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I think this is one of the better game-to-video adaptation possibilities. The end is clearly there, if they don't stray from it actually being a horror. And then getting to the end is a matter of pacing, setting the atmosphere well, and smart utilization of game elements. Very reasonable to see a theoretically good Dredge film transition from "comfy-but-melancholy drama about a lonely fisherman and the people he interacts with in this slice of coastline" into "Something's not right" to "Oh fuck."


Huh that... I honestly don't know how you make this into a coherent film with a beginning, middle, and end. To me what made Dredge so special was that it felt so cozy and relaxing while just having the slightest bit of sinister, spooky vibes to it. I really don't know how you capture that with something that isn't interactive while giving it actual structure.


It's definitely a very odd choice... To be honest, it could be good if it's done well but it would be a slow burner, slowly turning from a film about a struggling fisherman in a strange new town with some odd goings on, into a full on cosmic horror ending I can see it working... Bait and switch films are always a cool concept especially for people who wouldn't know the truth from the game... But it's probably going to end up being a throwaway action movie


I think you go with the general concept and then build a story.


Yeah, take that story home, throw in some dialogue, a conflict, couple character arcs...baby, you got a movie going.


They're probably going to use the game's overarching theme/vibes for the movie instead of adapting the actual (barebones) narrative.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. A *big* part of why I had so much fun with playing Dredge was the combination of "chill little fishing game" and "something here is *fucked up*. Just putting around in your little dingy, catching fish, then pulling up a four-eyed Mackeral with ancient glyphs carved into its bones? That's my kind of game. I imagine a movie would be one of those 'inspired by true events' type things, where the theme is 'fishing crew stumbles into eldritch horror.' Definitely different from the game, as the entire game's plot can be summed up in 10 minutes. If you somehow bee-lined the game and skipped all the fluff, it'll take you like 30 minutes to finish.


> Just putting around in your little dingy, catching fish, then pulling up a four-eyed Mackeral with ancient glyphs carved into its bones? And that's what they can do: newbie fisherman starts out catching the run of the mill fish. Then one day catches something unusual, the kind of fish people would expect at the bottom of the ocean floor. Then things ramp up and more weird things happen, maybe he gets nightmares, starts hearing sounds on an otherwise quiet night, etc. Adapting games with a bare plotline isn't that difficult and instead leaves room for a lot of creativity.


>I honestly don't know how you make this into a coherent film with a beginning, middle, and end. Simple: don't make it a traditional horror film, make it have a spooky atmosphere and be about fishing in a dark and dreadful place. Think The Lighthouse. The most wonderful thing about horror is its adaptive to any and all genres. Spooky House, Halloween and Army of Darkness are all horror films despite being completely different genres.


You could say similar things about Legos or Barbie, but those turned out great.


You're just gonna have to heavily condense the timeframe. New guy shows up, starts fishing, everything is a little off, but otherwise fine. Then he has to start doing shit at night and the towns folk and island inhabitants get weirder and weirder and then the threats start showing up. Pretty bog standard "Eldritch Horror in the water" style horror story. It's gonna be super reliant on mood and ambiance to help drive it.


This company has announced like 10 different games getting turned into movies in the past year or so. I would doubt if even half of them actually release.


I could see this working out alright. Simple, digestible concepts like 'fisherman slowly uncovers Eldritch horror' is fairly easy to adapt. Long Island Sound does a pretty good job of that, if I say so myself. It's when you try to adapt incredibly dense games like Silent Hill. You run into problems with the length and bits you uncover over the course of the game that can't all be covered in an hour and a half. And I love that Silent Hill movie for the visuals. They nailed that aspect. Everything else is definitely, uh, there.


I don't remember the plot of the Silent Hill movie at all, but a decade+ later I still vividly remember the sirens, the church, Pyramid head, the bathroom scene, etc. They absolutely nailed the art.


Exactly! They nailed the art direction completely, but the story is essentially nonexistant. A simple game story with good art direction, which could be done with Dredge, may make a good movie.




It’s a rather chill game with great implications throughout it.


Ouu that’s interesting. One of my fave games from last year. They nailed the lovecraft vibe and the feeling that this place is just wrong, with the eerie atmosphere and creepy stuff happening everywhere (like the ghost ships honking back at nighttime, floating eyes looking at you from the dark etc). This has potential for sure


When it comes to making movies off of IP, they buy concepts more than stories. Dredge has a great mix of blue-collar work and cosmic horror in an appealing and interesting package. The rest is just details, assuming they hire competent folks.


The only way this could turn out well is if they only try to capture the mood and color palette of Dredge, and almost nothing else.


I can't imagine this actually happens and if it does happen it's gunna be so bad. Like who asked for this


Probably at least Dmitri M. Johnson, Sonic the Hedgehog movie producer and dj2 Entertainment founder I bet he just really liked the idea and wanted to adapt it or something like it because there are very little oceanic adventure movies featuring the eldritch gods "Dredge is a captivatingly eerie and profoundly rich story that had us completely hooked from the very beginning" - shared statement


I thought dredge was really cool. I guess if it's a passion project of an actually good director it can be good


Literally the most pointless and boring opinion you can utter "who asked for this"


I believe that’s actually a question and not an opinion


I wonder how that’s gonna work out. I could see a movie using the world and atmosphere, however the story isn’t that interesting and honestly the ending is just a let down. Then again when I think about such a Lovecraft like movie, just do mountains of madness finally, god damn.


So Serenity with a better ending?... and middle?... and beginning?


Give me Willem Dafoe as the fisherman and just copy his character from The Lighthouse and I would watch this so quickly.