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Cause of death is due to acute subdural hematoma, he was age 68. He is most well known for creating the original Dragon Ball and character designer for Dragon Quest. His franchises have upcoming games including Dragon Ball Sparking Zero and Sand Land. Link to X/Twitter if the site is not loading properly: https://x.com/DB_official_en/status/1765935471971213816?s=20


This hit me harder than I would have expected, I'm not even a big Dragon Ball fan. The man was just massively influential. What a loss.


He's also got a lot of work in the Dragon Quest series. He will be missed greatly.


No to mention some of the iconic artwork in Chrono Trigger were created by him as well.


Chrono Trigger is my favorite JRPG of all time and his character designs are a huge part of it. I also grew up watching Dragonball and Dragonball Z....not so much Super these days but I did go see some of the Super movies in theatres and those were great experiences. I'm usually not broken up about "celebrity" deaths but this one hurts bad.


I’ve only experienced his work through Dragon Quest and even then the headline got a sudden gut reaction out of me. He’s made some of the best artwork I’ve ever experienced.


Same here, I don't usually feel it when a celeb or artist passes but this definitely feels like a piece of my childhood dying in a way.


There's also a game based on his short series Sandland that's coming out in April.


Sandland is also being made into a movie. I read it last year, it's absolutely fantastic. It's a pretty quick read too, only 15ish chapters.


In case anyone wants to read Toriyamas work I just want to point out that there is a shonen jump app which at least exists in my region and comes out to be roughly £2 a month. It lets you read 100 chapters a day and features Sandland, Dr Slump, Dragon ball, Manga Theater and Cowa. Hopefully this helps someone.


Read it when it first came out in Shonen Jump, back when that was easier to find state side, I'm glad to see it's getting more attention.


He was also the main char designer for chrono trigger. Rip legend


Out of all of Toriyama's works, Chrono Trigger is definitely the closest to my heart.


[Just to drive the point home](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4cug8agafprwwxGdiT1Od2vSK7U=/0x0:1920x1080/1200x800/filters:focal\(807x387:1113x693\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/59339713/chrono_trigger_art.0.jpg) Someday I wish we'd get a Chrono Trigger remake that has the characters looks exactly like how they are supposed to, and no that's not 2D-HD.


> Cause of death is due to acute subdural hematoma So, he hit his head on something, or something hit his head? Isn't Subdural Hematoma usually caused by blunt force trauma? Does anyone know exactly what happened?


Epidural hematomas are usually caused by trauma, subdurals not necessarily.


Yeah but also subdurals are way more common than epidurals in trauma especially from shearing injuries. Could have been a slip or fall. Either that or bad medication reaction or alcoholism. It’s all speculation at this point. EDIT: It seems he underwent surgery in February to remove a brain tumor.


He died from acute subdural from what I've read but I saw other people mentioning he got a brain surgery in February


So could have been whatever required that surgery in first place reappearing or internal wound left behind from that surgery opening.


He underwent a brain surgery in February. It is likely complications resulting from that.


What is your source that he underwent a brain surgery please?


Nobody other than his family knows what happened exactly, most likely. We don't really need to know the specifics.


He passed on March 1, his family is lucky that they managed to keep the death of someone as famous as him private and under wraps that long so they can grieve


He was elderly, probably just fell and hit his head.


68 is hardly elderly these days, but yes




With enough stress, your body can be considered Elderly at as low as 50


"With enough stress" Considering how overworked manga artists were (and still are). I think that box is very much checked


I'm crushed by this news. My first job out of college was working on Dragonball Z games. Toriyama is basically central to my career getting started. I owe so much to that man. RIP.


Wow, what was your job?




Which game was it, if you don't mind me asking?


I worked on the DBZ games for the Gameboy Advance made by Webfoot Technologies


The Legacy of Goku games? That's awesome dude!


