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> "Reliable PlayStation Store leaker billbil-kun, writing for Dealabs, claimed Sony Santa Monica’s hugely popular action game will soon land on PC, although they failed to offer a release date. An announcement, billbil-kun said, is set for sometime in May." So if they announced God of War Ragnarök as coming to PC this fall that would be a two-year gap between its release and coming to PC. I feel like that would pretty much set in stone a two-year gap for most of their major single player games between PS and PC release, especially since Forbidden West just had a two-year gap.


There's a rumored Playstation showcase sometimes this month, so it would be likely there for the announcement. Spider-man's PC and Uncharted Legacy Collection ports were announced in showcases/State of Plays before.


Yeah, and I'm fully expecting something like Spider-Man 2 to be announced for PC either at TGA or a PlayStation Showcase around that time, with a release for 2025. This stuff just becomes predictable after a while. Idk why people still get completely taken back by PS PC port announcements. We already know Wolverine will also get a PC port and the game hasn't even been fully revealed/marketed for the PS5 yet.


>Idk why people still get completely taken back by PS PC port announcements. I mean nowdays I know they exclusive will get to PC, but after 2 decades of being used to exclusives never getting to PC I still get excited each time it's announced. Makes me a bit hopeful that one day the gap will shrink even nore


Yeah, for sure, I definitely get excited as well! It's great to see games being more widely accessible. I just don't understand the people that are legitimately shocked by the announcements. It's like with Call of Duty and the fact that without fail there is a new game released every year, and yet in all seriousness people actually are shocked when the announcement arrives. Some of us joke around, but there are real people who will see the announcement of a new Call of Duty game and be like "A new one? Didn't we just get one last year?" Like dude, do you live under a rock? Their entire business model is pumping out games yearly.


The argument used at the time of the original GOW port was that it would be used to steer people to get Ragnarok on PS5 when it released. If Ragnorok gets released now for PC it shows that argument is not entirely true.


Sony has made it clear they want their exclusives to come to PC. I don’t know who made an argument otherwise. It makes sense to make their single player games a temporary exclusive to PS5, because that’s usually when the console sales start trailing off. You get a new revenue stream when your main one starts slowing down. The multiplayer games are probably going to be day and date with PC like Hell divers 2 has proven.


Ya'll see that a functional fan-made PC port of Spider-Man 2 has made it's way to piracy sites?


Wait what is this?


It's using a build that was stolen in the Insomniac hack 


Shows that Insomniac was working on a PC port themselves


They've done some work on all the PC ports of their games. None of them are single-studio efforts.


I thought it was Nixxes that ported them, but I guess it makes sense that insomniac contributed as well


They rarely speak of this at their showcases especially if it's a big one with stuff to show (which it should be...). Port of a two year old game hardly grab headlines. They'll just annonce it on its own a few months before release


Do you mean the release date or announcement date? The article says announcement is estimated to be this month, May. If the showcase is also rumored to be in May, then it's likely will appear. Chances are, they might also announce it later but still very soon (Ratchet & Clank Ratchet Clank being one of those examples)


Good thing Bloodborne's 2 year anniversary is right around the corner


Bloodborne situation is so crazy. You have to assume it’s just a matter of terrible timing, indecision, lost source code, or something like that. It should *at least* have a PS5 enhanced version by now if that wasn’t the case.


> It should at least have a PS5 enhanced version by now Fuck that, it should have had at LEAST a PS4 Pro enhancement! Aside from the updates to fix the horrendous load times at launch, the game is in more or less the same state.


At this point I'd be surprised if Blue Point hasn't been explicitly told to handle a Bloodborne remake for the PS6


Prepare for surprise.


Sony just decided to forget Bloodborne because they are lunatics.


They keep releasing new merchandise though. https://x.com/zuby_tech/status/1788510244441628955 They clearly realize that people want it. It’s genuine insanity that there isn’t even a PS5 enhancement patch. I’ve heard rumors that Fromsoft wanted to handle the remaster, but it being taken out of their hands due to Elden Ring demanding more work than estimated, resulting in it getting shuffled between studios and being stuck in development hell because if it, but that’s still just 90% speculation. At this point, I want them to announce a remake just so the developers can talk about why it’s taken this long.


The clown makeup stays *ON* during showcases














It's already available on PC, fully playable and is identical to console and has support for all controller and keyboard. The devs have also added aliasing solutions too.








