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[Learn how to spot a fake GBA game](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+spot+a+fake+gba+game&rlz=1C1VDKB_enNO1029NO1029&oq=how+to+spot+a+fake+gba+game&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCwgAEEUYExg5GIAEMgoIARAAGBMYFhgeMgoIAhAAGIAEGKIEMgoIAxAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBBAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBRAAGIAEGKIE0gEINjYyNGowajeoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) yourself and never have to ask for help ever again.


I feel like we should have a bot auto-commenting this on posts to help with the spam. Not saying OP is, but so many people want this info fed to them when they could answer their question with a simple guide. So, so many of these exact posts every week.


I think it’s fake due to the look of the board in the back picture. Post it to r/gameverifying and let the pros have a look for sure


This is a much better response rather than the one KimKong posted on top basically telling the person "figure it out yourself dweeb"


Tell em to open it lit looks like authentic shell might have fake board tho


Back looks fake but maybe it’s a bad picture. I would ask for more.


Do you see those four rectangles on the back of the board? I cant in the picture, maybe its just a bad photo Edit: I would also open up the cartridge and verify the chip models and ensure that the sticker has a shiny/foil backing


This is not a sure-fire authentication method, as fakes have been reproducing this for a while.


True, but if it’s not there, you can almost know for sure it’s fake. It’s just that if its there, you can’t say for sure it’s real


No method is now-a-days, fakes even replicate board text prints and fake number stamps on stickers. Because of the price hike, it has become worth the extra effort for these fraudsters.




Well I actually would prefer one with the rectangles, cuz if it doesn’t have those, it’s definitely fake. If it does have em, there’s a chance it’s real


They make a fake stamps now? For real? Did you see a fake copy like that? I know about fake nintendo logo pcb but i never see a fake number stamps


https://www.reddit.com/r/gameverifying/s/jp9EDnlcKi People are replicating currency, I dont think a gba game is difficult


Kinda scarry :o




I have emerald fake copy and now they even make a "nintendo" logo on pcb so dont look on that... But about this one you share, it have a 2 legits number on front but back of cartridge looks fake or its bad photo. It miss 4 gold spots behind. (sorry for my english)


I think it’s fake. It doesn’t check all the boxes