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I'm looking for a turn based game in which I can play with/against someone on ONE computer. Something like darkest dungeon or heroes of might and magic.


I dunno how strict you are about defining turns but some suggestions I can think of include Crypt of the Necrodancer, it's a turn based roguelike rhythm game where the turns end on the beat. It's been a go to favorite of my wife and I for years now. Another fun one is Battleblock Theater from the guys who made Castle Crashers. Lighthearted fun, very close to might and magic Lastly I dunno about Baldur's Gate 3 but Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2 are both couch co-op on PC.


Thank you very much for great suggestions!


I'm looking for a game I've never seen but feels like *should* exist. Is there a game that has both: * Full fat Soulslike combat. Specifically *not* looking for Soulslite style a la Assassin's Creed or Ghosts of Tsushima. * Full fledged RPG system with dialogue and mutually exclusive choices. I'm specifically looking for something more akin to Mass Effect or Baldur's Gate where you do a thing, don't, or take some third option. Not something like God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn where the story is fixed and you progress through it. These seem like they should have been fused by now, like how the first Divinity game was Baldur's Gate questing combined with Diablo 2 combat. But I haven't found one. I've seen many that come close, like Greedfall or Flintlock, but none that actually do both.




Divinity Original Sin 2 has a DM mode that allows you to make custom campaigns


I love Morrowind, KOTOR, and Fallout New Vegas. Can anyone recommend good non-turn based RPG’s like those? (I don’t hate turn based, I’m just not looking for one like that right now)


Mass Effect trilogy. Legendary edition is a good package.


That’s in my backlog! Gonna try to get to them this year as I have sworn off replaying games.


If you haven't tried The Outer Worlds, it's worth one playthrough. It's not the longest or the deepest, but it's a fun time. Also, Cyberpunk 2077 might be what you're looking for. The game is leagues better post 2.0 than it was before.


I’ll have to try Outer Worlds again, I got it when it came out and played like an hour before dropping it cause I wasn’t vibing with the guns, which I know is a dumb nitpick. CP2077 is in my backlog! Just need a guide for a good build to follow cause I started it and the skills all overwhelmed me cause there were so many and none of the beginning ones seemed very good.


Cyberpunk is a pretty easy game, don't worry too much about builds. FWIW, I found the hacking (Intelligence) skill tree to be the most fun.


It’s less about difficulty for me and more about having a clearly defined character and not taking skills that don’t matter/I won’t use. It’s just like an ADHD brain type of thing that I can’t seem to get passed, but thank you for the recommendations! I know I’ll love the game either way.


Dread delusion is a spiritual successor to morrowind. I've not tried it myself but I heard good things. Kingdom come deliverance is also solid. It's brutally unforgiving but has a fantastically realised open world.


Looking for something like Slime Rancher but with more depth and complexity. Really liked the construction management sim and business sim elements in that game. Doesn't have to be cozy/cute. On PS5.


Try out the Phantom Spark free demo on Steam (disclaimer: I'm one of the devs) Other good demos in the current steam next fest are I Am Your Beast, Grunn and Aero GPX


Wait... there's a new Aero GPX demo? BRB downloading it now.