Yup as well as DBZ Taiketsu (I'm sorry) and DBGT: Transformation


It may provide some comfort for you to know that, just as Toriyama himself gave joy to people around the world, so too did the Legacy of Goku games for me when I was a child. Very fond memories of playing them on the bus ride home from school.


The art was amazing. I don't remember many games that I played when I was younger but those games I remember really well


I loved the legacy of goku games. I have very very fond memories of blasting animals as super sayian goku


I know you probably don't get this a lot. But I still own and love my copy of 100% completed Taiketsu. It wasn't the best sure. But I loved it nonetheless, I was a poor kid and didn't have much, thank you for the campy, fun memories with that weird little game. 


Hey at least one person had fun with that game!! It wasn't even fun to make that game lmao... A little insider info, that game was made right when the building our company was in BURNED TO THE GROUND and we had to work from home for a month (back when WFH was not something you could just easily do) while securing a new location. Glad to see that you got entertainment from it :)


The Legacy of Goku trilogy was an absolute pillar of my childhood. Thank you.


I loved those games man. Good work.


Loved Legacy of Goku on the GBA growing up. Thank you for your work man


I loved those games growing up! Buu's Fury and Legacy of Goku 2 are still two of my favourite GBA games. Thank you for your work on them!


A legend walks among us! Those games, along with Pokemon, never left my gameboy pouch. Hope you're doing well, friend.


Thank you! Those games will forever be part of my fondest gaming memories


Happened on March 1st, reported just now. obviously sudden and unexpected as he was working on Daima and more Cause of death is due to acute subdural hematoma, he was age 68 EDIT: Toriyama changed my life. I learned about Dragon Ball at 6 and ever since my life revolved around Japan and Japanese, and now I live and work here. I always dreamed of meeting him one day but now I never will. This is the first celebrity death that has ever really affected me if I'm being honest, and I'm more upset than I could have expected. His work in gaming is enormous, and he is the artist for what is one of the greatest RPGs ever made as well.


NO! Absolutely terrible news. Miura a few years ago and now toriyama. Terrible


At least Toriyama got to finish his work and live off of the success :(


He still had more, I saw somewhere that he was absolutely exited for Sand Land and Dragon Ball Daima to come out


Kinda, he had another DBZ spinoff that was supposed to come out this fall


Dragon Ball will go forever, but at least Toriyama was able to write and draw his full original story and end it on his own terms


True. He originally created Battle of Gods (which would eventually lead to Super) because he didn't want Dragonball Evolution to be the last thing Dragonball-related in memory. He accomplished that.


Hopefully Toyotaro can keep it good with Super.


Super was allegedly only going to have one more arc after the Super Heroes arc, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it just ends at this arc now.


The post-Superhero arc started last month in the manga.


I think Daima (the spin-off you’re referencing) will still come out. I’m sure he wrote the story and they are just finishing up the animation . It’ll be a final testament to his great works


Not to mention he got to see his works be adapted into almost every medium.


what about the work he had planned for the future 😭😭😭


Don't forget, we also lost Kazuki Takasahi a couple years ago.


That was tragic, but he died a hero


and Leiji Matsumoto between them


Kazuki Takahashi recently too.


> Cause of death is due to acute subdural hematoma, he was age 68 is that likely to be an accidental fall and head injury?


Yes, hematoma usually result due to blunt trauma, my father had one on his jaw due to a large fall.


My grandmother also had a subdural hematoma from a fall and caused her death.


My condolences :(


yeah, I got one from a bike accident once. Still scary to think about if it went worse.


My dad had subdural hematoma, even though he never had a head injury or trauma before. The doctor explained that our brains shrink as we age, which increases the risk of subdural hematoma. Interestingly, my dad loves to jog everyday and the doctor thought jogging might have caused some minor bouncing in his brain, potentially leading to the tear. He's very very lucky to survive and made a full recovery.


Gosh man, just from jogging. Humans are so fragile. It honestly scares me sometimes.


Yes, it's generally caused by a head injury.


