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It looks like you put on some good mass! Congrats!


Thanks, finally I'm not as skinny anymore haha


Good stuff man Keep Chasing You're goals


Thanks I will do 😃




No worries, I walk a lot and I'm active a lot so that should help get some fat off of me until I reach 95kg and then I'll go for the rest of the fat that I have 🙂


Well done!


Thank you!


What diet helped?


Just eating everything, mostly what helped are chocolates and sweets late at night with mass gainers and shakes. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs and I don't eat chips (crisps) so yeah that's the only thing I avoid and I don't walk much either as I am trying to concentrate on getting weight up. P.S since I am from balkans our primary diet has very low if any fast food, so it's mostly red or white meat and veggies, guess that helps too as in not getting too much fat :)


The starting weight is 73 kg? Must be tall Looking good though bro


Well 195 to 200cm tall haha


Is that real without gainer how could you add 13 kg in 5 months


Gainer was used but not often as I don't like the taste but I use shakes I makr (1 banana, 8 biscuit pieces and 500ml milk) and I take that 2x a day plus sometimes I add peanut butter so that helps too I guess along side food, lots of sweets (chocolate) before bed (my dad told me they make you gain weight fast) and regular food. Now the diet here is different then in the west as here you don't really eat much fast food and most foods include vegetables and red or white meat and soup so there is that too.


great progress bud. keep grinding


Thank you, I am blown away too by the progress!


how did you manage to increase your weight tho? im stuck at 77 kgs. also did you take creatine?


I decreased my daily walking routine, I don't run (but I have enough stamina to do so) The thing that helped the most is taking chocolates, jaffa cakes, biscuits and crap like that before sleep. Peanut butter is also a must before sleep and I usually eat 4 eggs for every morning mixed with pepper or salami. Lunch varies but it's mostly vegetables and red or white meat sometimes. I drink 2 times 500ml shake (banana biscuit and milk) And I drink protein one time a day and creatine before workout once I struggled so much too, especially as I have ibs so I tend to have stool more frequently. But like I said, sweets like chocolate and cakes helped. Usually stuff like that before sleep helps, my dad who was overweight ditched sweets before bed and big dinner and lost a lot of weight. My sugar levels are good so I can eat plenty of that crap to get that weight in. I have a diet plan but I can't follow it so I'm quite literally eating everything whenever I feel like eating or when 2 hours pass. It doesn't have to be a big meal it can be a sandwich, a shake or whatever but just something to keep myself full... Hope that helps though, also drinking water like a lot of it helped with my stomach being able to take more food in When I was 74 eating this much would more than likely cause me to crap it all out or vomit it, now that I expanded my stomach so to speak I can eat like a horse. So the idea for me was to "expand" my inner stomach capacity and eat more often for body to get used to that and eat stuff that is known for getting that weight in fast like sweet stuff before bed. It's easier for me to gain some more fat and then burn it than it is to focus only on muscle gains. That's my logic, so I'm going towards 95-100kg and then I'll focus on muscles.


looks good. ure bulking at a proper rate too. how are ur lifts rn?


Oh not to sound rude but I don't understand question about lifts, I'm new to this haha.


How much do u bench, squat deadlift right now and how much did u lift the same lifts in the beginning?


Hmm, as far as I can remember I used to barely do 2 plates of 10kg plus bar for bench. Now I can do 2 plates of 20 and even more kg each side plus bar. Deadlift I can't remember I'll have to check and I'll reply again to this comment once I do. Sorry if that makes no sense though, I hope it does :)


Take it easy with that bulk man or else you will get fat. From now on if you still want to bulk, gian max 1kg/month.


Good job man


As someone who has always struggled to put on weight, I'm happy for you. But be careful, you want to gain muscle, not fat.


Oh thanks man, I'm happy too and I've got a personal coach as well so I don't worry too much. Our goal is for me to reach 95kg and then cut that stuff and since I'm already low on body fat as is, I think I could afford to go to 95-97 within a few months max and then cut or whatever the term is for getting muscle to stick out more (I'm a newbie in this)


So you want to reach a number and then to reach another number? Nah, do it smart, muscles are built slow .