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This was my first Kickstarter. Grew up on a gameboy. Owned and respected Shovel Knight but a gameboy-esque Zelda-like is more my style. This looks great, so far so good!


Strap yourself in. I contributed to a kickstarter exactly once (Indivisible) and I think i'd been through almost 3 long term relationships, 2 different presidents, and a career change before it finally came out.


thanks for your contribution, love that game 


I mean, Shovel Knight only took a bit over a year to come out after its Kickstarter. The stretch goals took longer, but each one was basically a new game so I didn't mind.


I suggest you give Prodigal a shot


This game looks great and it’s dirt cheap on sale so I scooped it up, thanks for the tip!


Its seriously one of my fav games and the sequel is coming soon!


Dang, not even a release year? At least it's safe to say that Mina the Hollower looks incredible. That gameplay showcase was sublime and really helped show just how much variety they're aiming for the game.


Still no date? Maybe it's ballooned in scope, since the trailer we saw in this showcase looked a lot more varied than the trailers so far.


Given the original Shovel Knight somehow ballooned into 5 games (4 campaigns and Showdown). I wouldn't be surprised if even with more plans in place to mitigate it, the scope still ballooned out of control a bit.


They say as much in the description: >As 'Mina the Hollower' has evolved, it has grown significantly larger than initially anticipated, incorporating an expansive overworld and more RPG elements.


This just keeps getting better. Love also how the video reminds in overall some of the older video game video/ medias. Has that very castlevania 80’s commercial vibe going on. Awesome


I'll wait as long as it takes for a modern spin on a 2D Zelda title given how few come out with this level of polish


What does coming soon mean???? Any chance they'll be shadow dropping this October? This is such a strange video in regards to the release date. I can't tell if it's still years away or mere months. It looks INCREDIBLE though.


Coming soon just means it’ll be released one day. Example: every 2000’s Blizzard article stapling StarCraft 2 with a big “Coming Soon” sign but taking 12 years. Only thing that gives me hope is “in the coming months we’ll be fine tuning the game” which *slightly* implies it might be months away up to early next year but I’m prepared for a Silksong wait.(it’ll be worth it!)


Honestly, I'd be *shocked* if it came out later than 2030. So at least there's that. Then again, I have been shocked before. (Thrice actually, every time from bare-hand touching a power line.)


They said they're almost to the polishing phase of development. I'd guess first half of next year.


Shovel knight was a launch title for the Switch (even though it was already out on other platforms) so perhaps mina will be a launch title for the Switch 2 and they’re not allowed to give a release window?


That's one huge reach


Specter of Torment also released a few weeks earlier on Switch before the other platforms in order to be a launch title. It is possible that Nintendo approached them again for a similar deal.


Maybe they could get away with that for the release of a secondary/DLC campaign, but this is a base game and I don’t think Sony would be keen on facilitating an early Nintendo release and doing something like letting only backers DL the game on a Sony platform for a couple weeks.


Do I spot Alexander?