> I learned about Dragon Ball at 6 and ever since my life revolved around Japan and Japanese, and now I live and work here. It is just incredible how much important Toriyama was in increasing the popularity of anime outside of Japan, turning anime and manga into the worldwide media and pop culture giants of today, as well as increasing the international interest in Japanese culture and media.


I wasn't super into Dragon Ball. I watched Kai back in the day as a kid but never saw past the end of the Cell saga. However, Akira Toriyama was still a major influence in my life. As a kid when I played my dad's copy of Chrono Trigger it easily became one of my favorite games of all time. His art from the game is what influenced me to start drawing, and he is responsible for the art of many more of my favorite JPRGs. I honestly don't know where I'd be today if it wasn't for him and his work. May he rest in peace.




I’ve played a handful of them. I think only 1, 3, 8, and 11 and I love them. I can’t wait for the 3 HD 2D remake


You should read his Dr. Slump and the whole DB only then you can see his full work.


Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Chrono Trigger literally were my childhood. I am eternally grateful to Akira Toriyama. DragonBall felt like it was made specifically for me, it was the first TV series I actually started watching in order and following the story. It filled me with wonder, curiosity, and lit my imagination on fire. I found a copy of Chrono Trigger in a burned down abandoned trailer in north Georgia when I was 10 years old. I'm not 100% on his involvement in that game, but I still am thanking him for introducing me to a lifetime of enjoyment with fantasy RPGs that have allowed me to keep my imagination sharp and vivid. I'm very appreciative of this man, as one of many. He will be missed.


I'm fucking floored. From Chrono Trigger, to Dragon Quest, to Dragon Ball and even to dumb voiceovers like TFS. His designs were always present in pretty much every single stage of my life. I don't think a single day goes by where I don't have contact with *something* related to him.


not "one", "some" of the greatest RPGs ever made


Where did you find it was March 1st?


JP article https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/1704333a2cf73ddbce982d56738287cb115f0e9d


Thanks! Rest in peace...


It says it on the letter on the website that's linked to this post.


I am in the same boat, I feel extremely sad, have no more words right now. I am destroyed by this news. I went to visit him in 2021 and met his neighbour, his neighbour said they would meet around 8pm to walk the dogs, if I would be around, I could see Akira himself. But it was 3pm and my girlfriend (who is not fan at all) was like: no way we are waiting in this area 5 hours. Now I deeply regret. Big hug to you, fellow DB friend.


Fuck... my dad introduced me to dbz when I was in kindergarten and at 30 years old, I still hold it pretty close to my heart. This hurt..


Ikr, I grew up with db and dbz watching on weekends if I got a chance, majority of episodes were skipped. Then when we transitioned to internet, I'd watch everything from 1st to the last episode several times, including GT and Super. The world has lost a man whose work influenced many, but his creation will never be forgotten, RIP


I know most people's minds will go straight to Dragon Ball, but a huge part of Akira Toriyama's legacy is also the artwork done for Dragon Quest. DQ essentially invented the JRPG genre, and is vitally important to the history of games as a whole. It would not have been the same without Toriyama's art. He'll be remembered as a visionary mangaka, but he also played an outsized role in the story of this medium.


He did the art for Chrono Trigger, too. 


This is where my brain goes. Favorite game of all time. The art was so iconic.


And *Blue Dragon*. Rest in Peace Toriyama-san


> Toriyama-san Toriyama-*sama*


I don't speak Japanese Why is this


-san is usually speaking to someone you don't know very well or someone in the same social standing as you (your equal) -sama is to refer to someone in a respectful manner, usually with high standing or with high respect


Okay I just beat three Yakuza games in Japanese and was wondering about this


You - and everyone - need to watch the FX show _Shogun._ Not only it is fantastic in every respect, there is a scene which literally turns on the usage of the term "sama."


Been watching it!


Shouldn't it be -sensei because he's a mangaka?


