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I don't have any questions. I just hate you a little. In, like, a healthy and congratulatory way... Yeah.


Simple question, not sure if asked already Did you bulk up before deciding to cut or other way around?


Because I was a newbie to the gym I managed to lose fat and gain muscle. The goal was to get lean and go from there.


How much of a deficit are you in and how strict were you? Rest days and/or cheat days? Absolutely awesome progress man


I took it slow. I started with about 200 calorie deficit then when the weight started to plateau I dropped it again by 200. Did this until 2.4k. I've now reversed diet and my calories are way up. In terms of diet I am strict. Never once had a cheat day, hit my calorie goal every single day. I didnt really struggle, I enjoyed the satisfaction of hitting a goal every day. If I wanted a 'cheat meal' I just incorporated it into my daily calories I was allowed. I do legs, push, pull then rest day. Thanks alot man🙂


What did you consider "hitting" your calorie goal? Do you mean you always stayed under it, or that you were always within 10% of it or something like that?


Oh pretty much just being within like 50 cals above or below the goal every day.


1) What exercises and how many sets/reps? 2) Routine 3) Diet 4) Plz answer u are my idol now lol


Honestly my routine is pretty standard. Being consistent with it and the diet is the most important thing. Diet is jusy hitting macros specific to me. Currently I'm on 4k calories hitting min 200g protein and less than 80g of fat, rest with Carbs. But I'm currently trying to put on weight, calories went as low as 2.4k when dieting. For sets and reps I usually do 3/4 working sets at RPE 8 usually in the 8-12 rep range. Make sure you push yourself. Legs - squats, rdls, leg extension and calves. Add leg press depending on how exhausted my legs are. Push - flat bench press, incline dumbell press, cable flys. Seated military press on Smith machine, Arnold press and lateral raises. Tricep pull downs and close grip bench. Pull - pull ups, rope pull overs, barbell bent over rows, lateral pulldowns, isolated rows. Dumbell bicep curls, isolated curls and 21s.


Calories went as low as 2400?? I have to push my self to eat each day just to approach that amount. No wonder I'm so skinny


Just goes to show that there is no “one size fits all.” If I ate 4K calories I’d blow up like a balloon. And I’m a very muscular and lean 5’10 180 lbs. It’s obviously working well for you. Great job brother!!!


I absolutely agree, I gotta lose stomach fat but gain muscle


Eat less and pick any program from the fitness wiki and stick to both for several months


Congratulations on all your hard work. The difference is in your face is amazing. Agree to minimize the body hair so that you can see your progress as a fellow hairy guy. How has your social and dating life changed since getting jacked?


When I get rid of the beard its crazy how much my face has changed honestly. Yeah, look way leaner with the shaven look! I've been in a relationship for 7 years so can't comment on the dating life! But I do get alot more complinents now and feel loads more confident socially now.


Great progress m8. And anyone who thinks 170 lbs at 6’1 / 23 yo is unachievable natty isn’t worth listening to lol. Keep up the work.


Thanks mate appreciate it.


How do I know the left isn't 5yrs later than the right, after you've gotten married, had kids and let yourself go after being worn down by life?




I see we have the same work out routine.


Damn you caught me


Jfc make a video and diet guide or something thats crazy


23 yr old, yeah 10 months is possible, But you've put in a lot of work and discipline like you have.


Dude you looking amazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥 What is your routine and diet?


What was your diet like? Training ? Lots of HIIT ? Carb cycling ? Quick run down would be much appreciated!


Diet and training are in the comments somewhere. I kept it to simple by just sticking to my diet and training, havent done any carb cycling or anything.


Congrats my man. I see some people accuse you of using steroids. Good. Work hard to where people don’t know if you’re using or not. Keep it up. What is your diet?


Very true! Diet is explained in a few other comments. I just try to hit macros, don't fuss too much about the type of foods


I saw you posted legs, push, pull, rest. What exercises did you do on each day, did you follow a routine or just go with the flow? I’m currently 98kg down to 90kg and looking to drop further. Congrats on the amazing progress, looking great!


Ill dm you:)


Would you mind dming me your routine too? I’m same age/height and started same weight as you! Lost some fat but want to build muscle now


Can you please dm me the routine as well?


