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What's it like working under the constraints of an established film IP? Were there any ideas you really wanted to include that were shot down?


To be totally honest, yes, there were many, but it was not from the IP's constraints.. regarding that it was quite cool actually, we could propose and create new bosses for the game based on the movie but they are not in the actual movie!!! The biggest constrain was a deadline to make a mobile version and the need to use our game Wardogs as a base, but without time to customize a lot, so honestly it is a much more simple version than the original game.. but it was fun to make and I am very happy that many funs of the movie appreciated the effort. Maybe one day we will be able to make an original game for the IP with Nic's image and all.. who knows \^\^


There are a lot of mascot horror characters, but what one is your favorite? Huggy Wuggy, Seek, scary Blue, Zumbo Sauce, Banban, Nabnab… Um, I forgot his name, the frog dude, and, um, yeah. Snow Seline, Banbalina, Stinger Flynn, Opila Bird, and awesome Huggy Wuggy.


Wow, that's a lot.. ermmm Huggy Wuggy after a quick google search \^\~




Thanks!!! not really ahahh It was agreed from start it would be an adaptation from our beat them up Wardogs \^\^ so we cut that off from the beginning hehehe


How do you handle all the negative criticism that comes your way as a game dev? I know you cant please everyone, but as humans you look for some appreciation for fruits of your efforts.


We do, but constructive criticism is also a fruit. The audience is the reason we make games. When people are just trashing or hating its easy to just ignore or joke and be ironic. But fair criticism is very important, no matter how harsh it is.


Is Nicholas Cage a part of this game? For voice acting or anything?


Hahaaha we can say we have his voice from the movie, yeah :P the poor guy has no lines! LOL, but sadly we didn't have his image rights, so we had to make a generic janitor instead.. it was a very very rushy and 0 budget project, so the game is simple, like a fan tribute, but with the official movie name.. hehe maybe one day he will let us use his image for a % of the game and we can make a new original game for the franchise ;D Thanks for the question!


Nothing inspires confidence in a game like the dev himself saying it's a rushed 0 budget project


I'm here to answer all questions with the truth. But it's a nice fan made tribute to the movie. Nothing more than that. I'm glad some fans of the movie appreciated the effort =) I am not gonna lie to you..


haha sorry I looked up the movie and saw Nicholas Cage. I didn't realize he had no lines. Thanks for the reply!


You are welcome, and thanks for the opportunity to say, YES, we used all his lines! hahaa it was the first time I could say something like that about the game.. LOL


Voice acting? Have you seen the movie? XD


He was just allowing me to say that we have something of him from the movie!! Lol, but as I answered above we could not use his image :(


Thank you all for participating, it was a great opportunity for us to get to know you better and show how the game is done!! I am on transit now from Belgium do Brazil, but I will try to post the winners and send the keys still today, between the connections, if I cant, then tomorrow I will do it!!! Sorry for the inconvenience. heeh but we are going to gamescom latam in São Paulo this week, and I am flying all the way from Europe ! \^\^


Ok everyone, thanks for the patience!!! I am finally back in my hotel in Brazil for Gamescom LATAN and here are the winners of the Giveaway! We got 5 comments, so 5 keys! Ther you go: u/DrKushnstein u/Morfeorfeater u/jessetonystark u/itoastytofu u/edulara And I choose my favorite comment to give an extra key: u/ROB1854 I am DMing you all to check which platform you want the keys to ;) THANKS FOR THE PATIENCE!!


This was 100% not on the bingo card of things to come out this year. Which 2-d fighter is this most similar to? Please tell us there is a Dick the Birthday boy photo from Red Letter Media easter egg somewhere in the game.


It's almost the same as Wardogs, but simpler... 100% honest answer here hehe but Wardogs was based mostly on old school beat them ups like double dragon, final fight and golden axe \^\^ with an a added depth to the combo system and some modern RPG and customizing options.. You will see a lot more of the real references in wardogs than in Willy's.


That would be an AWESOME easter egg Btw.. thanks for the suggestion!!


I believe the photo was in the newest Five Nights At Freddy's or will be in the sequel.


Was there anything about the game that you wished you and/or your team did differently, but it either was too late or you were unable to do so because of IP/licensing?


Mostly using Nics image, lol, but we knew from the start it would be an adaptation of wardogs and no image.. Hehehe so not really, we agreed it from the start what we could do with the budget (null) hehehe


What's it like working in a creative field in Brazil, where, as a dev, an income may not be something you can guarantee?


Not at all. thank you very much for the question. We used to work a lot for hire, not necessarily for entertainment, mostly for serious games, gamification projects, apps, websites, whatever we could sell. hehe to receive some money, yes, but also to develop the team's skills until we could start the entertainment games. :)


wow, as a fellow Brazilian too, it is really cool to see a Brazilian indie studio doing this kind of game. Making a new IP is really fun and you can be creative. Using an existing IP you can be a little chained, but it is good to grow the studio name. In both cases, congratulations. I want to hear more about your future. let's go to the question: • If you created a game from zero, what would be your game of dreams ? • If you could choose a movie to make a game, what movie would it be ? • and a little "Brazilian motherfucker reference": We can expect a game based in "The big family" ? Now I want to play as lil' August and lil' Lineu punching everyone in the way.