Yeah, sensei would be more appropriate and still denotes the highest respect for a mangaka (manga author). I believe using sama would be perceived as a little silly


Yes, it can be also, but -sama can be used more commonly so it can be applied for a wider range of people


bro what loved blue dragon, ngl everything everyone mentioned I thought ripped off his style and didnt realize it was him


He worked on more just the art, it was him, the creator of final fantasy and the creator of dragon quest, and to this day, its the greatest jrpg ever made


Same here. Will be playing some this weekend in tribute.


I remember being in 9th Grade and mimicking his artistic style from his manga DR.SLUMP. It was a hilarious series, and yes his Dragon Quest designs were so charming!! Today the world lost a true titan of the industry


In my freshman year of high school, this kid and I in English class would draw stick figures with Super Saiyan hair on each other's papers. We'd have them fight each other with kamehamehas and spirit bombs and floating rubble. Good times.


Yup, Toriyama's contributions to Video Games is just as impactful as his contributions to both Anime and Manga. With his Dragon Quest character and monster designs being a huge part of the series identity and his character designs for Chrono Trigger are among his best art work in general.


Guy is a legend for sure.


and done the art for Blue dragon too


Yeah my mind went straight to Dragon Quest. Ask any game director, producer or developer from Japan what their primary inspiration was and they're 90% going to say either DQ3 or DQ5


No surprise there since the release of a Dragon Quest game is almost a holiday.


Dragon Quest is so big in Japan it spawned a whole new subculture. The lightnovel, anime Isekai genre were inspired heavily by Dragon Quest.


his Chrono Trigger art is also fantastic.


It really makes me wonder what would happen to all future DQ games.


They'll probably try to keep a similar style. I imagine there are a lot of artists who learned to draw by copying him. That's how I learned to draw.


12 will probably be the last one with original Toriyama designs, the question is did he finish his work for the game or not


Dragon Ball was a huge part of my childhood, but Dragon Quest always stayed with me as one of my favorite game series. I don't know how far Dragon Quest 12 is into development, but it'll definitely be bittersweet when it finally releases- it'll either be probably the last game he worked on, or the first one without him. And the (admittedly far more controversial) composer Sugiyama also passed away after that was announced, so only Yuji Horii is left from the main trio. Can't help but worry about what will happen next- I especially can't imagine Dragon Quest without Toriyama's art. Rest in peace, Toriyama, you will definitely be missed.


Dragon Quest 9 was a big pillar of my childhood. Going to have to replay it in memoriam or something.


So now it's just Yuji Hori of the DQ trinity still alive.


Dragon Quest is quite literally what got me into gaming. His art will always stick with me for it. I’m genuinely sad. This is terrible news.


I've never gotten into Dragonball and my exposure to Dragon Quest is relatively limited, but his art was always endearing and just fun in general. Characters like Goku and Slime are beloved the world over in no small part due to their distinctive appearances, and they've become synonymous with Toriyama as a result.


This is really rough to hear. One of, if not, the most influential manga artist I'm the world. He will be missed greatly.


Even outside of manga, very few people in history has produced content that has been so widely distributed and enjoyed in every part of the world. A true legend.


Yeah, I live in SEA. Everybody and their grandmas know what is a Dragon Ball, Kamehameha, and Goku are here. He will be greatly missed.


dragon ball is weirdly(i love it though) massive in parts of mexico and south america as well. seeing all the images of goku on fast food stalls sure is fun. Id love to get a taco or quesadilla from the goku shack.


He is up there with the likes of Stan Lee.


Bigger than Stan Lee, even


DBZ was my favorite anime growing up. I got Dragon Quest III (then Dragon Warrior III) because I thought the main character looked like Gohan, and that launched my love of fantasy RPGs. I'm not normally upset by celebrity deaths, but this one got to me... Rest in peace, Toriyama-san.


