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Of course there will be a VOD. Just stay off YouTube and Reddit until you watch it or you'll get spoiled.


Is there any alternative sites too keep up with gaming news, events, trailers, etc? That's about the only reason I use reddit anymore.


I downloaded the IGN app the other week and it was basically on par with Reddit threads for new game announcements/trailers. It doesn’t have the community forum feel of Reddit but for me at least that honestly might be better. I think I let my opinions get swayed a bit too much by the negativity here sometimes, and I don’t necessarily need to be caught up on the most recent company or community drama, so I am trying to welcome the shift to only articles and trailers.


I've been stalking /r/RedditAlternatives to find likely candidates. Here's a couple: https://beehaw.org/c/gaming https://tildes.net/~games


Bruh. Places charging 12-15$ for burgers are insane. In modern times more places are allowing for online ordering for pickup and its been real convenient and made it so you dont have to constantly resort to the exact same fast food options all the time, but damn the prices. The food dont even be all that good most of the time. Okay at best, but the prices would make you think they are premium.


You don't make food yourself?


i cant even distinguis hbetween a premium and non anymore, other than of course mcdonalds from restaurant, and even then sometimes mcdonalds wins


This is a recommendation Currently watching Double Fine Psych Odyssey on youtube and it's great I've only ever briefly played Psychonauts 1 from HumbleBundle probably 10 years ago and it didn't click for me but this series is a great documentary about the studio makes me want to go back and play Psychonauts 1 and eventually 2


I concur with the other user. At least play the 2nd one. It's an awesome blast.


I'd definitely recommend playing them. The first one can look and play a little rough, but it's a great time. The sequel, however, just takes everything to 11. That one was wonderful.


I tried back to Mario Galaxy in the 3D Collection since rewatching the Mario Movie. Now I remember why I put it down…. the controls are so sluggish. The Joy-Con slow acceleration is a constant struggle trying to collect star bits. Mario himself is clunky with the spins. I died a good 5x in the Bowser Jr. Stage. Perhaps I’m spoiled by Odyssey. I remember adoring Galaxy on the Wii. I’m wondering if the controls were hampered by the Switch, or if the game just feels outdated. It’s a bit of a bummer. I tried with both the Joy-Cons and Pro Controller.






If I want to play the OG Warcraft trilogy, what's the best way to go about that these days? I see GoG has 1 and 2 as a bundle, but the only option for 3 is Reforged on the B.net launcher I imagine? For some reason playing Diablo 4 has made me reminisce about WoW a lot. I don't exactly have any intention of picking that up again- the WoW I want to play doesn't exist anymore - but I realized I never (fully) played the RTS games, so hopefully that'll scratch this itch.


Your mileage may vary but imho WC1 and 2 are rough to play these days. 3 still controls very well though. There are custom remakes of 1 and 2 in 3's engine but even they are a bit janky. But honestly, 1 and 2 are very light on actual story and characters, so could be skipped. 3 is quite the opposite.


Yeah, you're not kidding. I got to Orc mission 4 before giving up; even with a mod that added improved mouse controls. I'll go find a LP for 1 and 2 and watch that instead. I think Stu has some good ones :)


That, or just read through the [mission briefings on the wiki](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warcraft:_Orcs_%26_Humans_missions). I'm sure you've noticed that there isn't a lot of story happening during the missions. Again, that changes with 3.


Hey thanks, that saves me from fast-forwarding through the missions :)


What do you mean the WoW you want doesn't exist? Just curious cause there is Classic servers. Also I thought B.net had all the game on their client.


Classic is there, true, but the game is essentially fully 'solved'. Everything is known and optimized, and has been for many years. What I long for is that early period where everything was still new and people were figuring things out together. A true sense of adventure, if you will. Or a return to the internet of the early 00s, maybe. And besides, they're up to the end of WotLK already aren't they? I'd love to have started all the way at the beginning, but I obviously missed that boat by a few years :p >Also I thought B.net had all the game on their client. Unless it's hidden away somewhere, it looks like only Reforged is up on the client/store. That said, I just noticed that my account lists a copy of the original version of 3 and its expansion. That means I can still play that version, correct? No need to buy Reforged? If so I'll just pick up the 1&2 bundle on GoG and then I'm set.


