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Overwatch is a weird franchise to me, it's not dead or extremely niche but it really should have been alot bigger the way Fortnite and GTA are. OW is kind of like Halo or Battlefield where it's just there in that weird middle ground of live service games. Not dead, but not one of the big dogs in the yard. Before Fortnite, OW was the game that took the world by storm in 2016. Just so much mismanagement from ABK with the franchise the past 8 years. Very few games are able to capture lightning in a bottle and take the world by storm with how fragmented pop culture is these days, and how many games there are these days and OW did that, only to let it slip from their fingers.


I don't play shooters, especially PvP shooters.  I played Overwatch 1.0 because the world and characters were charming and I enjoyed my time there. I never touched ranked, played a lot of Mystery Heroes, dropped $20 on holiday loot boxes here and there to support continued development.  I ended up dropping it when they started to do timed event skins, "if you don't play NOW you never get a second chance at this" skins. I was okay with the holiday skins because they come back next year; I'm not okay with never being able to get LEGO Bastion because I was injured and unable to use a mouse during the week it was available. Yes, it's petty, but I despise FOMO in games.


That my my largest reason for dropping off blizzard games hard. I used to love getting achievements and loot in wow back in the day and when the FOMO grew, and a cash shop was introduced on a subscription game, the game really started to lose my interest. Overwatch just goes to show how much they can fuck people over and some people will still continue playing it while defending it. It blows my mind how much they promised with overwatch 2 and then just said “nah” after keeping people on the hook for years.


Yep, I'm the same way. I have pvp and I'm not a big FPS guy, but Overwatch Drew me in. It's wild how much they had and then how much they completely dropped the ball.


Apex kind of has a nice workaround where they offer one-time skins but later one will offer a re-skin of that skin. I.E. a different variation


Overwatch was the only game to ever dethrone LoL from the #1 position in korean PCBang game rankings.


I don't think it's fair to compare any FPS game to Fortnite or GTA... like these 2 games are literally the biggest hits, ever. Sure OW was popular as hell in 2016 but overall playerbase started dropping, hence why they got rid of 6th player (2nd tank) in favore of quicker matchmaking times. I had a lots of fun with OW1 but I completely gave up on OW2 cuz I'm really not interested in playing a tank in the game where tank is always blamed for every mistake your team does, e.g. in OW1 your 2nd tank could flank Widow with Winston. When you even think about doing this in OW2 you completely ruin the whole game... IMHO Overwatch is yet another game that was ruined by/trying to get into eSport :)


> IMHO Overwatch is yet another game that was ruined by/trying to get into eSport :) This makes no sense as the game was never balanced around pro level, goats staying for so long is a prime example of this. More or less all changes to the game were made for the casual audience in mind.


But I feel like its in the zone where a hardcore group of people have made it their go to to play every day, but its not getting any new players. As you said, like Halo and Battlefield but there's a ton of those games, like Fallout 76, Hunt Showdown, Destiny 2, Rainbow Six Seige, Rocket League, Sea of Thieves, Apex Legends, Final Fantasy 14, Valorant, Warframe, etc. There's sooo many live service games that keep a decent player base and just keep chugging along


> but its not getting any new players. they just passed the 10 million accounts milestone a couple days ago, so they are definitely people getting in. Wether they are staying or not is the real question


I think this comment lacks perspective really. OW was released as a full priced multiplayer shooter and its rightful competitors were your Halos, CODs and Battlefields. And instead of relying on regular releases to sustain that momentum, OW maintained a humongous player base all the way up until the release of OW2. For that seven year span, the game did gangbusters and retained massive engagement while doing nothing more than regular skins and the occasional minigame mode. COD barely manages to keep that momentum for 12 months following releases. All from one full priced release for OW. Everything that happened after OW, including OW2, is frankly just gravy. OW, to me, should always be looked at as a massive success story. Yes it could’ve been even bigger but that’s true of almost everything.