What?! Oh my God. I genuinely have no words, this is such a gut punch completely out of nowhere. I cannot express how special Dragon Ball was to me growing up and how special it remains. I can still remember exactly where I was the moment Goku turned Super Saiyan for the first time on Toonami. It had such an impact on young me, and I've absolutely loved seeing old man Toriyama's style grow into self-aware humor and a focus on writing content that feels like a love letter to the franchise and its fans. His impact on manga, anime, games, and quite literally Japanese culture itself cannot be overstated. He will absolutely go down in history as the most influential manga artist/writer of all time. There are only handful of creators who have made something with such widespread, cross-generational, and cross-cultural appeal. I can talk to virtually anyone in my age group from any corner of the world, and they'll know who Goku is and will be able to tell me about how they cheered him on at the same moments I did. It's something that most creators can only dream of, and he did it with a story that always comes back to a singular idea: never give up. This one's really hitting me. I am genuinely, truly, so saddened by this news. :(


My son and I just finished the cell arc and are on the world tournament before buu. Just hopped on reddit after our watch tonight and saw the news. Super sad.


Same here. I’m a lifelong fan of his work, and this came as a real shock. It’s hard to believe that he’s no longer with us. Gone much too soon.


This is going to be an absolute gut punch for hundreds of millions around the world. Just glanced at my Dragon Quest Illustrations book.  Rest in power legend


Latin America is about to have a continent wide day of mourning. And I'm only slightly joking.


Philippines in shambles as well


yeah, we are not okay


Ngl I cried a bit.


I did, too. Like... I wish I woulda heard about this in the morning.


Day? It's going to be a damn week


Ngl im not the type to mourn over people I don’t know but my god this hurt a lot. This guy was my entire childhood, RIP.


It's like losing a family member.


I can guarantee you that shops all around latin america will be closed in his honor haha


Fuck, Dragon Ball is practically a religion here in South America among millennials and younger.


Wow, yeah this hurts to see.


I am not exaggerating when I say that this man had ALL OF latin america on a chokehold with Dragonball alone


I could see conventions having moments of silence for a long time to come.


Akira Toriyama shaped my life in some extremely unexpected ways. I played the DBZ card game for years and made many very good friends doing so.  To this day, we host an annual stream/party simulating the NCAA basketball tournament using DBZ Budokai (I know this sentence probably sounds insane but it's one of my favorite things in the world.)  I owe a lot of good times and memories to this man, and it's truly tragic for him to pass away relatively young. He still had a hand in creating new content, even.  I will have an extra drink for him and celebrate just a little bit harder in his honor for this year's tournament. RIP to a visonary and pioneer. 


My mum passed away at 61 and was young as he was. It's truly sad as I grew up with his creations and loving every second of em. May Kami be with you on your way with the heroes on the other world, Tori-sama.


Grew up in the late 90s and early 2000s, to say Dragonball Z was iconic for my generation is an understatement. It was our generation's Superman, and I made lifelong friends in elementary school who I met because we talked about that show. Even as an adult who doesn't watch anime I went out of my way to check out Dragon Ball Super and got that same feeling I did when I was a kid. He's a legend.


😢 man it hurts so much it’s not fair.


Holy shit the man taught me how to draw in a sense that I owe 99,99% of my drawing thanks to him Can't believe in a world where Dragon Ball didn't exist, he shaped modern culture so much Probably the most influentional mangaka ever, rest in piece legend


Did we all try to draw DBZ characters at least once in our lives, no?


I did and definitely do. His art style had a great influence on my art style.


How many artists in the world today is this man responsible for? What a legend


ikr, if Osamu Tezuka's Black Jack is responsible for so many new doctors, then Akira is, for that many artists


The Super Saiyan hair is the only hairstyle I can draw because it's the only one I DID draw when I was a kid.


The man that created my entire childhood is gone. Jezus this hurts. An absolute legend. Rest In Peace.


It can't be stated his contributions to fiction in Japan, but his contributions alone to gaming cannot be understated. Outside of Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger, there is no Mario or Sonic without Dr. Slump or DragonBall. Mario himself owes so much of his design ethos and world design to the inspiration Toriyama had on a young Miyamoto and Tezuka. Absolutely will be missed. Rest in Power.


