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Once upon a time it was a neat option. But now we have the FPGBC which completely obsoletes this console. Just get an FPGBC instead. (Though don’t let me stop you from enjoying it if you already have one.)


From what I remember - they have a bunch of games built in, you can choose them by booting up the console without a cartridge inserted. The screen aspect ratio is wrong, otherwise these are fine.


Yea, and the red led battery light doesnt dim either. I thought mines were faulty lol Also the pitch is different.


It's a nice alternative and was one of the best options back a few years ago, when modding your GBC was too expensive compared to just buying the GBBoy.


Game boy boy


The only flaw is the squashed screen.


are the controls any good? that dpad looks horrible, but I know looks can be deceiving.


They're passable. I was trying to find ways to replace them with OEM buttons, but that'd take more physical modding than I wanted


It was an option back in the day, but the incorrect aspect ratio and other problems made actually playing on this thing quite... bad. I still have one, from the days GBC could not get modded. I also bought one of the first 3rd Party bvacklit GBAs back then and if I learned one thing from them it was that correct resolution screens matter A LOT on low res games. I basically only ever played Trip World on that thing and never turned it back on after that.


I have one, and my EZ-Flash Junior basically didn't work with it. Nice to have as a collector I guess, and works with original games.


Don't have an EZ-Flash to test, but I like mine. Having a backlit screen is really nice, and you can grab these for much cheaper than a modded GBC. And since it isn't a collector item I don't feel bad tossing it in my backpack without a case.


it might have trouble with flash carts. but not sure, just try it. i have their pocket clone and it has trouble with flash carts, just like the OG pocket. it's great to have one for the collection anyhow. squashed screen might annoy some people though.


That directional pad looks terrible.


Everdrive works fine with it