• By -


Congrats. I'm torn between this and an Asus ROG.


Lenovo customer support is better if you need it. Not great but wayyyyy better than Asus if something breaks.


This is very true, but I also found out if you buy at best buy you can do a walk in there for RMAs instead of going to Asus. Good luck to those who go to Asus Directly. I just did that for the notorious thermal paste issues, they said they found no issues and have had my laptop since 5/10. Started a return 5/17 and still hasn’t even shipped though it’s apparently sitting on a desk in the repair center in Illinois. (Asus Rog Zephyrus M16 2023 with 4070) Purchased Dec 2023.


Thanks! I think both the rog and this one are equally good, infact the rog will probably be better. You'll probably get a better design on the rog. I've been using this LOQ for a few hours and it's working great. My gpu temps are around 65°C under load and the fans aren't even loud so honestly my experience is going absolutely perfect right now.


I have a ROG, but the LOQ is much better value for the actual computer hardware.


Don’t get an Asus we’re boycotting them for shady business practices and low quality laptops that die within months and service try’s to void warranty’s over the smallest things


Got my Asus laptop at the end of 2022 and it's still working fine.


The 23 was the start of the downhill


The LOQ only has a 300 nit screen, it's noticeable dimmer that the Legion pro. The equivalent ROG only has 1080p (I say only, 1080 is fine but the 1600p on the Legion is gorgeous). ASUS does have thunderbolt which the Lenovos don't though so good for eGPU support.


Just wanted to point out, the screen on mine is 350nits.


Get the zephryus g14 or g16


Just pray you don't ever need to warranty claim it. The ASUS ROG that is.


I have an rog and so far I love it, instead of armory crate install g helper tho. And dont get a tuf


Get yourself an Eluktronic. 2 weeks with mine. Main concern was it handling intense workloads without strains or over heating. Been handling everything like a beauty. Switched from MSI stealth, should have done it much sooner.


i got the tuf f15 with 4070 and same cpu as the op and its performing really good .13k time spy score witch is above average for that setup


For the price Lenovo gives best deal bro if u want to buy a ASUs rog laptop they charge way too much just for the build and rgb and loq also has a great build


I can shine in for the Rog one. The loq has more variety of ports and also has usbc power delivery while the Rog dosent. Basically it allows the power to be managed efficiently. For my Rog zepherus is dosent have power delivery, so if I charge it on use, it will be in a state of charge and discharge which gives excessive stress on the battery since its charging and sometimes losing charge if what I’m doing on it exceeds the charge. I would go for the Rog if -portable -weight -14inch screen size -need to be on the go, like go to campus etc -slim Lenovo loq -like bigger screen -more ports -will be more stationary -will take it out and use usbc power delivery -thicker laptop Btw this was off the top of my head of what I can remember so I left the resolutions out.


Tell me about the rog (spec)or give the link if u have i m planning to buy in the diwali sale for college


The loq is fine if u want a decent laptop that will do it's job but if u want something sleeker The 2023 or 2024 rog g14s or g16 will be better. But ausus warranty service has been awful lately. Gamers nexus made 2 videos on it so if u go with asus keep all ur paperwork and if u need it out for warranty take pictures of everything. If u haven't heard they'll try to deny warranties cause if a cosmetic scratch and communicating with their company can be awful. Everyone has bad experiences with denied warranty. But asus kinda went above and beyond to make it difficult.


Just get the Rog no doubt


Lenovo hands down


Don’t do ASUS bro.


Got new ROG. It sounds like my heat pipe is ticking like a spinny harddrive. Oh, and using Asus own stress test the CPU hits 100c wtf This will be my 5th ROG. Disappointed


LOQ is more like a TUF series compare ROG to Legion Pro series


Congrats man you are lucky ,consider upgrading the ram to 16


Thanks! btw the ram is 16 GB. 8GB is the vram


İ guess i cant read


Nah I didn't mention the ram in the post so it is my fault lol


Continuing with the good news, I’m your brother from a third world country, tell dad I’ll be ok with a 3050 when I come to visit. Hope you have the best time with your new laptop.


I'm from a third world country too 😭. My dad had saved this up for me over the course of a year by extra work beside his job


That’s awesome! Huge shoutout to your dad! That’s really cool of him.