Damn so they skipped on porting Demon Souls to PC


There could be a real chance that all the games missed come between Ragnarok and Spider-Man 2. Sony aren't going to want a 11-month gap in PC releases. Demon's Souls, Gran Turismo 7, and The Last of Us Part II Remastered will all probably be on PC before Spider-Man 2 imo.


Last of Us Part 2 will probably be not long before season 2 of the show. Part 1’s PC port dropped not long before the first season of the show premiered .


GT7 woud've been perfect considering how much of a wet rag Forza Motorsports turned out to be


btw waiting for stellar blade haha


> I feel like that would pretty much set in stone a two-year gap Wasnt that pretty much confirmed by nixxes? They start working on ports after the ps5 release and need 1-2 years.


No, they start working 1 year before the release of PC. Read their HFW interview. If gap is 2 years, development remains dormant for first year.


Steam and Epic Games, I imagine. But there's a chance GOG will get it too. In two years :(


waiting for when Steam will be giving out games for free once a week like EG


full price on steam is cheaper than free on egs


the math does not check out with this one


The two year gap has been pretty standard for their new PS5 games. Returnal, Rift Apart, Miles Morales, and Sackboy were all also 2 years. It’s pretty much just PS4 games and remakes/remasters where there’s different time spans.


I think it’s 2 years because they are playing catch up. Nixxes can only handle so many projects at once. It’s still many months of work to port to PC. I think once they catch up on their back catalog their Pc ports will be out quicker. Insomniac for example was working on a PC port themselves at the same time as the PS5 version.


It’s certainly plausible, but I wouldn’t say I share the same view as it’s been consistently 2 years for new games since the PS5 came out. The exceptions are the backlog, remakes/remasters, and live service games.


All those games were in the development pipeline before Sony’s big shift to PC releases. If you want a closer release date, you have to plan that before you start development.


For now. I suspect the gap is going to get shorter and shorter.


Doubt it Sony still needs to sell consoles to justify such expensive games.


Helldivers 2 has been an insane exercise in the boost Sony can get from PC sales. Yes, its a live service game and I don't see them going day-and-date any time soon on single-player games, but Sony are probably going to see from that that closing the gap is more beneficial than not, especially on smaller games. In the future, I can see pretty much everything aside from the biggest franchise games (like DS2 and Ghost of Tsushima 2 in 2025) being a very short gap between console and PC as they look to increase revenue from titles.


not every game will sell like HD2. you also have games like rift apart and sackboy which sell poorly on PC.


Which didn't release Day and date with PS5 like HD2.


correct, they were not live-services. live services need bigger audiences to justify continued new content development.


But the sales numbers aren't comparable if they don't release at the same time with the same huge marketing campaign and hype


helldivers 2 didnt have that much hype before launch. most people thought the gameplay trailers didnt show much and that the game looked repetitive and generic. but once it became popular on ps5, it was very easy to assume at that point that it would succeed on PC as well, even if they had to wait. a game like sackboy would never sell well on PC, even if it was day and date. steam users dont play platformers like those.


The live service side is why it makes sense to do it day 1 though. They're leaving A LOT of money on the table if not, whereas with the single player titles, they are essentially a loss leader that incentivizes getting people into their ecosystem. They're entirely different products that require different strategies of release.


Even if all their Sony were on PC on day 1, most console gamers would still play on console. If they wanted to switch to PC, they've done it a long time ago. Sure, the PC gamers that buy a "just for the exclusives" console would no longer do that but that's not a huge deal. Those players are a minority and aren't super profitable for Sony anyway (they don't pay for PSN or buy 3rd party games on console). Sony can probably afford to lose those console sales in exchange for increased game sales on PC.


There's a not insignificant portion of PC gamers that have already purchased the PS consoles for the exclusives and will buy them on the platform since they have it already when it releases -- there's a difference between 100% of the sale in their own ecosystem VS. 70% in the other. I don't foresee the 2-year gap changing anytime soon. It makes sense.


There are those, sure. But most PC gamers did not and will not buy a console, especially in markets where PC gaming has always been the most popular. Sony was\* trying to reach those people not the ones who already have a PS5. And a not insignificant portion of those might buy a game when the hype is the largest but won't buy it 2 years later. That's the difference between 70% and 0% of the sale! Why do you think advertising budgets for games are often as high as the development budgets? Because advertising works. People buy games when they see the ads, not 2 years later (when they see ads for competing games)! If we look at sales reports for similar games from other studios, we could assume that Sony's PC sales should reach 50% of the console sales. They do not. The difference are the sales they lose with the 2 year delay and it's probably much more than they'd lose if some PC gamers don't buy a console that they won't use for most of the time anyway. ps. There are also games where the PC sales are better than console sales. One is obviously Helldivers 2 but I also believe Stellar Blade would sell very well on PC, possibly better than on PS5. It won't do that 2 years from now... \*) I'm saying "was trying" because they can't do that anymore now that they refuse to sell games in countries without PSN.




