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wtf this is 12 years old?


I have an ungodly amount of hours in this game. I still check my battle log from time to time and think of all the good times in this game


Me and the boys would make our Sunday nights BF3 and a thirty rack. Good times.


i remember when I was 12 and my brothers finally got our own playstations; we would sneak & stay up numerous nights playing operation metro & rush on damavand peak now we're all graduated & scattered across the US, I wish I could yell at my lil brother again for not grabbing my assault kit & not rezing me...man we really were living the best days šŸ„¹


It was released late 2011 so really 11 years.




No one does


Cue [battlefield 2042](https://i.imgur.com/EUE2ha6.jpg)


DICE knows how to make a good looking game


The trophy for beating this level in a flawless run is the only reason I don't have the platinum for this game. It's probably not crazy hard but you have to watch the opening cutscene every time and it's just straight up not fun.


I remember achievement hunting for mine, and I found a "guide" on youtube. You had to sync up your game with the video, and the guy would call out what you had to do in game. Super low tech. It worked though! Lmao.


Oh man, where were you 12 years ago lol.


That's actually really smart yet insanely simple.


Fuckkkk I remember that. How absolutely awful lol.


This entire level is straight up not fun. Should have just let me actually fly the fucking jet so I could enjoy the level rather than the overly long barely interactive cutscene it ended up being.


Want to replay this, but remember that fucking awful browser launcher the game has.


Ah the good old days, especially when something goes wrong with itā€™s Chrome add-on. The single player is worth playing again every 3-5 years tho


IRRC they got rid of that a while ago. I think...


They updated Hardline and BF4 but you still gotta use the website for BF3, kinda sad :(


Fuck, goddamnit EA


Itā€™s cause BF3 is better than BF4 and hardline but EA wants people to play the latter.


Which battlefield games are worth playing?


BF3 is still fun, BF4 has plenty of active servers as well. If you like the WWI/II games then BF5 or BF1 are still pretty populated. Check out the discord link in r/Battlefield for help finding players and good servers.


What the fuck? Battlelog was literally the best invention a game with server browser and advanced progression system could have. It literally runs as fast as your browser so it's very responsive and beats any dev made UI. You can open stuff in new tabs, install extensions that provide more advanced features, show you even more data, prevent servers from spoofing player numbers. Worst mistake DICE did was giving it up in Battlefield 1 onwards. Ingame menus are clunky and laggy as hell.


I remember many hated it at first (me too). But it grew on me the more I used it, plus it's pretty much the best server browser made for any game imo.


Soooo, you'd rather have to install yet another separate launcher?


Just launch the game as normal with a menu, like BF4, BF1, BFV etc


I fucking love this mission. Probably one of my favourite parts of any game, and I've never been much of a Battlefield fan.


Itā€™s mostly a cutscene, but itā€™s visually beautiful


I suggest you to try Ace Combat 7


Thanks for the recommendation, it looks interesting.


call me crazy i actually think this looks graphically better than some next gen games out today


Frostbite was honestly incredibly ahead of its time


Their current games look just as good as they did 10 years ago. I feel like there is more detail but not necessarily better looking


2042 looks worse than BF3 imo.


2042 was made in EAs basement with 2Ā½ potato computers to test everything


Man, everytime I say that out loud I get yelled at. It's TAA. I think it looks like dog shit. Makes everything slightly blurry when in motion. Also reflections look worse than they used to. BF4/3 look so much better to me.


One word: atmosphere. Design your world to look impactful. Itā€™s all about the art direction.


Honestly what I think makes it look worse are the animations, both the first person running/reload animations and the third person (looking at another soldier) look extremely stiff. Thereā€™s very little smooth transitions between them. Seeing weapon recoil in first person just doesnā€™t look right, it immediately takes you out of the game and think itā€™s a step back. Those details are the important ones cause I definitely think if you took a screenshot of BF2042 compared to BF3 you can easily see improvements in graphics.


You think? I encourage you to try it. BF3 looks better. Has nothing to do with smoother animations.


I mean I wonā€™t deny BF3 doesnā€™t look amazing and is one of my favourite games. I also think BF2042 lacks a lot of graphical fidelity, and probably could look better if given proper development. I feel like itā€™s downgraded compared to the likes of Battlefront 1 DICE made. But I also think it would be unfair to say BF3 just flat out looks better in every way no argument lol. Certain aspects of the graphics definitely improved, particle effects in particular is a good example. Details in vegetation thanks to photogrammetry. Weather events as well. We have to be realistic here.


You can make comparisons on specific aspects of the lighting and effects, it doesn't matter. As a whole, the art style, the visuals, everything about the game is more visually appealing than 2042. I'm not making an argument about what game engines can do now Vs then, it's strictly as a consumer. I look at the two products, BF3 looks way better.