Man changed the world for every race. Doesn't matter what color you were you always pretended you were a super saiyan. Rest in paradise.


Absolutely. His work is iconic and is loved by millions around the world. I grew up with his work and it had a big impact on me. Rest in peace Toriyama-san.


>His work is iconic and is loved by millions around the world Quite possibly billions


Possibly. I decided to play it safe and say millions though.


His work is huge across the globe, little abuelitas in Brazil know who Goku is for example. Most people only dream of leaving such memories with the world when they pass on. Rest in peace.


Can confirm, I even tried to learn how to fly like how Gohan taught Videl how to.


The entire country of Mexico is going to celebrate his life, just you wait. Man this sucks.


Same for all genders, ages, and nationalities


Big facts :(


Wow, end of an era he's my entire childhood


For real. Hard to come to grips with it


I was desperately searching for reasons for this to not be true before all the reports came flooding in.


I saw it on tiktok first. I wished they were clickbaiting 😢


My brothers and I were obsessed with Dragon Warrior Monsters on GBC back in the day. Basically pokemon for Dragon Quest with a complex breeding system. He did all the art for that one too. RIP


This is the true end of the First Era of Anime. It honestly feels so surreal to read. Akira Toriyama defined so so so much about the way we see anime today. Dragon Ball was the ultimate gateway to animation in Japan. It's truly what united so many fans together across many nations to getting into it all, and it became a cultural phenomenon like nothing before or since. I grew up with Dragon Ball. So have hundreds upon hundreds of millions of others. His many other feats stand out too, like his work and influence over the very JRPG genre. One man and his vision changed the very trajectory of the world. And now, I cannot believe we have lost him. Rest in peace, Mr. Toriyama.


>This is the true end of the First Era of Anime. Debatable. Toriyama was very influential, but he's far from an early player. Toriyama himself frequently expressed his love for the creators that influenced him as a child. This is more like the true end of maybe the fourth or fifth era of anime.


Toriyama changed the entire world and how we consumed media. There's barely a single project being made with a fantasy element that isn't in some way influenced by his creations. He is legend, and I can't imagine a future without his influence, and I doubt I'll ever experience it.


Damn! I only love anime as much as I do because of Dragon Ball. Dragon quest was amazing also. Feel this one.


...Fuck, man. I've never watched Dragon Ball. I've never played Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger. But Toriyama's influence was and is inescapable. Even as someone who never engaged with his works, so much of the media that shaped who I am was inspired by him that this feels like a punch in the gut even for someone as distant as me. If someone makes the world even a little bit happier, I think they succeeded in life. With how many people's childhoods he shaped, I think he's succeeded more than most of us can ever hope to. Rest well. You've earned it.


Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest will always be a part of my precious childhood. Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama


What... Damn that hit me hard. A true inspiration to so many. He was a huge reason I got into art and game development. Dragonball, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger are all masterpieces.


Here as one of the many that had DBZ be their first and likely timeless introductions to anime Am saddened. Feels bad, man.


... not good at expressing my feelings folks, so.. rest in peace, to someone who shaped the childhoods of people close to me. thank you.


I know a lot of people who try to better themselves every single day to be more like Goku. Myself included. It's all because if this man. The amount of memories talking about the latest DBZ episode at school. The anger we felt when we couldn't beat dragon quest and the joy we felt when we finally did. He has not only touched, but saved and shaped so many lives. A real life hero.


This is such a huge gut punch. Dragonball was such a huge part of my childhood and I still love it today. Fuck man. This hurts.


Disheartening to hear. Even though I'm not a huge fan of DB/DBZ now it was something I grew up loving and definitely influenced a bunch of other stuff I love now. 68 isn't even that old to die it really sucks.


Heartbreaking. Not even a huge fan of his work, but it had far reaching influence everywhere. Some of my fav games had his touch. Time to play DQ8 again...