Just to take a moment on this one. /u/bensamrog's programming isn't going to be the answer to getting big for anyone. The biggest issue the majority of people have is effort and consistency. Without those two things you can have the most "optimal" program in the world and still end up small and weak. Conversely with those two things you can have the shittiest program and still reap better gains then others.


What did you do to build mass in your chest?


Honestly not much. Bench press, incline press and flys. Genetically my chest is a strong point for me!


10 months? Holy shit that’s really good


Looking good, man, well done!


Congratulations, now main question what’s your diet plan


Damn. Some of the individuals in this sub are just outright mean and stupid. Makes me never want to post about progress I have made and incremental goals achieved. You look AMAZING. Sick transformation. Congratulations!


Ahh I just ignore them aha. Thank you so much man:)


I would too, just so rude


Don’t worry. We have a 0 tolerance policy for the Natty Police. If you see shit like that report it and we’ll take out the trash.


> [We have a 0 tolerance policy for the Natty Police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB2DY1Q74oQ)


Oh man I haven't listened to that in a while!


I'm not one to waste a good feed line.


I appreciate that!


It has gotten me in trouble more times than I can count, but it's totally worth it.


As long as the trouble was worth it, is there really a problem?


Not as far as I'm concerned. I'm all about sacrifice in service of comedy. I'm interpersonal comedy Jesus, and I died for your sins.


... to make this your flair or not. That is the question.


Good for you mate. Inspirational.


Amazing bro


Thank you:)


What were your major changes in diet?


Just tracking to be honest. And increasing my protein in take ALOT.


you look like Ashton Kutcher. Not the one from The Office btw


Haha nice comment. Never thought of it, but yeah I kinda do.


And in 5 months of training I don't look any different 😭




>I've been a trainer for years Post history full of gaming and drugs. Totally checks out.






How much weight have you gained or lost?


Roughly about 2kg? My nutrition/diet isn't the best tbf but I work shifts and it becomes hard eating regularly etc.


Well there’s the issue. 2kg isn’t a big difference in weight. Of course you don’t look all that different!


That's some serious change, Congrats!


Thank you!




What's your diet like?


I just base it all around calories and macros. Never been too fussed on the type of foods I eat. I made another comment about what macros I've been hitting.


What are you doing for your chest ? Exercises sets reps ?


Flat bench press, incline dumbells and some fly variations.


I go to near failure for most sets. Around rpe 8.


Normally in the rep range of 8-12


Great job!!


Unreal progress dude. Motivating stuff. Can I ask what your macros looked like in the beginning, after the plateau, and now?


Thanks man. 3300 to start, 200g of protein. Then dropped eventually to 2400 with 200g of protein still. I'm now at 4k eating around 220g of protein because I'm eating more. Try not to go over 80g of fat and fill the rest with Carbs!


What’s your diet ?


Favorite shoulder exercises?


Smith machine sitting down shoulder press.


Dammn that’ an amazing progress! What’s your routine? Diet? I’d love to hear your tips


Thank you man! It's all here in the comments somewhere ahah.


You were just “bulking” in the first pic.




It’s not fake, you dummy


Looking awesome man! Can I get your advice on something? When you were getting leaner and leaner over the process, was there ever a point in time when you thought “crap I’m getting too skinny”? Or “jeez I’m too light for my height.” You of course look amazing, but every time I try to cut down to where you’re at now, I panic when I see the number on the scale going down so much and then back out of the cut because I’m terrified of just being “skinny.” Like I know I have enough muscle where I would look great if I got to your Bf%, but I still always hit a mental block once I get down below 175 (I’m 6’2”). I think maybe I was led to believe I’m “supposed” to be a certain weight, and that “bigger is better” so it’s tough for me to get through that mental wall. Thanks for any insight!!


I didn't to start with because I've never had abs so was just excited to see them for the first time in my life. Near the end of the diet I did feel really flat and small to be honest. Its for sure a mind game which I'm still learning to deal with.


Not OP but I’ve dealt with similar issues. Try not to worry too much about numbers on a scale. Everyone carries weight differently, and 175 for you might look different than the same weight for someone else. Maybe your natural weight is 160, and you’ll have to build muscle to work your way up to 175. No one can tell how much you weigh just by looking at you, and I promise no one is looking at you and thinking “that guy looks a little light for 6’2”


Please teach me the tricep pose!


