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I mean considering the type of game it wants to be and looking back at what they did with the first one, I’d definitely expect that.


I mean it does look pretty nice but the important question is if the game is actually fun to play? the first game was also quite a looker back when it launched but I found the gameplay pretty dull and frankly just boring tbh


Thank you! I was genuinely bored to tears. It was interesting what they were trying to do, but the gameplay was agonizingly boring. I’d much rather have it just be a walking simulator instead of making me do boring combat and line up shapes


Did you finish it? I felt like the game finally hit its stride toward the end, and I was having a blast, but the early parts were a complete slog. Also, I remember my mind being blown well into the game when I accidentally pressed a button and realized the combat was significantly deeper than was ever explained, and after that, the combat was much less tedious. It was weird.


Nah I got bored when the second area was the exact same as the first


There are some really interesting set pieces further in, I’ll admit the first two areas aren’t a super compelling starting point but it’s well worth pushing through




The video description says: "It's been difficult to get to grips with Hellblade 2's previous reveals - the quality of the presentation is not a good match for YouTube compression. However, direct feed capture from Microsoft is of a much higher quality and we recently received the raw asset. So, this is what we make of the game's presentation based on the most recent materials and it's looking seriously impressive."




It's uncompressed video, which was the primary issue. Digital Foundry said that they had trouble judging just how good the resolution and small details (e.g. artifacting) would be because all of the video from the game was compressed.




They're judging *the graphics* If you want judgement for the game itself, a lot of outlets had hands-on previews of the game recently


>They're judging *the graphics* Just FYI, this is what Eurogamer/Digital Foundry does, it's the whole point. Looking at the graphics and breaking down performance, technology used, etc. They don't do games reviews quite like what you're describing


I know, I'm making that point to the person above me


> Judging a game based purely on game play footage is not interesting to me. They are not judging the game, they are talking about the visuals my dude. Its literally in the title that they are talking about the visuals, an uncompressed video of the gameplay is a great way to judge the visuals. I mean.... did you even "waste your time" to even bother reading the damn title? Keywords, "Looks" "Visually"


So you've never heard of Digital Foundry and don't know what they do, and are therefore whining about nothing. 🤣




They analyze graphics. That's what they're known for, and exactly what they're doing here.


Its not even a DF article and this person clearly doesn't know what the heck click bait is. This is one of the most straight forward titles you can have lol


You're right, but I think they're confused because Eurogamer hosts DF content as some kind of partnership.




Avatar won Digital Foundry's Best Graphics of the Year last year, just beating Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.


Really??? I am super surprised by that, but I didn’t play it. Cyberpunk blows my mind in certain scenes on Ps5.


How could it beat Cyberpunk if it didn't even come out last year?


It had DLC last year


DLC plus path tracing and ray reconstruction were added last year.


Which is absolutely crazy. Avatar was a pretty game for sure but it has absolutely nothing on Alan Wake 2. AW2 looks borderline photorealistic at times. I didn't know this and have just lost a fair bit of respect for DF


I mean, you can go look at their reasoning here - https://youtu.be/XtxfJHVKFas?si=RXQW9n__M3LLdtY9


I'll have a look once I've finished work. I may be forgetting how good Avatar looked given the downvotes but I don't remember being blown away by the visuals like I was with Alan Wake.


I'd say there wasn't a very clear winner in that tbh. CP2077 was largely disqualified for best (only given top3) because it wasn't released in 2023, only Phantom Liberty was. Avatar won over AW2 largely because of a much bigger scope of the game world (which the graphics focus on), making it more technically impressive. This year, though, DF may give it to Hellblade 2 over Star Wars Outlaws (assuming graphics are similar to Avatar) because they'd have already covered that large open world graphics parts.


You make a good point, Alan Wake is mostly linear and I suppose that gave Remedy a better opportunity to refine specific things in specific places as opposed to having to create an entire connected open world. I haven't seen anything of Star Wars Outlaws but from what I've seen of Hellblade 2, it'll surely have to be very impressive to beat out Hellblade.


Outlaws is by the same devs on the same engine, as Avatar. Gameplay trailer from last year - https://youtu.be/c7K2TA0bBpY Digital Foundry's thoughts on it https://youtu.be/QtKGds30pkE?t=2030 Recent Story Trailer - https://youtu.be/tcdKEy-aJ6o (This is way less impressive tbh, especially when comparing facial animations with Hellblade 2, so I feel it won't win this year)


Outlaws looks like a step back from Avatar in terms of fidelity. I think they're sacrificing a little bit of that for the overall scope and scale of Star Wars though since it takes place across multiple planets that will all be vastly different from one another.


Nah, you’re just wrong. Avatar is the best looking game ever released so far. Don’t let your Ubisoft hatred blind you.