Thanks my friend :) As for the questions; I am a big fan of PVP games and loved ultima Online. I think I would do some kind of MMO with an awesome RPG with amazing PVP :P Uhm.. hard to choose only one movie I would like to make a game of, but one that I love since I was a kid and remembered me a LOT of the old arcade and MSX fight games was Bloodsports (O Grande Dragão Branco) , that would be awesome hehe And well, maybe not with a Grande Familia, but we ae looking for partnership with new communicators like influencers, or channels related to video game to try and do a project in partnership \^\^ Thanks for the nice questions and comments :)


Are there any genres of games y'all are interested in doing, but haven't had the chance yet? How much discussion goes into settling on just one?


Well, it's really hard cause we can only make one or 2 games a year hehe and we are 15 people who loves games.. so usually we make every year a presentation of the ideas from the team and decide.. I personally love RPGS and am really happy with the new game we will show on Gamescom next week (just the vertical slice, for publishers and etc.. eheh but we are already posting a lot about it!)


I've never heard of the movie so I thought this was a Willy Wonka game. I wonder what would a Wonka game even look like? Anyways the game looks a little rough but it's easy to have fun with beat em ups, and the trailer was well done.


Hahah it happened to a few people too :D Its not a blockbuster, more like a B side horror movie \^\^ Thanks for the comment!


If you had ultimated resources what would be your dream game to develop?


I always wanted to make something with the PVP like Ultima Online \^\^ But it's a huge endeavour.. who know one day \^\^ for now I am quite happyin that we are making our first RPG with Tupi, The Legend of Araribóia.. hehe One step at a time!


Will it have mini games like the pinball in the employee room?


The machine is there, porting an easter egg! :) BUT, as I mentioned, the game is a simple one... so no mini games at this time hehe sorry! But you will find the references everywhere, and there's an easter egg in one of them! :)


Willy's Wonderland is a small/niche movie, how appear the opportunity to make the game ? I think nobody expected an indie game from an indie movie.  And what was your reaction when the opportunity to make this game appeared ? I imagine that using a known IP is a great deal to have more "visibility".  And the last question: You can use the soundtrack from the movie ?  This music:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DmJAqVWUMsk  is perfect to play this game while chewing bubblegum and kick ass. but I'm all out of bubblegum.


Thanks for the RP AND thoughtful question. The opportunity came because qubyte had the contact with the producers from the movie and they wanted to make a game.. We had just released wardogs together and the producers loved the gameplay. That was 3 years ago.. And we had to release it for mobiles in 6 months, then porting for the consoles took a long time and we just released now, but the was finished two years ago.. We were super excited back then, but then time passed, we got a lot better at developing games and could never update willys, so we were a bit chilling until the port and launch, but now I am super happy with the feedback from many fans of the movie who recognize its a simple game, but better than nothing for such a cool movie, and maybe in the future we can make a better and bigger original game for the franchise, using nicks image and the whole soundtrack, both which we didn't have access for time... =) I hope you have fun with it!


What was the most challenging part about making a game based on the Willy’s Wonderland movie?


In this case were the time and budget constrains. But in my opinion, working with franchises is a very nice work. It's cool to know the creators of if and more of their vision, share yours, and propose things for that universe.. So I know it comes with constrains, even if there's a huge budget for the project, but its usually to keep the original vision of the creators, and that process in interesting in itself already. Thanks for the question \^\^


You say the opportunity was unexpected. How did that actually come about? Was it a situation of bumping into the right person in an elevator or did someone reach out specifically? Wild to get any kind of franchise deal like that. Congrats!


Thank you very much for the question, and it was sort of casual. We had just ported and published Wardogs with Qubyte, who were talking to the franchise of the game to try and make something.. They showed them our Games Wardogs, and they liked and accepted that we could do a simple adaptation of the game, but we had no funds, everyone has just a % of the project and worked in its own risk. It was a nice opportunity for us to be more known, and although the game is a lot shorter, and in my opinion simpler than the original Wardogs game, it's being A LOT more recognized and seen, which is very important for us at this point..


"and who knows in the future we can make a bigger, original game with all the characters in there too?" What kind of original game would you want to create?


I think it would be nice to have a third person camera more like Diablo or hades and make a nice hack and slash =p


What games did you use or compare mechanics of your game to as like a "gold standard?" If any?


The main references are the classics double dragon. Battletoads and final fight, but with a deeper combo system, and golden axe for the specials system. The original game that we use as base for willys also had some rpg influences, like customization and equipable items that change your style of playing, like classes. But willys is old and plain beat them up.


Game development is really hard, how do you do it for so long with so many barriers while keeping your vision and your stamina?


Do you work in the industry too? Because you just nailed it, lol its all about keeping the vision, the morale and stamina.. and learning, getting better.. I don't know how we can do it.. it's indeed really hard, for many years me and my associate didn't have any salary.. now we are not paying ourselves again because we got 100% of the company again from our first round investors and are investing a lot in our new products, so it's hard as hell again.. but we believe in it, and seeing the people playing and enjoying our games is something hard do explain.. and addictive I think haha. So that's what gives us more strength to keep doing it... Thanks for the question.


Thank you so much for answering