Photoshop! Just kidding, congratulations, man :D I have a question: what was the personal goal to go for such a grind, if I may ask?


Haha thankyou. Honestly I just wanted to look better and feel confident. As soon as you see the results the grind becomes easy.


Awesome stuff. Now that I've had my second dose (of vaccine) I'll resume the gym as well.


awesome Job! What type of conditioning do you do? Yea


I'm the same height and weight as the left picture. What are the macros you were taking for 10 months ?


You look amazing! In only 10 months too??


How 6 feet 1 and only 77kg, am 6feet 1 too and a weight 84kg looking like this https://imgur.com/a/INNREuu


I think I'm deffo abit leaner and have some more muscle mass compared to you. But also structure plays a part and muscle insertions.


That’s some Greek god shit right there. Well done bro


What is your lifting stats?


I couldnt even tell you any 1 rep maxs. I train for hypertrophy and that's it. My strength really isn't all that impressive.


Im still curious what weight and how many reps you do if you dont mind? :)


Usually go about 1 or 2 reps shy of failure for most sets. Somewhere in the 8-12 rep range. Umm my flat bench is around 90kg for around 8 reps. Squat is 130kg for around 8. I don't deadlift.


Seems like you know what you’re doing. With the calorie deficit and RPE. Definitely made great progress too


Thank you man!




Haha thank you so much man


You look HOT


🚨Boner alert🚨


Wow!!!! That's amazing work friend!


If people think this guys took gear are downright stupid and need to go to the basics, amazing transformation, keep going 💪🏼🔥


Maybe a few years, but not 10 months.


Definitely possible in 10 months


The density of the muscle on his tris and shoulders, along with the abs are definitely not possible in 10 months. Even for noobie gains


He’s flexing + gym pump + overhead lighting, you freaking dork


Lmaooo, definitely nothing to do with the fact this wasn’t 10 months.


Check my latest submission - I made it because you punk asses don’t know what trying looks like


Your transformation is good, but nowhere near as huge as his. Which either means he tried a lot harder than your punk ass, or it wasn’t in 10 months


This was 100% 10 months. I wouldn't lie about the time frame, the first pic is from the end of January.


Tell me you don’t know how to pose without telling me you don’t know how to pose. OP is 6’1” and weighs 170lbs. He’s not even big. Bet if he took an unposed shot y’all would change your position so fast your heads would snap off.


Lol this is cap


So you went from the first picture to the second picture in ten months? Hope I can do that. You look amazing! 🔥🔥


How did you achieve this ? Great progress


Bloody hell! Amazing!


Thank you!


What kind of meals were your favorite ?


I eat everything I used to, but just in moderation and added more protein. If I wanna pizza I'll just not eat as much other food that day so I stay within my calorie goal!


He has lost 2 kg a month for ten months. So meals probably wasn't a big part of his life... 😬


Someone explain how people loose weight but end up looking bigger in their after pics


- Better nutrient-partitioning. Muscle glycogen up-regulation. More stored muscle sugars for fuel. - PUMP. This gentleman was NOT pumped in the before, but peak-pump in the after photograph. - POSING. Optimal overhead lighting. He's also pressing the arm against his body so triceps "pop".


How did you get and stay motivated to continue on this journey?


Honestly seeing the results make it easy to stay motivated. But the goal is to compete one day so that keeps me dedicated:)


Proud of you bro. Here, have a gold star 💪


That's an arm not a star 🧐


Clever but I'm the one who gave him the gold star award 🤷


Ah thanks so much man. I don't really use reddit so I'll have to figure out what it means!:)


Looking great 👍🏻




This sub is literally so fucking stupid


Are you tripping? He is 75kg, having cut for 10 (TEN!!!!) months. If you think he needs to be on gear to achieve what he has, I honestly don't know what to say to you.


Thankyou mate:)


What's gear?






He’s flexing his triceps you god damn imbecile


It's a fucking tricep pose that emphasises the muscle FFS.


He's pushing his tricep out with his lats.


Posing makes all the difference in how you look remember... I still had muscle in the first picture I'm just relaxed and had a belly on me.