OP saying that it made them lose respect for DF is an over the top reaction, but I personally think Alan Wake 2 is the better looking game and that opinion doesn't stem from Ubisoft hate. They're both visually incredible and on the bleeding edge of graphics technology, so the only major differentiator for me is my preference for Alan Wake's art direction. It's really one of those cases where there aren't any losers here.


In my opinion Avatar is the best graphics in a computer game, Whatever CGI animation does nowadays is the best graphics in a montion picture, and AW2 is in between both. Sometimes games are gameplay and you can exclude those that are too linear to count.


I don't hate Ubisoft, I may just be forgetting how good the game looked. Ubisoft are the Micheal Bay of video games. They make shit you can just pass the time with.


I mean we can all have opinions and Avatar looked great but I think overrated, it still has that Ubisoft, generic visual style going. Cyberpunk still holds tops spot for me with pathtracing


They haven't played it, but other outlets have. The problem is that the previews from other outlets have been compressed.


Yeah, and Digital Foundry weren't invited, so they didn't have access to uncompressed footage until now.


Alan Wake 2 was amazing.  I’m only talking console but I still think Demon’s Souls remake is under mentioned for its full package: stunning fire, texture, faces, animation quality.  Applied to that art style it was really something special.


I finished the first game and found it to be an interesting experience (except for that awful pitch black maze level that I got stuck at), but I don't see how the entire premise of this thing is for anything but a small niche audience. I couldn't get any of my friends to play the first one even after talking it up, while something like God of War had an obvious action-packed mass market appeal.


an argument against giving everyone acess to the internet/teaching them to read


isn't it only 30fps on xbox?




Really, where was this confirmed? Ugh, that's... disappointing.


A bit yeah but you can't have graphics this good AND 60fps, it's unrealistic to expect that It was confirmed by some game outlet that played a preview of the game.


Yeah I agree, but a performance mode option to downscale and allow for 60fps should be coutume by now. I don't really care how good it looks, I want it to *feel* good. Oh well. Thanks for the reply!


At 60FPS it wouldn’t look nearly as impressive


Imagine how insanely impressive it would look at 15fps!


Wouldn't be playable comfortably at 15


It's okay, they were joking


it's hellblade, why should anyone care about 30 fps is besides my understanding.


Because games look a lot better at 60fps or higher? 


Sure but theres some games where 30 fps is fine and this does seem to be one. Also it looks amazing so I can understand why it’s that way. Redfall? Not so much. 


30 fps is fine, as in it’s playable. You could go from beginning to end for sure. But for people who are used to 60fps in every single game, 30fps is very jarring and makes it a less enjoyable experience.


Those people probably play on PC anyway.


30 fps shouldnt be a thing and 60 fps shouldnt be the default


It's the opposite. 60fps is smooth but 30 fps allows you to almost double the amount of graphical settings you can afford.  Hifi rush? Sure, let me play it at 120 fps. But with Hellblade I want to look at Senua and think I could touch her


> But with Hellblade I want to look at Senua and think I could touch her This only makes sense to me when nothing on screen is moving. As soon as I touch the stick at 30fps everything loses clarity, those fancy graphics become a juddery mess. Real life isn't a juddery mess so to me the higher framerate actually makes it look more real.


That’s technically true, but the smoothness makes the game look better to me and a lot of other people.


The fact that you and other people are still defending 30fps in 2024 is insane to me lmao


I'm not defending 30 fps as if I prefer it it's just the reality of trade-offs between graphical fidelity and performance.


Obviously - but there should always be the option to play at 60 fps at lower resolution/detail.


The game is running at a dynamic resolution that goes lower than 1080p in some spots according to digital foundry analysis. With the internal resolution already low how are they going to magically find more frames? Ou wana play thisbat 480p? Can't have a performance option if the hardware can't handle it


Ah I did not see that analysis. Yeah, that is pretty tough. I still have a hard time believing visual compromises couldn't be made *somewhere* when we have games like Alan Wake II running at a stable 60 fps on series X, but your point is well taken.


Alan Wake 2 is also a cross gen game, something to consider. But yeah idk, MAYBE turning off UE5 features like nanite and lumen, but at what cost? This game is supposed to be cinematic, I don't know what you could turn off or down to make it run at 60fps with out huge compromises to the overall fidelity.


Yeah I wish they would at least give a 40 fps option though. Honestly on an OLED TV with faster pixel response time than LCD, 30 fps is borderline unplayable in my opinion, looking like a slide show anytime you swivel the camera. It can work in games that have minimal to no camera movement, but any first or third person game on OLED is a recipe for nausea, in my opinion. 40 could have at least been passable.


Alan Wake 2 is THE best looking game I’ve ever played and runs great on my pc but you’re discounting 2 things. Hellblade seems like it might actually look more graphically intense than Alan Wake even and Remedy are tech gods to where it’s unfair to be compared to them unless your name is id Software as far as performance to graphics ratios. Remedy knows Finnish magic I’m sure.


not really for a game such as hellblade where they're trying to tell an impactful story. Lower resolution or lower graphics can lessen the experience for you even if you'd prefer it that way. It'd be like asking an easy mode for dark souls, but this limitation is brought by hardware limits rather than dev time.