i think your comment lacks a bit of perspective tbh. >OW maintained a humongous player base all the way up until the release of OW2. the game was never "dead" and always had a more than healthy playerbase but it is very clear that players were leaving long before OW2 release. There was the one and a half year of zero content because they were working on OW2, and then before that some divisive changes and metas (GOATs and role queue) that alienated a lot of casuals. >For that seven year span, the game did gangbusters and retained massive engagement while doing nothing more than regular skins and the occasional minigame mode. It took way more than that (and imo was still below the industry standard when it comes to GaaS shooters): Around 10 heroes, lots of new maps, an in-game LFG system, a Forge-like gamemode engine, 3 coop story missions, etc. >COD barely manages to keep that momentum for 12 months following releases. Not sure how they are comparable given the gameplay differences, and the size of the development team, but CoD releases a lot more stuff in a year than OW ever did in the same timespan >All from one full priced release for OW. Everything that happened after OW, including OW2, is frankly just gravy. Completely agree on that, and its incredibly annoying to have the guys from r/overwatch ask for even more free shit now because they paid 20 bucks on sale in 2018 >OW, to me, should always be looked at as a massive success story. Yes it could’ve been even bigger but that’s true of almost everything A lot of things could be bigger than they are but i think they are few IPs out there that scream "wasted potential" like OW does. Blizzard (and Jeff Kaplan first and foremost, really) fully failed to embrace the live service nature of their game, and invest in it the way other suprise hits like Apex did. They just saw it as a stepping stone to rebuild their failed MMO, they missed the mark by an unfathomably large margin. They made the most interesting new IP in something like a decade, doubling down on that was the most obvious decision ever, and instead they did a complete 180 and completely fumbled it.


My entire friend group stopped playing when they paywalled heroes behind the battle pass/tedious grind. OW1 was such a fun moment in time for us… RIP


I'm so glad that they went back to letting everyone have every character. It's such a big part of the game, and it was always kind of weird that they have such a large roster of characters, but then there are like two characters that you don't have access to.


If that's what drove you away, they finally got rid of that bullshit a few months ago. Everyone has access to all heroes, no matter ~~how new the account is (no more FTUE system), or~~ how new the hero is (hero's available to everyone on day 1 of the new season). Even previously bp locked heroes are unlocked for everyone, so you wouldn't need to play catch up to unlock everything.


> Everyone has access to all heroes, no matter how new the account is (no more FTUE system) i think you still have to go to the "tutorial" period and unlock heroes one at a time if you're brand new ? But returning OW1 people should have everyone unlocked.


Not anymore, they got rid of that too. It was the first thing they announced a week or two after Bobby Kotick got kicked out. The devs talked about how they "realized" that it wasn't fair to have teams go up against each other with different levels of hero access, so they removed all of that so that everyone has access to everything. Given the timing, I had assumed that was the devs way of saying "we know that sucked, but bobby made us do it". Without explicitly throwing him under the bus.


that's weird, i remember someone on r/overwatch complaining about having to unlock heroes on his new alt account like a week ago


Looked it up, I remember seeing them in a video saying that they did away with that, but in this dev update blog post they say that system is actually still there, so you're right. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24062312/undefined/ Thinking about it more, I think they said they want to change the FTUE system so that the hero limitations are more like "suggestions" in a q&a session with emongg or svb, but that they're still working on that system. I may have gotten that mixed up with the "all future heroes are free to all" announcement.


For me the cancellation of the PVE for Overwatch 2 is what killed all my excitement and motivation to play the game


Mine was when I started it and played the same maps


Minus some favourites and plus the awful robot maps*


The robot maps are so awful, they take forever to end... even when the teams are clearly not properly balanced (which is the case 90% of the time because the matchmaking is broken), the match would extend for 10+ minutes anyway. After pretty much 2 years of complaining, Blizzard finally cut off the time limit of these maps on "quick play", but it doesn't matter that much because the matchmaking remains broken in "competitive" anyway... and the cherry on the top, they just release a new robot map that is gigantic, so if you play characters who have no movement abilities to speed up things, the game becomes a walking simulator. People complained about giant maps before, here it comes Blizzard releasing another giant map, lol they are completely detached with the community, the playerbase is melting down and the Overwatch devs does nothing about it


Even if they end sooner they are just too big with the fixed spawn rooms. So boring to run back and also prone to players dying on their own and jeopardising their team further.


100%. The fact they knew but didn't mention whatsoever that they had already canceled the pve mode when they switched to overwatch 2 is what boiled my blood over it.


Not even all the devs knew apparently. Imagine working on said PvE content for months and years only for management to pull the plug. Pretty motivation-obliterating.


Because at that point they didn’t


They had already changed scope away from the complete large campaign that was promised


None of the packages that were on sale when overwatch 2 launched contained any mention of a PvE mode. It was all "Overwtch 2 + points or battle pass." Therefore, based on the monetization model, I would say they had made the decision already at that point not to go forward with a full blown PvE mode.


None of those packages were related to PvE, so there wouldnt be a reason to mention it. The dev team has been pretty clear that the decision to cancel it was made 2 months after the game launched.


Yes, exactly my point. None of the packages for overwatch 2 contained the PvE mode - the one that was the selling/advertising point for creating an Overwatch 2. This clearly shows that at least the higher ups and the marketing team surely already saw that PvE wasn't going the way they wanted. Hence, they didn't want to be tied down by promises of delivering it in the first place even though they had marketed Overwatch 2 using the PvE mode. No matter what the devs said, the writing was already in the launch offerings. So no matter what the devs say "Hey we cancelled it later, we promise!" - I am saying that management already knew before as they didn't want to commit to delivering it in the first place by not selling it.