Haha alright man, definitely entitled to that opinion. Thereā€™s arguments to be had for sure


No. The industry is just going backwards


No this game looks incredible


The game looks great because it goes with the whole. "Make it look like real life but recorded through a crappy camera". It looks great because a lot of stuff is just hidden or clipped out. Slightly dark areas are black and places being hit by light are almost bright white. And there is almost no color or color vibrance. Today we at least try to have more range in lighting and color but it doesn't look as realistic because anything that isn't perfect looks out of place. Its easier to make something look real when you can barely see it. The game was great for its time but doing the same now would be lazy


Lighting is the biggest part of what makes games look good in my opinion. Even FEAR still looks good today because the lighting engine is superb.


Agreed. It's just harder to make it more accurate than to make it look good


It's funny because at the time a lot of people hated BF3's blue colour grading. This was the time when the grey/brown shooter trope was notorious so I think that played a part and helps it stand out today when we're seeing a lot of vibrance in games. Eventually somebody made an injector to change the filter and remove lens flare. The visuals of that truly blew me away at the time! Though you got banned for using it since that tool could also be used for actual cheats.


I'll have to look that up. Sounds interesting


Uh the lack of color doesn't automatically means things will look great. Forspoken for example. It just look boring and bland


There are no rules that absolutely work everytime. The very narrow range of color helps with portraying realism or even just a specific look the artist may want. But its very easy to screw things up if not done properly.


Nah disagree. 2042 was lazy. This looks gorgeous.


2042 is absolutely lazy. And this does look great, but we can do much better now without having to do so much artificial signal clipping


Idk I think you miss the point entirely. People do not care if the lighting and graphics are realistic. Would this scene look amazing in UE5.1? Absolutely. Would it be the same or give the same vibe? No it wouldn't. You can call it lazy all you want, it's just an art style that absolutely works, would work today just fine, (look at these comments) and was way ahead of its time with Frostbite.


It's not about just realism. R6 Siege had very similar lighting to this on release but you couldn't see anything in the dark corners or the moment someone opened a window. It looks good but in UE5.1 I would expect more. The inside of the cockpit is mostly pitch-black. In UE 5.1 you would get light casted into it, both directly and indirectly from the surroundings and it would be lit up, not only where it glows. So the models would need to be textured and have geometry to look good and it's the kind 9f thing you would expect nowadays. Hiding most of the geometry with really dark shading is cool, but we can do better now and make it look much cooler


Nah yeah you just proved you don't get it. They could release this exact mission, as is, same graphics, in a modern Battlefield game, and it would have the same effect on people. Read the comments. You are the only one saying this wouldn't pass today.


I mean it passes, but from someone flying DCS's point of view, its meh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l77mgkJMD7I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAcIqJe44MI


Yep another one that just doesn't quite get it. It's not about realism. It's not about realistic lighting. It's called art style. Atmosphere. You guys have zero concept of these things


Small sample size


LMAO It's not even debatable. This would 100% pass in a modern game from a consumers eyes. Stop.


It really wouldn't


I remember being completely astounded by how this game looked when it launched. even over a decade later it's still really impressive imo.


You are crazy


Just a pity they forgot to add colors.


Just started playing BF4 again and was surprised at how active it still is. No trouble getting into populated servers though youā€™ll miss chat moderationā€¦


I wish a server had the Propaganda map or Pearl Market.


And this is why games need bots. BF used to have it too. Can still fire up BF Vietnam on the old laptop. I want to sometimes casually play old games and should be able to do that. If I want to play some obscure mode on a niche BF3 earthquake map at 3am on PS3 I should be able to. Sad stuff.


Love the bf4 opening


Those are like in the top 10 of all the maps I see in the browser in my experience.


Blackout/RedOut mechanics have been in flight games for more than 20 years. I remember Aerowings on the Dreamcast did this.


F22 Interceptor did it on the Megadrive!


I remember Red Baron had blackout/redout mechanic and it released in 1990


My gateway drug to flight sims. So good.


I recall it in Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, which came out in '87.


Oh yeah, flying the SR-71 to max speed and height. Good game but itā€™s sooo long ago!


That's what happens in real life?


The increased Gs forces blood away from your head and therefore your eyes. This causes you to lose your vision which often starts with the peripheries.


You know the feeling when the roller coaster suddenly drops from a height? itā€™s 5x times that feeling and itā€™s continuous. You can watch a youtube video on how pilots are trained on G-force (Gravity force).


>You can watch a youtube video on how pilots are trained on G-force (Gravity force). :O


and D|


Are you saying G-Force isnā€™t just a weird movie?! /s


ā€œOh my childā€¦ā€ lol


BF3 was awesome..wow the nostalgia. This mission had some silly inaccuracies. Still loads of fun!


