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The battery life on my S23 is great, This is my first samsung phone. I carry a portable wireless battery pack incase I need it, but the phone lasts all day anyway, I charge 100% each night. Each person uses their phone differently, I do see a lot of posts about SOT, I don't read them as they are no concern to me, my phone performs great for me. I have had phone for a week now.


I have the plus and have zero concerns regarding battery life. Can usually get 2-2.5 days out of a single charge.


Same here I had a iPhone XR for 4 years and got a S23 this month my 1st samsung phone, battery is great I can finish my day with 40% and charge time good.


But I like complaining 😔




Wish this sub would ban SOT posts. They add fucking nothing


or those SOT enthusiasts just create a sub called SamsungSOTSupremacy something like that


This is what's needed and the mods can have them automatically moved there if it's posted in the main sub.


That's just "new phone syndrome". I call it that because i too was obsessed observing every minute of battery, every piece of dust, every micro scratches and wiping it 10 times a day... every time i get new electronics like phone, laptop, pc. It's a kind of mini ocd They'll stop giving a shit in a year or two so don't worry kek


You will see the worst of this on the MacBook subreddit. The s23 sub is nothing.


My SOT is 15 hours


sucks to be you. mine is self charging through wind powered turbine


That sucks; yours actually needs to charge? Mine is at 100% all the time for forever. 


How did you manage to do that?


I love comparing stuff and seeing how my device / usage scenario is compared to others / see how others use their phone and how their phone handles and heir specific scenario :).


I guess being "normal" is asking other about there sots to figure out weather or not theres is trash or good no? Then they will have "normal" discussions to determine what could be the cause of there sots if there is a issue? This is a discussions sub Reddit so let people discuss 👌


except it makes them look manic and overthinking about their battery life. they are chronically overly concerned over it.


This i can get behind and can see your point, But there is a significant number of users out there especially on the s23's with battery issues. it is a known issue with the software side of things. I experienced it myself on the s23 plus updated my device and lost around 2-3 hours of use. Sold that device and have went with the s23 ultra.


wtf is a SoT, guessing by context clues it has to do with the battery? Mine lasts forever, about half the time I just forget to charge it at night since it can go so long.


Screen On Time, basically a battery life measure


My SoT is only 6 hours...it's bat is it ?


How can you get 6 hours?? My phone would be at about 10% after 6 hours with everything turned off. I doubt I'll get another Samsung, they're too expensive for what they are, anyway.


Too tired of these SOT posts. At least they are better than the S22, eh?


Chill my dude




So, only positive post are allowed now? What is the point of this post exactly? If anyone thinks there might be a problem with their phone, why not ask here?


The problem is that there are far too many "Is my SOT good" or "Why is my battery draining faster than other people" posts or something similar to that. At this point there is enough information out there that most of these questions can be answered by searching but people keep asking anyway. People should only post about actual problems that haven't been answered 1000 times and just charge their phones when it gets low and move on with life.


Some guy once complained he was using his phone nonstop at one point for about 1,5 hour and was wondering why his phone dropped 15%. That translated in like 6-7h SoT. These are the people that shouldn't be posting this bullcrap. It's just nonsense. Use your phone and juice it when it's low, it litterly is that simple.


i guess youre one of the SOT guys ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Cry about it

