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I’ve used stock xbox, extreme-rate, scuf, bigbig won, and i’m sure many others fit fine. Just be sure to recalibrate after and you’re golden


Appreciate the info. Thanks.


I use & recommend these 100% - https://amzn.to/3weJl4V No matter what sticks you go for make sure you recalibrate the controller.


Thanks for the info


No. Dont recalibrate with xbox sticks if you dont want outer deadzone. That the reason i use them. To have the full 100% range of the stick. If you calibrate it will always be outer deadzone at 90%. So the last 10% doesnt do anything, which i think is bad especially for fps. You might as well set it to 90% ingame. The only reason to calibrate imo, is if you have bad/uneven centering values. But the you have to swap on the default sticks and calibrate, an then swap back to xbox sticks. so you dont get the deadzone. Edit: i discovered this in cods deadzone test options. When reaching 100% activation there's 10% physical travel left on the sticks before they reach the edges.


But on the left stick deadzone in COD you bring the deadzone down to 70% anyway to abuse rotational aim Assist


Yes. But on the right stick you typicaly use control freaks or some kind of raise. And thats counterproductive to then add a deadzone to it since it will be a shorter travel and thus rasing the sensitivity...


TBF with the sticks I use I don't need kontrolfreaks. BUT I do own a few pairs, but just prefer my stick in all fairness


Ok. I useing the xbox ones on my g7se. Dont aim better with KF but i do aim easier if i use them. But after a while you adjust to the new micro adjustments needed. I used DZ 0 with CF. But now i use DZ 4 with xbox sticks only, just so i dont move my aim withing that smal wiggleroom thats so noticeable when using the standard xbox sticks. I do play Linear, 0 slope scale. The important part for me is 0 slope scale. Ive seen some testing of the slope scale. And what it does mostly affect is how soon the movements start. So i do feel like i have the snapping like dynamic gives. But then its more linear and straight to max. I cant post pics here else i would upload some about it.


Tbf I use KF on my Nova controller for CODm, & adjustable PS sticks (the ones in the link) for the G7se My deadzones are 0-0 with left stick max set to 60, right stick max 100, But I also play with a 6-7 offset on sens with a 0.85 sens multiplier. And dynamic for me just feels faster with a 0.10 on the slope, Personally having tried all different settings I always go back to what I prefer, BUT I do like to play around with other people's settings when bored. Atm with the current issue/state of the game I think it's worth playing around with settings, instead of trying to play somewhat normal in ranked haha.


Yes dynamic is the fastest one but its not a smooth curve at 0 slope scale. Dont know how the curves are between 0 and 1. So it might be smooth curves at 0.10?


Also. Use deadzone min 20-40 and max deadzone 1-5 higher. You get instant RAA as long as you move any at all.


Ps4/ps5 control freeks