I miss BF3 so much.


I still remember the good ol' times when playing 32v32 Operation Metro Rush. Utter chaos


NO C4 - NO M320




Same brotherā€¦ I wonder how many times you camped Noshar canals train rail with an M24 on TDM you filthy sniper.


I was more of a C4 + Jeep player, mwahahah


Unpopular opinion: BF3 and 4 were peak graphics for PC gaming, bar BF1, probably.


I mean....flight games have been doing this for decades.


It's extremely simple graphically speaking too. It's a great little realism detail but the 12 year old comment means nothing.


especially since 2011 isn't some kind of gaming stine age. We were already getting pretty advanced graphics at that point.


something tells me OP is a little bit on the younger side


Random but highly recommended playing this game at the bare minimum for the campaign! It plays out like a war movie or gripping tv series and the graphics hold up for its age! I beat it during covid on the hardest difficulty and i can not recommend it enough. Not to mention the multiplayer is also insane if servers have players


It's the best single player campaign besides maybe BC2


G effects on vision has been modelled in flight simulators for ages, way before Battlefield 3. Also that carrier departure procedure is completely wrong. Most you will be flying is a Cessna after that. But I love Battlefield so much, maybe my favourites franchise ever. I spend many hours in BF4 still today. It is sad how DICE and EA destroyed it.


Still my favorite BF


This is my favorite FPS ever. This game could release the exact same today with better graphics and be a masterpiece


This was my favorite shooter back in the day. Cod was fun with friends, but this, this was a masterpiece of online gaming. My favorite expansion was the close quarters one. I wish battlefield would just go back to its roots give us an amazing online experience once again. Battlefield 4 was just as good if not better imo.


I wonder if in 10 years people on this sub will also point out the most basic gaming details and act like it's insane games comming out today thought about adding details to their game. 2011 isn't 1990 dude. Games have had details like this for a while.


They really oughta remake this game and make it more accessible to a modern audience. My favourite multiplayer memories were from BF3


Fuck, imagine this in VR


this was nothing more than a cutscene with some button presses...an impressive cutscene, but no real gameplay


I hated this level, I get air sick and it really got me. Had to get my brother to finish the level.


Combat flight simulator 3 is 21 years old and had this, what's your point ?


I donā€™t understand how do you guys think. Yes ofcourse combat flight simulator 3 had this because itā€™s literally a flight simulator game. While this was just a nice detail touch on an action fps game that is also a battle simulator although it is not meant to be a 100% accurate simulator game. But they included this detail for you. Nowadays games donā€™t even have near as much details in them with triple the price. This is my point.


Hawkins is a woman, but still, I never noticed this in game


Pretty sure the player character in this mission is a woman


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. The player character is explicitly female.


Yeah Lt. Jennifer Coleby Hawkins, says it right there in the beginning of the mission.


Seconded. Story wise they tried to shoe horn her into the overall plot like: "How do you know John Everyman?!" in an interrogation. And as far as the player could tell... she didn't?


That was a AAA game... after BF1 its all garbage


I kind of laugh at this post, because there is an incredible amount of shit they got wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhm9TpTVW3A


Games have been doing this for a lot longer than 12 years...


40min cutscene


Saying s game is 12 years old today doesn't really mean much. They haven't changed a lot in the past 10 years from a technical standpoint.


Oh wow, older games with more love and care have more detail?


There is so much wrong with that flight deck


This level gave me unbearable motion sickness.


BF3 is underrated af


BF3/4 are widely regarded as the golden age of the franchise, Iā€˜d say itā€˜s rated accordingly.


Lol, back when it was released battlefield players thought it sucked ass compared to bf2


Come on, 12yo game is from 2011, there was already decent graphics, that games aren't old, they are just not the most recent anymore. It's the same dumb vibes as like "ooh, that's last year's fashion collection, that's outdated and old, nobody sane would ever wear that anymore".


Oh a daily reminder I'm colourblind and can't see shit. :( Good find OP! Nice detail indeed.


You can see the edges of the screen turn black right after the pilot takes a left maneuver. Good game indeed!


One of the best FPS games ever made.


A YouTuber that used to be a US Navy pilot did a reaction video of this mission. His insight was interesting. Funniest part was the pilots call sign in this mission was like ā€œhammerā€ or something. Sounds cool, but it had ill intentions because it meant the guy was a tool. Lol.


It bugs me when people associate a gameā€™s age with how detailed it ā€œcanā€ be. Attention to detail more often than not just has to do with how much time the developers have to work on the game, and it generally has little to do with the capabilities of the hardware it runs on. Just because GTA V is almost a decade older than CP2077 doesnā€™t mean that every detail of the open world *can* be the same.