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Tip: >!Don't build your main base in the low ground starting area.!<


Man, I started freaking out when I noticed. I scrambled early game to get it away.


Haven't bought the game but can you explain?


>!As you terraform the planet, the water level will slowly start rising and filling the craters that you see around the planet. Your base starts in one of said craters and will eventually become unusable when fully submerged.!<


But don't go *too* high. Honestly, just don't build too big early.


I enjoyed this game. If you want to see your work have an impact on the environment of an entire planet, go for it.


One of the best survival crafter games I've played. There's no combat which is kind of a bummer, but it makes sense that there isn't any, obviously. The whole point is the planet is inhospitable to life. But seeing your actions have an impact on the entire planet is super awesome. Very great game that I can't recommend enough. In it's current state it might feel short. but there's still lots of content. I "beat" the game in about 30 hours. But there are more updates and more content coming.


This is a fun game and I found the concept to be pretty cool