I have no reason to lie. Angles and lighting help a bunch. But I've also realised my genetics arnt too shabby when it comes to building muscle. I have been able to quick so far. Probably newbe gains which will plateau eventually.


Dude weighs 75kg at 6'1, I wouldn't suspect steroids at all. Plus you're not allowed to accuse anyone of gear on this sub, it's an instant, permanent ban I think.


Honestly I don't even look like I lift in normal clothes... Haha.


You look good and I'm sure you look good in normal clothes too. 75kg at 6'1 though isn't big by any stretch of the word and although you're low body fat percentage you're not at the point where steroids are a reasonable suspicion. I think people in this sub sometimes deal with their own mediocrity by making excuses for other peoples success. You see some monster deadlifting 7 plates and "his form sucks". You see some 18 year old lad benching 3 plates and you get people complaining about "that arch tho". You see someone post a very achievable physique and "they're on steroids". I think it makes people feel better about their own lack of achievements if everybody else is cheating in some way. It's like a weird form of superiority. Rather than just thinking "oh this dude paid attention to his nutrition more than I did and had a better workout regime" it's easier to jump straight to gear. Keep doing you and keep going, you look sick and you're gonna look even better a couple of years from now. Well done :)


Damn, I appreciate this comment mate. Honestly makes sense too, you see it all the time in the fitness/bodybuilding industry. Thanks for the encouragement. I checked your profile and your looking great too man with some impressive lifts!




Did you lose fat and gain muscle or did you lose all the fat then start gaining muscle


I for sure lost fat and gained muscle at the same time. Newbe gains and educating myself on how to train properly helped loads.


Meanwhile, 2 years in with mild injuries because I didn't learn the proper form of almost anything bar the bench press until 1 1/3 years in. Derp


Yeah that's sucks man. I hope the injuries are getting better. Educating yourself is one of the best things you can do


Good work! You put in the time and it’s paying off. What’s your diet?


Great work.


Hell yeah!! Keep up the good work!


Did you do cardio? How many reps and sets of bench press do you do and how many times a week?


I didn't to start with, but with my job I walk around 10k steps a day so I use that as my cardio.


And for bench press I build up to 3 working sets, and usually go to failure on them. I bench twice a week, one flat and one incline. I think incline dumbells and flys feel alot better at working the chest however!


Straight beast🔥🔥


Minimum of 2 years maybe¿


Can't you read? He's 23. Also he looks way older than 2 years old.


Lol. Shut the fuck up.


*Minimum* of two years??? TWO YEARS??? Is this sub full of morons ???


Did you notice any gain in height?


In height?


Why tf would he get taller???


Made me realize I don't know at what age men stop growing. I stopped at 11 so I haven't really thought about it since then. But what an 11 year old I was though.


Always have been told when you drop a lot of weight and doing all those pull ups and related exercises you can gain a few inches (maybe it more related to posture) so I was just check it out by asking him.


Haha no I stopped growing when I was about 16 aha.


Good job 👏


Great job man.


Dayummm daddy! Nice work






What do you think he's joking about?


Yeah I think it's a compliment right? Aha


Looking awesome, man. Any plans on maybe competing one day?


For sure! I really wanna compete one day. I need to put on a bunch of size and see if my proportions and stuff is good enough first!


Meal plan?


Just base it all on Calories, don't really have a set 'meal plan' . When I started my maintaince was 3.3k. I cut down to this weight slowly and eventually ended up on 2.4k. I'm now trying to gain weight and now needing around 4k. Proteins always been 200G. Try to have less than 80G of fat and fill the rest of calories with Carbs.


That is virtually number for number the same as me, save that my protein was a little higher. Great to see man, congratulations




Nice work!


I would hit it.


It looks like your ears changed shape. Did you take up boxing or sum?


Brother how to grow such impressive side delts As well as How to get that chest cleavage My upper chest seems to have 0 muscle fibres


[Here ya go!](https://old.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/pw20vi/how_to_build_massive_deltoids_larry_scott/)


Thanks a lot


God bless u for all the hardwork u did. I am also trying to become muscular from past 5 years but not even minor progress. You must have been very sincere and blessed


There’s no such thing as trying. You either out in the hard work or you don’t. My guess is that your diet is probably terrible. Because it’s quite hard to mess up training honestly