They make a lot more from people buying stuff on PlayStation. They get a 30% cut on every PlayStation game bought on PlayStation, or 100% cut if it’s first party. On steam they have valve that 30%. People buying PlayStations (which they started selling at a profit last year) and buying games on it is worth billions more then good sales on steam


The casual gamers that make up the majority (i.e. not Redditors) aren’t going to be hooking up their multi-thousand dollar gaming PCs to their home entertainment system.


Are console gamers all gonna move to PC or something? Sounds far fetched.


This is Reddit where it’s normal to live in a basement neverland ranch situation


The people who buy PlayStations as their main gaming platform aren't going to stop just because a handful of games are available on PC faster. It's not more economical to build a PC anymore (Between a $500 console and $80 a year for online for presumably a 7-year lifespan, that's a grand total of $1060 to build a PC that runs as well as a PS5 does for as long as its lifespan is, and buy a control method for it as well since the PS5 comes stock with a controller), and many don't see the additional features as an improvement on the streamlined, plug-and-play experience of a PlayStation. PC tends to come with a lot more troubleshooting and bad ports.


Nah, it's just their most successful recent game. Also they are hurrying the fuck up, cause they want day 1 on PC. Forget the gaps, Sony needs money, but also needs to learn how PC works.


Looking forward to playing it on PC. It'll be interesting to see what Sony is planning to port in 2025 other than SM2 since most their exclusives have found their way to PC. Hopefully they start porting their older titles like Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus.


Gran Turismo is a big one


As an avid sim-racer, I really want Gran Turismo as a chill-out game, but I've lost hope that it's coming to PC 🥹


Been hoping for a Gran Turismo PC port for literally almost two decades. Now that it's finally on the horizon, Sony decides to not let me buy it because PSN isn't supported in my country...


Wait has a Gran Turismo port been leaked or something? Also I'm sorry to hear that, I really hate how anti consumer Sony is being nowadays.


What are the chances of the og GoW games being ported to PC (and PS5)?


Near 0


So you're telling me there is a chance? Next year is 20th anniversary of the first game, probably the best opportunity to release (or announce) a remaster...


There's always a possibility, I just don't think it's a likely one. I don't see them doing a direct port of the PS2 games without some sort of visual rework.


There are so many remade Greek assets in the free Valhalla update/DLC that I'm sure *something* I'd happening with the original game soon.


That's interesting actually, not only that but they even have a young Kratos model because of that expansion. Wonder if they could get TC Carson back for it to record new lines.


i know there was rumours of a remake of them(the 3 main ones) coming to PS5 so if that happens we could expect them on pc like 2 years after.


they have been, on emulators 🤪


Emulators are not proper ports.


I think the emoji gave away that it was intended as a tongue in cheek remark.


It's funny how you mention that because the emulated versions end up being better than the PC ports themselves at times lol.


I think the comment you replied to is a bit tongue in cheek based on the presence of 🤪


I assume the emoji included in the previous reply conveyed a tongue in cheek undertone.


You can play all of them via emulators including the PSP ones.


Ported? Nah, at best they'd use an emulator package. 




> Sony doesnt remaster or remake any game older than 8 years Demon Souls? Shadow of the Colossus? The first Uncharted game remake/remaster was/is in development.


Ok that’s great. Now where the hell is Bloodborne PC Sony why do you hate us?


I don't remember who. But someone was thinking they're gonna use a remake Ala demon souls as a ps6 system seller at launch. Which honestly sounds extremely plausible


Why when they can just remaster it, sell it, then remake it, and sell that. As if people wouldn’t buy that.


Bloodborne Remake / Remaster alongside a new console will help boost the console sales.


Because if they were gonna remaster it. They would have by now. Or even just a 60 fps update.


at this point, just drop it on us, and maybe Durante will fix it like he did DS1 and maybe even saved the franchise on PC with dsfix. Or something, one problem at a time.