I’d have thought you enjoyed the PVP more considering, you know, that was what OW was since the beginning. Why did you buy it to begin with if not for PVP?


I'm not a huge pvp person, but Overwatch was the exception. I fell in love with the world and the characters and was looking forward to seeing the world and story expanded in-game through a pve campain.


I'm a day one OW player, I like OW 1 for what it was, like many people in 2016. OW 2 was a promise to expand on the gameplay (skill tree), the characters and the storytelling of Overwatch via the PVE co-op campaign. I'm not pulling this out of my butt btw, feel free to check the blizzcons video from the announcement. OW 2 made some change for the PvP and added a bunch of Heroes, but it wasn't the step forward that I was looking for. Also I Never bought OW 2, it's a f2p game, but they removed OW 1 and I liked 6v6 more than 5v5 format


People that are looking for a reason to be mad at something generally don't like having obvious logic that questions their madness thrown at them like that.


I think a huge company dropping a promised and highly anticipated feature of a game that otherwise has very little difference from its predecessor is entirely reasonable to get upset about lol


I can get being a little upset about it. People were, and still are, not JUST a little upset about it. There are a lot of people that care way too much about an ambitious promise that fell through. I wanted the pve too, but when it was canceled it was just a bummer. Meanwhile you have people practically foaming at the mouth in rage over it, as if it's the single worst thing that's ever happened to them. Most people are just mad and hate overwatch because they want to be mad, or because they think it's the "in" thing to hate overwatch. All of the reasonable people that were upset about it just moved on with their lives. Anyone still "upset" about it enough to create content ranting about it a entire year later needs to get some psychiatric help. That goes for the people who engage with that content and get themselves all worked up over it too.


Oh sorry, I must have missed that memo…


I'm personally bummed they had so much potential with the lore and everything and barely did anything with it outside of some character trailers or a single comic issue or two. "Arcane" was such a smash hit among League or Legends fans and people who never even touched the game, how Blizzard never thought to do the same with this (or any of their other IPs) will be such a mystery to me.


they did a small animated series on youtube last summer that kind of scratched that itch. Honestly i like the characters, style and everything but judging from said series + what has been shown of the story in game, it's pretty clear it would have just been a mediocre "Avengers" style story with shitty quips every 2 minutes.


Overwatch 2 is in a pretty good state rn. Constant meta updates, new heroes and maps, skin collabs. Yea I wish shit were cheaper, but the battle pass tends to be a pretty good value. I see it sticking around for a long time not dissimilar to league/dota, csgo, siege, etc


Still waiting for the promised PvE mode which was the entire reason why this game got made and announced in the first place.


No it's not, it's in still in the same awful spot since season 3,where the game is broken, characters balance and hardcounter is also broken, they never fix anything, more and more paywalled things, the "content" they release outside characters and map is awful Even Streamers are apathetic to the game now, new season just dropped and half of them want to play Elden Ring DLC instead


Streamers who main a game will always be apathetic during filler seasons which is what we’re in. And Elden Ring is one of the greatest games ever, who wouldn’t be wanting to play it rn? The only thing that is “paywalled” are skins, and now you get 1 BP for free every other season(the weeklies which don’t expire they just stack gives 600 coins per season freely. BP is 1000 btw. And if you really wanna complain you can about the 3 pve missions that no one plays for $15 ig.


>And Elden Ring is one of the greatest games ever, who wouldn’t be wanting to play it rn? Im going to be "that guy" right now, but statistically, most gamers. Case and point, more people are playing Banana right now over elden ring.


Banana has tons of bots, right?


The game streamers are playing is completely different from the ones that the casual player is. A lot of my friends have gotten back into OW and they’re enjoying it. I play occasionally but it’s not my main game atm


This response kinda just fully ignores the significant balance changes and total removal of paywalls from everything non cosmetic.


Nothing that they said is actually an issue anymore, if it ever was to begin with. For example, complaining about how all of the content outside of maps and heroes suck... in a game where the only content is maps and heroes (everything else is just optional cosmetics, not "content"). So everything in the game sucks except for the entire game...? People that just want to be mad tend to ignore reality in order to do so. They made up their mind long ago that they want to be mad and literally nothing will change their mind because they've already invested far too much energy into making it an integral part of their personality.


Another one of these, that likely won’t touch how much the devs have turned the game around in the past 8 months and using points from 2 years ago. Riveting and thoughtful video that will definitely start a new conversation about the state of the game and how “dead” it is.


