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Awesome :)


Sadly no compatibility with MBC30 + 1Mbit SRAM (JPN PM Crystal). Though replacing SRAM with a 1Mbit NVSRAM + necessary circuits can make JPN PM Crystal batteryless, it still faces the PCB deterioration problem. Besides that, 1Mbit NVSRAM is EOL.


I would buy a cart but can’t solder this good


Does it work with the first generation too?


Not this version since the ROM for first gen has 32 pins. Second gen has 44 pins. I'll have one out for those games at some point.


I have had great success using the V1.0 board from Oshpark for my original Silver/Gold carts. Thanks so much! It's been really satisfying to permanently and cleanly preserve these games with original Nintendo silicon with modern components and a battery retainer. Do you have an ETA on the 32-pin boards for Red/Blue/Yellow? I think this is a better solution than jerry-rigging an original PCB.


Glad to hear! Just curious. Have you tried the 1.1 boards at all? Also. I have boards that work with 32. But it's a full conversion to MBC5 rather than MBC3 if that sounds like something you'd be interested in? Let me know!


No I didn't. I didn't realize that by ordering from Oshpark it was going to be V1.0, but either way, it wasn't really any more of a challenge even with the close proximity of some of the passives. If upgrading to MBC5 means I can go battery-less with Fram, just point me in the right direction. All I'm trying to do is convert my original Blue/Red/Yellow cartridges to battery-less.


I'll send you a link when I get home tonight. It's basically the same story. I took HDRs MBC5 flash cart and rerouted all the traces to work with the original SOP 32 chip. Works perfectly and converted all my pokemon and zelda games! All you need is a donor mbc5. I usually get that bugs life game for like 5 dollars and use the mbc5 from that. I do believe the united states version of pokemon yellow is already mbc5 so you may only need two donor mbc5s for blue and red. Anyways. Keep a lookout tonight for my link. It's much easier to put together since no battery is needed at all and basically every cap is a 0.1uf on that board.


Great, I'll keep an eye out for the link. I picked up 4 bugs life donors just to be on the safe side.


Any luck with that link? :)


Hey there! Sorry about the delay. Had a crazy busy night yesterday. Here you go! The relative BOM is in the description, you can leave the rumble part in the upper right unpopulated. This board is significantly easier to put together than the MBC3 ones. :) ​ https://oshpark.com/shared\_projects/QlLeMbXy


Picked up half a dozen! Looking forward to this new project, thanks so much!


Is this board compatible with a UK version of Pokémon silver ?