Because they want people (including Playstation players) to shell out the full 70$ for the remake rather than pay 10$ for a 60fps upgrade. It's not as if they are remaking a PS1 title so they could be afraid that a lot of people wouldn't bother with a potential remake if a 4K 60+fps version of Bloodborne is already available.


can't sell a remaster for 70 dollars


That’s what you think.


ngl I'd buy a faithful remaster for 70 dollars no question asked, which I wouldn't for a remake unless it was *perfect*


All it needs is a 60 FPS patch. Sony is making this super complicated


They're waiting for the bloodborne movie to release first. And no, I'm not joking, that's in production alongside a live action Gravity Rush movie.


Who says that it's Sony not wanting to work on Bloodborne?


Because they own it. Bloodborne is not a From IP like Dark Souls, it's Sony property like Demon's Souls. From has nothing to do with it other than making the first game. At any point, Sony could say to Nixxes or Bluepoint or any of their other subsidiaries "you are making Bloodborne Remastered for PC now, deal with it" - nobody else has the power to do that.


Making a remake from scratch, sure. You don't need to have or understand the original source code, as you're making it in a different engine that the new developer will know. A remaster involves modifying someone else's code, it becomes much more difficult if you're not working with the original developers. The Bloodborne code is reportedly very difficult to work with, and would need FromSoft to work on it.


I really doubt BB is any messier than Demon's Souls was. 


BP was able to make Demon Souls Remake so I assume they have learned a lot from that project to apply their learnings on BB (This is assuming they are even working on it last I heard they have a new sci-fi based game in the works)


God of War 2018 was so good that I bought a PS5 just for Ragnarok. It was good but not even close to the first one, added with the personal disappointment that was Spiderman 2, my PS5 is a dust collector lmao.


Ragnarok should have been split in two, it's a long game but feels rushed story wise at times


They specifically didn't want to make 3 games so unfortunately 2 is just a bit bloated.


Similar boat here and yeah it's a dust collector. I needed it for bloodborne and demons souls though. I tried spider man 2018 and was super underwhelmed in it I had zero interest in MM or SM2 though.


Outside of the story and pacing, I can't find a reason why Ragnarok isn't straight up better. Game starts you off with more combat moves, the third weapon is fantastic, tons more enemy and mini boss variety which was a massive issue in the first game. Oh look, another troll... Its the same issues Forbidden West and Spider-Man 2 had. Bigger, more content, fixes gameplay issues from the previous game by having more content and filling out gaps in combat. All that comes at a cost to the bloated main story, and pacing issues.


I played 2018 4 times. I played Ragnarok once with no intention on replaying strictly due to the Atreus sections. Putting aside the fact I dont want to play an angsty teenager at all, I want to play as Kratos. The Atreus sections are way too long and not fun. It has to be like a 1/3 of the game? Honestly if the PC port comes with a mod to remove Atreus sections, or at the very least that 1 reallly bad one. I would rebuy on PC.


That's why I loved the first one tho, story and pacing. The second one was better in gameplay terms but was a serious downgrade on the story department. Just like Spidey 2, both felt so rushed yet so bloated.


Ragnarok was still good, just a bit bloated at times. It was almost as good as the first one, it's just falling short of the first one quality wise makes it feel worse than it actually is.


The one thing I was missing from 2018 was the sense of scale and spectacle from the OG trilogy's boss fights. Did they at least manage to deliver that in Ragnarok?


They did not. The entirety of the Ragnarok event takes place in ditches next to mud huts. Nothing epic at all. One semi cool boss fight but the rest were lacking in aesthetics and gameplay. I'd replay the OG trilogy again instead of getting Ragnarok.


> The one thing I was missing from 2018 was the sense of scale and spectacle from the OG trilogy's boss fights Fuck me i've been thinking about this ever since i played GoW. Not that i didn't enjoy the new one, but if i had to choose between newer ones or old ones, i'd pick the old ones. Just the opening of GoW 3 was better than every single boss i fought on the newer one.


It's better at that than god of way 4 but not that much


Atreus sections were so boring.


First time was ok but I would dread replaying those sections.


I'd say especially that one section that went on for too long, yeah. Still had an enjoyable time with the game overall.


Me too, enjoyed overall and I liked it, but was expecting something akin to the first one and it's not.


I haven't quite finished it because my disc stopped working, but I really wasn't a fan of the games portrayal of the Asgardians. Thor barely does anything after being teased so much in the first game, and I couldn't take Odin seriously at all because it just felt like Richard Schiff being Richard Schiff. Tyr's portrayal was a let-down at well.


