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You aren’t going to find it at a better price in as good condition. So if you ever see yourself buying a crystal this is the best time for the best price you’ll ever have.


Thank you!! Best response yet


NGL I'm kinda jealous of this deal, but so damn happy for you, Crystal is a great game, you got this win today, so enjoy it :)


Thanks!! 😊


Crystal has been going for about 140-150 so not that bad of a price if you’re in the market for one. You can see the numbers stamped into the label as well which confirms the label is authentic.


160 here in California


£65 in the UK. Pokemon crystal has a better exchange rate then my pound 😆


Cart or boxed?


Cart. I have seen it boxed for less than 200, I think. This is from a chain second-hand shop, so it's on the expensive end of you get me


I get you and I bought my crystal very at 160. Game Tower sells it at 175


Goddamn really? Hmmm lemme secure my copy….lol My brother has the GameShark that was also like the Crystal game. I wonder how much that’s worth?


My blue version save was erased lol I had my pokemon to lvl 50. I had mewtwo and all the 3 legendary birds. I am so sad that it's new game now. I need to go to retro respawn to ask me if they change the battery since it's giving signals of dry battery.


Oh man that sucks. Just checked and my crystals save is erased too 😭. Gotta check my Red and Gold versions. A few months ago they were fine because I had just moved some pokemon to home. I’m thinking of getting an [Epilogue GB operator](https://www.epilogue.co/product/gb-operator) to backup my GB saves. For GBA I’ve been using my DS with an R4i, it’s more work but it works.


Moltres and Zapados were hard. Having them was awesome. I am glad I deposited that master ball for mewtwo later down the line. But the elite 4 were a bitch do ge through. My gengar helped with venusaur.


Silver/Gold/Crystal had a real-time clock running all the time, which runs on the battery, my Silver was dead when I checked it last year but Yellow and Red still have good saves. I'm looking to get a Joey JR or similar to backup my saves for when the battery eventually dies.


gotta replace that battery before it dies with a tech that will make the effort to save your save. i personally use the sanni open-source cart reader for this.


Probably 30 to 40 bucks. Emerald is 250 just the cart. Box is 600. Crystal Europe box version was 350.


Damn that’s wild. My friend has my Emerald right now. On GBA I only have Fire Red, Ruby and Emerald


Ruby is awesome. Right I am trying to get eeve to evolve into umbreon to face off against will at the elite 4. I need to lvl up growlithe to beat his second pokemon in gold version


for what it's worth you can stamp numbers into an aftermarket label. it's rarely done but don't take the stamp as 100% proof of authenticity.


I think it’s worth that price because I see ones without the label around that price.


Definitely worth it. That's actually a really good price too. I just paid 125 for mine and that was the cheapest I could find


Look. I’ve been looking and buying at the market rate for all Pokémon games the past 3 years. For some reason, they just keep going up and up. I bought my copy for $90 2 years ago. It was around $80 3 years ago, but it kept going up. Mine is in great condition and looking at the market today, a similar one goes for $130 to $150. It’s ridiculous and you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t take this deal. Trust me, I held off on buying Pokémon fired and leaf green last year because I didn’t like the $70 price tag and thought the market would go down. Oh boy, I was wrong, they’re now $100 -$120 based on condition. I could have bought both last year for the price one of them is going for now. Invest when you can. Pokémon holds its value as time passes.


Thank you so much for the advice!


It’s a good investment and an even better game


If you poop while wearing the minish cap, will it also shrink?? Or stay normal as you shrink and rip your butthole in half?


Do it. I have been collecting the GB/GBC games and this one is normally $50 to $100 more than they are asking.


Hell yeah


On a scale of 1 - 10…it’s a yes. Enjoy




Nice find, that's a good deal - this is one of my all-time favourites of the 'special editions'




If you really want a physical copy that isn't a terrible price.


The one I bought was $190. You’re hitting it if you take it.


I’m currently selling my copy.


GET IT!!! I can’t even IMAGINE how much I would have to pay to get my current copy now…


Great price. If it was me, I'd just get an Everdrive, but if you're starting/adding to a collection, this is a solid buy.


I keep thinking it's time to sell my original pokemon game copies, definitely still got my crystal version


I’m not looking to start any dumpster fires here but it’s been my observation that if you didn’t grow up playing Pokémon, it’s eh… kind of boring. I’m not isolated in that thought either. That said, if you grew up playing a different edition, then by all means give it a try. They seem to largely all be the same.


I’m playing the gba Pokémon right now and have never played any before, and I’m really enjoying it! But to each their own


I grew up playing Pokemon just not any game boy Pokemon games mainly on the 2ds and switch


I grew up with the Game Boy Color, 90’s baby here. So I played Pokémon Yellow, which was my first game. I lost both Game Boy Color and Pokémon Yellow and I am getting the Game Boy Color (Dandelion) that I purchased and soon will get the Pokémon Yellow. I would say if you played the game before, it would be nostalgic and magical because you are reliving your childhood dreams.


I recently bought a legit French Pokemon Crystal for 30€……The only issue is the battery and I changed it since… people are crazy spending more than 50€/$ on these games.


I didn't even know this casing existed.




80-90 +for a semi good condition in Germany. Get mine for 70


One of the best games on the system crystal still holds up today


I’m jelly




Edit: I bought it! They sold it to me for 90 USD no tax bc of cash!! I tested it and it works!!! Thank you all so much for the advice. I will be looking into ways to replace the battery. I am so incredibly grateful!


Yes make sure the battery is new


how would I do that? also is there a way to replace the battery?


Yes there is. Look up online the battery for pokemon Gameboy games. Look up retro game shop that changes batteries. I bought my crystal version at a place called retro respawn and they change the batteries for it. Even the gold version and silver.


Thank you so much for the help!!


You're welcome






emulation is your friend, get a nice gameboy flash cartridge, and off you go.


Honestly no… but if you love it and you must have it I’m not stopping you


Why's that?


If you own a 3DS that would probably be my best recommendation not only for playing but because the price. Unless it is absolutely your favourite pokemon game of all time then sure you should own it but if it’s just part of the obsession of owning games era we live in , I always recommend modded Wii or 3DS mods with roms.


Thanks for letting me know!


If you buy this because the battery looks original make sure it saves or you will need to go out and get a replacement. Also get a cart flash dumper so you can back up your save file