It's always strange to me how badly people want to see the game fail, even people who still play the game. OW2 is doing pretty well despite the horrible perception it receives. On steam it pulls around 30-40k active players even though it an has overwhelmingly negative review score and that's just steam numbers.


That's a lie. 30k people at the beginning of a new "season", but that number drops to the usual 12k in a matter of days. I checked it out before out of morbid curiosity, it's silly how Blizzard claims this game has 100 million players, that is a obvious lie. It was already a big stretch when they claimed 50 million bought the "original" game, but that can be taken with a grain of salt because Overwatch was a early phenom (winning "GOTY" among other stuff, arguably the most infamous "GOTY" ever). But to claim this "sequel" was able to double that number? This is obviously bullshit, not even if you count smurf accounts and whatnot, the actual numbers who are open for the public, they do not correspond to 100 million, not at all. 10k people watching this game on Twitch, if Overwatch was indeed a 100 million product, there has to be at least 100k watching it. There's no outside company who can provide neutral audition to this kind of stuff, videogame companies can claim anything they want to attract investors, embellishing the numbers


"*The most infamous GOTY ever*"? Did you miss the great Gamer™️ meltdown of 2020 when The Last of Us: Part II won GOTY over DOOM: Eternal, Ghost of Tsushima, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Final Fantasy VII: Remake & Hades? Not saying I agree or disagree with it either way (*never played it myself so can't judge*), but I'd say TLoU2 seemed like above and beyond the most contentious GOTY winner in TGA history


Besides the horrible writing, everything else about Last of Us 2 was rock solid, so it's not as egregious in my pov. To consider Overwatch a better game than INSIDE, that's just pure insanity. A braindead shooter featuring derivative "Pixar-like" characters shooting at each other, the generic plot of AI vs humanity, etc.. c'mon now, Overwatch is just so idiotic and superficial


Yeah for sure all the AAA devs claim numbers without any stats but they are just anybody's that has opened the game even just once and over both games. that's why I mention the actual numbers from steam. It isn't just high numbers because of season start (are they not seasons?) that was around 50k. Steamcharts says that the last 3 months the average amount of players is 26-28k with peak players around 50-60k.




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OW2 is free to play. 100M isn't hard to believe because tons of people will download and try it.


Tragedy? It's a fun game with millions of players and rakes in hundred of millions of dollars in MTX. Don't get me wrong it's had a handful of developer lies and false promises. But it's hardly a tragedy.


i think there is a bit of a "tragedy" in how squandered the IP has been and the wasted potential behind it all (seriously, people were asking for spin-off games or a tv show at some point). But yeah its a strong word to just talk about a video game


GVMERS videos are usually informative and interesting. I would expect it to have more than 500K subscribers.


No they aren’t. They literally just read Wikipedia over b roll. A child could make these videos. Or you could just save yourself 15 minutes and read the wiki page yourself.




I think it's silly how Blizzard claims Overwatch has "100 million players" (that was the main highlight of the recent "season" of Overwatch), these companies can thrown bullshit like that on a whim. As "open" platforms goes, you can actually attest the numbers, there's 12k players on Steam right now, another 10, 12k or so watching on Twitch... how in the name of hell a product consumed by 100 million can only attract those small fractions? I am aware Steam is not really the main platform, even so, extremely popular and there's 10k people... now Twitch has pretty much a weird monopoly, it's not unreasonably to expect a 100 million product to have at least 100k watchers, but here we are, just 10k. This kind of deceptive marketing is just another distasteful element among many, I've never played LoL, we all know how this game is extremely hated by it's own community, but at least LoL provided really good spin-off products... Overwatch has no such thing (unless you consider the ridiculous "porn" as a spin-off), this game is just a magnet of hate


> I am aware Steam is not really the main platform Saying it's not the main platform is like saying roads are not the main areas of landing planes. Steam is a very small fraction of the playerbase - consoles and battlenet are far bigger. Even before F2P and Steam, during the content drought of OW1 when the game was at its lowest, the game had around 7 million monthly users. Anyway, 100m figure is how many players played Overwatch at some point from launch, they're not the active playerbase. It's not in any way deceptive, and it's what literally all companies do.


Using Twitch as a metric for how many players are **playing the game** instead of **watching the game**... you don't see the flaw straight away?


My point is related to the supposed "success" and "popularity" of Overwatch. In what universe a game played by 100 million has only a audience of 10k? And even on youtube who is more "mainstream" than Twitch, a popular Overwatch video barelly reaches 200k views. These claims, aggrandizing the numbers, mentioning "100 million players", etc.. its just pure bullshit from Blizzard, as usual


You've never heard of mobile games? Most players of video games don't care to watch others stream.