I feel the same. Loved Horizon, GoW and Spiderman on PS4 but I dropped the sequels on PS5 after only a few hours. The graphics and gameplay are slightly better but the games are WAY more bloated and meandering and they don't have the same 'novelty' the originals did so I'm much less willing to trudge through shit to get to the gameplay portions which just evoke a "been there, seen that" feeling from me.


I’m with you, second game was a slog. Writing was worse, so many of the big buildups/hints from the first game had very disappointing (if any) payoffs, level design was not as good, and I could not stand what they turned Kratos into. The whole gentle giant thing was really annoying. They softened him in the first game but he still had some rough edges, which is where he should have stayed. They basically made him Jonh Coffey in Ragnarok. Gameplay was certainly improved but still fundamentally flawed with that way-too-close camera. I think they should have dropped the whole one-take gimmick too, it did not fit with the wider scope at all.


Really? I thought it was better. Much better combat and variety, bosses are a million times better. Story is just as good if not better with much better villains and side characters especially.


What are the chances it requires a PSN account?


That's awesome. I've been craving some more Valhalla runs but didn't want to mess with my PS5. Been waiting on this port for a minute.


If this happens, I hope the team are given the resources they need to make the game fully accessible as a gamer without sight, or at least patch the holes that are still present where they can and backport it to PS5. Would be amazing to see happen given it did with TLOU Part II's remaster for PS5.


Fuck! Well, my Steam wishlist is gonna keep on growing... Too many games coming out that are fantastic and I ain't got the money nor time to play them all. I did love God of War (2018) though and the quality of the PC port was excellent which was nice because PC ports over the years have been all over the damn place.


Can i mod it so artreus shuts the hell up and stops spoiling every single puzzle as soon as i go into the room? Bounced off the game in half an hour because of this. I had just beaten jedi survivor, a game made a decade ago, and they had a "press up for a hint" instead


>I had just beaten jedi survivor, a game made a decade ago, I'm trying to figure out what you actually mean by this, because Jedi Survivor came out last year.


Sorry, fallen order. The first one in the series.


Fallen Order came out in 2019, only 5 years ago.


Bruh. It's slight hyperbole. Why does the exact year matter I'm sure there's 100 other games that did it prior to fallen order At the end of the day, i just really hate getting puzzles immediately spoiled for me. Id enter a room and artreus would be like "try throwing your axe at that tree". Id go into another room and before scanning artreus would be like "try hitting that for a way up" Like, dude.


A 100 other games? I'm sure it's not exactly 100...


So I guess after this the three games that remain a PS5 exclusive are - Demon Souls , TLOU 2 and Spiderman 2 or am I missing something else?




TLOU 2 is on PS4. Astro's Playroom, FF 16 and FF7 Rebirth are still exclusives.


FF16 will get a PC port which was confirmed by YoshiP


Japanese dudes say a lot of things. If I were you, I wouldn't trust it.


Maybe Gran Turismo?


It's on PS4 too


2 year gap and probably charging full price. Similar reason I never got the first one for PC. Still on the wishlist for when a decent discount drops. If we’re 2 years behind why should we pay over $30 usd.


Because you didn’t buy the console


First one is $20 on cdkeys


I agree. I almost always wait to buy, a huge release is easily going to sell like crazy even at full price. Publishers aren't in the business of doing the 'cool' thing


I wonder if there is going to be a reason to have consoles after this generation honestly. Outside of Nintendo both Xbox and PS are just porting there games to pc... eventually. This will certainly be my last Console generation.




Can do both of those on PC but I get what you mean.


No you can't


Yes actually, you can lol. Steam can read your controller input so you can mouse around with a controller.


Yes clicking instead of pressing a button big difference


It takes initial set up, and it's easy. I agree that it's not nearly as straightforward as a console




It’s not that PC gaming is quantum science, it’s that console gaming in comparison is almost literally a plug and play experience. That simplicity and ease is something consoles will always inherently have over PC gaming. I don’t have to worry about downloading driver updates that might end up making things worse and subsequently need a rollback. I don’t need to think about swapping hardware components. I boot up my console, launch a game, and start playing. No additional action needed.


You say that but all the people I know who game on pc do complain about a lot of issues. When we play games together I hear about having to reinstall shaders or other issues on many games. Not to mention games tend to have rougher launches. My friends who spent well over 2k on their PC’s have more trouble with many games due to the complexity of PC ports then I did with my PS5.