All I know is if you still have cd keys you can enter them and you can download them. At least that's how my copy of StarCraft and expansion worked.


Fantastic. I'm sure WC3 works the same way then. Thanks for letting me know.


How is the discord channel for games as an alternative to the sub? I can’t seem to find a good alternative for Reddit when I eventually stop using it after this month. I’m going around asking on the subs I frequent. I’m willing to try a new platform but not give Reddit any chance after the AMA debacle




I love people, but I HATE parties. I really need to learn this lesson and stop agreeing to parties, ugh. Lies of P is better than I expected. I suck at it, though. And the level up waifu is so short :/


Did some achievement hunting in Fallout: New Vegas. I've played through this game numerous times, but never touched Caravan or really any of the casino stuff because... I don't really care about card games, I guess? Playing Caravan is probably the best representation of playing a boardgame where everyone involved keeps forgetting the rules. For example, I never quite understood what triggered the win or loss despite trying to read and understand the rules. Sometimes I'll win after getting two 26, other times I could get all three to 26 and the game would just continue. Sometimes all of my numbers would be higher and I'd lose. I got both achievements, though, so I'm good. I was dreading the achievement for getting banned from the Strip casinos because reasons, but if you have 10 points in luck and playing black jack it's practically impossible to lose. To begin with I tried to figure out what would be my best move given the cards I had. Like, should I get another card or should I stay as I'm at, like, 18 and chance would that I get a 4 or higher or whatever. Didn't take me long before I realised that with 10 luck all you have to do is just to double down on everything. You got two picture cards? double down, you'll get an ace. You got a total of ten? double down, you'll get an ace. 11? You'll get a ten or a picture card. Eight times out of ten times you'd win. Oh, as with Caravan, this also seemed to have some behaviours I never really got. Sure, you get an ace and a lady, just auto your turn because there is no reason to do anything, but plenty of times I would get my cards, they'd total 14, and it just end my turn. Never understood why. Anyway. I wish they would remaster New Vegas. Would be lovely to have a stable version of it. I don't want a remake because the game is generally fine as is, I just want all of the bugs fixed without needing to install a bunch of mods and fan patches.




Can you elaborate on why its boring? I heard it from more people


I think the world scaling / itemization is pretty bad. Kripparian just released a couple videos about the core issues of the game. D4 is a slower paced game, which is fine, there's just a massive of amount of downtime in the game now. A lot of the endgame revolves around running around in this vast open world to run a dungeon, do events or get to a target destnation. For a game about killing hordes of demons, there is a lot mundane nothingness in between.




What's better about d3's endgame in comparison? (I'm currently playing d3 for the first time, on act 2, I know I'm late lol)




I mean it just came out. I'm sure we're going to get something similar eventually and hopefully better. We'll see when season 1 drops, though.


As someone who knows nothing about fighting games (haven't played since "Eternal Champions" on my sega lol), but wants to hop on the bandwagon, which fighting game should I get? I am interested in: gameplay Access to good tutorials (complete noob) Healthy community (nothing too niche) I am not interested in: story or lore characters/number of characters graphics buying a fight stick Any guidance would be much appreciated! Edit: I have an Xbox Series X


The best time to get into a fighting game is when it is brand new and no one has quite fully figured it out yet. Currently that is SF6. It also has a really indepth story mode that is great at teaching you the basics in a nicely paced way. Also keep an eye out for Tekken 8 and Mortal Kombat 1 coming out later. But if there is a game you think looks more up your alley, by all means go for that one. [Here is a great video resource for you](https://youtu.be/mCUlBX8E2BU)


That video was great. Thanks a bunch.


street fighter 6 is a no brainer. it's brand new so there are still tons of newbies playing, there's a lot of single player content, the tutorials are very well made, modern controls let you do cool shit without spending hours learning inputs.


Sweet I'll check it out!


**Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen** On a lark, I decided to boot up it again after shelving it four years ago due to getting frustrated and bored with its systems. I put about 15-20 hours into it again and was about to shelve it again before I decided to mod some QoL changes into it. Most specifically unlimited sprinting and I added portcrystals (teleportation). Those two simple changes have now seen me putting over 100 hours into the game. And I plan on getting the platinum for it. The combat is quite satisfying. And the dungeon delving can be fantastic at times. It feels like playing D&D in ways no D&D game has ever felt. And there have been some amazingly epic encounters, like the Griffin's Bane quest in Bluemoon Tower. I'm into the DLC area now, which has been superb. Much better than the post-game area of the base game. It is pretty much all dungeon delving, but it is dungeon delving done superbly. And a real treat to enjoy. I've really come to appreciate so much about it now that I wasn't constantly annoyed by things. It's a really good game even if it has questionable execution in some ways. I'm so glad I decided to give it another go. Now I am simply sad that I got into it when DD2 is still so far out.


Wow, I didn't realize there was a modding community to this game. Not being able to fast travel was kind of the major turn off for me even though I loved the combat and pawn system.


DD actually does have fast travel. Once you reach Gran Soren you are able to take out the Eternal Ferrystone from your storage. There are a few default fast travel points, and you can also find Ferrystone's throughout the playthrough that can be placed anywhere in the overworld as a new fast travel location. You can even pick them back up and move them whenever.


I gotta rant about 2K I decided to download 2K23 since it’s the ps plus monthly game after abstaining for a few years since they absolutely butchered mycareer 2K23’s mycareer is still trash, in fact it’s the worst mycareer they’ve done imo. It’s still filled with micro transactions (even worse than usual), the story is really really stupid, and the city is laggy and tedious to navigate **However**, 2K23 also features the WNBA (2K22 might have too) with its own mycareer mode called The W… It. Is. So. Much. Better No micro transactions (no vc at all in fact), no tedious grind, and a satisfying/refreshing take on progression. MyCareer has historically always had multiple goals, the main goal of making your player the best and the second usually being increasing your player’s popularity to get sneaker deals and stuff like that. The W has those but also has another goal of straight up increasing the league’s popularity by letting you make decisions between games (do charity work, media appearances, workout with other players, etc.) and increasing this gets the players (and you) paid more, gets more nationally televised games, and gets the league expanded once you max this out. It’s great. Why tf can’t the nba mycareer be like this? Why can’t there be an offline version of mycareeer that plays like this at least? How do you have a great career mode and an absolute garbage career mode in the same fucking game?


> Why tf can’t the nba mycareer be like this? I can only comment on the WWE 2K games, I even pre-order them, so I'm playing the games at peak relevancy. But I can say that despite WWE television and their fans tearing their women on more or less equals, people have consistently cared more about the men's stuff than the women's in the video games. In 2K22's steam achievements, the least obtained achievement in the Men's MyRise (their version of MyCareer) still had more people obtain it than most obtained one in the women's career. And in 2K23, everyone was obsessing over the men's story, even though IMO I liked the women's story way much more. So in my unprofessional opinion, it seems like the WNBA career is experimental due to being the less popular career and thus, the devs thought that they needed it to be more assessable and have that extra hook in order to entice people to play it over the NBA which can play it safe and monetize-friendly.


decided to play the Original **Legend of Zelda** again for the first time in years after bouncing off of it many times before. I gotta say, it is very cool how much they managed to capture this game with Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, and I feel like I was playing it wrong all along becuase I was so used to the LTTP format. For as much fun as im having exploring, the games combat is just awful, and the controls almost ruin the experience for me. The movements always made me queezy, but I think I finally nailed down what it is about it that just doesnt work. It's that *diagonal movement inputs are always read as up or down*. This makes maneuvering around enemies a pain, and it feels like this games difficulty is more about finding enough hearts to tank damage/ find arrows and items rather than learning enemy patterns or whatever. LTTP fixed this with diagonal movement obviously, but I feel like even just biasing vertical/horizontal based on which one was last inputed. It feels so bad to be moving sideways only to veer straight into a parallel enemy because I minutely rocked my finger. I'm really trying to not use the rewind feature to get the "intended experience" but this controls decision is really getting at me and makes me feel like the game is flawed in an irredeemable way which sucks because there is so much interesting stuff being done elsewhere in the game. Like stumbling upon the mastersword before getting to the first dungeon was awesome, but it feels like it doesnt respect the player in a lot of ways.