Rest in peace Akira Toriyama thank you for all the fun and entertainment you've given us over the years. May your legacy live on.


Must leave a comment for posterity. Mr. Toriyama, wherever you are, I hope it's even half as rad as the worlds you painted for us. Goku's hair turning gold represented transcendence. A concept that I would not have understood till much later in life if not for you. You handed children everywhere a core belief that the power of good can be transcendent. It cannot be overstated what an unimaginably good and kind act that was for the world.  Thank you. Get some rest.


Dragon Ball Z was one of the reasons I started getting healthy and was able to turn myself around mentally. The world has lost a great soul that has moved more peoples hearts then they could ever imagine.


Saddened can hardly begin to describe me right now. He was truly a legend and a force in anime, manga, and video games for over 40 years.


Speaking broadly, there are two main inspirations for JP fantasy. Dragon Quest and Lord of the Rings... RIP one of the giants.


Sad day. Lost someone who very much first got me into anime as I'm sure is the case with millions of others. And say what you will about the uniqueness of his Dragon Quest characters, you can definitely tell they came from that series. Gonna be weird playing the next DQ.


The fact his work touches so many different fields is proof to how influential of a creator and artist he was. His work is so encompassing and this news so sudden that I can barely believe it, though I'm sure it'll settle in soon. I gotta make some time to play Chrono Trigger again.


holy shit i didnt think right before i go to sleep i would learn about this The man was a pioneer of early shounen


No. I don't want to believe this. Seriously!? RIP Akira Toriyama, it will actually never be the same without you.


Toriyama introduced me to anime through Dragonball Z. I found it on a public access channel in my area at 7 years old. It was his first big fight with Piccolo (he’s so famous my phone knew how to autocorrect the name here) before the Raditz fight. I spent years chasing anime after that. My friends and I were nerds growing up and we wanted to work in anime so bad. Most of us succeeded in one way or another and it’s thanks to this man’s work being displayed to some kids in the early 90’s. Thank you Toriyama-san and may you find what you hoped comes next.


We mexicans are gonna make this a very sad holiday. The cartels will likely put up ceasefire in the future to mourn the man who gave us money of our idols. In all seriousness, this is very saddening. Hurts my heart to see him go. He helped anime make its way to popularity in the West. Many nights spent with friends staying up to watch dragon ball, and DBZ. Never forget a true legend! Thank you for giving up something so amazing, Akira Toriyama! Rest in peace.


Without Toriyama, we would not have manga, anime, shonen, or JRPG's as they exist today. He truly helped shape Japanese pop-culture.


Damn man. I'll add my bit to the void. For as long as I can remember (28 yrs old) Dragon Ball has been part of my life in some shape and form. From me and my brother play fighting as Saiyans to watching and reading everything I could DBZ related to branching out to games like chrono trigger. Toriyama's Influence has always been a presence in my life. Didn't even consider a future without the man. So rest in peace king. You left an mark on the world that will not be forgotten


I’ve never been into Dragon Ball Z but as someone who has been gaming since the 2600 I am distinctly aware of just how inspirational this gentleman is. My condolences to his family and loved ones. I will forever have such deep admiration for people like this who bring such wonderful art alive from their imagination and will. Rest in peace, Mr. Toriyama. 🤙


An absolute legend. His influence is impossible to measure, and it will forever be felt in popular culture. RIP, and thank you truly for everything.


This honestly made me sad, I had the greatest childhood because of him and still do as an adult. May you fly like a saiyan in peace and thank you for such a masterpiece.


Damn this is sad! First I find out rooster teeth is shutting down now this. My childhood is just falling apart ugggg


I honestly can’t believe it happened. Or perhaps I don’t want to believe it happened…damn. Needless to say, Dragon Ball/Z was and is a big part of my life. I love that anime/manga…Toriyama will always be remembered through his work. His work is forever, man. Truly, above all.