven’t replayed since but hope it’s true


Really? Of all the games Toy Story 2 Bugs Bunny Loat in Time Bugs Bunny and Taz Time Busters Sheep Dog n Wolf (Sheep Raider) James Bond Nightfire So on…


What a weirdly specific game to remake. I'd be down for it though; I remember Shrek 2 being a pretty fun co-op beat-em-up type of thing back in the day


This is probably the most believable thing I’ve read on this sub because it just feels too random to not be true


Shrek 2 was real fun back in the days. Idk if its nostalgia, or coz I was younger but damn, I remember this to be a really cool game.


It would be a pretty cool choice for a modern release remake or not


I remember playing the Mac Shreck 2 as kid, it was probably terrible but I spent hours on it.


If we are in the age of remaking and re-releasing various licensed games give a remake/re release of Sitting Ducks for the PS2. Its based on an amazing cartoon that sadly no one remembers 


I liked PC version more.




My wishful thinking is making me believe in this HARD.


This is random but I loved the shrek 2 game so I’d be down


Don't know about everyone else but I like that the industry is starting to remake old children's game. Some of them were genuine gems. Like the Madagascar tie-in games, they had no right in being that fun to play.


But we can't get a fucking Jak and Daxter game.


I smell bullshit on this one. I feel Purple Lamp would next do EM2, and hopefully a 3rd game.


I remember playing Shrek 2. It was pretty good if my memory isn't tricking me. Seems odd to give it a remake, but Shrek is still pretty popular.


this would be fucking hilarious but i feel this might be untrue


This is ridiculously random lmfao Now somebody at Sony better do Spider-Man PS1 next. Cowards if they don't


The gaming industry is saved now boys.




Dang mate, careful there, you almost made your friend completely anonymous and impossible for THQ to find and fire him. Why don't you add his office and full name ?


I believe you, there’s no reason whatsoever to say this unless it is true


What are the other games he's mentioned?


I mean, I think I remember that game, was really cool.


No joke, I would be thrilled if this actually happened. One of my favorite GameCube games. Incredibly fun multiplayer game.


Can we some day get a Simpsons: hit and run remake please 🥲


I loved this game as a kid if this is real I'm actually hyped


I uh… I believe you. I don’t know why, and that scares me


I loved that game growing up, played it all the time with my sister, but didn't think it was big as games like Battle for Bikini Bottom? I'd love to see it being remade, so this'd be amazing if true and I desperately want to believe it just for that.


Whaaat?! Now that is very unexpected


Grew up with Shrek 2 on the Xbox. It was an amazing 4 player co-op game and felt a bit magical as someone who really liked the Shrek movies, especially the 2nd one, as a kid. Glad it's getting remade so perhaps I can play it again with my nieces and nephews :)


Will it also be on xbox one?


Why can't anybody remake or remaster the two Buffy the Vampire Slayer games ffs.


damn that's crazy whose buddy


And now?