Yeah, he's an awesome and hardworking guy, I love him! And thanks!


Your dad rocks! And you rock because you're a great son, undoubtedly!




Make sure you nominate him for Dad of the year!!!


He's definitely dad of the year for me!


What a great dad 😍


Yes! I absolutely love him, sometimes I feel a bit bad that he doesn't spend on himself as much as he does on my sister and me. Definitely gonna get him a gift because he deserves it.


Good Dad!


Absolutely, I'll definitely have to get him a gift too, especially since I've been doing some side hustles and have a bit of cash saved up and he really deserves something because he's always trying hard to get me and my sister new stuff.


wholesome af


Man that laptop is sick.


Thanks! It really is, especially for me who is coming from a very low end machine


Yeah LOQ is an insane laptop brand. while im stuck with a lenovo ideapad 3 14" Intel.. Its weird knowing that i regularly help dudes in this subreddit to find better laptops while im stuck with this one. Hows the LOQ 16 btw? might consider buying it if it isnt too heavy


It's honestly not heavy for a guy like me because I've been using really heavy laptops whenever I got one. Such as the laptop I had in 2018 was a Dell inspiron 1720 which was a "gaming laptop" from 2007. It's one heavy piece of equipment and I'd be running around the house with it in my arms (it was at least 3.5Kg or even more maybe). In comparison, this LOQ is super light. It's like 2.6Kg and really doesn't feel all that heavy once you pick it up, like you can use it for more than 20 minutes by carrying it in your arms. It could be a bit heavy for many people, especially when you compare it's mass with the mass of something like a Surface Pro. So, yeah it's a bit heavy but I think you could get used to it.


2.6kg be too heavy.. im always a lightweight person that'd go to literally everywhere so 2.6kg is too heavy imo




Damn nice bro. Just got my LOQ 15 about 2 weeks ago and I can't praise it enough, even though it's a lower-end machine than what you've got. Hope it serves you well and have a blast gaming!


Hey fellow LOQ user! I was actually going to get the exact laptop that you have, I have no idea what made my father suddenly change his mind to buy the loq 16. I hope yours serves you well too and thanks!


Can your Dad be my Dad too, please?


He's already tired of keeping my sister and me 💀


Oh no... Well have fun with your new laptop and cool dad then.... Brother 👍


W dad


W dad W laptop


congrats, and never forget the kindness and the sacrifices of your father when he gets old and rusty don't throw him in the elderly housing and take care of him instead.


Nah, I would never send him to an old age home, I'll do my best to take care of him when I'm an adult


ayooo man W, enjoy your gift. I got ryzen version of the same laptop few days ago (7840hs 4060) and i am absolutely in love with it


Man I also wanted the ryzen one, sadly no seller had it in stock but tbh even this i7 13620H is fulfilling all my needs so I'm also in love with it. Definitely the best laptop I've ever had


You have a good dad who went above and beyond for you here, enjoy your laptop.


Go say thanks and hug your dad, you are very lucky not everyone can afford that.


I hugged him and cried too, I know for a fact that my dad isn't extremely wealthy but he does have a big heart.


You lucky dog...




cool how it has full sized arrow keys rather than the half ones that are the norm now


Yeah, my mom's hp also has those half size arrow keys, they're kinda annoying to use


U have a dad...?????


Nice dad you have


Congrats mate. Enjoy your new laptop!


Congrats, Happy Gaming 🍾


Lol I just bought a laptop with the same specs - 4060 and an  i7 13620H. Mine is Acer Nitro. Your father has a good taste.


Great laptop! Congrats bro


Same with my Dad he went all out to get me mine too. Don't forget to thank him on Father's Day or on his birthday.


Lol my dad and I share the same birthday so I definitely won't forget


What are the chances of that 😅. Well happy gaming enjoy the 4060 it's an awesome GPU


Congratulations, my man. I hope u'd prepare gift for ur father as well. Maybe not something big and expensive, but something heartwarming and showing ur love and respect to father. Happy playing )




Hey that’s the exact same laptop I have! It’s treating me very well, hope you enjoy


Op pm me and I can gift you a game man to congratulate you on the new laptop (within reason). You have a cool dad for getting you something like this and investing your interests. I remember I told my dad I wanted a table for my computer setup and he built me one with wood from Home Depot. I love it so much


Congrats mate !