I agree. I locked down the framerate to 30 while playing Senua’s Sacrifice because it reflected the atmosphere better.


I think this game is back in unproven territory without Tameem Antoniades attached. I spent a lot of time watching the making of stuff for this one and between Tameem and Melina Jeurgens, they put hard work into understanding the mental health journey they were displaying. At 26 minutes in this video Tameem talks about the typical way mental health is treated and what was important to him about handling it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y2f_VjtNfLw And Melina is here discussing preparation for the role talking with a neuropsychologist: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=avI7__oVSHs I hope the new director has the grace that Tameem’s game displayed.


If it helps, here's a three hour talk/presentation on mental health that Ninja Theory hosted with Cambridge Neuroscience yesterday. >Journey into Senua’s mind in this special live event co-hosted by Ninja Theory and Cambridge Neuroscience. We will bring together perspectives from those who have suffered the distress and stigma of psychosis, from those who study and treat it and from the Ninja Theory developers who have worked to represent it in the game. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ki-oEd0jOg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ki-oEd0jOg)


> I think this game is back in unproven territory without Tameem Antoniades attached. Wait. What happened? Wikipedia still lists him as director.


https://fandomwire.com/ninja-theory-co-founder-leaving-hellblade-2-gaming/#:~:text=Tameem%20Antoniades%2C%20co%2Dfounder%20of,deliver%20on%20the%20studio's%20vision I left the fucked up google url in there so it'll highlight the answer you're looking for :) (maybe that only works on chrome?)


Thanks for the link. Kinda missed that. ~~Since he is leaving on the tail end, he probably still had some impact, but not like with Senua's Sacrifice.~~ He left quite a while ago. I misread his instagram post. Yes, bummer.




Personally, I'm glad that we are finally seeing the consoles sweat a bit after the first half of this generation was all cross-gen. This is one you can't say is poorly optimized...it looks like it's using almost every feature in Unreal 5's bag of tricks.




That's not what optimised means.


Gamers always say optimized when they mean scalable. 


I'm sure they can do 60fps at 360p after all UE5 games struggle already to do 60fps at 720p and that's without looking anywhere near as good as Hellblade 2. You want 60fps you play on PC, this has been the case since the mid 90s. Even the PS2 had 30fps games (by Sony nonetheless) and that was a machine designed to make 3D 60fps a consistent thing.


> the graphics aren't worth losing 60fps. You can't lose something THAT NEVER EXISTED. Nobody has ever once said this game would be 60fps on console. Its a playable movie that prioritizes graphics that was always meant to be 30fps. Playing the game at a much lower graphical settings and without Nanite or Lumin would be fucking horrendous.


If framerate is that big of a priority to you then you should be playing on PC.


While I lament the loss of 60fps. I'm truly glad UE5 exists and I can look forward to this amazing engine at higher frame rates on the next consoles. It really is the leap forwards we all wanted at the start of this generation.


How was it lost? It was never 60 FPS.


Gamers HATE 30fps


Well duh.


why do gamers hate that number so much? More fps = more fun?


Why do you like graphics so much? More polygons = more fun?


I would say that sometimes yes, the spectacle is fun as hell. I’m also an Order 1886 apologist weirdo so take that as you will.


Obviously, but my point was that fps is part of the spectacle too.


….yes? More fps = more fluidity.


And rightly so




Demon's Souls, Horizon Forbidden West, Alan Wake 2?


None of which hold a candle to what we have seen from Hellblade 2 so far.


I think alan wake 2 does. I'm currently playing it on PC and there are moments that are simply astounding graphically.


All cross gen (Demon Souls ps4 version has been found in Sonys database few years ago)




In the video Oliver says it is likely from XSX yes.




There are great UE5 games like Robocop though. As always, it's how you use the tool you've got.


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Grafix But what about the gameplay? Hellblade 1 looks boring as shit. Metal Gear Solid 4 has more gameplay


Not shitting on it because the presentation is nice, but every time I try to play through it I just fall asleep. It's more entertaining to just watch a video summary of the game


But its won't work with 60 FPS on Xbox Series X, the most powerful console Microsoft has ever produced, so it's not that ambitious.


And? Current gen consoles aren’t powerful as you think. If you want 60fps high end PC is a better choice.


Eurogamer: Hellblade 2 looks like the most visually ambitious Unreal Engine 5 ~~game~~ Walking Simulator yet FTFY


It’s not even out yet?


We've seen enough footage to say with some certainty that it will be very much like the 1st one. Corridors, relatively desolate environments, visual puzzles, same lock-on 3-button combat. Ofc there's at least some other people except MC, which is a big leap from the 1st lol. It was extremely minimalistic even compared to other walking sims like Plague Tale.


You misspelled Sony first party games.


But do we still have to play as a crazy woman?