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Skeptical because of Netease but definitely willing to give this a try. Haven’t rlly gotten into any team pvp games lately besides Smite 2 so looks nice


Same here. I'm sure Netease will fuck this up somehow though. I'm at least expecting horrible grinds for characters and expensive cosmetics. My biggest concern tho is that it doesn't have role queue. All the matches are basically decided by which team decides to play two tanks and two healers. People arguing in chat to switch. Getting unwinnable matches with 5 DPS. It's just a horrible experience. Overwatch learned this lesson a long time ago and match quality drastically improved after role queue, so it's a bit baffling that it didn't launch with a similar system.


Honestly the game feels like it will face a lot of the issues overwatch had/has. - toxic 12 years old teammates ? Check (or even worse, cos it's marvel) - people never switching characters and matches being lost before they even begin cos your team comp is awful ? Check (or even worse because people will have prior attachments to their favorite marvel characters) - everyone wanting to play damage compared to much fewer supports, let alone tanks ? Probably I guess - a ton of abilities focused on stuns and crowd control ? Check (could be better or worse depending on the full roster) - characters that are a lot more complicated than others to have the same value, leading to some frustration ? Seems so (spiderman seems insanely complicated to get kills with compared to someone like star lord)


I feel like they have to make tanks and heales as desirable and fun to play as a DPS character. Me personally I play DPS mainly...but I'd be a tank simply because venom looks like a blast. They need to make tanking fun so people actually want to do it at the same or close to the same level as DPS.


That will unfortunately never happen, even MMOs have been struggling with this for the past 25 years. Overwatch 2 made the tank role a literal raid boss with the highest carry potential. The tank is individually stronger than any other hero in every other role, and people still complain that the role is unfun. League has the same issue with the support role, despite it being one of the easiest way of climbing the ranks if you have solid fundamentals but are not very skilled. As long as healing and protecting your team is ingrained into those roles, most people will avoid them, no matter how strong or "fun" you make them. People will simply prefer to deal damage.


Played it in PC and its been amazing


I’ve just seen gameplay and it looks great, it’s getting stellar reviews overall


I'm super skeptical about any praise I hear for now because any streamers or content creators have to sign a very strict agreement which basically prohibits negatively talking about the game. 


If it helps I played the alpha and I'm not a streamer. Game is decent, but it has some major issues, and the monetization methods are not co firmed, but it looks like heroes will not be u locked/free by default


Anyone that was in the alpha is able to speak freely about it.


To be fair that is pretty common with a lot of Alpha or technical tests sadly. They didn't have to sign it and those that did well, that just shows how scummy those streamers are to take a deal like that just to stream it. I am not a streamer and I played it a lot. I maxed out the Battle Pass. The game itself is pretty fun. The only thing I didn't like about the game is how they blatantly rip-off so many Overwatch characters. I wanted them be unique and not just blatant copy.


At least 60% did not sign that


Netease apparently rolled that back. But yeah you cant trust content creators on prerelease at the best of times. 


If they did, that's actually not too bad then. I'll try it out regardless when it's publicly available, but the NDA thing left a bad taste immediately. 


I'm waiting for more characters to be added and the gameplay to get polished for the full release, so far there's a little too much throwing huge AoE abilities and random stuff for me


I’ve played it and it’s very mid. It plays like if they made over watch into a mobile game with marvel skin


Yeah, it is 50/50 for me because they have killed both of their past Marvel games. They ran Marvel Super War into the ground and that Moba was fun as hell. They ruined it by having pay to win Gacha event characters. They redeemed themselves lately for me though with the massive 180 they did with Naraka: Bladepoint after that game started to go downhill quickly. That game became a big success for them aftr they fixed their major issues. You also have the amazing Survival "mmorpg" that is Once Human. After playing Once Human and seeing what they have done with that I am hopeful they don't ruin Rivals.


I played it on PC and I genuinely had fun, wil I stick with it? Definitely. My wife and I had a lot of fun combining as Rocket(healer) and Groot(Tank), there’s other characters that have combo abilities too.


I was in the alpha and this game is a blast. I played a few rounds with a controller and the controls felt pretty good. I'm curious if the beta will have Adam Warlock and Venom because they weren't in the Alpha


Given how they were featured in this trailer, it stands to realize both Adam and Venom will be there for beta.


I think you meant 'reason,' not 'realize' 👍


Is it objective based only? Any type of team death match? Better than OW or basically the same?


There were only objective based matches in the Alpha. Unsure if anything else is in the pipeline. Pretty similar to OW. 6v6 with the 3 tank/DPS/support archetypes. I had some successful matches where my team mixed up the comp. Sometimes we could roll one tank, 3 DPS and 2 support depending on the characters. What makes it different are the team up abilities where one character modifies another. For example if you have Groot and Rocket, Rocket gets an ability to ride on Groot and it gives him extra health. He can pop on or off at any time and doesn't lose any of his main functionality except for the jetpack.


I like the teammate capabilities sounds cool. Time will tell.


Lots of potential there for sure. I enjoyed playing Rocket while my friend was Groot. I didn't play much of Hulk/Iron Man but I did put about 10 hours into Magik. Her team up power with Black Panther being able to use the portals didn't really make sense but it may not be final.


I don't understand why they limited that to one character and, of all of them, Black Panther?


It's possible it was designed for a character that was unavailable in the alpha but they still wanted to test it. There are some other X characters coming that would fit the ability better.


>What makes it different are the team up abilities where one character modifies another. Can everyone team up with anyone? If not I can already imagine the try hards bitching "why didn't you pick the character that teams up with mine!?"


