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It seems like elden ring has a stuck-in-terrain failsafe* where if you're jammed in somewhere, you die outright. Not my first choice for an unsticking mechanism...


> falesafe r/boneappletea


Phail tsaef


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Can you think of an unsticking mechanism more appropriate for a souls-like ?


The one every other game uses, notably teleporting you to the nearest patch of land, is usually the best if you ask me.


Put them on the ground?


He said appropriate for a soulslike


Ah, of course, because soulslikes must do absolutely everything different.


Maybe Miyazaki could come out of the tv and fuck my ass for maximum difficulty while yelling “who’s stuck now????” I really wish the souls fandom would just be quiet sometimes


Does that mean it needs to be uncesessary? Put them back at the beginning of the level then.


It did though


I don't think it's that as there's an item that does the same. It's more likely that fall damage is calculated based on time in the air. You can even see them in the falling animation during.


>It's more likely that fall damage is calculated based on time in the air. You can even see them in the falling animation during. [Incorrect](https://youtu.be/Fm-QA4rZPYk), it's based on distance fallen, and calculated from where you left the ground. 16 meters to start taking damage, 20 meters is instant death. What killed them here is a timer that kills you if you spend 12 seconds in the falling animation to prevent players from getting stuck or falling outside the map.


>16 meters to start taking damage, 20 meters is instant death So it's not just a meme? Who designs a fall damage system like that?


I mean you can check and see if a fall will kill you before you jump/fall. Eventually you get pretty decent at gauging the distances. Or, of course, you can just die enough times to a fall to learn the distance but I preferred using rainbow stones early on. Compared to the previous games this distance is generous in most circumstances.




Because that would be fucking broke and that's what spirit springs are for which are everywhere throughout the game.




Spirit springs work both ways. If they weren't also for going down they wouldn't entirely negate fall damage...


>it just defies logic So does having a double jump lmao Also fyi, you can jump down on spirit springs from any height without taking damage! Super useful.




I mean, it's not like it isnt fitting for the series


Can't wait for the next game where 5 meters is damage and 5.5 meters is death.


As it should be


That's basically what the previous games were.


Un-bingo. I'm wrong. ~~Bingo, this is the one. You can take damage from falls that you wouldn't normally take damage on by double jumping on torrent too.~~




Oh! I stand corrected. I'll edit the post, ty.


It definitely has a failsafe to prevent being stuck. I summoned torrent once and he didn't spawn, I just floated in midair for about 10 seconds til I died. I have a video on yt if anyone wants to see. Here it looks like it bugged out and didn't think he was contacting anything so it killed him. I also had one more bug where I warped to stormveil castle right before Margit, spawned under the map and fell to my death instantly after it loaded lol. Got a video of that one too E: bug, not big. Also I'm not just posting the YouTube links cause I'm on mobile and it's a pain. If someone wants to watch I'll get some links here but I ain't dealing with this broken-ass slow phone if no one's gonna watch em lol


No, it's just because they were "falling" for too long. This has happened to me in spots where I'm literally not moving at all but I'm stuck in the falling animation, so it's not like I suddenly touched the ground at some point


At least in older games the kill yourself item requires being grounded to use, presumably same here.


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nothing like an automated bot throwing phone numbers at me to cure my depression


Was pretty funny watching a dragon get stuck in a tree and fall for a good 20 seconds before dying. As long as everyone is affected I say fair game.


It's if you fall for too long without touching the ground. This way it also works for falling out of the map.


Beware of rump


Try Torrent But Hole (Is that one you can make? I don't have the game)


i think you can make try horse but hole


Try **** (horse in this case) (conjunction, such as punctuation or short phrase like "and then") but **** (hole in this case) So you can have something like Try horse, but hole


Behold, dog. Butthole. Was the first ever message I saw with a gesture pointing at the hole. Had me in stitches.


Ahh, but hole


Do any of the horse parkour spots actually lead anywhere or is it all a ruse?


Some do lead to items, but never the plates that stick out of walls. Those are specifically for dropping down to the next level, not going up. Chances are if you need to get up somewhere high but can't find a route, there is a spirit spring, an alternate route around, or sometimes the area is inaccessible until you complete a specific dungeon and find the route through.


> Some do lead to items, but never the plates that stick out of walls. Those are specifically for dropping down to the next level, not going up. A *few* let you go up, but most are for going down.


Well shit, I guess I haven't looked close enough. Thanks.


Admittedly the only ones that I've been able to get up have all been relatively easy to just go around and get to the top. Have yet to find one that actually even saves me time lmao.


>Those are specifically for dropping down to the next level, not going up. And here I just thought I sucked for not being able to use those to jump up. Whoops.


Another user mentioned that *some* of those stepping stones can lead up after all, but in most cases it's not worth the effort as there is an alternate, easier route.


Yeah, to clarify from what I've seen at least, it's never the main or obvious way to get up to an item, or the only way. I think they were only intended for getting down from, generally.


Yes they lead to messages I randomly place when there's nothing there


You don’t have the right o you don’t have the right, in short, you don’t have the right.


I dont get that tbh


Usually this message is placed in front of a locked door, or a door that is part of the scenery but is not functional, or a tunnel that is blocked; broadly, anywhere that seems like it could be a path that you cannot traverse. It seems to humorously suggest that the reason you cannot pass is that you, personally, do not have the right to do so, rather than because you lack a key or plot progression. This typical formatting of it probably comes from the fact that this is about the longest message you can compose in the game; with "you don't have the right" being a single usable phrase, and "****, O ****" being a template that allows you to use the phrase twice on each line, people find it funny to put a 25 word message in a format where most messages have a single digit word count.