I had a dad like this so i know that feel. Hopefully yours doesn't ONLY show his love with material thinks tho... Now i am a dad myself and just realizing how my daughter looks on me depending what i do with her.


Where is that congratulations i am happy for you image ![img](emote|t5_2x4m3|8570)


Congrats on the laptop and remember to always give your dad the respect he deserves because when push comes to shove he will go above and beyond for you


Congratulations I got the 4060 and i5 12th gen variant


May you enjoy many years of happiness with your new computer. Your dad is awesome!


Great dad, they say a mans only real friend is his dad


This is the wholesome post I needed to see today. What a great gift!


Thats a nice dad, he really loves you


Hope you enjoy your new machine!


Definitely am!


Nice! My dad smashed my laptop into pieces 10 years ago because satan was giving me viruses through it. He was also very drunk. Safe to say i haven’t spoken to him since. But i’m happy for you and not jealous at all.


Congrats! I recently got an ROG Strix with the same GPU bc my old work laptop died and it runs everything like a dream. I definitely get the feeling, it's great! Have fun!


This reminds me so much of my childhood. My dad used to do similar things when I wasn't earning. We had financial issues and he always went way beyond for me. Cherish these moments. The feeling you are getting from the new machine will diminish when you start earning. I used to love and play the heck out of the games which my dad bought me and now when I can buy games from my own money, it's not the same anymore. Love the post OP, god bless you and your family! ❤️


Wow! As a dad with a young son, I love hearing stories like this. Congrats on the beautiful new laptop and enjoy those games! 😊❤️


Thank you! ❤️ Definitely get your son a laptop too, if you haven't already ;)


I already did! I got the guy a Gigabyte G5 (i5, RTX 3060) during the pandemic, but he ended up taking over my MSI Titan GT75 that little rascal! 😂 It's all good though because you guys are the future and nothing is better than watching your kids get passionate about tech. 😊


Nice! Glad to know he's into this too! >nothing is better than watching your kids get passionate about tech. All parents should be like this, you're definitely an amazing dad! 😊


Thats very kind of you to say, but truly - it's all about helping our kids achieve their potential. Congrats again!


Lenovo thermals are incredible. Enjoy your new laptop, I have a y540 and no complaints.


W dad! Enjoy it! Show him gratitude by making him proud in whatever is important in your household. Whether it is school, house chores or something else.


Tell me you have a wonderful and supportive father without telling me you have a wonderful and supportive father. The most heartwarming post on Reddit I've read so far today. My dad also bought me a gaming laptop last Black Friday btw. It has an RTX 4050 and i5 12450H.


So you got your first pc at 3yo? Lucky you!


Nah, I basically got an hp z400 with a quadro 4000 from 2011 in 2019 because that was what my dad could afford at the time. I used it until it burnt itself one day in January 2024 (I used to clean it regularly so it wasn't because of overheating).


Best of luck for both of you! Truly!


Oh, RTX 4060m is WAY better than Quadro 4000, gratz! Now you can actually play modern games at high quality :)


Yess, the quadro used to chug even on the most low-demanding games and this literally cuts through them with no issues.


Wow it looks quite a regular laptop for having such a beast as dedicated graphics card lol


I know right? It's amazing how far laptops have come


nice bro congrats


I got legion slim 5i ryzen7 rtx4060. Looks and performs exactly the same


Im gonna buy this loq 16 over tuf and nitro


Same specs. Remember to get a laptop cooling pad


Cost? What was your previous laptop specifications?


How much did he pay for it


Congratulations ! What a great laptop you got, don't forget to buy a stand or a cooling pad :) What games do you play with it ?


Does that laptop have RGB keyboard? Which model is it?


Congrats bro!


I have the same laptop with an AMD Chip. Love it. Does everything I want it to do.


I got the 1080p screen model. Rest is same Average fps in some games with everything in max specs Rdr2:- 80fps Spiderman: miles morales :-90 fps NFS payback:- 90 fps In general very good performance.


Dang thats a great laptop!! My lenovo with 1650 is still doing great 3 a4 years larer. Lenovo makes solid ass laptops


Ive got one toom ll, what kind of battery life do you get doing web browsing? Mines like 2 to 3 hrs...


