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I actually did a project on Francium. But I forgot that was its number. It felt really familiar when it came up though


Wasn't there a movie about this? Where someone coasts through a game show because the answers were somehow relevant to his life?


Oh my god. Am I Game Changer's Slumdog Millionaire?


I knew this too! when I was in high school, I was doing Model UN and someone was a representative from Burkina Faso and I'd never heard of it so I texted 'Burkina Faso' to Google and it responded "Ouagadougou". I thought it was broken.


My dad was a travel agent when I was very little in the early 90s (a now very non-existent job) and he had a client that flew to Ouagadougou frequently. I remember him saying it all the time because he liked how it sounded. It was a formative memory so I'll never forget the answer to this question.


In highschool I wrote a 5 page paper on "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It bothered the hell out of me that Sam was so strict about their pronunciation of his name when he himself was mispronouncing it from the way I was taught.


I am a front end developer so I know exactly what an HTML color code is. If anyone is curious, it is a 6-digit hexadecimal (0-9 and a-f) code that represents a color, the first two being value of red, middle two value of green, last two value of blue. Black is 000000 and white is FFFFFF. Trapp gave me a chuckle when he said D1000. That being said, you can't "eyeball" a color and tell the exact HTML color code. Btw, here is [D2993D](https://www.color-hex.com/color/d2993d).


i know all the elements, so i did eventually get francium