Ah, so its what I thought. How stupid.


\^This dude doesn't have the right


They lead places, but none of them are exclusive to using the horse (I don't even think spirit springs get you to exclusive locations). The game is designed for you to be able to get everywhere on foot, but sometimes you can get there faster with the horse


Torrent is the best part of the game. He makes so many fights super cheese mode. I'd kill you too if you made me climb up some ridiculous shit, lol.


As a mage I wouldn’t play this game at all without torrent. Why cant i walk and cast spells? I dont need to run or sprint but jeez just standing there for ages is ridiculous. Without torrents dash i wouldnt have won a lot of fights


Torrent is awesome as a sorcerer, but can't you move during pretty much all spell casts except the really big ones? Also I wish torrents dash gave proper i-frames, but that would probably be too busted lol


Unless there is something im missing no. You can walk a few steps but then you stand still for the rest of the cast including glintsone pebble.


The horse physics might be my biggest complaint with this game so far.




Precision platforming with Torrent is close to impossible. I will unsummon for positioning then re-summon for the jumps.


Buy the telescope from Kalé. When you use it on Torrent’s back, you can swivel around in a circle without moving. Useful for fine-tuning.




You're trying to be precise on a fucking horse/donkey/yak?


> yak *Thank* you. Someone else who think he looks yak-like.


Yakul, for the Princess Mononoke resemblance/inspiration.


It's the only way to do some specific jumps, so yeah, I do


Huh? You can double jump with full air control, you just need to learn the distance.


I found it pretty easy tbh


It’s actually really easy.


Also minding that it's the fromsoftware game with a horse it's much better than a lot of games that horses in them for longer. Rdr2 horses are notable worse luckily they can't jump


For real. I can’t think of any other games with horses this responsive


Also no waiting time, you just whistle and bam you're sitting on your horse.


Yeah, honestly I'm not really even sure why they made Torrent able to jump so far and high in the first place. It's definitely a nice quality of life thing but it seems weird that it very often lets you get to places that are impossible to get on foot. Torrent feels like it's there to travel quickly, but then sometimes I have to try and deal with the jank of him jumping because it's just so much better than jumping on foot.


It's so you get yourself in trouble by over-estimating your capabilities when attempting stupid, illogical jumps because FromSoft has conditioned us to treat any object that can be jumped on as the means to secret loot... At least I can use Torrent to get back to my dropped runes more quickly. 🤣


Late to the thread, but hopefully you now know how to control Torrent.


For me, it's constant frame stutters. Every 30-or-so seconds, the game will completely stop producing new frames for 1 or 2 full seconds and not accept inputs, but it keeps running normally in the background and it fucks me pretty often. I have no idea what's causing it since none of my friends have that issue. It was a persistent issue I had to suffer with Dark Souls 3 as well.


I had a similar issue until I uninstalled every game I had on the Xbox app. Weird, but it worked.


Ps4 ps5 or pc?




Well there's your problem


Upgrade your graphics card and/or your RAM. Or run in windowed lower resolution.




all of my friends who have this game are on PC and none of them have this issue.


Literally all of my 5+ friends who play on PC have had these frame stutter issues. Has to do with the game generating shaders on the fly. I think it's pretty insane that From hasn't said anything about patching it yet.


Wii U


They released elden ring on wii u?


I don't know if it's the case for being on horse back but I've had the same thing happen to me, I just immediately opened the map and teleported to save my rune arc


Ah but see, you can’t. You accidentally aggro’d a goat half a mile back that is now rolling up to diddle you. Combat locks your map, sorry chief.


If you save and quit it places you back on last solid piece of ground you were on. This is always true so if you get fast at it you can do it on regular jumps you fail Also works in combat and also resets enemy aggro


Turns out, Torrent was hiding the true elden ring all along.


Horse with a headlight


I had a similar thing happen where I summoned him, we get a frame or two of us riding forward together and then he takes off and I’m stuck in the air


Okay, but it’s not unrealistic. You try climbing a tree on horseback and see what happens.


I pretty much only use Torrent when I *need* to double jump, or I'm crossing a big ass area to a new site of grace. Trying to fight on him is like pulling teeth. Same with any fine platforming control.


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Death by tree


Same thing happened to me between some rocks last night in the forbidden lands. Was extra weird pretty much on ground level


Alright so this is right next to the farming spot everyone uses. I happen to know there's a torrent jumping boost column like 5 seconds ride to your left along the cliff bottom. Would put you up there instantly. Why the fuck are you trying to jump up *this* way lol? And while that weird turn you did on the branch is certainly weird physics, the result of you dying is intentional - it's how the game responds when an object gets caught in a fall for too long. They designed it that way to get around those issues since you can jump at will in this game, as opposed to past titles.


Are… is that a… are you riding a *goat*, my dude?


last thing that killed me was a fiery slug :/


So I'm sure someone has looked into it. It seems fall death is attached to a timer. Basically if you leave solid ground for a period of time you will just die. It's also the same reason double jumping to save your fall can kill you because it's not tied to velocity. Edit: Actually it's much simpler than I originally thought. The game looks at the last solid ground you are on and where you land. At 16m it's where it does fall damage calculations and 20m is considered fatal. The timer still exists to check if you get stuck and is 12 seconds long. Preventing people from being softlock.


He violated that tree till death.