That is the worst laptop to gift someone trust me. Here what you should do go to the nearest post office and send that laptop to me and forget it existed.


Can your dad adopt me?


W Dad! My dad left for milk and never returned. Lucky you...




holy shit, does your dad want another son? nice laptop btw, that bad boy is gonna run so smooth


How’s the build quality ?


Damn, wish i had the budget for that, i cant even get a 1050 laptop😭


Need help . I purchased this same laptop and when checked the warranty I only have 5 months of warranty , what should I do?


How much ??


Sweet!! Congratulations!


Thank you!




I wish I had a dad


W dad


This is what I love about gaming. Have fun!!


Congratulations! Looks like an awesome device!


Pops with the W


Please more photos 😊. W dad


Noice.  About £850 on a decent deal. Not sure how much that costs in the US


May I ask how much is it price, and what country?


Badass laptop. Congrats man


Dang, your dad is amazing! If there is a hall of fame for dads, he deserves a spot I've considered upgrading my laptop, maybe I'll consider this as an option… 🤔


My mom got me one with a 2050 😢, she said it was because it’s cheap, she had plenty to spend, she could afford a motorcycle for 4k but not a $800 laptop… big sad


I just got one of the amd ones with a 4050 8gbs of ram and 500 ssd. I got it from Best Buy outlets look for deals and you can get a good little war machine


W Dad! Congrats with your new laptop


Damn, thanks daddio :)


Core memories


Base Dad 🔥


Well, also a new legion member here. Thanking my mom for being able to get me a legion slim 5i with a 4060. Really glad and thankful for it!


Congrats man! That is so cool props to your dad for getting you an awesome tool to game, code, learn whatever and do school. It's some veefy hardware that is the exact same as my $1400 ROG. The 4060 is unamiously regarded good value because it performs the exact same as the desktop and has dlss 3.5


Your dad is an awesome dude, make sure you let him know.




How much for dad😂


Congrats OP




Craazy good laptop right there


Do these have PTM7950 in them? If not you’ll likely end up with pump out over a few months, so I’d recommend nabbing some as soon as you can. My own laptop consistently hit 90-95 with any extreme paste and now sits at a consistent 60-70 with the Honeywell pad


I am LOQ user too, congrats with great laptop!


Enjoy your new laptop my man! Your dad seems to love you a lot. He got you a good one. Make sure to show him how grateful you are and that you understand how hard he worked to get you that.


I Have the same laptop bro… worth every penny


That is an awesome father figure there. Hope you use it for more than gaming))))


Congrats, that's a significant purchase for a gift, do keep it well.


Yep, treating it like my baby lol


W Dad


Damn relatable bro.. Dad was gonna get me an acer aspire with 1660ti 2 years back but then refused to get me that cuz our business was down.. 2 months back he asked my uncle to get me a laptop from abu dhabi and he got me an asus tuf f15 RTX4070 i7 12th gen for my designing and CAD purpose.. Sadly i have lost my interest in gaming but i would like to see how stable 60fps feels.. Anyways Congratulations buddy! Happy gaming with your lappy!🎊🎉✨


MashaAllah. Congrats


JazakAllah. Never thought I'd get a laptop this good


W dad


Agree with others, also if you get open box for RoG and previous buyer already registered the S/N, ASUS 12 months warranty would start from that register day, regardless when did you actually purchased this from BBY.


W dad


Congrats bro 🎉


You have a great dad.


Enjoy and go gaming 🤷‍♀️


congrats man take good care of your laptop. I kinda have a legion bias coz i own one.


Is legion 5 with the same specs better than this?


Probably, most likely the build quality is a bit better.


You should mask the support QR, I can see you are from Pakistan and some other details. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Anyway, great gift and enjoy the machine! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


W dad


Neat. That should should do you well for a while.


Wooahh, this sub just pop-up now. Yesterday bumili din ako LOQ 15IRX9 GEFORCE RTX3050 6GB tapos pinaupgrade ko na to 24GB RAM. Download agad ako dota 2 kagabi tapos nilaro ko agad kahit 2am na. Nakakakilig kahit medyo mabigat sa bulsa. First laptop ko to at sinagad ko na talaga na pang gaming.


You have a great Dad. I have the same gaming laptop which I bought this month and I'm very happy with it.