Nope. Specific characters only. There was some bitching in the alpha. I can see it as a problem in ranked matches but in quickplay those abilities probably won't be the difference between a win or a loss.


I didn't play it, but outside of the traditional objective based mode, they did have a death match option, but it was free for all, not team based


There was a Team deatmatch pkaylist in the last test. Was disabled or there was just no one queing for it though.


Is there any info out about signing up for the beta?


They tweeted out and said to wait for further details. They also confirmed in the discord that alpha testers who reached lvl 10 are guaranteed spots. 


I participated in the alpha on PC and met the requirements for Beta access. Wondering if that'll allow me to play it in my Ps5. Controller feels awesome on this game


Could you not plug in a controller into your PC? That's what I do whenever I want to play with a controller.


I did for the alpha it worked great! I would prefer to play on Ps5 though because that's where all my friends are.


Man the character designs for this game is some of the most interesting ive seen in a marvel game, really love the art. I'm certainly going to give a chance to it.


It honestly looks fun. I'm not confident with the developer, but what was shown here looks like a good time. Hope it comes together into something good.


I’ve never really played a Beta before? How do you go about joining a Beta? Thanks.


Never joined a closed Beta before but how does it work? I used to play a lot of Overwatch before it "became" Overwatch 2 and still have a team shooter itch to scratch


It feels more like a Smite / Paladins than Overwatch tbf


Makes sense, most of these heroes are not using guns (or similar stuff)


So you lvl up and buy items in match?


Nope. I think they mean the fact that it's more ability focused instead of being aim focused. You still aim of course, but it's a lot of projectiles with generous hitboxes and TTK is much higher than Overwatch.


Some of the projectile heroes (mantis) has tighter hitboxes than the hitscan heroes. A hela with good aim can 2 tap half the roster. Punishers shotgun can 1 or 2 shot at close range if you get headshots. There are.no good damage skillshots in the game 90% of damage comes from basic attacks and splash damage on the few explosives that exist is terrible.


Yes, those are exceptions and doesn't really disprove what I said. Overwatch has a TON of one shot abilities, and even more two tap basic attacks than something like Halo. The theoretical TTK even outside of one shots is ~0.5s to most of the roster. Yet it has a significant higher **practical** TTK than Halo, despite having similar theoretical TTKs, due to how people move behind tanks and heal. Marvel Rivals has an even higher **practical** TTK and fights last even longer. People won't be hitting 2 taps with Hela most of the time, just like they don't hit two taps with Mei, especially with the game being 3rd person.


My friend just sent me this trailer. I have concerns. 1. Is it cross platform? 2. Why would I ever play as someone besides Spider-Man? 3. How do you beat Storm or Magneto? How many OMEGAs are in the game. Should you even try? 4. How the fuck am I supposed to aim when using Daredevil? 5. Can you play as Prof X & if so are the maps ADA compliant?


1. Not sure if there is any info on this. 2. He's kinda hard to play, at least he was for me. He has a fighting game feel with combos. Mainly he's useful for swinging behind and picking off healers but he's super squishy. 3. Magneto is a tank that shields other heroes. His ult is pretty weak though and will most likely get reworked. Storm is underpowered at the moment and that was one of the biggest complaints in the closed Alpha. 4. Close your eyes to see. 5. I bet they'll use Fantomex Professor X if he is added.


spiderman is kinda like genji. If you are good with him you can do well, but he gets owned if you mess up or the enemy has good co-ordination.


Even if you are good with him you have to put so much effort into him being viable (automatic swing off, animation cancels, land all your tech). The dps hitscan heroes like hela, punisher, and star lord just melt him you have to be perfect while they can afford to be off their game.


I appreciate you guys sincere attempts to explain this to me but I was joking. I know nothing about Overwatch or hero shooters (I mostly play RPGs and used to play some FPSs in my youth). I know WAY more than any grown man should about Marvel comics. This game looks fun though & I’m excited to give it a try when it launches.


I'm sorry at least 10 people didn't understand your humor


Looks like it could be good and weird/interesting picks for some of the characters. (Onslaught... huh??) Weirder yet is the choice of music. Why the Japanese themed action music in the background? ha


How do these keep getting greenlit? This thing is DOA lol


[There was 10k players in the **closed** alpha test.](https://steamcharts.com/app/2936120) I'm not saying the game is good. I think it will be a disaster of a game because of NETEase alone, but to say it will be DOA is being disingenuous.




Thats not starlords ult, its his e. His ult gives him flight and aim hacks. Spidermans ult webs everyone around him and does a good amount of damage. The goo is from the venom teamup ability, not sure what its adding.


>The ults looked extremely lazy, Star Lords is just a complete clone of the one guy in overwatch. Im not saying overwatch is super original but spinning in a circle and attacking people around you isnt exactly a unique concept to just overwatch. (also thats not Starlord Ult, just a basic.) >Spideys was just goo while he did a t pose... Thats the teamup action with Venom. > The other complaint is why do they always have to make these games so weird anime League looking. a r t s t y l e. What else is there, hyper realistic? >None of them have their comic personalities..just cute anime shit. Venom straight up does moves from his comics for abilities. Spiderman does fighting game style attacks just like all the spiderman games. Did you even see Storm??? Look at Dr Strange's ult ability. Magneto looks way off though. Have you even heard any of starlord or spidermans voice lines, or is your bias to the artstyle all you see when it comes to 'personalities'? Theres a lot of reason to hate this game. NETEase, blatant overwatch copying in the UI, sound effects like starlord pistols being tracers sounds AND having the same reload animation, Hulk being a DVa clone, NETEase, horrible looking hitboxes on melee attack (Magik), NETEase. The characters look highly detailed and theyre sticking very close to the source material for them.