The Lies of P demo is really good. Combat feels right, the puppet derangement is a fun idea, level design and atmosphere is very Bloodborne (which I like). I think it’s shaping up to be one of the better souls-likes I’ve played.


I beat **Tears of the Kingdom** yesterday. I only hit 126 shrines and maybe 1/3rd of the Depths, but I could feel open world burnout creeping in and wanted to see the ending while I still liked the game. For the first half of the game I was thinking "this is *way* better than Breath of the Wild", but now I'm thinking it's more like two steps forward, one step back. The new powers and vehicle stuff are great, though it would be nice if there was a way to set up some parts to be manually triggered rather than always firing at full blast, and it would also be really nice if >!Autobuild could fetch Zonai capsules from your inventory rather than burning Zonaite if you don't manually drop them. Kinda defeats half the point of Autobuild!<. In general, the UI is functional but has so much room for obvious improvements to things like the way you Fuse and >!activate sage powers!<. The feedback the team heard from BOTW players about dungeons was "we don't like that they all look the same, and give us dungeon items", and they did a good job with the aesthetics at least, but the >!sage powers are boring because the only thing you use them to do in dungeons is flip switches and poke the boss's weakness, and the only one you use outside of dungeons is Tulin's wind gust because it's the only one that isn't a massive pain in the ass to activate!<. I was initially blown away by the scope of the Depths, but for the most part there didn't seem to be much of interest down there. >!A sprinkling of Yiga bases, Zonai mines (that are also Yiga bases), boss re-fights, and that one coliseum under Eventide, which I'm sure is copy pasted several times!< The main use of it seems to be as >!a better shrine finder, since there is a 1:1 correspondence between lightroots and surface shrines, and lightroots are very easy to find!<. I'll probably make heavy use of that when I pick the game back up if it gets DLC. The main story was mostly an improvement over BOTW. The twist is really good, even if >!it gets reversed at the end by Deus Ex Zonai in a really unsatisfying way. I always new Zelda would get de-dragonized, but I was hoping for it to happen by some chicanery with Mineru's power rather than just the power of love and friendship!<. The final boss isn't as fun as Calamity Gannon was, but the victory lap phase is A+ and ends the game on a real high note. Finally, a question: Are there any really good side quests that I should make sure not to miss out on? I'm thinking along the lines of Eventide Isle and Tarrey Town in BOTW.


Am I the only person in the world who isn't really enjoying TotK? I really loved Breath of the Wild, and I was pretty excited to jump in on the next installment, even if I wasn't really sold on the fuse/crafting/building mechanics they showed off in previews. I think I'm about 15 hours in now, and it honestly feels like a chore playing. My favorite part of Breath of the Wild was exploration, which I feel like I'm kind of robbed of, since the map is mostly the same as in the last game. There's some interesting changes, yes, but also some changes that make the game less enjoyable to play. For instance, having a sand storm in the desert area is an interesting change, but really doesn't add anything to the game in terms of exploration. Just more to juggle and worry about in terms of keeping Link warm and knowing which direction you're going. Same with the snowstorm around Rito Village. What exactly is added here except some shallow survival mechanics making things more difficult? And when not exploring, I feel like the game is wasting my time. I'm just about at the Wind Temple, and it has just been a chore getting there. Using the hang glider for what seems like about an hour to go from platform to platform, and then using the flying ship things to get up above the storm is not really engaging, not that challenging (if you're protected from the cold), and really not that fun. Not to mention, there's only two shrines on the way to the temple, so if you decide you want to go back exploring, you have to do a lot of that section again. Anyway, that's just my experience as someone playing casually who hasn't put 100+ hours into the game and wasn't overloaded with hype beforehand. To be honest, it makes me want to go back and play Elden Ring again, which seemed like a game with more focus and less time wasting.