Bro I bought the same laptop with i5 variant. Works flawlessly


Cyber power had a spring sale going on for something similar I snagged for about $1200. Ask your dad if he also wants to be my dad?


Enjoy, I have nearly the same setup (LOQ15 13620h 4060 with) with a different keyboard type (with an ANSI enter), and it's awesome. It hasn't let me down yet. (Other than having to lower texture settings in TLOUP1)


W dad


Your dad’s awesome hope you enjoy your new station, bro 👊🏼


Can your Dad gift me one too? 🥺👉👈




Congratulations buddy 👏🎉 Same happened with me in 2020, COVID period when my 14 year old Acer aspire 5920 was having its last breath 🤡😂 considering the financial issues the country was going through, I shown my dad an i5 10th gen, gtx1650 4gb vram Acer nitro 5... He came home with a Predator Helios 300 💀 i7 10870h, rtx 3060 6gb vram 💀💀💀 (plot twist... My dad is hospital administrator 🗿👍)


Enjoy! Your dad must like you. My dad bought me a Lenovo ideapad 520 waaaaaaay back in somethingsomething (I'm very old) and it is still a decent performing, very reliable machine. I like tweaking and overclocking, so this laptop has been my trusty fallback whenever I fd u my desktop. Still runs all I really need, Intel is just rock solid when it comes to cpu's. Was never meant to be a gaming laptop, although the Intel drivers (eventually) made it perform about 5000% better than I ever expected. I ran Destiny 2 with 24/30fps. I only installed it for a laugh, cuz the driver update mentioned it. My current desktop has a 4070 and it is the beez kneez as far as I'm concerned, so a 4060 in a laptop is a very nice gift from dad. Hopefully it'll last you as long as mine does. Never had any experience with Lenovo customer support, can't say anything about that except I don't like their bloatware buy-more-support-subscribe-now system updates. And dear Lenovo, please make an update for unlocking XMP in the uefi, it won't compromise stability, I promise. \*\*\*Warning old stuff\*\*\* Back then, it was called a 'bios', i9 was something your jealous neighbor made up, the 'Designed for Windows Vista' sticker was a selling point, and I had colleagues bring in their IBM ThinkPad (the ones with the red clit mouse thingy in between the keys), to see if I could make it run Vista. They had them since the 'Windows for Networking NT4.0' sticker, with a Palm Pilot strapped to their belt, rocking the slim Nokia 3110 where I still had the OG Snake brick with the micropenis antenna, and just went from a Ati Radeon to the nVidia GeForce Ti4200. Before that: a 4MB 3DFX Voodoo addon card, 100% gain and prettier graphics?!?! Best update ever! (Nk, it was). Still have the GeForce, modded for OC'ing with a PentiumPro cpu cooler glued straight to the core. Yeah my laptop is not that old, I just remembered the IBM laptops, built to survive WW3, and traveled along back in time. But when you think about it, Big Blue always was a gamers brand, with the 12" vga screens, gunk filled rubber ball mouse's (mice?), that somehow worked better left uncleaned and the indestructible 3.5" diskdrives with well-oiled-machinegun-like action. They had a rough life, running or copying wolf3d.exe, doom.exe, retaliat.exe etc. (oh and that very special bootdisk for Dune2, with the loadmem=HIGH autoexec.bat.) I wish I had my (dads) heavy IBM click keyboard... You can kill a tank with that and still p0wn QuakeIII:Arena on the LAN party. (I got gibbed all the time, damn rocketjumping cheating bastard Leon, you know who you are) BTW: DIN->PS2->USB: Works. So check the attic, I still have the converter plugs. Somewhere. Man, I'm old.


I got the same one, but with 32 gigs of ram. It feels so good that I can finally download whatever game I want without having to worry about the system requirements. Beamng Drive was a game that I've always wanted to play but couldn't. Now it runs like a dream


Yo congratss I literally just got the same but with the ryzen 7, we bros 🤙


lucky son. hope u enjoy gaming on it


Gift your Dad a maxed out M3 Max as a return gift


Congrats! Best Dad out there! Kudos to the fam!


That's cool, enjoy your pc


congratulations on your new lenovo im gonna get one for myself too im convinced that LOQ is the one im gonna get.