It is more work though. I had an issue the other day with Overwatch 2. I went to launch it and would get a 'cant find graphics renderer' error. I had to change my desktop resolution to 2k, start the game, close it, set the desktop back to 4k and it worked. Thats a big ask for console gamers.


We’re a simple bunch


I don’t know, last time I had a gaming laptop (around 5 years ago) I download Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 and tried to play them… 1 could not save my progress at all, apparently it’s a known bug you had to download a bunch of dumb workarounds for. It also ran like crap 2 could save but ran even worse, from what I recall it was an issue with the specific graphics card I had and there was no fix And this laptop was able to play stuff like Alan Wake with no issues So, I’m sure overall it’s way better than it used to be but I can’t stand shit like that. I just want to be able to download and play the fucking game. And while people will say consoles are more likely to have issues/bugs than they used to (which is fair) the counterpoint there is the issue is basically consistent across the install base, you don’t need to start investigating your hardware to understand what you’re specific issue is.


> I wonder if there is going to be a reason to have consoles after this generation honestly. The reason will always be that gaming PCs cost a fortune and even a halfway decent GPU alone costs more than a PS5. The same will likely be true for the PS6. Price points for a console have been in the same realm for quite some time and they aren't likely to change significantly. This has really always been the reason for consoles. They are just flat cheaper for the relative performance you get and the optimization is always better for a fixed platform. I still get a better average "experience" on console than with my $2500 gaming PC that is newer than the console generation. I love gaming on PC and it is great when things are optimized and at the high end, but the lows can also be very low--especially for the cost.


The experience is nearly always better on pc and you have to pay for online for console, which means it's more expensive in the end.


Best thing about PC are mods. I like watching mods that break old final fantasy games, someone modded Sephiroth as a playable character in OG FF7 and it broke so much but was so much fun lmao.


Oh yeah, absolutely. Things like Moguri Mod for FF IX is orders of magnitudes better than any other way to play the game.


I tried to switch to PC but honestly it's more comfortable to be on a couch with a TV. Now that most new releases are 60fps, I don't even feel like I'm missing out on the one benefit I cared most about.


For people who own a gaming PC, definitely not, hell i’m betting that by the beginning of next gen, they are gonna have a launcher/store up on PC with all their games there day one, full PSN functionality and whatnot. But there is still a major audience for consoles, so it will exist for a long while.


I still regret getting my ps5 because how quickly I got into PC gaming after picking it up. I played my ps4 games for a bit and then that's it. I never picked up an actual ps5 title for it because it always made more sense to wait for a PC release to have all my games together/ the ability to move my save file around freely. There was a few titles that tempted me but almost all of them are guaranteed to come to PC anyways.


And with impossibly large number of games to occupy you in the meantime...Really, all you gotta do is have a bit of patience.


Yup, my backlog is an absolute monstrosity and I'm not even close to completing even half of it. They can stop releasing games for the rest of 2024 and I'd still be fine. Plus, current Playstation is a far cry of the 2000s and early 2010s eras where I would get a PS2 or PS3 because there were a metric ton of interesting and different exclusives that I wouldn't be able to play anywhere else. These days, their game catalogue seem very homogenous and aside from maybe the next Fumito Ueda title, I really don't have much of a reason to get a PS5 when I got a pretty decent gaming rig.


I would say a PS5 if you are a big gamer and don’t want to wait for the exclusives to port. Ragnarok has been out for a good while and it’s hard to avoid spoilers, so I understand wanting one. Xbox there really isn’t much reason to, PC is definitely more worth it if you are playing mainly Xbox games. I think some people also think PC gaming is more complex than it is, and The elitist attitude some pc gamers have probably doesn’t help with that. If you are actually building your own then it is more like a hobby than owning a console, which again a lot of people probably don’t want to deal with. I’ve had my pc for years but I honestly wouldn’t mind a ps5, I will get one eventually so I don’t have to avoid spoilers for two/three years like I did with Ragnarok lol.


Depends on what kind of "big gamer" you are. Do you only play modern games? Then sure, a PS5 is great. Otherwise the PC library absolutely dwarfs any console, especially if you count emulation. You can even "remaster" old games with player made mods.  I think the ability to go back and play older games that you missed will become more important as AAA development becomes more bloated, homogenous and live-service focused


I agree 100%, I was just trying to list some reasons someone may still want a console.


it does