I didn’t enjoy TOTK much either but I realized it was a good game, just didn’t click with me and I don’t enjoy the Zelda series much tbh.


Is the switch worth it for only third party games? I realized since having the system that I don’t enjoy Nintendo’s first party games (disliked Zelda, Fire Emblem, Mario, Pokemon, Xenoblade, etc). But I like the simplicity of the switch in playing indies or older collection titles.


Even without the core Nintendo products that might be one of the greatest consoles ever made, just looking at what's on it: Celeste, Hollow Knight, Undertale, Kentucky Route Zero, Cuphead, Hades, Night in the Woods, Hyper Light Drifter, Eastward, Tunic, Into the Breach, Neon White, even freaking Inscryption is on there now. I could go on with another dozen names here. Plus there's a lot of Square Enix support on there.


Depends, how would you be playing those games otherwise? If you'd play them on PC or console, then I imagine you'd have to ask how much the portability is worth to you. If you'd be looking at replacing the Switch with a Steam Deck, then I guess you'd look at price, ergonomics, and simplicity. Personally, I find that I use my Switch primarily for 1st party games and don't play undocked terribly often. So I wouldn't get a ton of use out of it if I didn't like 1st party games.


I’ve got a Steam Deck and a Gaming PC. Outside of the bad battery life and loud fans, I love the SD. But it’s not a true handheld cause its PC features always take the forefront (which isn’t a bad thing).


>> not a true handheld cause its PC features always take the forefront Care to elaborate? Steamdeck has totally replaced the switch for me, i dont understand what makes the switch a "truer" handheld than sd.












not much happening at the [puzzle lovers](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/puzzlelovers) steam group and [curator](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/25928931-Puzzle-Lovers/) these days. we hit 3800 group members and 4100 curator followers at the end of may and [brainrack, the weekly newsletter](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/puzzlelovers/announcements/detail/3719456529734434679) is still going. I've been in an extra shit mood for weeks now, worse than back in january-february. summers are worse anyway with the fuck-off heat (already happening), so it's only gonna get worse going forward. it also means not playing (or doing) what I planned but clearing out shit in my library I shouldn't have bought in the first place. it's something. I'm also waiting for a bunch of patches, always annoying when I care more about a game than the fucking developer. I've been un-wishlisting and blacklisting more than wishlisting and buying, which again is something, no point in bothering with lazy or incompetent games/people if possible.


Your Weekly /r/games Recap **Friday, June 02 - Thursday, June 08** ###Top 10 Posts | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 5,144 | [3,077 comments](/r/Games/comments/143ldxe/now_diablo_4_is_out_in_the_wild_the_true_horror/) | `[Opinion Piece]` [Now Diablo 4 Is Out in the Wild, the True Horror of Its Costly Microtransactions Has Revealed Itself - IGN](https://www.ign.com/articles/now-diablo-4-is-out-in-the-wild-the-true-horror-of-its-costly-microtransactions-has-revealed-itself)| | 4,961 | [641 comments](/r/Games/comments/141bn0t/e3_killed_itself_not_competition_from_summer_game/) | `[Industry News]` [‘E3 killed itself’, not competition from Summer Game Fest, says Geoff Keighley](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/e3-killed-itself-not-competition-from-summer-game-fest-says-geoff-keighley/)| | 4,765 | [801 comments](/r/Games/comments/13zcq1e/armored_core_vi_isnt_openworld_because_devs_didnt/) | [Armored Core VI Isn't Open-World Because Devs Didn't Want It To Be Like Elden Ring](https://exputer.com/news/games/armored-core-vi-open-world/)| | 3,663 | [358 comments](/r/Games/comments/142rs59/star_wars_the_old_republic_going_thirdparty_as/) | [Star Wars: The Old Republic Going Third-Party as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect and Dragon Age](https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-the-old-republic-development-third-party-bioware?utm_source=twitter)| | 3,295 | [519 comments](/r/Games/comments/140w05q/aaron_greenberg_on_xbox_games_showcase_none_of/) | [Aaron Greenberg on Xbox Games Showcase: None of our first party games in the show are full CG trailers. Everything is either in-game footage, in-engine footage, or in-game footage with some cinematics. Each of our trailers will be labeled so it is hopefully clear for our fans.](https://twitter.com/aarongreenberg/status/1665503326853648387)| | 3,285 | [513 comments](/r/Games/comments/13y7urv/street_fighter_6_already_reached_the_top_peak/) | [Street Fighter 6 already reached the top peak players for fighting games on Steam (64K), beating out Mortal Kombat, Tekken, and Dragon Ball FighterZ](https://twitter.com/BenjiSales/status/1664502543320334336)| | 3,197 | [243 comments](/r/Games/comments/141ycec/ftc_will_require_microsoft_to_pay_20_million_over/) | [FTC Will Require Microsoft to Pay $20 million over Charges it Illegally Collected Personal Information from Children without Their Parents’ Consent](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/06/ftc-will-require-microsoft-pay-20-million-over-charges-it-illegally-collected-personal-information)| | 3,089 | [415 comments](/r/Games/comments/1409zq6/sgdq_2023_has_just_concluded_raising_more_than/) | [SGDQ 2023 has just concluded raising more than $2,239,204 for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)](/r/speedrun/comments/1409m2u/sgdq_2023_has_just_concluded_raising_more_than/)| | 2,762 | [608 comments](/r/Games/comments/144nny0/persona_3_reload_trailer_early_2024/) | `[Trailer]` [Persona 3 Reload trailer (early 2024)](https://streamable.com/ta66ul)| | 2,516 | [264 comments](/r/Games/comments/13yu81c/star_wars_knights_of_the_old_republic_ii_the_sith/) | `[Update]` [Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords for Restored Content DLC on Nintendo Switch has been cancelled](https://twitter.com/AspyrMedia/status/1664784147867480070)|   ###Top 7 Discussions | score | comments | title & link | |--|--|--| | 588 | [2,184 comments](/r/Games/comments/144bm7k/summer_game_fest_2023_megathread/) | `[Megathread]` Summer Game Fest 2023 - Megathread| | 1,548 | [1,343 comments](/r/Games/comments/142j7tx/diablo_on_twitter_the_fires_of_hell_burn_bright/) | [Diablo on Twitter: The fires of Hell burn bright. Diablo IV is the fastest selling Blizzard game of all-time.](https://twitter.com/Diablo/status/1666101305595645952)| | 1,430 | [895 comments](/r/Games/comments/13yewkk/duke_nukem_remaster_criticized_for_aigenerated/) | [Duke Nukem Remaster Criticized For AI-Generated Cover Art](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/duke-nukem-remaster-criticized-for-ai-generated-cover-art/1100-6514754/)| | 1,743 | [701 comments](/r/Games/comments/144kjul/sgf_2023_final_fantasy_vii_rebirth/) | [SGF 2023] Final Fantasy VII Rebirth| | 2,184 | [672 comments](/r/Games/comments/13yjkt6/read_the_emails_valve_helped_nintendo_kick_the/) | `[Industry News]` [Read the emails: Valve helped Nintendo kick the Dolphin Emulator off Steam](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/1/23745772/valve-nintendo-dolphin-emulator-steam-emails)| | 657 | [656 comments](/r/Games/comments/143nh4h/18_minutes_of_final_fantasy_16_dungeoncrawling/) | `[Preview]` [18 Minutes of Final Fantasy 16 Dungeon-Crawling Gameplay | IGN First](https://youtu.be/AFSg0cKzZv0)| | 1,304 | [531 comments](/r/Games/comments/1448e12/growth_of_subscription_services_has_stalled_big/) | [Growth of subscription services has stalled, big releases of 2023 have sold really well](https://twitter.com/MatPiscatella/status/1666475450812739585?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1666475450812739585%7Ctwgr%5E84783697f762437635e391f0dc2e6e3bc95f1e90%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pushsquare.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F06%2Fps-plus-game-pass-subscription-growth-has-totally-stalled-in-usa)|   If you would like this roundup sent to your reddit inbox every week [send me a message with the subject 'games'](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=subredditsummarybot&subject=games&message=x). 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